June 2021 Archives

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Hello everyone. Welcome to another article on all the latest news from the HYIP industry which has been having a relatively quiet year so far. Many people have switched to cryptocurrency trading nowadays which looks like becoming a lucrative business open and affordable to everyone as long as you know how to play it. Some have left the industry altogether, while many have just made a shift towards the cryptocurrency trading and storage which in the long term has already proved to be extremely profitable for all the patient HODLers. If that’s actually a new trend then HYIP admins must make an effort to adapt and create something that truly stands out of the crowd yet related to the thriving cryptocurrency market to appeal to customers spoiled for choice.

Exactly this has been done by the admin of CryptoCapital who managed to undertake a supreme effort to establish something truly spectacular less than three months ago. Now the investors have been reaping generous rewards of that professional attitude and the admin has been so confident that his program will continue for many more months to come that he recently extended his banner spot on the MNO blog for another three months. What is it if not a manifest of good intentions and long-term ambitions from a widely experienced professional looking to do some good and help the industry develop into something bigger and brighter – something it used to be before the pandemic. But enough of that, as I’m going to dedicate the blog post today mostly to CryptoCapital, which will include the latest news and updates from the program, my own analysis of developments there so far, as well as a new question I’m going to ask readers in the MNO TalkBack once the results of the previous poll are viewed and broken down as well.

Before that I would like to remind you all that MNO tries to list the most exclusive programs you might not find anywhere else. So in order not to miss anything important I would suggest to subscribe to the MNO Newsfeed here. By the way, soon I will be transitioning it from Feedburner to another service as Google brings an end to that service starting July 1), and I will have to make sure the move will be smooth and seamless for my readers. As there are some 3,000 email subscribers at the moment I’d like to do it as uninterrupted as humanly possible, especially considering the first of 1st of July marks the exact date when I started posted the MNO blog on a separate website fourteen years ago (!).

Yes, that is how long MNO has been online already and I do hope I will be able to stay useful for all my subscribers for at least another decade. In any case, I’m not going anywhere (like some of my rivals would definitely dream of) but rather evolve and develop. You will see some positive changes soon if you stay connected with MNO by following me on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter – still the best way to receive live notifications and spot the next big leaders of the HYIP industry. And if you wish to contact me with any questions, suggestions or advertising requests don’t hesitate to chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog, email me using this contact form or directly at abramsonp@gmail.com I’m always happy to hear from my readers and stay in touch, so don’t be a stranger!

And after that introduction let’s get back to the main topic of today’s article – CryptoCapital.


After nearly three months of stable payouts CryptoCapital has managed to become one of the few highlights of this year’s remarkably short list of programs that represent a force to be reckoned with and is a true leader of the industry now. The admin started his program with a 0.1% hourly plan while subsequently increasing the hourly interest to 0.15% which equals of 3.6% on a daily basis. That means that an average CryptoCapital investor stands a real chance to double their money in less than a month, even taking into consideration the 5% principal withdrawal release fee. The best thing about CryptoCapital though is that you don’t even need to wait that long and create your own investment strategy based on the flexibility every single investor has been enjoying right since its official launch. That means that the program allows you to leave and withdraw your principal (fully or partially) after just a 24-hour lock-in period which is I must say pretty generous by most HYIP standards.

In order to maintain the stability of a program with no definitive investment term an admin surely needs to be a professional in his field. And after eleven weeks online I believe the admin of CryptoCapital has proved as much over and over again to the degree that it’s a pleasure to deal with him and that he’s not here to scam fast. The very first early investors of the program who stayed loyal to CryptoCapital and kept their investments intact can certainly vouch for that as some of them have now managed to triple their seed money. And that is worth a lot in the current HYIP climate filled mostly with cheap fast scams. Very few programs and surely very few admins can keep their programs going strong if anyone can release their principals literally at any given moment, but the CryptoCapital admin Adrian has done it and keep doing it at the moment which he should truly deserve all the investors’ praise and support.

Moreover, all the withdrawals up to $100 are usually processed instantly but if there is any delay or your request is too large – do not fret! You will still be paid manually within a 24 hour maximum. Plus, you will benefit from the cryptomarket’s current general upward trend, as CryptoCapital (unlike many others) do not convert your BTC into USD and back, but keep all deposits in the original cryptocurrency it was invested with. Every user has eleven separate dashboards and investments are treated separately which also helps those who might be involved in trading and storing various cryptocurrencies. CryptoCapital takes such popular choices, as BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, DogeCoin, Dash, Tether, Ripple, ZCash, Tron, and Stellar. Plus, every investor can easily earn some additional LTC bonuses on a weekly basis by simply performing promo tasks from the Bounty Program. I guess I’ve covered that and many other important aspects of CryptoCapital in the detailed review of the program you are strongly advised to read here if you think of joining this wonderful investment opportunity.

The admin of CryptoCapital is most active on social media platforms, like Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter. However he does issue occasional newsletters as well. The latest one was dedicated mostly to the level of transparency where everyone may check all the withdrawals processed by the program in real-time via the links to various Blockchain explorers associated with each of the eleven cryptocurrencies CryptoCapital accepts from members. For any further questions regarding the provided service the admin Adrian Edwards suggests to refer to the extensive FAQ section of the site.

As for the daily social media updates, they are usually much shorter and are mostly posted in regards to some important trends on the cryptocurrency markets in which apparently CryptoCapital is heavily involved with. One of the updates was though about the importance of posting positive reviews about your experience with the program on its TrustPilot page. So, if you do want to support this perfectly performing program to ensure that it lasts longer please leave your votes on TrustPilot or on the MNO monitor. Below you will find the latest newsletter followed by the daily updates from the CryptoCapital‘s Telegram news channel:

CryptoCapital Live Trading Payouts Published & General Questions Answered
Hello, dear CryptoCapital member!
We would like to express our transparency and provide you with the live payout proofs from our project. Thousands of potential investors have asked for it, so we are letting you know where to look for it.
All our trading payouts sent to our clients can be found here: https://cryptocapital.io/allpayouts
Also, we noticed many of customers asking questions that are already answered in our FAQ page, so, please, start by studying our help desk before contact us for general help. The link is here: https://cryptocapital.io/faq
Thank you all for the attention and support.
Best Regards, Adrian Edwards (CEO)

CryptoCapital‘s partnership program rewards individuals and companies to build their investing community.
Invite a friend, a family member or a colleague to join the experience you have had with CryptoCapital and earn up to 7% referral commission!
Learn more, visit the website! CryptoCapital

Bitcoin bouncing back!
Bitcoin recently gained 13% in the past 7 days!
Is this the signal for the most awaited last bull run of 2021?
Stock up your crypto now, join CryptoCapital!
Learn more, visit the website! CryptoCapital

Vitalik Buterin, father of Ethereum talks about Dogecoin!
In the recent interview, ETH Founder and inventor Vitalik Buterin talks about possible bridge between Ethereum network and Dogecoin allowing Doge fans to trade doge thousands of times a second inside a loop ring!
Get more of your Doge and ETH now at CryptoCapital while is hasn’t blown up yet!
Learn more, visit the website! CryptoCapital

CryptoCapital is your gateway to the cryptocurrency markets!
CryptoCapital helps you find the right trading strategy.
Make an investment today and have your money automatically traded on the pulse of the market.
Learn more, visit the website! CryptoCapital

Cryptocurrency trading can be difficult and time-consuming.
With CryptoCapital, it enables investing in multiple cryptocurrency trading markets globally for all its users.logs
CryptoCapital help more and more people experience financial well-being.
Learn more, visit the website! CryptoCapital

CryptoCapital provides clients from all over the globe with the ability to invest through the variety of cryptocurrencies.
Check out the user feedback about CryptoCapital on TrustPilot.
Learn more, visit https://www.trustpilot.com/review/cryptocapital.io

Crypto market is on the move!
Ethereum spikes to $2.6k again while bitcoin hit $40k!
Experts suggests this might signal the start of the last bull run of 2021!
Don’t be left out, stack your cryptos now with the help of CryptoCapital.
Learn more, visit CryptoCapital


To wrap things up for today’s post I suppose it’s probably time to check on the results of the most recent MNO TalkBack opinion poll, given that it had a seasonal summer theme to it. I’ll as usual be replacing the old question with a new one, but more on that in a moment.

So if you happen to be in the northern half of the planet like most readers then no doubt you’ll know that we have less than a week to go until the summer solstice and the longest day of the year – mid summer in other words, and traditionally despite the heat a cooling off period for the online HYIP industry. Of course it’s been a strange year for everyone no matter what business you happen to be involved with, HYIP or otherwise. Everything’s been turned on its head and almost nothing can be predicted anymore. So I was wondering just how closely, if at all, activity in the HYIP industry this summer will mirror that of previous years. Usually it’s a time when people’s attention turns to other matters. Sometimes vacations but really just about anything that gets them away from a computer screen all day. This applies equally to admins and investors alike, so it’s a sort of catch-22 situation no matter what side of the industry you are involved with, i.e. less programs means less investors means less programs, etc etc etc. Given how drastically things have changed in the last year however, I was curious as to just how accurate this situation still is. My question for readers was as follows: How will you participate in the HYIP industry this summer?

Results were predictably mixed but by far the biggest number of you definitely want to keep at least one foot in the HYIP industry and continue to make occasional investments should worthwhile opportunities arise (as they inevitably will). 43% of you in fact voted for the option “I’ll be less active but will still invest” which I guess is quite a sensible approach. From the remaining votes, another 43% of you seem optimistic of finding enough good programs out there to tie you over until the autumn by voting “I will continue to invest as usual”, while the final 14% of readers seem to think the potential rewards still out there, if any, are not worth the effort when they voted for the option “I’m taking a total break until autumn”.

As usual there are no real right and wrong answers in there, it’s just a personal decision what you do with your own money so best to stick with what ever makes you feel most comfortable one way or another. Personally I do know that there are always some good money making opportunities out there, but likewise I also appreciate that this can be a difficult time for some folks who simply don’t have the surplus funds to risk in the HYIP industry for the moment. Each to his own, and good luck to everyone no matter what you choose to do over the remaining months of the summer season.

So, let’s move on now to a different topic for the next MNO TalkBack opinion poll, but still of course related to the online HYIP industry. In this case I’d like to stay on the topic of CryptoCapital which has featured so prominently in the news both today and in general over the last couple of months since launching in April. I’m well aware that we haven’t yet reached the half way point in the year so it’s far too early to start talking about “the best program of 2021”, but come December I have little doubt that CryptoCapital will be at least a strong candidate. As you know the admin has just this week extended his advertising banner on MNO by a full three months, so I imagine he’s been pretty happy with the results. Obviously you can argue the point all you like about that not necessarily guaranteeing the program will still be alive at the end of those three months, only a total novice would ever make that assumption about any program, but to me it certainly does guarantee the CryptoCapital admin’s intent. It’s his ambition and his goal to be here for as long as possible, and that at least is half the battle.

My question for readers therefore is a simple one, I would just like to know what your personal experience with CryptoCapital has been so far. Even if you are still sitting on the fence and haven’t yet joined, there’s an option for you to vote here as well. So, the exact question will be:

What is your personal experience with CryptoCapital?

And you can select from the following three answers:

– I’m an active investor and already in profit
– I’m a member, but have not invested yet
– I have invested, but not in profit yet

Take your pick from any of the above possible replies, just pick the one that comes closest to matching your own personal thoughts on the subject. As always thanks in advance to everyone who votes, it’s much appreciated. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers, just about each readers personal experience. The voting buttons can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here and will remain open until the first post next week at least, maybe longer, it just depends on how busy things get.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 168 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CryptoCapital.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: LeverageTrades.

That’s about all the news I have to report on the MNO blog today, guys. Thanks a lot for staying supportive and for checking out the latest news even despite the summer heat. I hope you’ll come back again in a few days for possibly some exciting new programs to join the MNO monitor. And I do plan to post another article from the popular HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets series, so be ready for some other scandalous revelations you might not be aware of. See you again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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