October 2014 Archives

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Beware! MutualFinancial has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I have a couple of interesting news stories to discuss with you today, mostly positive I’m pleased to say. The first item on today’s agenda is a brand new program that could potentially become very popular between now and Christmas called MutualFinancial . I know it’s a bit early to be saying things like that, however at first glance I can see that the admin has put a lot of the necessary requirement in place to achieve this, such as good communication channels, the admin himself proving highly responsive, a good design that’s largely a result of their own work, etc, so provided he knows what he’s doing and has the best intentions then anything could happen. I suppose MutualFinancial would best be described as a perpetual style program that allows members to set their own targets and fix their own expiry dates. In other words they pay you – in this case on a daily basis – for as long as you would like to remain a member, and then return you principal in full at such a point that you feel the time is right to leave. It’s not entirely that simple as MutualFinancial do have some measures in place to protect from hit-and-runners, and I’ll get to that too in a moment. First let’s start with the basics and see if you think the program is deserving of a place in your portfolios.

The main selling point of any online HYIP is going to be the investment plans of course. I think most of you by now understand how perpetual style programs work, they are after all modeled along the same basic premise that investors collect an interest payment for how ever long they choose to remain a member. Principals are then returned on demand. That’s a simplified version of course, each individual program has its own unique quirks and foibles, and MutualFinancial is no exception. The main difference between programs like this boils down to the interest rates offered to members. The trick of course is how to balance profitability against sustainability. I mean I have no doubt that other HYIPs will offer you more money than MutualFinancial to join them, the real question you need to ask is can they actually pay it? In this program, I think they’ve got a fair shot.

There are five options on the table for you, two of which are going to be most appealing to the majority of investors because of costs. You’ll need a $30 minimum to join MutualFinancial , and anything up to $249 gets into their first plan. Investments here are offered 3% interest per day.

I’m afraid I can’t really expand on the plan’s description beyond that, as with every perpetual plan the number of potential outcomes and potential strategies is equal only to the number of potential investors. You’ll need to think about what your own expectations are from joining MutualFinancial in the first place, and do your own calculations from there. Whether you have a fixed term in mind, maybe a particular sum of money you’d like to earn, or simply take it on a day-by-day basis, decide what you think you can get from the program and work it out yourself from there.

Bigger deposits are allowed, naturally, MutualFinancial wouldn’t be much of a HYIP if they weren’t, and interest rates increase accordingly. The same basic terms and conditions apply no matter how much you spend, and it’s simply a case of setting your own term, collecting your daily interest payments, and leaving when you are ready. The rates include 3.5% per day is offered on deposits between $250 and $999, perhaps the only other serious option for average sized investors.

The bigger more serious gamblers see MutualFinancial offer the following daily payments:
4% per day for deposits between $1,000 and $2,499. A rate of 4.5% per day on amounts from $2,500 up to $9,999, and their top rate of 5% per day (if anyone would seriously risk this) on deposits of $10,000 upwards, with a maximum ceiling of $50,000.

On the subject of principal withdrawals and leaving the program at a time of your own good judgment, this is where MutualFinancial take a little extra care against the hit-and-runners that have proven such a nuisance in the past, frustrating the plans of both regular investors and admins who genuinely wanted to keep their programs online for longer than they ultimately managed. You see, whereas you are theoretically free to leave MutualFinancial at any time you please, in practice you are first committed to a 7 day lock-in period. Personally I myself could never understand why anyone would want to leave programs like MutualFinancial any sooner that that anyway, hit-and-running being the only obvious motivation. In this case I think the policy might actually be doubly beneficial to the program and the longer term confidence of the members. Firstly from the admin’s point of view it has the obvious effect of limiting the dreaded hit-and-runners, but also for the peace of mind of investors still sitting on the fence. If you haven’t been having much luck in the HYIP industry lately and are worried about whether MutualFinancial are actually going to return anyone’s principal, then all you need to do is watch and wait. It’s true that at the time of writing no one is in profit with the program yet – it’s still too new – but give it another couple of days until MutualFinancial are online a full week and then watch out for reports of the first principals getting returned to investors asking for them. Once your satisfied that everything is above board then you might feel a bit more confident (insofar as that’s ever possible in the HYIP industry) joining the program.

If you like the investment plans and have a clear idea of where you want to go/expect to go with MutualFinancial , the next item to research before you join is what your payment options are. Currently all the main providers serving the HYIP industry are available for you, all anonymous of course and nothing that asks too many questions of the admin, but if you know how the industry works and are happy to play then I guess most regular investors will be happy enough with the choice. You can use any of PerfectMoney, EgoPay, or Payeer if you favor the more traditional payment handlers, or BitCoin for investors who prefer the newer digital e-currencies. Payments have to be requested from inside your private members account area. The MutualFinancial admin will then process all withdrawals manually himself. Under the terms and conditions you will need to agree to before joining the program in the first place there can be a maximum waiting time of 48 hours for all transactions to be completed, so please keep that in mind and try not to spread panic on every forum and monitor if you’re waiting more than two or three hours. From what I can see however the MutualFinancial admin seems very committed to keeping waiting times to an absolute minimum. He will endeavor to get as much as possible done within 12 hours if he can, but remember he’s only one person so an occasional longer wait will be inevitable sooner or later so I suggest you allow for 48 hours and take anything faster as a bonus. Compounding is allowed in all plans by the way.

Moving on to the more technical aspects of MutualFinancial now, such as design, security, etc, the most eye catching thing was surprisingly the script. I say surprisingly because it’s actually from GoldCoders, under license of course, but the MutualFinancial admin has had it customized to suit his program’s individual needs. It’s barely recognizable for what it is and I have to say the admin has done an outstanding job on the modifications. Once you log in to your members area though you will still get that ever familiar feeling that most regular HYIP players get from GoldCoders powered programs, and you’ll no doubt find it easy to navigate and user friendly throughout. For a hosting provider the admin has opted for DDoSGuard who have a solid enough reputation by now I think. They’re keeping MutualFinancial on a dedicated server with their support and protection from DDoS attacks. An extra layer of security is laid down with the SSL certificate from Comodo, accommodating safer browsing and more secure transactions.

Any further questions for the admin you think weren’t fully explained in this review or if you have any account related issues to have dealt with then there are a number of ways to get in touch. MutualFinancial have the usual customer support form where members can simply fill in their details and submit through the contacts page. Alternatively you can just write directly to the e-mail address listed there. MutualFinancial have a postal address included on their website, something most experienced readers will know I suggest you dismiss. The address itself may be genuine, that’s not the issue, it’s that it’s most likely to be a virtual hosted office and not where you find anyone connected with MutualFinancial physically located. There’s a phone number which might be more useful (if someone actually answers) so you can try that if you want. Perhaps the first stop however should be MutualFinancial ‘s Live Chat service which is integrated with their website. Check to see if an operator is online before composing any lengthy e-mails as you might be able to get your questions answered in real time. Fans of social media will be able to find MutualFinancial keeping profiles on the main networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook as well. Not much activity has been seen on either site just yet, but as the program is still brand new with barely any newsworthy events to report on yet we’ll have to wait and see if they manage to take full advantage of the opportunities such sites can open up.

Perhaps the best feature, potentially the best one anyway as it remains to be seen if it will be used effectively, is MutualFinancial ‘s internal chat room. Open to members only, after you log into your account you’ll see a button marked “Launch Chat Room”. Click on that to open what basically looks like a bigger version of the ShoutBox on MNO, and you’ll be able to leave messages, connect with other members, and, if/when he’s online, the MutualFinancial admin as well.

As for the texts and website content, just like what MutualFinancial have done with the script, i.e. taken a tried and tested model and made it their own, the same can be said of the program overall. I mean it’s an online HYIP and we’ve all seen thousands of them, but it’s important to put your own individual stamp on things and be more memorable than your competitors. I think that’s what MutualFinancial have done to a certain extent here, though that by no means changes the rules of the game as regards how to approach them as an investor. MutualFinancial tell members they are backing up interest payments with ForEx trading, allegedly their core business activity. As expected in this industry there’s very little evidence to support that, and definitely nothing you can independently research and verify for yourself. And anyway, as I’ve said so many times before even if this claim was 100% accurate there’s still never going to be any guarantee that it has to be profitable. It’s a lot easier to lose money speculating on ForEx rates than it is to earn it after all, a rule that applies to MutualFinancial just as surely as it does anyone else. So remember to behave accordingly, which means never go any higher that a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose, and if you do decide to join MutualFinancial then at least try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



As widely anticipated, Linberger (reviewed here) managed to finish the first investment cycle successfully as the first lucky investors were paid their full returns on the 10% for 12 days and 144% after 12 days plans. Both plans require a $5 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin. I must say that Linberger has certainly been a focal point on the MNO monitor for the first days online and many readers have already invested. With Linberger I believe a contributing factor is that the program offers a welcome and refreshing change from the usual short-term, long-term and perpetual style programs while offering a nice and popular mid-term plan that’s both reasonable and sustainable and managing to attract huge crowds. The admin Klaus though certainly doesn’t want to stop there and is now targeting by far the biggest Russian speaking audience by providing a communication channel via the most popular Russian language social networking site VK. The link is given below in the latest newsletter along with other updates from Linberger:

Follow Us On VK.Com and Additional News
We all know that VK.com is for Russians mainly, but we want to be everywhere, so Linberger has a page up on VK.com and we need our investors to follow us there too.
All Russian investors please follow us on Linberger and Sons Ltd. on VK.COM http://vk.com/public79428339
You can follow or add us on our other social network accounts seen on the footer of our website.
The first sets of deposits are expiring today (12 days) and we processing withdrawals without a glitch. Seeing the growth and response of our members is very pleasant. We know that this will only grow and become one of the favorites of investors mainly because of our stable plans and operations.
We have also enabled “Deposit Expiration Notification” for all expiring deposits so that each investor is informed when a deposit of his has already expired.
Thank you for checking the news today.


If you’re looking for a dependable and mature short-term program with the best payout track record then look no further than GrandAgroFinance (reviewed here). The program managed to stun everyone in the industry by running for more than 11 (eleven!) weeks now offering such short-term plans as 103%-135% after 1 day, 120%-330% after 6 days, 160%-850% after 15 days, 300%-2000% after 35 days, 600%-3500% after 60 days, 1000%-5000% after 90 days, 1100% after 11 days, 2200% after 22 days, 3300% after 33 days. Of course, not really all of the plans are suitable for joining as the longer ones and anything costing too much money still have to be avoided. But for those smart investors looking for reasonable returns on their PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin accounts (minimum to invest starts from $10) GrandAgroFinance offers an ample investment opportunity as such long-lasting programs don’t emerge in the HYIP industry very often. The latest newsletter from GrandAgroFinance sent today was dedicated to the program’s overall success over the first 80 days online and contained some impressive stats for your information. The admin is doing everything possible to promote GrandAgroFinance even further and for that reason, I believe, he had upgraded his program to Sticky listing on the MNO monitor for two weeks. I remind you that doesn’t come cheap and a couple of weeks will cost over a thousand bucks, but perhaps the combination of that and the top banner on the MNO monitor for a month will work miracles and get GrandAgroFinance the best possible exposure among serious investors it deserves. See below to read the latest newsletter from the program in full:

80 Days Online
Dear investors.
We are pleased to announce that we have reached 80 days of online.
During this time our program has become very popular with customers and we got over three thousand active investors and more than a million active deposits, which means that we are moving in the right direction.
Our program has grown to provide a link between investors we offer support online four languages and two phone numbers for communication with us, you can also use our page on Facebook to receive information about our program. For promoters engaged in attracting new investors, we have improved referral system and added two more levels of 1% and 0.5%, and competition for the best promoter of the week.
We offer a new business model for receive money, so you can be confident that our program will continue to bring good profit.
If you want to keep up, stay in our news.
Supports numbers. +442035144736 +442036951391
Our statistics. Started: Aug 11, 2014 / Running days: 80 / Total accounts: 4814 / Total deposited: $ 1,216,776.26 / Total withdraw: $ 326,596.27
Best Regards, Lars Riley
GrandAgroFinance – Earn with us


If you miss RemiTrade which has now most likely finished for good and generally favor longer running programs then why not consider CompassBusiness? The program has been running a spectacular eleven and a half months now and will be celebrating a full year online in November. Only joining the Standard List on the MNO monitor last night the admin nevertheless tried his best to persuade me that CompassBusiness is an entirely legitimate business. He also just launched a sister site called CompassSeamarketing which features incorporation documents from the Republic of Panama and even shows some pictures of their own Visa and MasterCards while inviting you to buy boats of all things from their company. While there there’s no denying they have a proven track record, you should still consider the original program CompassBusiness as an online HYIP and invest reasonable sums according to the golden rule of any smart player – never gamble with what you can’t afford to lose. Only one of the plans includes your principal as part of the daily payouts. This one will cost you at least $1,000 and pays 3.9% for the duration of 30 business days. That gives 17% pure profit on expiry. There are several other investment plans that return your principal on expiry. They give relatively bigger profits and have cheaper minimums (the shortest can be joined for $10). These include 0.8% for 30 business days, 0.9% for 50 business days, 1% for 70 business days, 1.1% for 90 business days. Note that you can also ask the admin for your principal back before the expiry, but that will cost you 25% of your initial deposit as specified in the rules. I’m not sure how long the withdrawals take, but the admin told me that it should only be a few hours. I’m due my own first payment later today so can confirm it only then. The CompassBusiness website underwent a complete overhaul at the beginning of September according to news posted on the site telling us that the project might be going to a so-called sleeper mode with very gradual growth and step-by-step development building up for months before a wider launch:

New design!
We present you the new design of our project. Previously made deposits are working on the same terms

Judging by the poor standard of English on the website coupled with a far superior Russian version we can safely assume that CompassBusiness has its roots in a Russian speaking country. The website is SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection of Koddos. It runs off a licensed GoldCoders script. The latest information from the news section on the CompassBusiness website we can see that the admin disabled new sign-ups if not done under someone’s referral links and also offered some spectacular prizes for the best promoters. Read more on that below:

Registration only with the person who invited you
Dear participants , now registered in the project is only possible by reference invited. Your efforts will not be in vain, earn with us even more on the invitations

Prizes for the monthly turnover in your structure
Dear participants of the project, our referral system grows and perfected, now you not only get a 5-level bonus but also prizes for the monthly turnover in your structure:
TURNOVER IN THE STRUCTURE OF $ 10,000 PER MONTH: Apple iPod nano 16Gb 7
TURNOVER IN THE STRUCTURE OF $ 500,000 FOR THE MONTH: Apple MacBook Air 13 + $ 6000
TURNOVER IN THE STRUCTURE OF $ 1000000 per month: BMW M3

Overall, the admin did his best to demonstrate that CompassBusiness is a genuine company and is not an online HYIP. You want to believe him? All the features essential to ponzies like running off a licensed GoldCoders script and accepting only anonymous e-currencies like PerfectMoney and EgoPay account holders can’t be traced makes me doubt it myself, so I’d treat it like any other HYIP. Although an impressive run of nearly a year now makes me think that there is a team of professionals behind CompassBusiness and they are capable enough of delivering even more. If you’re interested in finding out more about CompassBusiness please tune in tomorrow for a more detailed review.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky listGrandAgroFinance.
From MNO Premium listAssuredAssets, LaxoTrade, EastOilVeltaFinancialOneStabilityCryptoFarmLinberger, GHash, AdamantCapital, MutualFinancial (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization, TheBornClub, MarkApter, SuccessRoadToWealth.

That’s about it for today, guys. Note that as most likely RemiTrade is gone now I’ve removed the option of voting for them in the current poll on the MNO TalkBack page where you can vote for your favorite program. At the moment the Top Five Popular Programs on the MNO monitor consists of AssuredAssets (reviewed here), LaxoTrade (reviewed here), EastOil (reviewed here), VeltaFinancial (reviewed here), and OneStability (reviewed here). The next updated article on the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO will be published in the next few days and the results of the poll will be drawn then as well. Thanks in advance for your active participation and check out my blog tomorrow for the latest news from the HYIP industry plus a more detailed look at CompassBusiness. Bye for now and see you all then!

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