November 2011 Archives

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Hi guys, and welcome to the new business week. After a slow weekend Monday’s been a very active day in the industry with many programs issuing updates and trying to attract more new members with contests and bonuses.

For instance, APEnergyInvest named the first winner of their Twitter competition today. $100 in the APEI30 plan which pays 1.9% for 30 days with principal returned on expiry was credited to the winner’s account. I believe this plan might be the most popular among the members of APEnergyInvest as it allows you to be in profit faster than the other two plans paying 2.3% for 180 days and 2.5% for 365 days, also with principal returned on expiry. If you also wish to participate in this Twitter weekly contest please read the rules in the following update posted on the website of APEnergyInvest today:
sonnyliem has won this weeks Twitter Competition.
$100 has been deposited to APEI30 – Well Done!! The prize was drawn on Sunday night as part of our weekly Twitter competition.
Here is a remider of how to win our WEEKLY PRIZE!! Simply follow @apenergyinvest and ReTweet messages containing #apenergyinvest to win a $100 investment!!! To help promote APEnergyInvest all Twitter users are invited to participate in this awesome competition.

Congratulations to the winner. After just three weeks online the program has reached over 800 members according to the second news updates published on the site today. The admin of APEnergyInvest is quite optimistic regarding this and looking forward to slow but steady growth continuing into 2012 when the the HYIP industry should recover from the traditional decline in numbers that always happens at this time every year. Anyway, I think APEnergyInvest is really capable of becoming one of the most profitable income opportunities for next year provided the admin keeps up the good work he’s already started. I’m especially pleased to see that so far all payouts are always processed instantly via both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and I never fail to receive mine on time. Here’s the latest from APEnergyInvest (reviewed here):
800 members after only 3 weeks!!
We are amazed that in our first 3 weeks online, we have amassed just over 800 members! Wow!
Considering our fairly modest advertising campaign, we are delighted that recommendations and word of mouth seem to be creating a flurry of interest.
We thank all of our referrers (who are earning 3% for everybody they refer) for their excellent work as a large majority of investors have been signed up via the Affiliate Program.
It also seems that our “slowly but surely” marketing approach has shown potential investors that we are here for the long haul and that we are serious about becoming the biggest online investment opportunity of 2012 and beyond.
Thanks again for your support. We will keep you updated periodically about our member numbers.

The admin of HyperCompound (interviewed here) keeps surprising us with more and more languages being added almost every week. Now that a Vietnamese version was added today the site has 14 (!) different languages. This is definitely a record among the programs I’ve seen in the industry and the program surely deserves appreciation for tireless work in customizing the website for the needs of its international clients. That should definitely help HyperCompound survive Christmas, especially considering the principals have started getting returned to the first investors who joined five months ago when it first came online. During that time many investors profited from the original plan offering 1.5%-3% + bonus interest for 100 business days (described in detail in my review of the program posted here) and are currently enjoying instantly processed withdrawals to their LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. Here is the latest short update posted on the website today:
HyperCompound website is now available in Vietnamese
We are pleased to announce that our website is now available in Vietnamese! More languages will be available soon.

Five months online is definitely not a bad result for any online investment program, but what would you say to one online for 500 (!) days? Of course, I’m talking about ReProFinance which after 538 days online keeps paying instantly to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney (also accepting direct Bank wire and Credit card payments) on two main investment plans – 1.6%-2.3% for 90 business days and 1.8%-2.5% for 180 business days with principal returned on expiry – thus enabling thousands of investors from around the world to profit. Although I do not personally believe the story put out by ReProFinance‘s management about their trading (including in the interview on MNO published here) they’re definitely doing something right to survive this long. Investors interest was further fueled recently by publishing videos of conferences held in Africa. As you remember last week there was a video presented on YouTube from one conference in South Africa which looks to have yielded some positive results as today there was another link posted from a meeting in Nigeria. I doubt this one will have the same impact however due to the low quality of the sound and picture. Anyway, it looks like the regional representatives of ReProFinance play a vital part in the program’s development and growth which was praised by the administration many times already. Here’s the latest newsletter from ReProFinance (reviewed here) with further information:
ReProFinance now presents on Nigerian investment market (video)
African investors more and more learn about the earning opportunities with ReProFinance. Our representatives constantly appear in various countries of African continent and other countries of the world and quite recently we successfully gained a good footing on investment market of Nigeria.
The leading representatives of ReProFinance company organized a business presentation in the form of conference where they invited people from business society of Nigeria who were really interested in opportunities to earn on the financial markets of the world. And since nowadays it is very difficult even for self-confident people to secure a stability and confidence in the future due to economical difficulties, the regional representatives told and showed the structure of the online investments and explained how simple it is to earn money on the Internet and help people through it.
Among the participants of the conference were people who treated online earnings as one of the primary ways to solve their financial problems since even having some savings they couldn’t start their own business in their countries. In this case online investment business with ReProFinance allows receiving a stable profit everyday by transferring their savings to trust management to the specialists of ReProFinance company. We help people throughout the world to get a stable source of profit and many people, e.g., the participants of Nigerian conference were very thankful to our regional representatives.
During the conference they discussed not only earning opportunities in theory but also practical peculiarities of work with ReProFinance website.
YouTube link:
According to the company policy our representatives are obliged to tell in details about all investment operations on website and about peculiarities of work of the service. The success of ReProFinance is mainly achieved owing to regional representatives, the number of whom exceeds 250 throughout the world.
After Nigeria the conferences are expected to be held in new countries where people who have probably heard something about online investment will obtain a chance to get consultancy and gain practical experience presented by our regional representatives to all those who need a stable earning.

The current #1 program on MNO TopsFund (reviewed here) is offering a generous $1 reward for every referral joining the program under your link. Please note that the minimum to withdraw for this bonus is $50 and so you have to refer at least 50 people. The offer that is valid till the end of 2011. There is no mention of whether the bonus is going to be credited for active referrals only or if passive referrals are counted as well. In the latter case I’m afraid there could be some serious abuse of the generous offer but I believe that the admin of TopsFund will be able to distinguish the real promoters from the cheats. Here’s what the website of TopsFund had to say today regarding the promotion:
Special Referral Bonus!
Start from today 20/11/2011, member will get $1 per new account referred by you. All accounts must be valid and you can’t refer your self.
Minimum to cash out the bonus is $50, it means you need to refer at least 50 of your friends register an account under you.
This is a great opportunity to get some extra cash for this year end Christmas and New Year. You can start to refer your friends to register under your link start from Facebook, Twitter etc.
This Special Referral bonus only valid till end of this year 31/12/2010.
TopsFund has been running for almost five months and currently offers the following investment plans via LibertyReserve only – 11% for 10 days, 0.5%-1.5% daily forever (principal back after 18 months), 0.6%-0.7% for 300 days (principal returned on request), 1800% after 360 days, 1080% after 180 days. Please note that the last two plans are not recommended due to an exceptionally high risk. The others seem to be working fine however.

I was about to move BaseBucks to Problem status on MNO last night following reports of delayed payouts. Fortunately the admin explained the delays in the latest newsletter and the payouts have been processed now:
BaseBucks – November 21st
Hello, This is just a quick note to inform you all that all payments for Friday will be sent later on today. Early evening my time.
My payment interface is fixed, so they’re all ready to send. I have a few things to sort out this afternoon first, and then i’ll get on with these 699 pending payments from Friday and the 700+ for today.
Jo. BaseBucks
ps. The cycler will be resetting tomorrow at 2pm GMT. Get ready!
I remind you that BaseBucks has been monitored on MNO for over five months and provides daily variable returns to its members till 200% of the original deposit reached. More information about the program can be read in my review of BaseBucks published here and my interview with the program’s admin here.

The admin of StableProfit issued his third newsletter today dedicated to the program’s first 70 days online which is quite a remarkable achievement in itself if we consider high-paying plans – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-200% after 3 days, 136%-500% after 6 days, 1000% after 10 days and 3000% after 25 days paid to LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. According to his own assessment StableProfit has reached 2,600 members since opening and continues to grow, approaching a top 100,000 Alexa rating which the admin is hopeful of achieving in the next few days. After the implementation of the new layout two weeks ago which definitely made StableProfit more popular, the admin refuses to stand still and is now working on the Live Chat and the program’s own forum very soon. Here is the full newsletter issued by StableProfit (reviewed here):
StableProfit Newsletter #3
Dear StableProfit customers,
It has been exactly 70 days now (or 2 months and ten days), since we have started our online adventure. That is really amazing result to have achieved, especially in high yield industry. StableProfit has been growing strongly, and at a very swift pace all these time, and we have proved ourselves to be one of the best in this market. Our customers have been a good support for us, all along the way, and you are the reason why we have reached this exact position where we are at now. I have no words to express my happiness and enjoy.
The growth of StableProfit has been fantastic all of the time. StableProfit has managed to conquer the hearts of 2600 online investors at this moment. Our database has grown to 2600 members, and as I write this, the count is increasing at a rapid pace. Daily member registrations have soared to 100, which is even increasing day by day. The Alexa traffic rank of StableProfit has reached 133,402, and it will not take us long to be ranked among the top 100,000 websites around the world. Please take a look at our Alexa stats here,[], and witness the mind-boggling growth of the great StableProfit. Those facts just proves how strong we are, and how much more stronger we are growing day by day.
We have many more improvements coming in our way,like a Live Chat support, own own forum and many others, and all those will be done gradually. Together, we can do more. When the other programs become a history, we will still be here, and our customers will still get a lot of money from us.
StableProfit Team wishes good luck and happy investing to all of our members. Let your dreams come true with the StableProfit!
Have a nice day, Rocco Turner, StableProfit.

The following programs paid me for the last 24 hours and remain on Paying status on my monitoring page:
APEnergyInvest, FreedomReserve, OneInv, HyperCompound, SingInvest, SolidForexLtd, IncomeWith, HYIPInnovation, VirtualPayments, PaidJack, BaseBucks, TopsFund, TradeQ and SatbleProfit.

The newest addition to Standard listing on MNO today is Royalty7 which started 10 days ago. The program looks really promising at this point and features a nice looking website with a good layout and professionally written texts. Royalty7 is running off a totally customized script which reminded me of that used by MGFunds in the past. It doesn’t mean of course that Royalty7 is run by the same admin but even if it was that program was kinda long lasting and I believe that Royalty7 might do the same. The website is SSL secured by Comodo and is on a dedicated and DDoS protected server. From my short conversation with the admin I believe that he’s quite professional in what he’s doing and I have a good feeling about it. Royalty7 accepts all the main payment processors and bank wires – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and SolidTrustPay and so appeals to the highest possible number of investors. Minimum spend is $25 in either investment plan, both of which are profitable. They offer 7% for 22 business days or 110% after 7 calendar days. Please note that the description of “7% for 30 days” given on the website is not accurate and I will be discussing this more in my upcoming review which is scheduled to be published tomorrow. At first glance though Royalty7 looks extremely promising and it looks like the admin knows what he’s doing.

That’s it for today, guys. Hope you enjoy the daily reports from the industry and I hope you’ll bee back tomorrow for more news and another review. See you all then!

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