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26/05/2011. Daily News from the Industry


Hello everyone! As we move slowly towards the end of the week there seems to be more and more going on around the industry to talk about, and thankfully it’s not all bad news either. In fact I have quite a few positive updates to report on tonight, something which I hope will last for a very long time! Don’t get too comfortable though, there’s always a few downs to go with the ups in this industry and I’ll be getting to that as well.

It’s great to see that my #1 site GorgonProjectInvest going from strength to strength without any problems and that the support center promised in their last update is now up and running. It’s a sub-website where you can read all the latest news, find the answer to your questions in the most comprehensive FAQ, and submit all your support tickets and trace their performance. And all of that in just one place! What can I say? The work done here that proves once again that after 5 months online GorgonProjectInvest is constantly developing into something new and ever more exhilarating. I’m pretty much satisfied with how the admin Paul (interviewed here) is handling it all and couldn’t ask for more.
Here is the newsletter regarding the implementation of the support center in GorgonProjectInvest:
Welcome to the New Support Center
Our new Support Center will offer an unsurpassed customer experience, with fast support, intuitive FAQ’s and up to the minute News. This is an ongoing project to improve our service and enhance our reputation as the No.1 Investment web site.
In the past we have been slow to respond to queries, but now as we have a better system and more staff we ask you to re-submit your questions or issues so we can quickly respond. We apologies for the below average support in the past, but now, as you can see we have made huge improvements and will endeavor to answer all support tickets within a few hours.
Because of this new system, direct e-mails to our support@ and admin@ e-mail addresses will not be answered. All correspondence will be answered through this module to keep things organized and in order.
Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the new Support Center.

I would like to remind you that GorgonProjectInvest has reached the #1 spot on MNO a month ago due to its enormous popularity among MNO readers. Subsequent events with server downtime and AlertPay issues that resulted in dropping them as a payment option didn’t seem to affect it much. After the full suspension AlertPay it was decided to allow members who invested via that processor to exchange their balances to GlobalDigitalPay and be paid there instead. By the way, since the program recently had a shortage in LibertyReserve funds you can also exchange your LR balance to GDP and receive payment there much faster as well. That’s not the only advantage of using GlobalDigitalPay either. There is an exclusive investment plan only for members using GDP which pays 3.5% for 180 calendar days with principal returned on expiry. That plan was the most recent addition to the existing 1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days and 2.2% for 180 days, all with principal returned on expiry. Please note that the minimum to invest in each plan is different but it’s starting from a low of $1 so everyone can participate. The payment processors currently used by GorgonProjectInvest are LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay, SolidTrustPay and Pecunix. You can also invest via direct bank wires for deposits over $500. More information on GorgonProjectInvest can be also read in my original review of the program published here.

It seems that the admin of EarnoSphere George (interviewed here) who is running the longest surviving short term program around at the moment is getting very active in promotion of his program and I believe that after over four month flying under the radar it’s getting noticed by more investors now. A big help will be the referral contest launched today which will comprise of 10 stages. The first of them just started today and runs for the next 10 days with the seven best promoters to be announced on June, 5th along with the introduction of the second stage. Honestly, I cannot wait for it as an experienced marketer to see what the admin has planned. Here I would like to remind you that EarnoSphere was not on MNO from day one but it’s been monitored for 66 days and has reached the #6 spot in the list of most popular programs. I feel it has great potential to reach a much higher position very soon and think the new advertising campaign will be a huge help. Currently EarnoSphere accepts AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney with a minimum to deposit of $10 to the following plans all of which paying on expiry – 115% after 5 days, 135% after 10 days, 180% after 20 days and 280% after 40 days. Here is the latest newsletter from EarnoSphere (reviewed here) with all the details of the contest and a reminder about the newly launched forum where the members can meet and discuss the program:
EarnoNews – Referral Era Stages
Hello Dears.
I have some interesting news for you today.
In the last newsletter, I mentioned that I’ll be starting the referral contest very soon, I think it will be a huge success. I’ll be conducting some interesting contests in the future. I have stepped up the advertising campaign to the next level to give more exposure for EarnoSphere.
All members are welcome to participate in the Referral Era stages. It will begin today, that is on May 26th, 2011. The contest will be consist of 10 stages.
Let`s talk about 1st stage of the Referral Era:
First stage – winning criterias, prizes and details
-Members should refer people to EarnoSphere.
-Only new referrals whom you manage to get during the contest period will be counted.
-Winners will be given a cash prizes of $200 total.
1st Prize – $100, 2nd Prize – $30, 3rd Prize – $20, 4th Prize – $15, 5th Prize – $15, 6th Prize – $10, 7th Prize – $10
-Contest will last for a duration of ten days, from May 26th, 2011, to June 5th, 2011.
-Winners will be announced only after the contest period ends.
By the way, the 2nd Stage will be more interesting and exciting than 1st one. But I`ll tell you about it only on June, 5th.
You can use any promotional strategies you would like to get referrals, but please do not send spam emails. You may put your EarnoSphere referral link in your signatures in forums, create blogs and sites of your style for promotional purposes, promote your referral links in various Paid-To-Click sites, and even invite or tell our friends directly about the investment opportunity EarnoSphere has to offer.
Feel free to contact us if you have any addition questions.
Our own forum, specially meant for EarnoSphere members, was launched yesterday. Some of the customers have already started to post their payment proofs, and have begun to post their testimonials for EarnoSphere, in one way or another. We would be happy to see more of our members joining the forum, and taking part in the interesting discussions going on in our forum.
Welcome to EarnoSphere forum:
That`s all news for today, dear customers.
I am sure that you will enjoy the Referral Era Stages and EarnoSphere forum.
Regards, George Santee. EarnoSphere.

LucrativaFund celebrates two weeks online today and though it’s a more modest achievement than the current leader of the short term market EarnoSphere it’s still a good result showing that the program is moving in the right direction. Today the admin Richard has added another payment option for investors – GloalDigitalPay – and in the latest newsletter he also promised that SolidTrustPay as well as direct Bank wires for bigger investors would be added. For now you can invest in LucrativaFund via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay and AlertPay for a $5 minimum to the following investment plans – 110%-120% after 5 days, 120%-140% after 10 days, 7%-8% for 20 days, 12%-14% for 10 days. All those plans were described in my detailed review of LucrativaFund posted last night and can be read here. The admin also gave the link to the MNO review accompanying it with the somewhat dubious “achievement” of 2nd place on which is actually one of the worst monitoring sites now displaying non paying scams in Paying status for weeks at a time. It’s hard to believe this was possible but even after the retirement of their previous owner (a notorious industry extortionist and blackmailer) that website has gotten even worse. Anyway, more news from LucrativaFund included the SMS notification service to larger investors, some stats from the program, and cash bonuses promised to all investors via LibertyReserve. That last point is something I would be entirely comfortable with as we all know what usually happens when an admin offers incentives exclusively to one payment processor, ie everybody thinks he is short on funds. Hopefully this is not the case with LucrativaFund as I honestly like this program and hope it will last for long. Here is the latest newsletter entitled “LucrativaFund Press Release #3”:
Hello Dear LF Investors,
I have many good news for you. These days we bought a lot of advertising on different monitors. Just check it out! I`m very glad to see our program on the 2d place on top 10 popular hyips on Yesterday, I got our review from Paul, MNO. I want to thank him for this good opportunity. You can read our review here.
SMS-Notifications is available now for our VIP investors who invested more than $1,000. Please do not forget to feel free to call us (10AM – 6PM, GMT+1).
I`m glad to inform you, Global Digital Pay is available now in our system. In the near future we will add Solid Trust Pay and bank wire transfers for big deposits.
These 2 weeks we get stable income from Elizion Real Estate and stock market is a pretty good at this time.
Honestly, we do not have any profits from LucrativaFund right now, because we just started to work with our program and hope, we will get good income from LF in the future to generate this money in our activities.
Our bonus program has been changed. We reduce amount to 1,5$ for for posting and 1,5$ for voting . You should get paid minimum $10 and post this payment proof, after that we allow you to request a bonus.
For All investors who invest from Liberty Reserve, we pay next bonuses on your LF account:
$50 -100 +2$, $100 – 200 + 5$, $201 – 500 + 10$, $501 -1000 + 20$, $1001 – 5000 +50$
Currently, we are online for 14 days and have 574 total accounts, 275 active accounts, 7 VIP accounts. Total deposited $32,142, Total withdraw is $11,889.
We have over 30 monitors now and all are paying. In the next few days we will get few reviews and interviews from different monitors/reviewers. I want to thank all investors who support our program and help us to grow up. I hope you are happy with LucrativaFund, because we do our best with love.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Richard Brighton, LucrativaFund.

Moving on to medium term programs now it’s undoubtedly GulfReserve that grabs all the headlines with its impressive recent form. GulfReserve has already reached the #7 spot on MNO, paying for 57 days on the following plans – 4%-5.5% for 30 business days, 1.2% for 150 calendar days, 105% after 5 calendar days. The payment processors accepted are AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and the payouts are processed instantly. You might also be pleased to learn that GulfReserve accepts deposits from $1 so all investors can afford to participate. More details can be read in my detailed review here or in my interview with the admin here.
In the latest short update Alina announced that the Facebook contest rules which only started yesterday had been changed slightly but the concept would stay the same – you will be rewarded for answering questions about the program. Here is the latest news from them:
Facebook Contest Enhancements and First Winner…
This newsletter is exclusively for our facebook supporters and I’d like to make some changes in the contest I announced earlier, due to its nature and popularity we have decided to give minor tweaks in this overall idea. Here is how it will work from now on:
(1.) Our representatives will post a question at Facebook. (2.) Each question is worth different amounts of bonus upgrades such as $5, $10 and $50 or even cash rewards. (3.) We will pick 1 winner per question. (4.) Winner is picked randomly due to most likely everyone is going to answer it right, so keep your answers as simple as possible. (5.) We will be sending and rewarding for multiple questions at a time.
It would be best if you include your usernames and also try to answer our contest questions using comment box, not creating new posts there as this will simply increase your chances of winning.
Latest winner is: Amr Karim. And he has won FREE upgrade of $10 USD worth PerfectMoney.
Regards, Alina.

I would like to add that some admins really lack imagination and maybe a bit of creativity and that is probably why they keep sending the same email newsletters to their members over and over again. I understand that maybe not much happened during the last few days since the last newsletter, but what is the point of sending the same information over and over again? Maybe you’ve guessed that I’m talking about the admin of CyproRealty Eric (his program is paying 1.2%-2.4% for 180 business days with principal back on expiry and was reviewed on MNO here) who sent yet another update. The same thing, the same staff from CyproRealty, so no comments from me anymore as those who read my blog regularly will notice that the newsletter is the same as the last one and that is why it shouldn’t really be described as a newsletter. For one thing it doesn’t contain any news and looks to me more like a promotional advertisement:
We wish to thank all our members for their great support, as CyproRealty is growing and heading towards being the number ONE online investment program.
Here are some facts you should know about CyproRealty:
1. We pay our members 1.2%, 1.7%, 2.0% and 2.4% daily interest for 180 days (Principal Returned) withdrawal request is processed within minutes of requests to 48hrs. Your earning will be dependent on your capacity to invest. Please refer to the investment plan for more details.
2. Our site is very secured, we have ensure DDos protection and SSL Encryption for quality service, it is ran on a licensed goldcoders script thus we are safe from hackers or any other form of online attacks.
3. We accept a wide range of investment options which makes it easy for participation (LR, PM and AP).
4. We pay our members a 5% Referral commission directly to their CyproRealty account for every investor they refer to our project.
5. We offer a 24/7 professional customer support service.
We will also like to inform you that all payment has been completed.
Just to remind you all, CyproRealty do not process payments Saturdays and Sundays. This is clearly stated on our FAQ section for all members to read.
Thanks for your participation.
Best Regards, Eric Mook
Support Staff. CyproRealty”.

There is a really strange announcement on the website of EurosFund (reviewed here):
We received a lots of emails asking when 10 Days plans will be available again.
We are here to tell you the plans we offered with limited amount or units will only available once in a year or two years. Hope this will help to answer your questions.
As if everybody was begging to throw money into that plan but the admin gave a categorical “no”, proudly saying that his program will last for over a year or two. I remind you that a plan paying 120%-150% after a 10-day period was briefly available in EurosFund but for me it was the only on expiry plan they had with sustainable returns. The other ones – 300%-480% after 60 days and 450%-600% after 30 days – only indicate the program would be over before the first unlucky investors reach their payment date. If you read my original review of EurosFund I was only supportive of the main plan paying 2.5%-4% for 60 days and I still believe that those who invested in EurosFund a month ago when the program started will be in profit. But I really doubt that the program will be here in two months judging by the plans currently offered to members.

Wow, I can’t believe how many scammers are trying to take advantage on MNO’s good name! I heard that one of the worst scammers who opened a free gmail account looking very much like mine (well, my name is Paul Abramson) sending mails from in hope of scamming MNO readers (my email is and I don’t have any other). This isn’t the first time this has happened of course, and I have warned you all about it in the past. What he is trying to do is pretend that I am opening my own HYIP and tries to trick you into giving him your money. Trust me, give this criminal one single cent and it’s the last time you will ever see it! Here is his latest attempt to steal from you:
Hello, this is Paul from MNO. Thank you for being a regular MNO reader.
I’m opening a private, offline based investment fund for MNO community. All investments are handled using e-currencies such as LR, PM and AP.
Please reply to this e-mail if you’re interested to participate in my investment program and please let me know all your questions.
Best regards. Paul”.
How would that guy get your email you might ask? Well, that’s pretty simple. He most likely ran several scam HYIPs in the past and has a database of email addresses of former members which he uses. But I hope MNO readers are smart enough not to be fooled like this and know that I don’t run and am not going to run my own investment program ever! So please if you receive the above e-mail send it to your spam folder and blacklist the address permanently. Please also note that you will never receive any emails from me unless it’s in response to a question you asked me or the FeedBurner news subscription which you can sign up for. I hate spam as much as you guys, especially from people that have nothing to do but make their living stealing from others! Do not fall into this trap and be careful please!

Two programs that added to MNO monitoring (Basic list) already scammed without lasting a full day. I would not advise joining brand new programs that purchase Basic listing on MNO that offer only super short-term plans. Most probably you will get scammed very fast by them, so I suggest to pay attention to only those more established programs on the MNO Basic list as they might be much safer than the new additions. Those two programs – GrowingForex and UsefulInvest – are scams already, so please do not invest there!

The following programs paid me within the last 24 hours and are featured on Paying status on MNO monitoring at the moment:
EarnoSphere, Opulentia, EliteAlliance, Insectrio, GulfReserve, HighEarn, ReProFinance, SiliconValleyGroup, MAHIFund, OSWealth, PrimFix, InvestNetGroup, SafeDepositary, LucrativaFund, CyproRealty, GorgonProjectInvest, PermanentProfit, EurosFund, BrantonsGroup, UnicornInv, FondosMayores and UmProfit.

The newest addition to my Premium list today and a very promising long term program is called AlphaForex. The program offers different investment plans paying from 1.6% to 2.6% daily on business days only and with the principal returned after a lock-in period of 180 calendar days. The minimum to invest is $20 which is only accepted through LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney at the moment. But the program is really worth a closer look as I believe AlphaForex can become very successful. Judge for yourself. It’s running off a very unique and original script, has a stylishly designed website with a lot of information available, is properly SSL-secured and hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection provided by the respected PhoenixNIC. This is how the DDoS protection was described in the news section of the AlphaForex website:
Our infrastructure is now protected against DDoS attacks
Nowadays, many online investment companies suffer from all sorts of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. AlphaForex clients can have 100% confidence in our servers reliability, since our servers are protected by multi-gigabit DDoS protection provided by, a United State based innovative hosting company with a strong and reliable reputation.”
AlphaForex is a brand new program and despite the site dating back to August 2010 the first mention of it on HYIP forums only dates back a week ago. Please note that for the first 10,000 investors only your deposit will be credited with a 20% bonus automatically after it gets processed. Here is how AlphaForex explained that:
Sign Up Bonus launched for new 10,000 Investors
AlphaForex Investment Limited is so proud to say , to encourage Inactive investors , AlphaForex will give you 20% of your deposit Instantly into your active deposit balance. For example if you make 1000$ as your deposit you will get 1200$ ! Your Wealth is our succeed!
Please don’t forget to check out my blog tomorrow when I’m planning to post the full review of AlphaForex which will hopefully answer all your questions you might have about this promising program.

The second program just added to MNO a couple of hours ago is called UnitrustDirect. They also accept only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney but unlike the previous program UnitrustDirect provides on expiry payouts on four main investment plans – 107.1% after 10 days, 123.8% after 25 days, 194% after 65 days and 403.4% after 125 days. The website of UnitrustDirect is based on a highly customized script with SSL-protection of accounts. The program is hosted on a dedicated server on a Ukrainian provider TanHost with a sophisticated level of DDoS protection (according to their own website). They’re not exactly a new program by the way, and according to the first mention of them on public forums are already running 45 days. UnitrustDirect has also a mobile version of the site developed specially for mobile phones, its own Twitter account and HelpDesk and Live chat. Apparently they also run regular contests. The latest of these was announced only a couple of days ago and the winner will be rewarded with a $100 prize. Here are the rules of the latest contest from UnitrustDirect:
Investor stories
We encourage our clients to express their views about the effectiveness of Unitrust investment platform and offer suggestions on how to improve our service. Help us award the best investment story by rating it. Author of the story with the highest rating will be awarded with $100.
Please don`t hesitate to take part in this contest if you wish to express your view on our services.
Please note that the full review of UnitrustDirect will be delivered to you on MNO after a couple of days. Stay tuned for that, guys!

That’s about everything I have to report for today I think. I hope to see you on my blog tomorrow with the review of AlphaForex and all the latest news and stories from the HYIP industry. Good luck with your investments, guys!

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