Aug 18th, 2011 Archives

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Beware! Safearn has stopped paying and has been moved to Problem status on MNO. Do not invest!

Hi everyone! Despite being online for a very short time, one program that seems to be catching the attention of a lot of industry players is Safearn, a program added to the MNO monitoring list on Monday not long after they opened for business. One reason for that might be that it’s a very original looking HYIP, though I’m sure another is the attractive rates of interest on offer. So anyway, before getting to the day’s news stories (not much there by the way, it’s been a slow day on that front) I’d like to take a closer look at it for you.

To start with Safearn is a short term HYI program and as such I think we all know that when programs like this succeed it’s the ones who jump in first who come away with the biggest profits. Though I have a feeling we could get a pretty decent run out of this one.

There are four investment plans available, all of which make interest payments on expiry of their terms. Rates are fixed but will vary according to how much you deposited in the first place. Safearn‘s first plan runs for just 1 single day and can be joined for a $10 minimum. So in other words if you join today you get paid tomorrow. If you invest anything up to $1,999 Safearn are offering a return of 103%, a figure which includes your principal. So it’s a 3% net profit for yourself, which isn’t bad for a day. Should you take a chance with an amount between $2,000 and $3,000 then the rate goes up to 104%.

Nice as that may be for a day, considering what you’ll pay in payment processor fees you may wish to either let that roll over for a couple of cycles or else just look at the following plan which runs for 7 calendar days. Safearn still only require a minimum deposit of $10 to join so financially speaking it’s no more of a risk than the first plan, however for deposits up to a value of $4,999 Safearn pay you back 128% interest on expiry. That includes your original principal of course so the net profit for yourself is 28%. If you care for a more serious gamble then Safearn are offering 135% returned on deposits from $5,000 to $10,000.

From this point on the remaining plans at Safearn are really aimed more at the larger investors, and it’s kinda hard to see them getting a lot of takers. Having said that, it’s not altogether a bad thing either and may even help to keep the program running a little longer. So the third plan runs for 14 calendar days and will set you back a cool $1,000 to make a minimum deposit. In return for that Safearn offer a single on expiry payment of 170%, principal included. That rate applies to all deposits up to a maximum value of $4,999 however if you wish to make a larger investment up to a value of $10,000 then the rate goes up to 184%.

And finally the single most high risk plan available and also the longest term runs for 30 calendar days. Given that the minimum spend is $5,000 it’s definitely unlikely to get many takers, though probably more to do with the fact that payment is only made on expiry rather than the cost. Only one rate of interest is offered to all deposits, and that’s 310%. Maximum spend is $50,000.

Payment options are a bit basic to say the least but at the same time perfectly OK for shorter term HYIPs I guess. LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are the two options open to you. Payments will need to be requested but are made automatically by the script when you do. You should then have the money in your chosen e-currency account in something like five minutes or so.

And speaking of the script, this leads me nicely onto the subject of the design and security of Safearn, which I have to say is up to a reasonable industry standard. The hosting provider is Dragonara who have Safearn on a dedicated server protected from DDoS attacks. They are running off a customized script though it is one I’ve seen in use before. Contact can be made with the admin if you have any further questions or account related issues by filling in your details on the ticketing form and submitting it. One odd sort of a feature to Safearn if I could call it that but one that caught my eye as I don’t think I’ve seen it before is a little indicator telling you whether LR and PM are online at the moment, thus indicating if a withdrawal can be completed at the moment or not.

Texts are original and for once I even enjoyed reading them up to a point. The thing is that Safearn have no problem in admitting straight out that they are an online HYIP and I for one can appreciate that approach. They were doing really well up until the admin suddenly found it necessary to throw in something about holding investments in ForEx and stocks. Oh well! Needless to say you have no way of verifying anything you see on this or any other HYIP related website so as usual take it as a gamble and therefore stick to a spending limit that you can comfortably afford and try to diversify at least a little.


Let’s start today’s update with the latest from GorgonProjectInvest (reviewed here) which still remains in the #1 spot for me and many hundreds of other investors who get paid like clockwork. Of course being so popular makes any program a popular target for all types of scammers and con men who put a lot of time and effort in their endless attempts to steal money from investors. So yesterday it came to my attention more new emails started circulating online asking investors to make deposits to an allegedly new Doubler plan for which purpose even a clone copy site called GorgRonProjectInvest has been created (yes, this is “R” letter in the domain name). I don’t know how the phishing emails with the new plan are sent but I would suspect that the admin of another HYIP has a large database from previous programs and decided to use it. Chances are he’ll successfully reach a number of genuine GPI members purely by chance. Creating a copycat website and asking to invest in the new plan will not only steal your money and your personal information but will also allow the scammer to take over your real account in GorgonProjectInvest. So, please be extremely careful when it comes to opening such websites and never enter sensitive information there to avoid having issues. To the admin’s credit (read my interview with him here) he reacted quite fast to members’ complaints and put the message on the support center of GorgonProjectInvest website warning members of the danger. Here is the update which you have to read to avoid getting scammed:
Second Fake e-mail This Week & Fake Web Site
Dear Members!
We have been again alerted by our vigilant members that another fake e-mail has surfaced. It tells about new plan named “Gorgon Doubler”. It’s of course again a sad scam. This time the Scammer made a copy of our website – please be aware of it!
Please ignore the e-mail. Please always make sure that you are on
Every letter is very important in the name of website, particularly the word “gorgon” – the scammer has created a website, but the word “gorgon” (in the domain’s name) has been turned into word “gorgron”.
Please stay alert, these crooks are still trying everything at the moment.
Best regards. Support Team. GorgonProjectInvest”.
I remind you that GorgonProjectInvest has only four investment plans which can be joined with SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, Pecunix, GlobalDigitalPay and PerfectMoney – 1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days, 3.5% for 180 days, 3.65% for 365 days with principal returned on expiry. No so-called Double plan has ever been available, so please be careful and vigilant and don’t be another victim and feel stupid after it happens! You’ve been warned!

I must tell you, guys, that the HYIP industry in one of the most unpredictable things in the world. For many months one program can pay fine and then suddenly and without any explanation simply closes its doors and disappears. Nobody can predict such things and we can only speculate why the admin decided to call it quits. Anyway, that is what happened to one of the most popular long-term programs that paid for many months to its investors – UnicornInv. There was only one short message today from the admin of the program but that was enough to conclude that the program was finished. Here it is:
Dear clients. We regret to inform you that we have to close UnicornInv with immediate effect.
With best regards, Thomas
Admin UnicornInv”.
Well, since the website is gone and is not loading for me anymore we can guess all sorts of different scenarios. One possibility might be hacking as we see a lot of malicious activities lately in the industry with a lot of API creating requests, fake phishing emails and dangerous malware floating around and the possible hacking of the program or one of its e-currency accounts might be a very possible reason for closing. Some troubles can also stem from the declining cashflow which might have affected the program during the summer together with the first principal withdrawals which might drain the program’s reserves. Anyway, be it one or the other, I’m truly sorry that such a great program is gone and hopefully the admin of UnicornInv will not allow the new investments there like so many other HYIP admins do.

Another program that bit the dust today was SeriousInvestors. Please note that some monitors still report payments from the program but I can assure you that the admin is that ugly scammer who tries to fool you into creating an API in your LR account and steal all your money. Another trick pulled by him is to return pending withdrawals back to members’ balances and pretend the withdrawal was never requested. Fortunately, some vigilant members of SeriousInvestors reported that practice and of the attempts of the admin to steal money from their LR accounts. So, please stay away from this collapsing program as far as possible!

Not everything is so bad in the HYIP industry as me and some other investors received the first payouts made on expiry of 112% after 7 days plan from WesternSum (reviewed here). It looks like the script issue which I mentioned recently has been completely fixed because my last withdrawal expired properly and the due amount has been credited as available for withdrawal. WesternSum accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney with deposits starting from a $50 minimum into the following plans – 101.6% after 2 days, 112% after 7 days, 128% after 14 days, 300% after 92 days. The admin has requested an interview from me earlier so I’ll be sending him some questions tomorrow, so stay tuned for more information on WesternSum on MNO soon!

It looks like the use of AlertPay in the HYIP world after the recent incidents with GorgonProjectInvest and a few short-term programs and also after my article published here is slowing down. I’m not saying it’s good or bad for the industry but it looks like HYIP admins don’t want AlertPay anymore either. Even established programs like NeoProgress (reviewed here) are trying to dump as much AP funds as possible and are even ready to pay a 10% bonus if you take it off them. I hope that it’s not the beginning of the end for NeoProgress but I surely do not believe those stories of using the AP money on Forex accounts and definitely I don’t believe those favors they are doing for their clients. Every HYIP admin thinks first of his own interests and then of those of investors’ and in no way is the admin of NeoProgress an exception to this rule. Anyway, for those of you who want to earn a 10% bonus to their profits from plans like 1.5% for 30 business days, 1.8% for 60 business days, 2% for 90 business days, 2.2% for 100 business days can now tick a box when they make a withdrawal in their account and be paid with 10% on their AlertPay instead of SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney balances. I can tell you that this function is working perfectly well as I have just tested it and was paid instantly to my AlertPay account with exactly 10% more than was on my PerfectMoney balance with the program. Skeptics might say that the admin of NeoProgress is trying to get rid of AlertPay money before running away and it might be so, but what you can’t deny is that every investor can now earn more money from the program by simply withdrawing his balance to AlertPay and getting a 10% bonus as announced in the latest newsletter from NeoProgress:
New opportunity to make extra profit – NeoProgress
We give a new opportunity to make extra profit to all our clients who invested through Liberty Reserve or Perfect Money. Now when you withdraw profit or principal you can get it on your AlertPay account with a 10% bonus.
Our company need to withdraw money from e-currency accounts to our Forex account as quickly as possible, but withdrawals from the AlertPay this time is not fast as we would like, but introducing money into AlertPay is very convenient, so we decided to send part payments through AlertPay, and give our customers additional opportunity to earn money.
NeoProgress Client Support Department”.

Apparently following the path of NeoProgress in looking for regional representatives the administration of UnitrustDirect has also launched their own multi-lingual support service. At the moment support is only available in German and Russian but I guess further expansion of that is in the pipeline. Here is the latest update posted on the site of UnitrustDirect today:
Multilingual support service
We believe that non-English speakers deserve the same quality of support service that is provided to English-speaking clients, therefore we are pleased to introduce the multilingual support service.
 Please find the list of currently supported languages here.  Kindly accept our sincere apologies if your native language is not supported yet.
UnitrustDirect was first reviewed on MNO nearly three months ago (click here to read it) when it was first added and since then the program is paying fine and instantly to my LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. The program offers a few plans with on expiry payouts which can be requested from your internal account with the program via one of the most secured scripts I have seen in the industry recently – 102.5% after 5 days, 107.1% after 10 days, 123.8% after 25 days, 194% after 65 days, 403.4% after 125 days. Hopefully the international support will help UnitrustDirect to expand their popularity on the new markets.

It looks to me like the admin of JPDaily Rich managed to send a newsletter with the daily result but forgot to update investors’ balances with the new profits of slightly over 5% that were announced in it. On the Investors page where you can usually see the most up-to-date daily stats for each member of JPDaily still displays the old balances that were present before today’s profits should have been credited. The admin honestly said that he had some difficulties in having the pages updated in his latest newsletter sent to the members of the program and I see that the problem has not been solved. Below is the latest from JPDaily (reviewed here) and I will let you know on my blog tomorrow if the issue is fixed by then:
Daily Result:+5.07% for JPDaily
Todays result has been announced!
Check your balances and request your withdrawals!
Daily Report:
Investor Balances:
Referral Stats:
Cool, a pretty good one today!
However i’m having a bit of a problem (actually two problems) trying to update the website. In the mean time you can view your balance in todays daily report, posted in the forum.
Pending referrals for the last week a bit will be added to your balances later this evening. I’ll reply to todays daily report with the weekly referral report once done.
More tomorrow!
Regards, Rich”.

I was paid today from the following programs that are listed on my monitoring page:
GorgonProjectInvest, PrimFix, EarnGroups, BrantonsGroup, InvestNetGroup, ReProFinance, CommoditiesCapital, PowerfulStrategy, MGFunds, SpringPoints, StraDox, EurexTrade, UnitrustDirect, HitNRunMasters, MirexGroup, NeoProgress, Safearn, WesternSum, HyperCompound, BaseBucks, OnlineInvestmentBank, RockwellFunds, MInvestment, StockBiz, GamesBetFund, SafeDepositary, EndowMoney, SecureEarn, GlobalFxTrades, ViscoCorp, TopsFund, HotInvesting and BetForInvest.

That’s it for today, guys! See you all tomorrow with the full review of EndowMoney and daily news from HYIP industry!

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