Oct 29th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! AdamantCapital has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! I’m back in London today after a short working vacation, so am ready to get dedicate my efforts full time once again and concentrate on bringing you the best programs and most up-to-date news from anywhere in the HYIP industry. In fact I have one very promising new program to introduce to you coming up in the second half of today’s article. It’s only just started, hot off the presses if you will, so keep reading for more information on that. But to start things off for today, in the main part of this update I want to take a closer look at a program called AdamantCapital that’s just recently joined the MNO monitor. By no means a new program, AdamantCapital has already been online for the last eight weeks so I’m not really sure why the admin has been waiting until now to get listed. So draw your own conclusions there, and just be aware of the age when deciding to join or not or if forming a strategy for them. I can also tell you that there was a couple of (enforced) changes to AdamantCapital recently, so the admin is still taking things reasonably seriously there.

There’s really only one investment plan in AdamantCapital, which in turn is divided into three subsections depending on how much money you’re prepared to gamble with. The main option, mainly due to affordability reasons, is called The Start Plan. This can be joined for a $10 minimum, and AdamantCapital will take anything up to a $1,000 maximum. The investment term runs for 30 calendar days, during which investors are offered a daily interest payment of 4.67%. By the end of the term payments should add up to 140% in total, from which AdamantCapital include both your original principal plus your net profit of 40%.

To give you a practical example of how that might work out for you in monetary terms, we’ll say you join AdamantCapital with $100. In return for that, members can expect a daily interest payment of $4.67. You reach the break even point, that is to say earn back an amount equivalent to your initial principal, after 22 days, and finish the term with payments coming to $140. That’s your own money back plus $40 net profit.

Bigger spenders looking to go in with anything from a minimum $1,001 to a $5,000 maximum are put in The Optimal Plan. Also running for 30 calendar days, AdamantCapital improve their offer to 5% per calendar day this time. Your principal is factored into the payments, so this allows you to break even after 20 days and complete the term with 150% in total – or your own money back plus 50% net profit for yourself.

Lastly for serious gamblers feeling either lucky or generous depending on your point of view, AdamantCapital have The Expert Plan. The investment term remains 30 calendar days, during which anyone prepared to sink from a $5,001 minimum up to as much as a $15,000 maximum is offered a daily interest payment of 5.33% per calendar day. With AdamantCapital including your principal as part of these payments, members should break even after 19 days and start counting the profits after that. The final return is 160%, or your own money back plus an extra 60% net profit as your reward for joining.

If any of those plans grabs your attention enough and you think it might be worth taking a chance on joining, then the next thing on your list will be to find out what your payment options are, AdamantCapital have pretty much what you might expect from a program like this, with all of the currently popular processors and nothing that needs any verification or background checks on the admin. You can join AdamantCapital using PerfectMoney, EgoPay, or Payeer if you favor the more traditional online payment handlers, or BitCoin for those of you who prefer the newer digital currencies. Investors should be aware however that unlike the majority of HYIPs using BitCoin, AdamantCapital do so without a US dollar conversion. So in other words you won’t merely be swapping BitCoin for dollars, you’ll be using BitCoin as a primary currency to spend and to earn. Payouts to members will have to be requested from inside your private members account area. In my own admittedly brief experience with the program my own withdrawals have been processed instantly, but do be aware that this is by no means explicitly guaranteed anywhere on the AdamantCapital website. Strictly speaking to stay within the terms and conditions you agree to when joining the program you will have to allow anything up to a 48 hour maximum for all transactions to be completed.

Moving on to the more technical aspects to AdamantCapital now such as the website’s design and security, the first thing I noticed was that the site is bilingual. It’s available in both Russian and English, with the Russian version being the stronger of the two. I only think that’s noteworthy enough to mention because of the script AdamantCapital is running off. It’s under license from H-Script, which for reasons I can’t explain seems especially popular among Russian speaking admins much more than others. For an extra layer of protection the AdamantCapital website has an SSL certificate by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The improvements that I mentioned at the top of the page are in relation to the program’s hosting provider. After some downtime caused by DDoS attacks which they were unable to deal with, the admin was forced to move to a more professional and more dependable provider. AdamantCapital is now hosted by CloudFlare who are a fairly reputable provider covering the HYIP industry. They are keeping the website on a dedicated server with protection from DDoS attacks.

If you have any further questions for the AdamantCapital admin that you think weren’t fully explained here or have any account related issues that need to be dealt with then you can get in touch via a couple of different channels. For e-mail support AdamantCapital have an online customer support form where you fill in your details and submit it via the contacts page. Alternatively you can just write directly to the admin at the e-mail address listed. There’s a postal address there as well, something experienced readers will know I suggest you ignore. In this case there is a phone number to go with it so you can try that if you think someone might answer. A better option for Live Chat/Phone support is the AdamantCapital Skype account, or the built-in Live Chat feature in the website (which looks decidedly more geared towards a Russian speaking audience). I can’t say what the working hours are or what the best time is to find an operator online, but it’s worth your while taking a quick look anyway before composing any lengthy e-mails as it might save you some time. AdamantCapital also have profiles on the main social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Unfortunately this looks something of a missed opportunity for them. These have proven very efficient promotional tools for other programs in the past, but despite being online for the last eight weeks now AdamantCapital have made almost no use whatsoever of them.

As for the texts and website content, it seems largely original and makes some very vague references to AdamantCapital somehow being involved with real estate development. Absolutely nothing you can independently research and verify for yourself of course, something experienced players will already take with a pinch of salt but something newbies need to keep at the back of their minds at all times. There are no guarantees in the HYIP industry, and AdamantCapital will certainly not be the first exception. After eight weeks online prior to listing with MNO its difficult to predict what the short term future might really be for this program, so remember to treat all investments as a form of high risk gambling, and act accordingly. That means to be aware of the history behind the program, set yourself a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose, keep your expectations modest, and if you do decide to join AdamantCapital then at least try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



It appears that even the so-called platinum level of protection from a company who had nothing in common with successful mitigation of DDoS-attack but their name DDoSDefend didn’t manage to cope with a large-scale attack that the site of the abive reviewed AdamantCapital was a direct victim of. To the admin’s credit his actions were swift and professional as he had moved the program to a much better hosting of CloudFlare where the program is now hosted and to my great pleasure no attacks have been recorded on the server yet. As I already mentioned in the review, I believe that such a speedy reaction to the issue might be as well taken as positive sign of the admin’s intention to work for a much longer period of time. Here is the short message from AdamantCapital left on the website’s news section straight after the site was safe and loading again:

Moving to a new hosting
Dear investors, due to our moving to another server (more reliable and stable) there have been troubles with our website operation today. We apologize for any inconvenience. AdamantCapital team does the best for its investors to make cooperation more efficient and safe.


I’m very pleased to see that the first investors of Linberger started gaining profits on their investments as the first 12-day cycle completion when we see those first lucky investors getting to the end of their investment term on the either 10% for 12 days or 144% after 12 days plans and getting paid to their PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer accounts. The admin of the program seems to be pretty excited about that too as he posted a short newsletter just to let everyone know that Linberger has now helped the investors to get into the profit zone. I will be eagerly anticipating the first reports of the payments from the 144% on expiry plan later tonight, and am very positive that on the second cycle more investors will join and deposit into this wonderful program. Here is the latest news from Linberger (reviewed here):

Turning 10 Days A Bit Later
The weekend was a great one indeed. The growth of our program has been nothing but progressive. We just love the way we see our company growing by the numbers every hour.
Nothing but positive things, only possible because of our positive company. Thank you!


Unfortunately two programs have been moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor today. They are RemiTrade and VaioCapital, however, the reasons behind them are totally different. So let’s see what might have went wrong.

The situation with RemiTrade, formerly the #1 program on the MNO Premium List is very unclear. The website seems to have disappeared completely and has not been accessible for anyone since yesterday. The usual daily payment reports which members were hoping to receive to their emails last night were not delivered and the admin hasn’t been responding to any enquiries. The disappearance of the RemiTrade website simply doesn’t make any sense to me at this time as the program was paying instantly to PerfectMoney up to the very last minute online. I mean if the admin deliberately wanted to scam he could have just left the site active and continued accepting new deposits while ignoring the withdrawals completely. Therefore I tend to believe there’s still some hope there for the investors of RemiTrade, but at the moment I can’t really see the light at the end of the tunnel either. All we can do is wait and hope it’s just a technical glitch that’s under repair. If I have any urgent information regarding the future of RemiTrade I’ll certainly let you know on the MNO ShoutBox, so watch out for that. Last week I already had some reports about the undelivered daily payout reports (payouts themselves were made, it’s just the reports weren’t being delivered) so the website crash might be somehow connected with that. I can only speculate at the moment as nothing is confirmed yet. Just to be on the safe side I have to move RemiTrade to Problem Status on the MNO monitor for now and if then website re-appears first of all withdrawals will be checked whether as to they are processed instantly or not before taking the final decision on RemiTrade‘s status. In any case, I promise to keep you all updated on that as I know RemiTrade has been an extremely popular program among my readers.

I can’t say the same for VaioCapital though. The program’s future (lack of a future, that is!) seems to be under no doubt as the admin’s original intention was apparently a fast scam from the beginning. I was quite critical about the investment plan in my review of the program as the promise of returning the principal back on expiry on top of an already very difficult target to meet indicates just one thing – the admin had no intention to ever complete one investment cycle. The program stopped paying yesterday but thankfully for its sixteen days online VaioCapital didn’t enjoy much recognition among investors. Just before starting to pay profits to the first investors the admin predictably pulled the plug. VaioCapital has been yet another dreadful and unoriginal project with a scammer helm, so please be aware that the program is on Problem Status on the MNO monitor and no further investments are advised.


Although SolidTrustPay is only accepted by a couple of Basic List programs on MNO, I’m aware that many of my readers still have accounts there and are always on the lookout for a good program to accept it. So I’m happy to tell you that following the recent announcement from Payza, you can now also fund your STP account with BitCoin which might be handy for any programs you want to invest in via SolidTrustPay . Although not being in the public news just yet, I found the following message when logged into my STP account last night:

BTC Deposits are HERE!
*** BTC DEPOSIT OPTION *** We are happy to announce that you can add funds to your STPay account via Bitcoin. BTC deposits are FREE and FAST!! Visit your MY MONEY/DEPOSIT MONEY area for details. STPay – your money, your way.

One more STP-related news item posted recently on their official blog is that you can always receive customer support via phone and live chat during business hours. I always believed that SolidTrustPay had the very best support when it comes to dealing with customer’s problems, and the new website totally dedicated to customer support issues proves as much. It’s going to be a very handy feature indeed if you use STP in your online activities, and the link is included below:

Our Online Help Centre: We’re always here for you!
It’s never safe to post your personal information in public spaces online like Facebook, message boards, or Twitter. Staying safe online and protecting your personal info are two things we all agree are important. Which is why we are proud to help you with any sensitive account related questions at our Online Customer Support Center. http://support.solidtrustpay.com
SolidTrustPay is committed to protecting your information and your money. For the safety of your account and your identity, remember to bring all account related questions to our Customer Support Staff. Our staff are always happy to help and are experts at navigating and understanding our services.
SolidTrust Pay Help Center: http://support.solidtrustpay.com/
Customer Support Assistance Schedule: 8:30am – 5:30pm (Eastern Standard Time) Monday – Friday
Contact us by phone
Toll Free Number: 877 801 1777
INTL Phone Number: 1 705 731 0908
We look forward to helping you in anyway we can!


MutualFinancial is a very promising and brand new program that launched just last night and was immediately added to the Premium List on the MNO monitor. I believe it may very well become popular among readers as it combines lucrative investment returns of 3% to 5% daily (depending on the size of your deposit) with a no expiry date perpetual style plan. You can withdraw your initial investment anytime, but only after a lock-in period of 7 calendar days intended to deter the hit-n-runners and result in a longer lifetime for MutualFinancial. The program looks pretty good and professional enough to attract big numbers of investors. Even though it’s running off a familiar licensed GoldCoders script the admin made it completely unrecognizable at first glance by modifying everything nicely to suit the program’s needs. The site is properly SSL-secured by Comodo and DDoS protection is provided by DDoSGuard who are hosting the website on a dedicated server. The investment minimum is kinda steep at a $30 minimum, but the four most popular payment methods including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin are all accepted which should satisfy the majority of investors. Withdrawals have to be requested from your account and the promised maximum waiting time is 48 hours, although the admin seemed committed toh getting as much as possible completed within 12 hours. Looking at the program for the first time I believe that MutualFinancial has huge potential to grow over the coming few weeks and with a lot of communication channels, a responsive admin, and a great design can sometimes work miracles in this industry. Provided the admin has serious intentions to run his program for a long time then it has every chance to succeed. Just promise yourself to stay within a reasonable spending limit and don’t lose your head, because although MutualFinancial claims to be a ForEx backed investment company we should only treat it like any other online HYIP. and only invest what we can afford to lose. The full review of MutualFinancial will be published on the MNO blog tomorrow, so stay tuned for that. Below you can read the first two updates issued during the first couple of hours online:

Project Started
We are proud to announce that today our company MutualFinancial has successfully started to work on the market of online investments. We are pleased to see your activity and interest in our services. We promise you to give proper attention to your feedback and we will do everything to make our investors feel like at home.

Update on Security
Our IT department is installing extensive security features such as Comodo SSL and DDOS protection filters. Furthermore, additional software layers are installed to ensure fast and secure operation of project.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listAssuredAssets, LaxoTrade, EastOilVeltaFinancialCryptoFarmGrandAgroFinance, OneStability, Linberger, GHash, AdamantCapital (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: ForexShare, OgdenOrganization, TheBornClub, MarkApter, SuccessRoadToWealth, RevshareMatrix (the first payment received).

That’s all the news for today, guys. Hope you enjoyed reading, and if so please like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter where links to the latest articles are always published. Remember that MNO is the only place where you can only find top-notch programs considered the cream of the crop in the industry. See you all again tomorrow with a more detailed look at MutualFinancial plus the latest news and updates from the most popular investment programs you can find online!

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