August 2012 Archives

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Beware! Kommerciality has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! After taking the evening off (from news anyway) last night I have to say there’s quite a bit to catch up with tonight. To start the update though I want to take a look at a brand new program called Kommerciality, the last of the recent batch of new additions to the MNO monitoring site. It’s got some reasonable enough plans and are kinda original in comparison to a lot of similar programs out there now, offering a choice of either a fast profit or a slower more long term passive income.

Before I get to the plans themselves I should point out that due to the script all investments in Kommerciality must be made in blocks of $10. A bit like buying shares at $10 each, so in other words you can only invest with $10, $20, $30, $40, and so on like that, but with nothing in between. In return for your investment you are also allowed a number of “ad credits” which you can use in your members area to advertise your own website to other Kommerciality members. I imagine it doesn’t have to be your own website per se, as most folks wouldn’t have one and would prefer to just put their own ref links to other HYIPs in there.

As for the plans themselves, they’re quite an eclectic mix I must say though generally Kommerciality do focus more on longer term options. There’s one thing they all have in common though, which is daily interest payments which include your principal as part of them.

So the first plan runs for 30 calendar days and can be joined for a minimum deposit of $10. In return for this Kommerciality are offering a daily interest payment of 5%. That would mean you would break even (ie earn back an amount equivalent to your principal therefore making it impossible to lose money) after 20 days and complete the cycle with a total return of 150%. That’s your own money back plus 50% net profit. Maximum spend for this plan is $100.

For a minimum deposit of $110 Kommerciality have a plan running for 50 calendar days. There are still daily interest payments made to members, though the rate drops to 4% per day. This means that it takes you longer to break even and to ultimately see a profit, but as there are so many more payments it is of course more profitable. Eventually. You break even after 25 days and complete the cycle with a total return of 200%. Kommerciality are counting your principal there so that’s double your money back. The maximum deposit is capped at $390.

If you’re prepared to spend at least a $400 minimum then that’s what’s required to join Kommerciality‘s third plan which runs for 90 calendar days. Once again the actual interest drops making it take longer to break even, but ultimately the final return increases quite a bit over the others. The rate is 3% per day (principal included) which should see you break even after 34 days and complete the term with a final return of 270%. That’s your own money back plus 170% net profit for yourself on top of it. The top investment taken by Kommerciality in this plan is $590.

And finally plan number four runs for 200 calendar days and will set you back a $600 minimum should you wish to join. In return for you money Kommerciality are offering 2% per day, principal included. That would see you break even 50 days into the cycle and complete it with a total return of 400% from which 300% can be considered profit. The maximum deposit you can make here is currently set to a relatively conservative $2,000 though I do believe the admin intends increasing this once he’s satisfied the workings of the Kommerciality website have been tested out and is satisfied that everything is in good working order.

All the popular payment processors are listed so that won’t do their chances of success any harm. Kommerciality are accepting LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay. The only thing is there are certain restrictions put on withdrawals. For example, Kommerciality only allow a maximum of two withdrawals in a day, which I could live with given you only get paid once anyway, but then you may only make a maximum of 15 withdrawals in a month. So the average member would only be withdrawing once every two days, and when you add that to the fact that payments can (don’t always, but can) take up to 48 hours to be completed then you not only need patience but would need to plan out some sort of a schedule as well. Kommerciality withdrawals are processed manually by the admin and so will need to be requested from inside your member’s account area. Please be aware that deposit and withdrawal fees will be charged. These vary between payment processors so it’s best to check your member’s area for the exact figures. They can be as high as 4% though.

Kommerciality is running of a script licensed from PHPFlux, hence the requirement to only spend in predetermined units which in this case as I said is $10. Hosting is on a dedicated server with support and protection provided by Dragonara. They remain the best service provider in the industry, though it’s actually quite rare for them to accept HYIPs at all these days. Regardless of that, issues with downtime or DDoS attacks will be rare at most. The Kommerciality website is properly SSL protected, and if you have any further questions, comments, or account related issues then the admin can be contacted by filling in your details on the online ticketing form and submitting it. A number of Live Chat options are also available with Kommerciality listing accounts in Yahoo, Gtalk, and Skype (though no specific timetable as to what hours these accounts are open for your questions is given). A users forum is also promised though as of today that’s not yet online. I believe the target for that is Saturday though you’ll see it yourself if joining the program.

As I think I mentioned when introducing the program last night, I do know for a fact that a lot of advance planning and work went into Kommerciality. Reason being I was already paid for the listing on my monitor a number of weeks back, so I know the admin’s been working on it for at least that long. The texts don’t give much information away however, with only the vaguest claims made about the website’s business. Kommerciality basically just list off the same activities that just about every second online HYIP admin claims, including ForEx, binary trading, affiliate marketing and “many other businesses” (whatever that means!), but nothing that supports any of it. So while I do hope the time and effort put into organizing Kommerciality pays off and the program is a success for as many users as possible, I will still remind you of the risks involved with playing this industry and how you should behave if you accept them. Therefore set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can afford to both spend and lose, and try to protect yourself from heavy losses by keeping a diverse and well balanced portfolio.



Following the uncertain situation with LibertyReserve and its extended downtime already announced on their blog the admin of NewGNi Jurgen (interviewed here) issued a newsletter yesterday. In it he announced a temporary solution for those investors of NewGNi who deposited in two available plans – 1% per business day and 6% weekly with the possible principal release after the lock-in period of 180 business days – via LibertyReserve but due to obvious reasons would now like to be paid via PerfectMoney or SolidTrustPay. It’s good to see that we have an admin caring for his members here and realizing that for some of us LR difficulties mean a loss of regular income. The full step-by-step guide on how to exchange your LR balance in NewGNi to STP or PM you will be able to find in the latest newsletter from the program that still occupies the #1 spot on MNO’s list of the most popular HYIPs on the net, and rightfully so. In addition to that Jurgen also reminds us of the ongoing sweepstakes contest where everyone has a chance to win $50 iTines gift card. Please read the whole version of the latest newsletter from NewGNi (reviewed here) below:

Newsletter 22 August 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
Our members using LibertyReserve as their preferred payment processor, might be aware by now that LibertyReserve is under maintenance since Monday already. They announced on their official blog that they will be available sometime later today, but don’t bet on it. In the past weeks there were disturbing reports of accounts being blocked by the LibertyReserve administration without any given reason. Nothing you would expect from a payment processor, many are claiming is the leader in the online investment industry… Wishful thinking, in my opinion.
We are aware that many of you are in one or another way depending on your earnings from NewGNi. Therefore we have decided to allow internal exchanges from LibertyReserve to PerfectMoney or SolidTrust Pay – to give you an alternative option to withdraw your proceeds to either SolidTrust Pay or PerfectMoney.
Here is a quick How-To Guide:
1. On the left side of the members under ‘Main Menu’ you will find the link to our ‘Currency Manager’.
2. After clicking on it you will find yourself on a page, showing your current account balances.
3. On the lower part, next to ‘Exchange From’, you’ll find pull-down menus for the Currency to exchange from. You should select Liberty Reserve here, all other directions are not possible.
4. Next to ‘Exchange To’ you can choose, if you like your funds exchanged to SolidTrust Pay or to PerfectMoney. You can also choose if you like your funds exchanged to your Cash Balance to withdraw to your payment processor, or to the E-Wallet for re-investing.
Enter your secondary password and click on ‘Convert Currency’. You are done and your funds will immediately reflect in either your Cash Balance or your E-Wallet. You will also be notified by email, once the transaction is rendered.
Unfortunately there are fees charged for these transactions:
The exchange fee for LibertyReserve => PerfectMoney is set to 7%
The exchange fee for LibertyReserve => SolidTrust Pay is set to 5%
We consider our fees as moderate, considering the current market conditions. Please note: We reserve the right to adjust the exchange fees at anytime and without prior notice, depending on changing market conditions.
If you have a pending LibertyReserve withdrawal request, you need to cancel it first, and once done start with the procedure as explained above. For more information on how to cancel pending withdrawal requests, please refer to our User Manual in the members area.
For our members who prefer to stick with LibertyReserve: Please leave your withdrawal requests pending and we will process them as soon as LibertyReserve is operational.
To conclude this newsletter, I’d like to remind you of our August 2012 Sweepstakes giveaway!
As our regular readers know, we have declared 2012 the Year of the Giveaway! Every months you have the chance to join a new contest and the best is, that our contests are open for EVERYONE. You can invite all your family, friends and colleagues and there is no need to be a member of NewGNi at all – just enter our monthly Giveaway competitions on our Facebook page or our very own Sweepstakes page here – and win!
This month we are giving away three iTunes Gift Cards and the competition closes at noon (GMT) August 31st.
Have a good time!
Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO”.


RightFive (reviewed here) is perhaps one of the fastest growing programs then even LR issues can’t slow down due to the acceptance of three other processors – PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay. RightFive offers two investment plans – 110% after 7 days and 5% for 30 days – and pays within 48 hours after the withdrawal request is made excluding weekends. Even before the official update was published on LibertyReserve blog Steve, the admin of RightFive, took the time to contact the troubled payment processor on his own and posted some encouraging words about it, also promising to resume payouts to LR as soon they are back online:

Liberty Reserve Maintenance
We have received an official statement from Liberty Reserve regarding their downtime:
“Dear clients, Liberty Reserve is under maintenance since Monday because of new security measures that will be guarding the access to Liberty Reserve accounts. Once this will be implemented, Liberty Reserve will be even more secure. We expect the full operation of Liberty Reserve to return on Thursday 23rd August or on Friday 24th August.”
RightFive will resume Liberty Reserve payments once they are back online.

A day before that Steve also posted an update in regards to the SMS-verification feature which will be unavailable for the US clients of RightFive due to certain restrictions which he specified. So, for the investors in the US only the e-mail verification is available now. Please read the update below for more information on that:

No SMS verification for our U.S. clients
We were informed by our SMS message provider earlier today, that SMS messages for U.S. based clients are not an option. The reason is, that apparently most of the service providers in the U.S. are charging their subscribers a fee for incoming SMS messages and due to that fact, opt-in requirements of U.S. carriers are extremely strict.
U.S. carriers require the recipient to opt-in by one of a couple of different means – none of which can be handled by our SMS provider or any other European based SMS provider.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


Just a few minutes after the interview was published on MNO last night the admin of HYIPla Jeff (read my interview with him here) sent a link to all the members of the growing program:

HYIPla Interviewed By MNO
Hello members,
The interview of has been published on MNO and you can read it here:
Sincerely, HYIPla Admin”.

Knowing about the issues announced on LibertyReserve’s official blog the admin of HYIPla also suggested members who originally deposited in the 12% for 12 business days plan offered by the program to exchange their earnings from LibertyReserve to SolidTrustPay. I would like to remind you that the payouts to PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay from HYIPla (reviewed here) are still processed instantly and so, all you have to do is to email the admin who will exchange your LR withdrawals to STP which you can request and get paid instantly. I think it’s a good deal which LibertyReserve users should definitely take advantage of:

Dear members,
We have got the latest news from
So if you want to exchange your Libertyreserve withdraws to Solidtrustpay, please contact us. Thanks.
Sincerely, HYIPla Admin”.


I believe that LibertyReserve’s administration was seriously concerned about the consequences of their own behavior severely damaging the HYIP industry as being the largest single payment processor for HYIPs and exchange services. Obviously if they kept silent due to the extended downtime (I remind you that LibertyReserve has been under maintenance since Monday morning) it would really hurt them, forcing people to withdraw all their funds and exchange them to other currencies once they are finally back online. I must say that the long and detailed update posted on the official blog of LR brought some relief to members with explaining the reasons for the multiple account blockages and promised to add Credit card funding option for verified users. I would let you first read the latest update from LibertyReserve with my comments after each paragraph for easier reading:

Maintenance update
Dear friends, it has come to our attention that some of our customers became concerned with our latest maintenance continuation and erroneous account status change for a group of our clients. Please find below an official explanation of reasons behind both instances:
1. There is a group of blocked accounts which were erroneously blocked by an automated script that was tested in the beginning of August and apparently has failed to perform properly. Script was designed to automatically secure in account in the event of multiple suspicious login attempts. During this maintenance we have identified the problem, addressed it and it is now being solved.

Ok, suppose that’s true and the accounts were really blocked by the script. Then why did the LibertyReserve administration keep silent and never reply to all their clients regarding this, including the official exchangers whose accounts were blocked too? Would LR clients be ready to continue working with LibertyReserve after being deprived from their money for the whole week and no explanation? I’m not so sure. I’m not even mentioning that apparently the Live support which had to handle all the multiple complaints about the recent account blockages for the last few days either had no clue what was going on or provided deliberately false and misleading information. I doubt very much that any LR clients deserved to be treated that way.

2. Since we were forced to perform extended maintenance, we saw an opportunity to add some of the additional features that were pending to be added to the website. As the web site appears shortly, you will discover Credit Card Funding option (available ONLY to a verified users), along with other minor improvements and enhancements.

Ok, the Card funding option was promised a few times already and the last time was a couple of years ago. It never happened then and I don’t believe it’s going to happen now. The highly questionable Verified status will make LibertyReserve a totally different payment processor where all the transactions made via Credit cards will be reversible (that is the necessary requirement if they want to deal with Credit card providers). This will only create panic and withdrawal of more HYIP investors 90% of who will have used LR as one of their payment options at some point. In addition to that, I don’t quite understand who in their right minds would want to get verified by them! Totally anonymous, no office, no phone number, I think providing them sensitive information which can be used against you by any of the cyber criminals and hackers who dominate LR would not be the brightest thing to do. So, I believe this Credit Card Funding option is no more than bluffing which will not be fully implemented in LR ever!

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this maintenance may have brought to you and would like to assure you that both issues are addressed in a timely manner and currently being worked on around the clock for the quickest and safest resolution. During this final stage of maintenance we are identifying erroneously blocked accounts and updating their statuses to “normal”. This is a long and tedious process so your patience is appreciated. While we are doing everything possible to bring the system back faster, these processes make take an additional up to 2-4 days to complete.

Well, knowing LibertyReserve’s record here and how they’re never in a hurry to clean the mess they make for themselves, 2 to 4 days usually means “4 days minimum, probably more”. That means that most probably we won’t be able to use LibertyReserve properly till next week. I would not be surprised if even then there will be another excuse and the maintenance extended. We can see the main page of the LibertyReserve website which is obviously not enough, as no one can login to the account and check their balance or make transactions. The effect of this downtime is already huge and devastating and made a lot of programs (especially short-term ones that accept only LR and PM) close prematurely. And who knows how many more will close until LibertyReserve’s administration is ready to move forward and bring the site back online? We still shouldn’t exclude the panic factor and the thing that many people might be dissatisfied with such service and will decide to leave LR in favor of the competing payment processors PerfectMoney, EgoPay or SolidTrustPay. So the total damage from LR’s irresponsible and arrogant actions are yet to be determined and its reliability is under a big question now. And finally the latest funny piece to finish with…

Any other explanation of this maintenance that you may come across online in various online forums is inaccurate or simply put – false and misleading.

This last sentence actually made me laugh. If LibertyReserve explained everything from the beginning and not allow those gormless dimwits that make up their Live Support feed lies to their own members then nothing would have happened. Communication is the key here and if a payment processor refuses to comment or do too little too late like LR then rumors and speculation will bridge the gap. That happened exactly because of LR actions, or better say, the lack of action which raised a wave of speculation and hearsay filled the blogs and forums. Actually whatever LR’s Live support said during these critical days was false and misleading, so the only entity to blame for is LibertyReserve itself. I sincerely hope that the HYIP investors will become smarter after LR is back to normal and learn their lesson by switching to more reliable payment options. Let’s say “no” to incompetency for the sake of the HYIP industry and its survival! Are you with me on that?


Just speaking of LR issues and its negative impact on the HYIP industry I have to bring two more programs that have scammed to your attention, which are DividendService and Dynasty7.

For Dynasty7, it’s already the second time I moved them to Problem Status. Last weekend was the first time when the program stopped paying for no particular reason later justifying it by some strange rule of not paying on weekends which was never listed on the website in the first place. Well, today is Thursday and the middle of the business week and still the payouts to SolidTrustPay are pending for more than the promised 12 business hours. Such behavior cannot be tolerated and although I cannot verify the status of some other programs paying me to LibertyReserve due to their downtime, STP is loading fine and I can’t see any reason in delaying the payouts. MNO is not the only monitor to give Dynasty7 Problem Status and I believe that this time the program is definitely in trouble. Please do not invest there under any circumstances!

DividendService has been a brilliant program and paid me for about six months. Those who played wisely definitely profited in DividendService as it used to offer short-term plans with 15 calendar days only as the shortest one. But even such a great program was not able to survive the latest LR crisis and eventually collapsed. Although I received the last payout to SolidTrustPay a couple of days ago, all the payouts to PerfectMoney from DividendService were totally ignored by the admin who didn’t even bother to reply to my email about the delayed payouts. It looks like the LR downtime was the last straw for them and couldn’t continue. Sad but true!

Surprise of the week! MegaProfitAds has paid me all the pending withdrawals to STP today and made this without any reply to my previous email to the admin regarding the delayed payouts which was the reason why the program was put first to problem and then to Scam status on MNO. I’m still very suspicious about their performance though as there is a chance that the admin of MegaProfitAds only paid monitors. Therefore I only moved the program to Waiting status on MNO for the time being and would like to ask your advice on determining the current status. Please let me know as soon as possible if you got paid by MegaProfitAds too or it was just a clever trick from the admin who keeps paying selectively? Please submit your comments at my email address I will look forward to your testimonials or complaints!


I would like to report about the two programs that recently returned the original deposits and did it properly even during the LR crisis. They are ProfitableSunrise (reviewed here) and YachtWealthClub (reviewed here).

ProfitableSunrise is an absolutely fantastic program launched in November 2011 and still paying fine to everyone after more than nine months online. The program has deservedly reached the #4 position on MNO’s Premium list and the full interview with the program’s admin Roman can be read here. It took a few months for my deposit to expire, be returned to my balance and finally paid to my PerfectMoney account this morning due to a long investment term of 180 business days paying 1.6% to 2% daily interest. Apart from LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney there’s also SolidTrustPay and EgoPay and even direct bank wires can be done too. The minimum to invest via any of the payment processors is $10 and so far ProfitableSunrise has been nothing but a perfect program for me and other investors and I believe that’s how every experienced admin should run a program and set an example to others what can be achieved by dedication and hard work.

YachtWealthClub has been on MNO for 15 days though online for five weeks. Considering its short-term plans of 3%-3.5% for 7 days and 4%-5% for 10 days with the original principal returned on expiry we can consider it a total success. The admin recently extended his banner on MNO for another week and purchased another spot on MNO monitor for one month which indicates his long-term plans for his program. Even despite LR difficulties YachtWealthClub seems to be doing fine while accepting many other payment options including PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. The admin accepts investments starting from a $10 minimum and the payouts are promised to be processed within 24 hours of request. My second cycle expired last night and I was paid promptly by YachtWealthClub, which has been extremely good so far. Let’s hope it stays that way.


The admin of Finvance Mark (interviewed here) keeps updating the members of his program about the exchange opportunities his program provides to people opting not to wait for LR to get back online and prefer to exchange their LibertyReserve balance in Finvance and get paid to another payment processor totally free of charge. Before that you need to submit an exchange request via a support ticket but now the process is totally automated and everyone can exchange their LR to STP and Ego Pay easily and free of charge. Unfortunately PerfectMoney reserves depleted faster than of the other currencies so Mark can only offer SolidTrustPay and EgoPay which is still ok for the majority of the members I believe. Of course if you don’t wish to be paid to different payment processors you can just sit and wait, but as experience shows it’s always better to get your money back asap. Finvance (reviewed here) has been paying 8% for 20 business days for about 40 days already and I believe that with such strong support will be able to survive and even become stronger once LR is back online. Here is the latest newsletter from Finvance containing everything you need to know:

Liberty Reserve Update and Exchange
Earlier today we learned that Liberty Reserve will be down 2-4 days more which in our estimates will more than likely bring us to Monday before we have Liberty Reserve operational. We had a more complex system of requesting LR exchanges which has been a success, but taxing on our support. We have processed nearly 2100 total LR to other currency services of withdrawals.
We will be announcing via newsletter when an exchange to one e-currency changes. Currently, LR to PM has completed it’s set reserve for the time being. LR to EgoPay and SolidTrustPay are still available. As reserves change, we will announce it via newsletter or you will be able to see if its available at the exchange link below.
To process a LR withdrawal request to EgoPay or SolidTrustPay, please log in to your account, cancel any pending LR withdrawal request you may have and then use the following link:
This will allow you to exchange to any e-currency other than LR. As noted in our earlier newsletter this has been a temporary solution and is subject to change. We will announce via newsletter whenever a currency exchange option changes.
To our other clients who are not affected by Liberty Reserve’s downtime, as usual all standard PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay requests are being processed.


The latest update from the admin of Absolutiva (reviewed here) featured the now familiar LR maintenance story and a link to the guide of how to make a deposit via PayPal. Along with PayPal you can make investments in Absolutiva also via PerfectMoney and EgoPay payment processors with the minimum of $10 accepted into the following plans all returning principal on expiry – 1.4%-2% for 120 business days and 7.5%-10.5% for 30 weeks. Below is the latest news from Absolutiva:

This email is to inform you that all withdrawal requests through Liberty Reserve will be processed as soon as Liberty Reserve restore back its service. This does not affect Perfect Money, Ego Pay and PayPal withdrawal requests. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you but this is out of our control.
We would also like to remind you that for more information on how to use PayPal, please read the following guide:
If you do not follow these steps properly, your account will be suspended and your PayPal payment refunded. We already had to refund 2 PayPal deposits because the investor in charge did not respect our terms in regards to this.
We’re also expecting to launch a series of improvements in the next couple of days.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list:  HYIPla, Kommerciality (the first payment received).
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, KISnP, ProfitableSunrise, Finvance, FelminaAlliance, WestFinanceGroup, InflexCapital, YachtWealthClubRightFive, RoyalMaxDealers, Absolutiva.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, BGTGroups.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s it for today, guys. See you on MNO on Saturday and have a nice weekend!

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