May 29th, 2011 Archives

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Hi everyone! I hope the weekends been going well for you so far. As usual Sunday has been the slowest day of the week as regards news stories but something I do have for you that you may like to read is an interview I received from the admin of what’s fast becoming a popular pick among fans of shorter term HYIPs. I’m talking about MAHIFund of course, a program first reviewed on MNO here. In fact it was one of the few programs I’ve ever received positive feedback from readers about before I had actually reviewed it, so I hope your instincts were correct.

The program’s been operating for around two weeks now and are due to start returning the principals on expiry to the first set of MAHIFund investors very shortly now, therefore making them the first ones to be in profit. The admin’s name is Anuschka and just before we hear what she has to say I’ll just remind you that MAHIFund currently offers terms of 1%-1.5% for 15 days (principal back), 2%-2.5% for 25 days (principal back), and 170%-180% after 30 days (principal included).

1. Hi Anuschka, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and give us a little background information on yourself and your experience in managing other peoples money.

Hello everyone, I am Anuschka Cuperus, the admin of Malcolm Arsley Holding Incorporate, popularly known to you all as MAHIFund. We have been operating in the investment arena since 2008 in diverse fields like Forex, Gas and Oil, Real estate, asset management which has been our unique business strategy of distributing our wealth so as to gain the maximum profits and minimize our losses. In every field wherever we have invested we have maintained one constant thing – the quality of our work which is reflected in MAHIFund. Here members investing with us can see the quality of our site, the clean design, the user-friendly script we use, SSL encryption certified by Comodo, virtual keyboard for entering information, secure DDoS protection provided by Koddos, the fast support team, and the instant payments. We believe in winning the hearts of our investors not just to satisfy them.

2. Can you share some facts about the MAHIFund business with us? How long have you been in operation? Are you the sole employee or do you have an assistant or a partner?

As I mentioned we have been in business since 2008 in diverse fields like Forex, Gas and Oil, real estate, and asset management. Yes, since Malcolm Arsley Holding Incorporate is a huge business there are partners who manage the various markets and contribute in building the overall strength of the company.

3. Assuming someone is coming into the online investments industry for the first time, can you talk us through what what you do in a typical working day as the owner of MAHIFund?

We believe in the best service to our investors, through organization and planning. We take solid steps to make sure our investors have a smooth experience, without glitches, throughout the day. In case an issue arises we try to solve it with rapid speed and utmost care. I, with my partners, look into each of the markets we deal with. We have excellent technical support provided by ProBizScript and the customer support team is headed by Bethany. Allan Schaaf (one of the partners of MAHIFund), is the AlertPay account holder in MAHIFund. So these factors all ensure the smooth functioning of our site in a typical working day.

4. What are you offering investor in terms of plans and profits? What is the minimum and maximum amounts you can invest?

We have 3 plans – The Alpha Plan, The Beta Plan and The Gamma Plan. All plans are very much affordable since they start with $5 or euro as minimum investment. For the first two plans the principals are returned at the end of the term and for the third plan the principal is included.

The Alpha Plan – It is a short term plan of 15 days with daily rate of interest based on the amount invested. Principal is returned at the end of the term. Up to $250 or euros investment 1% daily can be earned.
From $251 to $1,000(or euros) investment, 1.25% daily can be earned.
For investments from $1,001 up to $50,000(or euros) investment, 1.5% daily can be earned.

The Beta Plan – It is a long term plan of 25 days with daily rate of interest based on the amount invested. Principal is returned at the end of the term. Up to $250 or euros investment 2% daily can be earned.
From $251 to $1,000(or euros) investment, 2.25% daily can be earned.
For investments from $1,001 up to $50,000(or euros) investment, 2.5% daily can be earned.

The Gamma Plan – It is a long term plan of 30 days with single payment at end of term, with principal included. Up to $250 or euros investment, 170% interest on expiry can be earned.
From $251 to $1,000(or euros) investment, 175% interest on expiry can be earned.
For investments from $1,001 up to $50,000(or euros) investment, 180% interest on expiry can be earned.

5. I can see you have a certificate of incorporation as a registered business, but these are ridiculously easy to obtain and prove nothing about the program. What do you say to that? How can potential members independently verify that you are a real business if they are interested in doing so?

Sorry, Cannot answer for privacy issues.

6. What payment processors are MAHIFund currently dealing with? Are you satisfied with them as partners or do you have any intentions to expand the list and add more options?

We have Liberty Reserve, Alert Pay and Perfect Money as our accepted payment processors. These payment processors are widely used so we chose them for convenience of our investors. Depending on what feedback we get from our investors they are very happy with the existing range of payment processors. If in future investors wish us to add more payment processors, we will surely look into the matter.

7. Can you give us any other general statistics on the program, for example the number of active members, total deposits, total withdrawals, etc?

We have an overwhelming number of investors within a few days since our start and due to the huge positive response towards MAHIFund the total deposits and withdrawals have been significant. We would keep the details to ourselves in order to protect the security of our investors and the site as a whole.

8. What would be the best and most efficient way of contacting you if I have any questions or problems? Tell us also about your Live Chat support. What kind of schedule do you keep there?

We have a very reliable support system for our members. Anyone can contact us through our Live support system team headed by Bethany who are prompt in answering the queries, taking suggestions from our investors. The support team is online for most of the time in a day. Even if offline you can always send your queries and can expect a response within 5-6 hours.

9. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

Questions have been quite common concerning LibertyReserve payments which was not working properly as we clashed with Liberty Reserve maintenance schedules. They have been sorted out and to help members we have even paid them manually who faced the issues. I would also like to say that the minimum withdrawal in AlertPay is 1 (dollar/euro). Any amount less that than is not processed. So please take care of this while withdrawing. We had one or two members who did not know this fact, facing this problem.

10. Can you tell us in detail about the security of MAHIFund? Who is your hosting provider and how highly do you rate them as a service provider? Are you protected from DDoS attacks?

MAHIFund is exceptionally safe. We have SSL encrypted Comodo, hosting by Koddos which is Ddos protected. Moreover the script we use by ProBizscript is highly secure, has an inbuilt virtual keyboard to prevent keylogging. We are highly confident with our choice and more than satisfied with their services.

11. I quite liked your script but don’t remember seeing it used before. Can you tell us who the provider is and how secure it is? Is it correct that the script has been customized for your own program?

The script we are using is an excellent script by ProBizscript which is highly secure and professional. Many features of the script include Ajax technology for a high speed performance, faster loading, clean design and a virtual keyboard to provide maximum security against keyloggers . The script is very user friendly and built for easy navigation. The script is very easy to integrate as has been praised by our designer. Also it has awesome admin panel and member panel features.

In addition they provide a 24/7 support in case you have technical glitches which is really overwhelming.

So we chose ProBizscript over any other popular scripts in the industry.

12. What other outside business and investment activities are you involved with? Can we see any independently verifiable proof of these activities?

Sorry, We cannot answer this one for privacy reasons.

13. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by MAHIFund. In a very competitive market what are you doing to bring the program to a wider investment audience?

We have been advertising in most popular forums in the HYIP industry and monitors and blogs like yours Paul, which provide us a platform to reach out to a wider audience and give us the exposure required. So far, MAHIFund has had tremendous response from all and we are more than happy with that.

14. Are there any plans to develop MAHIFund further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many other options open to investors?

At MAHIFund we look for the best for our members. In future, like we are doing at the present, we will be adapting to our investors wishes, provide them with interesting contests, multi language option of the site so that they are comfortable in interacting with us in their own language and if needed, the range of payment processors can be increased.

15. As the admin on an online investment website, what’s your opinion of the industry in general? Would you have any advice to people new to this business on how best to protect themselves and their money online?

I would like to say to the people that they have chosen the right industry for money-making but should be careful in choosing the right program. They should keep their eyes open and see which programs are offering them a safe, secure program and are realistic. Genuine programs, like ours will make their dreams come true.

16. And finally, is there anything you feel that wasn’t covered in this interview that you think the readers of MNO should be aware of? And also would you like to comment on the review of MAHIFund? Is there anything in it that you felt was unfair, inaccurate, or otherwise in need of correction?

Yes, I would like to remind all Money online readers that MAHIFund is conducting a very cool contest with prize money of $100 to the member who gives the best testimonial, every week. We will be conducting such cool contests in the future too for our members. Be sure to catch them.

I would like to thank you, Paul for the interview. I would also on behalf of the entire team of MAHIFund, including myself appreciate and like to thank you for the apt and detailed review of MAHIFund.

Finally, I want to tell everyone that MAHIFund welcomes you all. Please join us for a great investment experience and remember “You just cannot lose with MAHIFund.” Cheers!

Well, I can’t help but note a couple of questions deftly avoided there, but at the end of the day it’s your decision on how you handle the information as presented by the admin and whether you think it’s worth investing in or not. It is your money we’re talking about after all, not anyone else’s. Anyway, thanks a lot to Anuschka for that and I hope you all find it useful in deciding one way or another if MAHIFund is the place for you. Keep an eye on MNO in the meantime and I’ll let you know how the return of the first investor’s principals works out.

All that remains I guess is to say good luck to the MAHIFund admin in maintaining a successful HYI program and good luck also to the existing and future investors there. That’s all for today guys, but as always I’ll be back on Monday with a full round-up of all the important news stories from both today and tomorrow. So stay tuned for more and see you all then!

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