June 2021 Archives

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Hello everyone, and thanks for checking out MNO even though not much has been happening lately. Despite the usual summer slowdown in the HYIP industry which was fully expected to strike this month MNO keeps a close watch on perhaps the best program this year has had to offer so far – CryptoCapital. As to what changes with the investment plan have happened lately I will give you an overview in the news section of today’s article. Although if you’re not so patient and prefer to know important things first you may as well check out my edited review of CryptoCapital posted here and see whether you are tempted by the new offer promising a 0.15% hourly return on an unlimited basis.

Seasoned investors already know that even the slowest seasons in the HYIP industry might just present us with brilliant opportunities not to be missed. And if you’re a smart cookie then you simply must subscribe to the regular MNO blog updates by submitting your email address here. If you would rather get immediate notifications of when a new program is added to the MNO monitor or get the latest warnings why not follow me on Telegram, Twitter or Facebook? And if you wish to have a word or two with me personally don’t be shy and say “hi” on Telegram @mnoblog. If your issue is not very pressing you may also submit it via this online contact form or just email me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com. I strive to respond within 24 hours even in June when the days are so much brighter and I spend most of my spare time outdoors. I’m sure many of you are doing the same and therefore I even more appreciate your loyalty which will surely be rewarded sooner or later with increased profits from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry (or what’s left of it at the moment!)

I would like to start though with another article dedicated to cryptocurrencies. Me and many of my readers are certainly aware of their significant impact on the HYIP industry nowadays and perhaps even read the previous articles on the MNO blog dedicated to this subject (click here to find out more). Many have already stocked on some of cryptocurrencies but I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of you have been using BitCoin and Ethereum as by far the most popular options to store cryptocurrencies with the current staggering market capitalization of $726 billion for BTC and $326 billion for ETH respectively.

Although it might seem that BitCoin and Ethereum are very similar in nature there are quite a few serious differences between them which might predetermine your decision as to what option to make your default choice and store most of your funds in. In this article I will try to explain what they are which might help you decide on utilize this knowledge regarding their use for your own benefit.

Now, I don’t want to repeat myself too much here because I’ve already covered what the basics of what both of these things are, or at least from the HYIP investors angle anyway, with BitCoin here and Ethereum here. You can go back and refer to both articles anytime, but unfortunately it’s impossible to do a proper comparison between them without going back over the same ground to a certain extent. However I’ll try and keep that to a minimum.

I guess then the place to start is the initial intention of the respective providers. BitCoin was intended as an alternative to traditional fiat currencies. If you happen to be lucky enough to live in a place where Euros or Dollars are used in your day-to-day dealings you may well ask what you would possibly need an alternative for, you’re perfectly happy with the money you already have. Well, good for you because more than half the world’s population don’t share that luxury. If you live in let’s say Venezuela or Zimbabwe it’s all but impossible to establish a new business or buy a home when the value of your assets can be erased overnight. A simple $1 transaction today can set you back the equivalent value of $5 tomorrow if there are any delays for example. The fact that BitCoin is yet to establish any degree of stability in order to genuinely provide that service is of course a whole other story, but that was the original intention of it anyway. The number of BitCoins in circulation however is a finite resource, and when the maximum number is ultimately reached in a few years perhaps the almost insane fluctuations currently synonymous with its name will start to level out. Much the same as gold in this concept, there’s only so much new gold remaining to be dug out of the ground, so when it’s all been extracted that’s pretty much it. Gold can be seen as a way of storing wealth, though the simple act of just possessing it does not by itself earn you money. It has to be sold and traded for that to happen.

Ethereum on the other hand is a bit more complicated. For online HYIP purposes, sure, you can call it a cryptocurrency although it fashions itself more as a “token”, but that’s an oversimplification. There’s more to it than just that. Personally I would think that as ETH develops in the future and has more and more applications linked to it then we should hopefully see it move further away from simply a tool of speculation as it largely is now and people find more practical use for it in day-to-day life. In this case the concept is to enable “smart contracts”, allowing for automated payments between two wallet holders in exchange for a service. Unlike BitCoin there are no immediate plans to cap the number of ETH in circulation. Just like real money then it will continue to be “printed” (for want of a better word).

In both cases what is ultimately hoped for is the complete removal of expensive fee charging middlemen. You may ask yourself why you are compelled to pay excessive fees to banks or to PayPal just for spending your own money, even just for storing it. Because with either BitCoin or Ethereum you no longer need to get fleeced by overcharging bankers, often for services you never even wanted in the first place. I guess that’s what makes the establishment so hostile to the very concept of cryptocurrency to begin with.

But as you can see the main differences between Ethereum and BitCoin essentially lie in their intended purpose. The actual buying, selling, and storage of them remain quite similar. It’s impossible to say which it better as it depends on what you need to do with it, but I hope I’ve given some small insight into what the differences are between them.



After ten weeks online CryptoCapital has so many satisfied customers that have been raking in profits from their 0.1% daily forever plan (many of them have managed to actually double their cryptodeposits) it was not entirely clear how you can improve this. Yet the admin has found a solution! Starting Monday this week any investor of CryptoCapital (regardless whether they join and invest after the date or already have an existing deposit) will earn 0.15% daily instead. That is equivalent of 3.6% on a daily basis which effectively enables you to more than double your profits with CryptoCapital, provided you keep your money intact for a month and withdraw your principal after that period. There is no obligation to wait for that long though, as CryptoCapital represents a sort of personal piggy-bank – something you are able to move money into and out of at any time you like. The only restriction is that your deposit remains locked for the first 24 hours, while after that it’s available for withdrawal for a fixed 5% fee, which sounds very reasonable to me. Thus, with CryptoCapital you remain in control of your finances almost all the time and can be extremely flexible with your investment goals. That alone has certainly attracted many smart investors into the program who flocked to invest their hard-earned cryptocurrencies, with CryptoCapital using no less than eleven of them – BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, DogeCoin, Dash, Tether, Ripple, ZCash, Tron, and Stellar. For each of them there is a separate dashboard and deposits are not converted into USD and back to cryptos on every withdrawal – something that many experienced investors would definitely appreciate. On top of that, all the withdrawals under a $100 threshold tend to be processed instantly, while anything larger than that are completed manually within a 24 hour maximum. By the way, for my readers’ convenience I’ve amended the original review of CryptoCapital reflecting the new changes of the investment plan and you can find it here, if interested.

So, really apart from the increased rate of interest which is now 0.15% daily not much has changed – the quality of service remains top-notch, investors continue earning great profits and many more people are attracted to CryptoCapital by the chance to earn big on their cryptocurrency savings. The highly anticipated new bull run season in the cryptoworld have prompted the admin of CryptoCapital to offer better rates to the program’s investors of which he notified them all in the official newsletter issued on Monday. Below you will find the newsletter in full while all the latest shorter updates usually issued on a daily basis have been reposted for your convenience as well:

Thanks to the Bull Run season, we’re sharing higher profits!
Good news!
With the help of our team of experts paired with automated technology, CryptoCapital made good profits during the latest bull run.
Now that we are in the bear season, CryptoCapital is eager to help all its users to have stable earnings even during this red market.
This leads for the entire team to have the decision to increase the interest rate to 0.15% hourly or equal to 3.6% daily giving more earnings to all the users.
Minimum required deposit and minimum allowed withdrawals still remains unchanged.
This is CryptoCapital‘s simple way of fulfilling its promise on facilitating the cryptocurrency investing access for everyone and growing your digital wealth.
Warmest Regards, Adrian Edwards (CEO)

Refer and earn. Share and get commission!
CryptoCapital provides clients from all over the globe with the ability to invest through the variety of cryptocurrencies as well as allowing users to earn more with referral commissions!
Learn more, visit the website. CryptoCapital

How’s your previous bull run experience?
Have you taken enough profits to be comfortable during this bear season?
For CryptoCapital users, it matters not whether we are in a bull run or bear season. CryptoCapital helps its users to earn more crypto and have greener portfolio.
Learn more, visit the website. CryptoCapital

With an increased daily interest rate up to 3.6%, CryptoCapital user can now enjoy limitless earnings with different cryptocurrencies fully supported by CryptoCapital.
CryptoCapital supports Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Tether, Ripple, ZCash, Stellar and Tron!
To learn more, visit CryptoCapital

Bitcoin’s big breakout maybe coming soon!
Experts say that Bitcoin’s next bull run is imminent and everyone should keep an eye to its movement in the following days!
Is your portfolio ready for the last bull run of 2021? If not, head to Crypto Capital and earn more crypto.
Learn more, visit the website! CryptoCapital

While XRP battles in court, Ripple fans continues to drive its price higher.
#XRP recently gain another 5% price increase and is now trending on twitter!
Grow and earn more of your XRP with CryptoCapital!
Learn more, visit the website! CryptoCapital


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 168 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CryptoCapital.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all the news I have for you today, guys. I hope to see you again sometime next week and wish you the best of luck with your investments and a most relaxing weekend ahead. Please remember to keep voting in the latest MNO TalkBack poll the final results of which will be officially drawn in the next blog post. Talk to you again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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