March 2013 Archives

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Beware! MyFxCapital has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Friday again so I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend. It’s also what a lot of people consider the first day of Spring which is always something that puts me in a good mood, especially as I’m really looking forward to taking a short holiday to Barbados next week which I can’t wait for! I’ll still be working though so don’t worry about that, you can expect me to make time for all the daily news updates from the industry as usual as well as all the new programs coming to my monitor. And that leads me nicely onto the first subject of today’s update which is MyFxCapital, a new short term HYIP that was recently added to the MNO monitoring page.

So we’ll start as usual with the reason MyFxCapital are in business in the first place, the investment plans. It’s going to be a fairly easy choice for you to make as well I think because there’s only one real plan with slight variations based on how much you spend, so it’s all quite simple – you either like it or you don’t. The plan is broken down into four sub-sections and only costs a $10 minimum to join so it doesn’t have to be that much of a risk unless you make it so. Other than that all four options run for the same term, making daily payments along the way.

You can join like I just said above for a $10 minimum deposit which gets you into The Starter Plan. It runs for 5 business days and makes interest payments of 23% from Monday to Friday and includes your initial deposit as part of those payments. That means your final return adds up to 115% in total, or your own money back plus 15% net profit (and not 115% profit as the MyFxCapital website so misleadingly states). Maximum spend here is $499.

For a larger deposit of between at least $500 and up to a maximum level of $999 MyFxCapital have The Advanced Plan which also runs for 5 business days. In return for the higher investment they offer an improved daily interest rate, this time of 24% made from Monday to Friday. MyFxCapital are counting your principal among the payouts and so will not be returned on expiry. That means that your final return of 120% contains your own money plus 20% net profit.

Deposits from $1,000 to $4,999 are put in The Professional Plan, which offers 25% interest per day for 5 business days. MyFxCapital is offering 25% interest per day from Monday to Friday for deposits here, which include your principal as part of them. Total return therefore is 125%, or your own money back plus 25% net profit.

And lastly one I’d be surprised to see get may takers due to its $5,000 minimum price tag, MyFxCapital offers The Advanced Plan. Running for the same 5 business day term as the others, the daily interest rate is 26% allowing members to complete the term with earnings of 130%. The original principal is counted among the payouts so contains your own money and a net profit of 30%. MyFxCapital‘s maximum allowed deposit is $50,000.

The choice of payment options is pretty good, or at least up to a standard expected by investors these days with all the popular processors in use. MyFxCapital so far accepts deposits via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payments are made manually by the admin and so need to be requested from within your MyFxCapital private members area. Once done the admin asks that you allow anything up to 24 hours for all transactions to be completed. The decision not to make payments over Saturday and Sunday could help the cash flow in the program as well and possibly keep MyFxCapital afloat just that little bit extra. Compounding is specifically not allowed by the way.

I have some mixed feelings about the design and security aspects of the MyFxCapital website, though maybe it’s better to say I’m a bit confused about what the admin is doing with it. Not the script, that much is straight forward enough with him opting to run the program off a licensed one from GoldCoders which will of course be recognizable to most of you by now. It’s really more to do with the hosting provider. Formerly hosted on Koddos, the MyFxCapital admin decided it was the right thing to do to move his program to a more dependable service provider. Few would fit the bill better than BlockDos who are generally accepted as the best option from what can be a fairly limited choice (mainstream hosting providers preferring to avoid dealing with online HYIPs). So that’s what the MyFxCapital admin said he was doing – dropping Koddos for BlockDos. This would have been a major improvement had he actually went and done it. The MyFxCapital website is now hosted on a dedicated server by GeniusGuard, who may be a step-up from Koddos, but are definitely not BlockDos as the admin is for some reason claiming. Maybe he intends going there at some point in the future, I really don’t know, but he’s not there now as he says. I wouldn’t make a big deal out of it if not for the fact that the admin continues to make the claim for some bizarre reason. Anyway, if you have any further questions about the program and its plans, or any account related issues for the admin to handle then the best way to get in touch is by filling out the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. Fans of social media sites will find MyFxCapital keeping a profile on Twitter as well. Not much activity there just yet, though I wouldn’t have expected it anyway considering the program is still relatively new.

Though claiming to be in business since 2008 I can find no record of MyFxCapital ever doing anything before last week so I would take the stories of them being a successful currency trading firm too seriously without a lot more evidence than you are ever likely to find to back it up. Much of the texts are copy/pasted from an older non-HYIP related website anyway, so don’t waste your time by looking for something that isn’t there. But despite being an online HYIP you can still make a profit from MyFxCapital if you are fast enough and know how to play the game properly. Just remember the two most basic rules to protect yourself, which is to stay well under an agreed spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose if things don’t work out, and if joining MyFxCapital at all then make sure you do so as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



If you remember the recent story with GoldenPayment‘s phishing attempts at stealing investors’ LR funds which to my surprise was quite successful (click here to read it), it seems that the same person is now targeting investors of other big HYIPs. Just today members of the #1 program on MNO ProfitableSunrise (reviewed here) reported phishing emails, and just a couple of hours ago the admin of another big program OilOfAsia also reported a similar scam. Please note that it’s extremely dangerous to click on any links sent in an email, let alone submit sensitive passwords in payment processors to complete some mythical verification of your account. If in doubt, you always must avoid on clicking links sent to your email address for your own safety and security and I can’t overstate the importance of this.

The admin of OilOfAsia Adam sent an urgent newsletter warning members about the phishing email and against submitting any payment processor information on the phishing site. Other that OilOfAsia has no problems at all. The program (reviewed here) has been running smoothly for 45 days now and the first investors who made deposits into the 3% for 75 business days plan with principal returned on expiry should break even today and be in profit by next week. OilOfAsia had a very nice start attracting hundreds of investors with a $25 minimum via SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, or PerfectMoney and making fast daily payments. It’s for that very reason OilOfAsia is currently ranked #2 out of the seven programs on MNO Sticky Listing and I hope that after the first investors see their profits there will be a boost in membership that should help OilOfAsia continue bigger and better than ever. The latest newsletter in its entirety can be read below:

OilOfAsia Urgent
Dear members,
I was informed by a few our investors that they received phishing email from unknown scammer using our name to steal their LibertyReserve data. Here it is:
About 40 individuals have reported their accounts were broken into and their requested withdrawals were sent to a different account. This is unacceptable and we are instituting a very simple procedure to ensure no ones withdrawal is sent to the wrong account. Very simply put, we are sending this email out to the original account email addresses to make sure only the real owner of the account receives the withdrawal request.
Please use the link below to prove your ownership of your OilOfAsia account. You will just need to send a penny from your actual account, so we know it is you. It is automatic and that penny will be credited to your OilOfAsia account panel. This will ensure your withdrawal requests are always processed to your account only.
Click here for your Oil of Asia account verification. It will direct you directly to our automated verification: http://[link deleted]
Please note that we never send emails like this and we will never ask our members for this kind of verification. Please ignore and don’t CLICK on a link at this phishing email.
There was also small problem with our server today, but everything is fine now and OilOfAsia website should work for all of you. In case if you still can’t access please contact support asap and we will help you.
Yours, Adam Dhaliwal


As promised some time back, the admin of SureInv TJ announced the results of his Client Promotion Contest where every active promoter had a chance to win a nice cash prize. Winners were announced in the latest newsletter and were asked to submit a support ticket with the payment processor they want their cash prize to be paid into, either LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, PexPay, or EgoPay. Congratulations to all the winners which is definitely well deserved as they made a valuable contribution to the promotion of SureInv and played a part in the ongoing success of the project that has been running for three and a half months now. SureInv was listed on Premium listing on MNO monitor from day one and has climbed to the second position in the popularity among readers. SureInv (reviewed here) has three investment plans – 5% for 30 business days, 4% for 45 business days, 3.5% for 60 business days – and I hope will continue for a long time to come. Well, with such good promoters as in today’s newsletter it’s going to be a bright future:

News 1. March 2013
Hello all
I am pleased to announce that we have concluded our first Client Promotion Contest yesterday and we are glad to announce the winners of the contest now.
As said earlier, we here at SureInv are committed to openness and transparency and are posting the links to the winning entries as well. Please note that all winners were selected randomly. Please click on the winners name to go to the randomly selected entry.
Here we go, the winners of our ‘Post, post, post…’ promotion are:
1st. Prize of $100 goes to hyiphof
2nd Prize of $50 goes to hyipmasterjuplo
3rd prize of $20 goes to hyipexplorer
The three consolation prizes of $10 each goes to meyudii, odaval and chi4sure
The winners of our ‘Forum Signature’ promotion are:
1st. Prize of $200 goes to richinvestmon
2nd Prize of $150 goes to BirManat
3rd prize of $100 goes to Dimofey
Congratulations to all our winners and thank you everyone for participating!
We ask all our lucky winners to contact us via support ticket from within the clients area only to claim their prizes. Please include your preferred payment processor details. Prizes are paid cash to your LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EGOPay, SolidTrust Pay or PexPay account by the beginning of next week.
Thanks to all our clients, SureInv is doing very well and is growing by the week. I truly believe we can continue like this for a long time to come. Our team is very passionate and dedicated to make this come true!
Enough said, I trust you’ll enjoy your weekend!
With best regards, TJ


Another extremely popular program BensonUnion (reviewed here) also posted the list of participants in its contest for everyone who deposits at least $5K into the 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days with the principal return on expiry and submits a testimonial about the experience. The contest is now in full swing and if you are curious to see the success stories of the program’s large investors you can check out the link in the newsletter posted below. I must add that the contest is still running and carries a prize of a vacation to the Dominican Republic with the winners announced on March 10. You don’t need $5,000 to join BensonUnion of course, all it takes is a $10 minimum deposit and enjoy the mostly instant payouts processed to your LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, PexPay, EgoPay, or BitCoin accounts. BensonUnion started in January last year originally with two payment processors and despite Ragnar’s claims in the MNO interview published here he changed his mind on extending the list which was hugely beneficial for the program’s development. So far BensonUnion remains one of the leaders of the long term programs and has been paying promptly for 400+ days already which is an extremely incredible achievement, even for such a quality program that was noticed by experienced investors as soon as it launched. I hope to see BensonUnion running smoothly this year as well, and every success for their investors both large and small:

Participants list is now public!
Dear investors! BensonUnion informs that “Dream Vacation” contest participants list is now public. Everyone can read success stories to make sure that BensonUnion makes people happier and richer. Participants list is available here – . Please note that winners will be announced on March 10 and new application are accepted till March 9 so don’t miss your chance and submit your story with payment proof. Everyone who invested $5,000 and more can participate in Dream Vacation contest. All you need to do is to write a success story and attach payment proof screenshot. Just click Contest or Join now button in your account area and follow instructions


Maybe it’s not a very significant milestone for a quality HYIP, but at least FatProfit (reviewed here) can boast the successful completion of its first month online. During this time the first investors benefited from the program’s instantly processed payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay on deposits to the 10% for 15 business days plan for a $10 minimum spend. In any case, FatProfit is now on its second cycle and hopefully this achievement is appreciated by members regardless of if they are in profit yet or still on the way. Here’s the latest newsletter from the admin of FatProfit to commemorate this event:

FatProfit 30 Days Online
Hello everyone,
We are glad to announce that FatProfit has been online for 30 days today. We would like to congratulate those investors who joined earlier. Most of them have finished their first cycle of 15 business days and in profit now. We have only one investment plan,which is 10% daily for 15 business days and we accept Libertyreserve, Perfectmoney, Solidtrustpay and Egopay as our payment processors. We have an instant withdraw system. Most withdraws will be processed immediately after a withdraw request is made. Now more and more investors are joining us. We will continue to provider a better and better service for our members. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.
Sincerely, FatProfit Admin


RewardsWeekly (reviewed here) is another program celebrating the successfully completing their first month online today. They also process withdrawals mostly instantly to all the accepted processors – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. However unlike FatProfit it credits accounts with profits on a weekly basis. If you are interested in joining RewardsWeekly they offer a 10% weekly return for the duration of 40 weeks with the original principal returned on expiry. The minimum to invest starts from $10 and I hope the first month online is only the first of many. RewardsWeekly‘s latest newsletter is posted below:

RewardsWeekly – The successful operation of a month.
It is our pleasure to announce that our project has been run successfully for a month. We’ve got trust of many investors, this is very rare. We clearly know the credit needs time to prove. In the future we will continue to maintain the sustainable development of the project.
Sincerely, RewardsWeekly Support Department


The admin of ADSolid Timoleon (interviewed here) keeps adding more useful features to his website making it more convenient and easy-to-use for clients. Yesterday saw an improvement of the referral links which are now leading to the main page of the program instead of the sign-up page where they used to lead which many potential investors didn’t like. Here’s the update on this:

February 28, 2013 10:12 PM
We have changed landing page for referral link from join-page to index-page. Also we have removed phone field from join form.

A more exciting update was when they added two more language versions of the ADSolid website in Spanish and Russian. Being a native Russian speaker myself, I can confirm the Russian version was completed to a highly professional level, and so I imagine the Spanish version is pretty good too. To switch from the main English version of ADSolid to any of the available languages (which already included Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian and Vietnamese), just click on the appropriate flag on top of every page. The addition of Spanish and Russian versions alone will lead to more investors who would like to know more about the program but are not as fluent in English and not able to understand my review of ADSolid published here:

March 1, 2013 10:32 AM
We have just launched localized site for Spanish and Russian languages! Also we have added forums and to payout proof registration module. Also we have fixed a small bug with forum.

ADSolid is really a very complicated program setting it apart from other similar programs, but in a nutshell and without referring to its advertising side which isn’t useful for many investors I would like to say that it accepts deposits starting from a $10 minimum. Payment processors include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay and the payouts are usually made instantly, so you will see your profits credited to your e-currency account within seconds of submitting a withdrawal request. The investment plan in ADSolid pays you 1.2%-2.1% for 150 days with the investment term counted in calendar days but the interest is only credited on business days (Monday to Friday). More languages are coming soon by the way, so I’ll keep you updated when that happens.


EmpireFinanceGroup (reviewed here) is known for its longevity and I already mentioned that it’s been online since 2010 but mostly flying under the radar until recently when it joined the Premium listing on MNO. The program accepts only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which you can use to deposit in the following investment plans all of which pay you principal back on expiry – 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days. Today the admin of EmpireFinanceGroup issued a newsletter announcing the opening of a toll-free support phone line for his US customers. I imagine it would be quite handy for all American readers although it doesn’t quite prove that the program is actually based in the US, as such services could be bought and re-directed and managed by hired operators anywhere in the world. Anyway, if it helps investors it should be appreciated. The latest newsletter from EmpireFinanceGroup is posted below and contains the phone number where you can reach the program’s support:

EmpFinance phone support available – EmpireFinanceGroup
Dear EmpireFinanceGroup customers,
We are excited to announce, that for your convinience we now provide a Toll Free number to call from U.S.!
So, if you have any question on our company or services that we offer, please do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-6056204
We are available to assist you at this number from 12:00 AM to 18:00 PM (EST). Monday through Friday.
For technical issues and dividend payment inquiries please use e-mail or live chat support.
Thank you for cooperating with us!
EmpireFinanceGroup Support Department


I’m getting kinda tired now of the forgetfulness of the admin of Nubcoyu who delays payouts quite regularly and makes his program look bad in the eyes of potential investors who can see the program on Problem status on MNO monitor from time to time. Today was a repeat of the regular routine when I moved them to Problem status yet again after an unsuccessful attempt to get a reaction from the admin to my email sent earlier. I myself am always on alert will change the status of the programs monitored on MNO quite fast. I simply think that’s what my readers deserve, and if there are potential problems then you need to hear them before losing your hard earned money. The situation with Nubcoyu often borders on hilarious though as the payouts are quite often delayed which I think is not a good thing even if the project has a perfect track record of six months online paying 1.4% for 200 business days to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay which are all accepted from a $10 minimum.

In the other news from Nubcoyu, the admin (interviewed here) issued a newsletter informing members about the short downtime due to some maintenance on Koddos servers. I must say that I didn’t notice it myself, so it must have been short enough as expected. Here’s the latest newsletter from Nubcoyu (reviewed here):

Nubcoyu Downtime Notice
Dear Valued Investors,
As we’ve received an email from KoDDoS regarding the scheduled network maintenance, we also expect Nubcoyu to experience temporary downtime. The following is the detailed explanation copied directly from the original email:
Dear Koddos Customer,
We are scheduling a maintenance window on March 01, between the hours of 2PM and 5PM CET. During this period, you may experience periodic latency and/or disconnects.
During this time, we will be performing maintenance on the router in order to upgrade the software version.
Also due to some security upgrades that what we have made today in our client portal and cPanel, we would like to recommend you to change both passwords as soon as possible.
We thank you for your patronage.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via help desk at or email via
Thank you, Koddos
Network Operations
Best Regards, Nubcoyu


It looks like not only HYIPs are subjected to phishing attacks. The most popular payment processor in the industry – SolidTrustPay – also issued a warning on its official blog a couple of days ago informing users of an email circulating at the moment. I myself received the same email mentioned by STP just a few hours ago. Just like with online HYIPs you must NEVER click on the links and submit your sensitive information. This will lead to nothing other than the theft of your money. Of course SolidTrustPay (its CEO Stella was recently interviewed on MNO for the third time here) is not like LibertyReserve and if your account in STP is properly verified you can still prove your identity in some way and get your account back and even stolen funds can be reversed. But still, it would be a huge inconvenience for you, and it’s much better not to risk your security and always be on alert for possible phishing emails like the one quoted in the update from the official STP blog:

The following phishing email has recently been identified by STPay staff and customers:
From: SolidTrust Pay Support []
Subject: Important Message From SolidTrust Pay
Thank you for choosing SolidTrust Pay
Please click on the following link and validated your account info by filling the form. This is done because there is a chance that some a (reviewed ccounts do not function properly with the newly updated system and we would like to ensure that you are the genuine holder of the account.
Click link below and follow instruction for validated your SolidTrust Pay account.
Click Here validated your account
In case you not fill all the fields, and an internal system conflict occurs between your account and system database, your SolidTrust Pay account will be blocked.
Please Note: when click the link you will redirect resolve to an our backup IP address for security issue.
We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
Please do not respond to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not rece/aive a response.
Best Regards, SolidTrust Pay
This email is in no way authorized by SolidTrust Pay. If you receive this message, please delete it immediately.
The “Click Here validated your account” link, links to a phishing site intended to collect your account details. Additionally, while the email appears to be generated by, the reply-to address reveals a different address. The reply-to address may vary but, if you receive this email, you will note that replies will be directed to email addresses that are not found .
It is important to note that SolidTrust Pay does not require customers to enter their account details on websites hosted outside of Be sure to review the URL (web address) of any website you are entering your personal into. Thank you!


The first program that was listed on my Premium listing today is WorldGemsInvest which I’ll introduce tonight before reviewing it in a couple of days. It’s a long-term program that launched just a few days ago accepting LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. The minimum starts from $10 and the daily interest is fixed and only depends on the deposited amount. It can be as low as 1.25% or as high as 2.4% and is paid for the duration of 120 calendar days. On expiry you get your original deposit back. There’s a very interesting option that allows you to get the principal back earlier than the expiry date and without any of the fees usually applied to such requests, however the admin asks for seven calendar days to process it. The withdrawals in WorldGemsInvest are usually processed manually within 24 hours of the request being submitted. The program is running off a licensed script by ProBiz, is SSL-secured by GeoTrust, and hosted on a dedicated server by Staminus Communications. I guess that’s everything I can tell you about the program for now, but to hear more please come back to MNO soon when a full review of WorldGemsInvest is going to be published.


The second program joining MNO’s Premium listing today is HytexAG which looks to be running off an original script I don’t remember seeing before. The website is properly secured with an SSL-certificate by Thawte, but unfortunately I have no idea where the site is hosted (though I know it’s on a dedicated server), The admin hasn’t responded to my request about that yet but hopefully by the time it’s reviewed next week everything will be clear. As for the investment plans, smaller investors spending $10 to $100 can take advantage of the 8% for 14 days plan that doesn’t return the original deposit on expiry (unlike the others) and so you will get only 12% net profit at the end of the term. Other plans require higher minimums and pay lower rates but for longer terms, and they do return your principal on expiry. These include 1.5% for 25 days, 1.8% for 35 days, and 2.2% for 50 days. Payment options in HytexAG include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay and promise instantly processed withdrawals (though up to 48 hours in some rare cases). I can’t confirm this just yet as I’m only due to be paid for the first time tomorrow. Watch out for the coming review of HytexAG for further information on that.


And finally, the last addition to my Premium listing for today is MasterEarn that launched today and came to MNO for advertising straight away. MasterEarn accepts deposits starting from $10 and via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. The program runs off a licensed version of GoldCoders script although almost unrecognizable at first glance due to being quite nicely customized. There are a lot of investment plans offered by MasterEarn which I’ll look at in more detail in the upcoming review next week. For now I’ll just say that you can earn from 1.1% to 4.2% daily interest for the duration of 60 to 240 calendar days with the original principal returned on expiry. Withdrawals are promised to be instant which is a nice touch that will help attract more investors with time. We shouldn’t expect MasterEarn to become popular overnight due to quite low returns and the time it takes to break even and see the first profit. However the program has good potential, especially if we take a fast look at its setup with an attractive layout, SSL secured website by GeoTrust, and DDoS protection by BlockDos which has the program on a dedicated server. The last thing I would like to say is although MasterEarn places strong emphasis on its legality and registration papers with an address in the UK, you shouldn’t take those claims seriously as registering a company in England is extremely easy and can be done online. So just treat MasterEarn as a regular HYIP, though with potential to grow. More will be in my review next week.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrownOilOfAsiaProForexUnion, PerfectForex, AirCargoXpress, ForexPlaza, GSAOnlineInvestments.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, SureInv, StallionGold, BensonUnion, CostaAllianceStravia, FatProfit, Nubcoyu, AXAIndustries, Black&WhiteFund, RewardsWeekly, ADSolid, HurricaneAssets, MalaysianINC,  EmpireFinanceGroup, MyFxCapital.
From MNO Standard list: AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Fxen, Money&Credit, VenturInvest, TheInvestmentBank, ZenithUnion, PayTrade (the first payment received), KoForex (the first payment received).

That’s all for tonight, guys. I know that’s a lot of news, but I hope you enjoy my daily updates and will therefore check out MNO blog tomorrow as well, when I’m planning a full review of ZenithPay plus any other news from the HYIP industry. Have a good weekend and bye for now!

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