Hello all, and welcome to the MNO blog which soon is going to celebrate fourteen years online. We’ve come a long way on this spectacular journey together, guys. And I do say “we”, because without your kind support and words of encouragement there wouldn’t be any sort of blogging for me. I exist mainly to help experienced people or just newbies in the HYIP industry become wiser and apply various smart strategies and techniques which will eventually help them overcome all the obstacles on their way to riches. And for that reason the MNO blog and monitor is different from others, because I do not need quantity in order to feel satisfied with my work. No, I need quality programs instead, let there be less of them just run by talented individuals who think not just about filling their own pockets, but also keeping investors happy. They do not run away after the first couple of hundred dollars from investors and prefer to keep their bar high and do everything in their power to keep their HYIPs afloat for as long as humanly possible.
In order to weed out most of the fast scammers and encourage only the best admins to come and be listed on the MNO monitor I tend to keep prices for Premium Listing quite high. And that ensures only the best of the best can afford to take it. In this case less is actually more, as the admin of the only Premium program at the moment called CryptoCapital has proved over and over again. My theory is that such admins can be rewarded by high levels of attention from my readers and larger deposits overall, as MNO is read by many people involved in the HYIP industry for years. And they know the real gems when they see them! So, like it or not, but MNO will keep its policy of high listing prices for the foreseeable future, even if that means less programs come our way.
As I said already, my main goal is to educate people on the possible pitfalls in the HYIP industry and help them prevent falling into the traps set by long-term scammers. They have every trick and trade in their arsenal to be used anytime they want to pull out a rabbit out of their hats. And investors should be smart enough to recognize some obvious things to be alert to and avoid possible losses whenever possible. Just for that reason I’m currently running a series of popular articles under the name HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets whose previous chapters you may find on this page of my blog. Today marks the eleventh instalment, and I have plenty more to share about in the coming weeks. That’s why it’s important not to miss anything worth your attention and follow MNO on social networks, like Telegram, Facebook and Twitter. A subscription for my articles to be delivered to your email address is also available and you can find the form to fill on my website, however at the moment I’m in the process of moving my old Feedburner feed to a new service (as Google will soon stop handling email subscriptions). By tomorrow I expect the new service called “follow.it” to be fully functional and should deliver entire blog articles in full to new subscribers, so don’t be alarmed if you have received this article accidentally twice from different sources or there was some other discrepancy with the article delivery, as it’s still in testing mode. So, please bear with me until everything is tweaked to perfection.
Let’s get to the main point of today’s article entitled “Running Multiple Programs Simultaneously”. So, what does it all mean? I will try to give you a detailed answer in today’s article.
So, you might be wondering why a program you came across online can run for such a long time. You might be seeing it as paying for ages and still there is no way it’s been earning money from the mystifying trading the admin claims to get all the profits from. Sometimes such a program can even go offline for a couple of days and yet return unscathed and paying well, thus further strengthening the members’ trust in its unsinkability. Then you may ask yourself how one can explain such longevity at all. Is there some trick the admin in question is pulling to extend his program’s lifetime?
There might be many such possibilities explaining this, and running multiple programs at the same time is just one of the likely answers to your question. So, how is it all possible? Let me explain.
You see, all HYIPs have their own periods of ups and downs and there can be times when they have lots of new deposits coming in that exceeds the amount of outgoing funds paid to investors. However, after the period of growth there inevitably comes a time of decline and at some point the new deposits cannot cover the payouts, so the admin starts to work at a loss from his own wallet. Now, an experienced admin must certainly have some financial means or tricks to encourage new investments, but with time they run thin and he inevitably faces a tough choice – either close his program for good and be satisfied with the stolen cash or… Another not so obvious at first glance option would be to open a new HYIP and use it as a donor to finance the program where there might be experiencing possibly just a temporary financial bump in the road. And the fresh funds from the newly opened program then serve as a perfect solution for the crisis. During such lean years and tough times for the already more established project this move can revive interest in the older program as fresh money keep coming in. “Black opps” as one experienced admin once so dramatically described the practice to me as!
As a rule, the newer program that serves as the donor will be a fast scam with all the proceeds going to support the older program. However, if things go smoothly for both programs and they maintain healthy growth the admin might take a chance and keep them both online and paying for quite some time – just enough to make profit for himself that is, of course. By denying that they might even say that they pay you money from their own pockets and play the victim once a program eventually closes. Surely they are blatant lies that should be disregarded completely (read more on that in one of the other articles from the series called “Deep Pockets” I posted here).
In any case, running two or even more programs simultaneously when one supports another in times of need and the other way around is not such a rare occurrence as you might think. Some talented admins are capable of doing things in their own unique way and there is nothing wrong with that, if it happens to keep two or more programs run for longer.
There is at least one known downside to this approach though – both programs will most definitely collapse at the same time. The reasons are simple. Some people do appear to have insider info as to what exact person is responsible for running a particular program. They have their own followers that can spread the info and ultimately damage the program’s growth in the long term the admin was hoping for. And if that info is out and the connection between two or more programs becomes evident then there can be a chain reaction that will hurt the other programs after the collapse of the first. Besides, many admins do know about such possibilities and prefer to handle the situation themselves and take all the active programs down at exactly the same point. That makes total sense after all! They have earned enough money from their multiple programs and can take a well-deserved rest now, leaving unfortunate investors fuming with anger. With a bit of luck some of the early investors might be in profit from all the simultaneously run programs, but that’s a totally different angle to look at and perhaps a subject for another article, not really connected to the current series called HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets.
I do hope you guys enjoyed reading some important points taken from my 14+ years experience in the HYIP industry. If you like what you have found I do appreciate you sharing this article with whoever you know to help them better understand the admins’ psychology and ultimately improved chances of winning rather than losing in the HYIPs you picked. I wish you the best of luck with that, and keep an eye on more articles on the subject to be posted on the MNO blog on a regular basis. Now let’s get back to the news.
If you’re on the lookout for a program that will literally blow your mind and make you look at the current state of the HYIP industry at a different point of view then you should pay close attention to CryptoCapital (reviewed here). The program was officially launched three months ago and straight away the admin brought it to MNO’s Premium List with the banner spot booked originally for three months and later extended for three more. The question still remains how it’s humanly possible to run such a successful program yet still remaining largely under the radar with the most of the audience seems to be coming from cryptocurrency-related sites rather than the regular HYIP monitors. Still, the word of mouth along with the prominent position CryptoCapital occupies of the MNO monitor remains a powerful tool for an ambitious and experienced admin who is truly capable of working his magic and convert it into huge profits for his investors.
In the case of CryptoCapital the risks largely paid off for the early investors some of whom managed to triple or even quadruple their initial investments with the program. While originally starting out as a 0.1% hourly paying program later on CryptoCapital increased its profitability to 0.15% hourly, equivalent to 3.6% daily. If you think it’s already too generous wait until you hear that with CryptoCapital an investor stays in charge and total control of his funds, as the original investment only remains locked-in for an initial 24 hours. After that you are totally free to withdraw your principal in full or just partially for just a 5% fee, making it possible to profit in less than two days. Moreover, CryptoCapital usually pays withdrawal requests instantly, provided they do not exceed $100 in value, while otherwise the admin reserves up to 24 hours for manual payouts. Anyone can actually verify payouts in the special section of the CryptoCapital website called Live Payouts. Besides, every cryptocurrency accepted by the program has its own dashboard and your coins are not converted into USD and back on every withdrawal, which might be a bonus for someone involved in cryptotrading. And did I forget to mention no less than eleven popular options available for investing? The extensive list includes BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, DogeCoin, Dash, Tether, Ripple, ZCash, Tron, and Stellar.
In addition to the main source of income, every member of CryptoCapital may earn some LTC bonuses assigned on a weekly basis for performing some simple promotional tasks posted in the Bounty section every Monday. And the admin is also very active on social media channels including the CryptoCapital‘s own Telegram news channel. By the way, just so you know what I’m talking about I’ll give you a chance to read all the daily short updates from CryptoCapital below:
“Afraid of how the crypto market moves?
Grow your portfolio with the most popular stablecoin, tether (USDT)!
CryptoCapital provides clients from all over the globe with the ability to invest through the variety of cryptocurrencies including USDT!
Learn more, visit CryptoCapital”.
“New data suggests the total transaction in Tron network have exceeded 2 billion!
Tron (TRX) one of the largest blockchain based operating systems in the world, offers scalable, high-availability and high-troughput.
Grow your TRX with CryptoCapital now and even gain referral commissions with TRX!
Learn more, visit CryptoCapital”.
“Dogecoin is now ranked 6th in the overall crypto marketcaps!
Despite having a 7-day price fall of 7%, the meme coin is still ranked 6th and even out ranked most known and old cryptos.
Grow more of your Dogecoin with CryptoCapital.
Learn more, visit the website. CryptoCapital”.
“Bitcoin dropped to $36k!
In the past 7 days, Bitcoin recently dropped to $36k bringing down the whole market including most of the known altcoins.
Be worry-free with the market trends with CryptoCapital and get stable earning.
Learn more, visit the website. CryptoCapital”.
“Zoom out to see the big picture!
Have you seen the actual growth of Litecoin? In a year, it has grown exponentially, making over 250% price increase!
Litecoin maybe just a fork of Bitcoin but is has grown into its own value over the years.
Grow and earn more of your Litecoin with CryptoCapital.
Learn more, visit the website. CryptoCapital”.
“Multi-level Referral Plan!
Invite a friend, a family member or a colleague to join the experience you have had with CryptoCapital.
CryptoCapital will reward you if your referred client invests.
The CryptoCapital affiliate program is perfectly suited for clients who primarily operate online and are open to introducing investors from whatever markets they chose to target.
Learn more, visit the website. CryptoCapital”.
“Blood on the streets!
Bitcoin recently dropped to $31k as a result of sudden news coming from China.
Did the bears finally awaken from their slumber? However, experts are still bullish with BTC.
Stay safe and earn no matter the crypto trend with CryptoCapital.
Learn more, visit the website. CryptoCapital”.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 168 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CryptoCapital.
From MNO Standard list: RoboticsOnline.
From MNO Basic list: LeverageTrades, AiMetic (the first instant payments received).
That’s all for today, guys. I hope you enjoyed today’s article and I’m more than happy to hear all your suggestions via Telegram @mnoblog, by using this online contact form or emailing me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com. I’m always eager to hear your input, questions, or advertising requests – everyone is welcome. I will most likely post another blog update before the first of July – the day when it all started for the MNO blog fourteen days ago. Meanwhile, please keep voting in the latest TalkBack poll (click here if you haven’t done so yet) regarding CryptoCapital‘s performance and your intermediary results from it. The final results will be drawn in the next MNO blog post alongside all the latest news from the greatest programs the HYIP industry has to offer. Thanks for staying with MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, HYIP Admins' Dirty Secrets by on Jun 22nd, 2021. Comment.
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