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04/05/2011. Daily News from the Industry


Hi everyone! It’s been a pretty hectic day for me as apart from trying to keep MNO up to date with all the regular news updates that come in at all times of the day and night, I’m also currently on my way to Russia for the next few weeks. Well, to be more exact I’m currently sitting in an airport, but you get the idea. I’ll be “broadcasting” so to speak from there until sometime in June but as always everything on MNO will continue to run as normal and you’ll not find a better place for daily news updates.

So what better place to start the news for today than the latest from what’s fast becoming a staple in more and more portfolios these days – ExoticFX. And it’s not difficult to see why. They’re certainly the most original and innovative project to hit the industry in recent times and they’ve got a level of transparency and communication that is frankly light years ahead of anything else in the industry. In his latest statement to members, the admin of ExoticFX Charles (who gave an excellent interview here) starts with a brief re-cap of recent events in the program including yesterday’s public meeting where members and non-members alike were invited to discuss the program and his plans, and where he also makes himself available to field any questions you have and take your comments and suggestions. These public meetings are fast becoming a regular feature to ExoticFX and provide a refreshing alternative to the usual “veil of secrecy” that dominates the industry.

Charles then moves on to some recent updates and improvements on the ExoticFX website before getting to the main thrust of his press release – their ForEx Trading Apprenticeship scheme (FTA). This has been well documented elsewhere, including MNO, so as the story just gets longer and longer every time it’s updated I’ll just let you read what Charles has to say about it below. There’s not much I can add to it anyway except to remind you that apart from your existing investment in ExoticFX the scheme is free of charge and if you have an interest in such things then I see know reason not to stick around and see how it goes. The worst thing that can happen is you learn something new that could potentially benefit you for the rest of your life, so you may as well take a closer look at it anyway. For a further explanation of the actual investment plans that ExoticFX has to offer, take a look at my original review of the program first published here:
Forex Apprenticeship Requirements
Our Meeting went well last night. Although we didn’t fill the room, those that were there provided for some very good questions and all in all we consider it a success. We will be holding another Meeting later this week and will announce it once it has been scheduled. Although we could give more advance notice, the short notice advisement allows us to determine who is paying attention and who is willing to contribute. This assists us in determining those that will be First-Phase FTA invitees.
Last night’s meeting will be posted in the Blog soon.
New forum category
We have added a new category to the EFX Forum. This is specifically designed for those interested in the Forex Trade School and FTA programs. We would like to invite everyone that has interest in the FTA program to register at our EFX Forum and participate in the new category. First, we would like to just have you make an introduction there. We will begin to create sub-categories as the need arises and various topics develop.
New video
There is a new Basics Video in your FTA account. The quick start program is still being properly compiled and will surely be uploaded this week. We will advise when this has been done and is ready for your review.
FTA Invitations
Many questions have been asked regarding the upcoming FTA program. Perhaps we have been vague regarding the term ‘invitational’. That was by design. We haven’t addressed this issue because we wanted to determine who was interested enough to inquire.
Allow me to provide some insight as to how this will progress and who will be among the First-Phase invitees. The invitations will be sent out in phases based on our ability to handle the load. Therefore, those that desire to be among the first phases should be properly prepared.
You will know this program is about to be released when the Trading Room is launched and has been properly tested. This is only a couple of months away.
When we send out invitations we will be looking for several traits.
First and foremost we will be looking for those that show the ability to dedicate themselves to the program. We need those that are determined to become Professional Traders and have the desire to become Mentors. Our ability to produce successful mentors is key to rapid mainstream deployment of the program, so you can certainly ascertain that our desire and focus will be to do exactly that.
In order to determine dedication, several factors will be reviewed:
Participation and Dedication
– Are you a registered member of the Forex Trade School and have you watched all the videos, read the material, and are you practicing via a demo or live account using the strategies we have and will supply?
– Are you registered and interactive in our forum? Do you regularly ask questions and provide feedback to others? Do you present your knowledge to others at the forum and assist them in understanding, thereby showcasing your mentoring talents?
– Do you regularly attend our meetings and ask questions and provide feedback during the meeting? Before the meeting? After the meeting?
– Are you registered and interactive at the ExoticFX Blog? Do you regularly provide feedback, ask questions, and reply to others to again showcase your enthusiasm, dedication and level of understanding?
Time Management
– Are you available and do you have the time to dedicate to the training?
– Do you have the financial wherewithal to carry yourself to a successful level?
This is not to say we won’t have part-time participants because we most certainly will. However, during the very first couple of phases we will be looking for those that are financially sound enough to ensure course completion. Again, we need those that have the desire to become Mentors and we need them sooner than later in order to mainstream the program. Not to worry here, there are several ExoticFX Top Traders that have expressed an interest and we can see that they will have a superior income stream from EFX alone. We also have applicants from Veteran Forex Traders we have solicited from other markets. So we know we will have the Mentors for those of you that come into the program in later phases and you will very likely be interacting with some of the these members.
Marketing Strategies
– Do you have affiliates in the FTA and EFX programs? Have you demonstrated your ability to attract others and build your position for future mentoring?
Mentors will earn excessive commissions from those they mentor in the FTA program, EFX participants, Trade School Students, Trade Room Students, Newsletter subscriptions, Trade Recommend subscriptions, Trading Tools and Tips sales, E-book sales, Spread Fee charges and much more.
The Affiliate Marketing potential of the FTA programs can be as lucrative as your trading accounts. You DO NOT want to underestimate this. Position yourselves now, even though many that you will attract at this point may not be candidates for the FTA program they will lead to others. You need to accumulate as large a following as possible whether they are interested or not.
Remember, this is all Pre-release stage.
Now is the time to prepare and position. Like any ground floor opportunity, the better fortified your base is, the stronger the overall structure and the higher the profit outcome will be. Those that heed these words will be the leaders in this program in the future.
It isn’t going to happen overnight, but we promise you it will happen.
Welcome to ExoticFX Just Profits”.

Just like some people, the admins of some high-yield programs are just too lazy to pay their investors. They take all kinds of ridiculous holidays from all over the world just to save on the interest payments. Take EurexTrade as a perfect example of such an attitude. The administration of the program announced six more business days in May as non-business days due to holidays in five different countries all over the world. How it can affect their alleged trading activities God only knows but for me it sounds really funny when an admin won’t pay an investor in let’s say France because it’s a holiday in Japan. I’ve been in a lot of countries over the years, more than most people I think, and I can promise you that the world of business and finance does not come to a stop because the Japanese are celebrating “Children’s Day” or whatever. At the same time, on the remaining business days when your profit is supposed to be credited to your accounts (read the full review of EurexTrade here to see in detail how the interest is credited) I guess the admin might increase it. That is exactly what I like about programs like EurexTrade, the total flexibility when they can reduce the payouts on bad days but increase them on the better ones giving the impression of actual trading. Do not forget that you get paid instantly from EurexTrade to your LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and GlobalDigitalPay accounts, so as usual expect the withdrawals processed on every day regardless of what they consider business or non-business day. Incidentally, do you know that today is Independence day in Latvia? Any non-Latvians reading this been given the day off work? No, I didn’t think so. I’m also a bit puzzled by the inclusion of Ascension Day in Switzerland. That’s a religious holiday and it falls on June 2, not May 21 (which incidentally is a Saturday by the way!). Make what you want out of that but the full list of the holidays on which EurexTrade will not be paying is given below from the latest update posted on their site:
Bank Holidays on May
Dear investors, we dont trade these non-business days due to a low market activity and high possible risks.
05/03/2011 Constitution Day (Japan)
05/04/2011 May Bank Holiday (United Kingdom)
05/05/2011 Children’s Day (Japan)
05/18/2011 Victoria Day (Canada)
05/21/2011 Ascension Day (Switzerland)
05/25/2011 Memorial Day (USA)
Deposits and withdrawal requests are processed as usual even on holidays and week-ends.

It’s good to know that the admin of MajesticFunds actually noticed an error in the script that caused some payments to go missing. As the admin explained in the latest email the script error was connected with the nature of the investment plan they offer to the investors – 14.5%-18.5% for 8 business days with no principal returned. That error will be rectified soon according to the admin but at the moment if you noticed some missing payments in your account with MajesticFunds or see that your plan expires and you’re not in profit yet, please do not hesitate to contact them and they promise to handle everything manually for each and every member of the program. I had the same issue which was resolved promptly yesterday and I have since been paid the missing interest. If you want to know more about MajesticFunds which accepts AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney with a $10 deposit minimum please read my full review of the program posted here. This is the last newsletter:
We should first of all apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. Recently we have received some emails complaining about missing interests of 1-2 days, which we promptly resolved the issues with individual accounts and there is nothing to worry about.
But let me explain you, where the problem is:
In the script settings, in plan duration, we can only enter the period in Calendar days when our plans are in BUSINESS days (Mon-Fri). So now, depending on the day of the deposit, you may miss 1-2 interest being credited to your account.
Don’t worry please, we are already on it and our programmers are working on it and it should be resolved within a few days.
We are here to help you 24/7 and you will get your account resolved within a few hours (even minutes) if it happens to you before it is resolved completely. You just need to send us an email or chat with our Live Support if they are online. So please continue your support and let’s be together for a long time to make good profit for all.
Happy Earning.
With Warm Regards, MajesticFunds Manager”.

When logging in to my account in PrimFix today I noticed that the overall design of the site looks different. I think the admin did a very good job both with the layout of the site and the navigation which improved greatly. PrimFix was first reviewed on MNO here and currently offers three investment plans with payouts on expiry (120% after 15 days, 160% after 30 days, 210% after 45 days) for a $10 minimum accepting four popular payment options – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and SolidTrustPay. As you can see, yesterday the admin Derek purchased the big tower banner on MNO blog for 1 month and I hope that it’s a good sign of the program’s growth and healthy state. My last withdrawal from PrimFix today was processed fast as usual and I invite you to have a closer look at that program which according to the opinion of some readers has a very good chance to become a really hot program soon.

I was too fast in moving SiliconValleyGroup to Problem status on my blog last night. Straight after I did so I was contacted by the admin of the program who explained that he had to replenish the accounts of the program and that the withdrawals are instant again. So I moved his program back to Paying status on MNO and after requesting my withdrawal to PerfectMoney today I noticed that the program pays instantly again. I remind you that SiliconValleyGroup was added to MNO listing 43 days ago and is paying 1.8%-2.5% for 180 days with interest credited on business days and principal returned either on expiry for free or earlier for a 35% cancellation fee. The minimum to invest in the program is $10 and the payouts are usually processed instantly to all the accepted payment processors – AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. More on SiliconValleyGroup can be read in my review published here.

I was about to move SquareBoxTrends to Problem status on MNO as well because the supposed migration of the program to the new server seems to have messed up the script and the interest has not been credited since the beginning of the week. The admin of the program Jeremy admitted that they faced some difficulties with switching the nameservers but promised to pay the interests manually tomorrow, even if it’s not fixed yet. Here is the email I got from SquareBoxTrends (reviewed here) today:
We are changing servers to the dedicated ddos server but Scott is running into a couple of issues with swapping the nameservers from just host to dansinex so it’s taken longer than we thought.
If he can’t sort it today we will manually pay commissions tomorrow to get it all up to date.
Apologies for the downtime. Jeremy”.

AnoxCash has scammed already and is now listed on my monitoring under Problem status as the automated payouts stopped today (for me included). Some readers already submitted some complaints to me about that. Unfortunately, I cannot take action on the matter because the payouts from AnoxCash have stopped completely and it’s a 100% scam at this point. You can see that even on their rating page they faked my own monitoring logo as well as some others, but check the actual MNO monitor and see that they are on Problem status. This alone is a sign of a scam and I would not advise to invest in the program anymore. AnoxCash offered hourly and on expiry plans with totally automated payouts and ran on an original script that arose a lot of interest to the program. Unfortunately they also appeared to be a pretty fast folding scam paying for 1 week only. Of course many members who invested in hourly and 1 day plan managed to be in profit from the program, as for the others – I’m truly sorry for your loss, but AnoxCash was presented exactly like a game and I guess it lasted until withdrawals for exceeded deposits.

I can report some really positive news from GorgonProjectInvest (reviewed here) today. My referral who complained me a few days ago regarding his more than a week overdue pending payment to LibertyReserve has been paid today not only to his LibertyReserve but some funds have been paid to his AlertPay account as well. More withdrawals to LibertyReserve and AlertPay were also reported on my Shoutbox and in my opinion, it’s a really encouraging sign. After AlertPay froze their account the admin of GorgonProjectInvest opened another account and paid from that one and it looks for now to be the best solution. The situation with AlertPay is still unclear but as for LibertyReserve payouts they are being processed now and I believe the program might just be back to normal very soon. I have already moved GorgonProjectInvest back to Paying status on MNO and would appreciate if my readers left their feedback in my ShoutBox regarding their own withdrawals. Of course, MNO will update you if I have more news on that matter, but meanwhile please read what the admin of GorgonProjectInvest Paul (interviewed here) sent to me today which I think explains everything and clear every possible doubt:
Hi. We are starting to process LR and AP pending withdrawals now. We have another AP account but are being very careful not to get caught out so it may take a day or 2 to get through them.
I have not exchanged GDP to LR as I tried to do it for $30k and the cheapest deal I could get was for 15% (some were 20%) because of the amount size. I tried to use LGE but they dont trade with LR. So I was not prepared to pay such a high amount where smaller amounts could easily exchanged and the fee be passed on to the users if they did it themselves. This was the thinking behind that strategy. It has worked beautifully. I fully appreciate those who helped out. Some were savvy enough to invest back part of the withdrawn funds and get the 50% bonus.
I will update more later but at this point All GDP, PM and STP withdrawals are complete. The offer still stands to exchange LR or AP to GDP if users are desperate to get funds out quickly (usually in a few hours). If they want to wait that’s fine.
In fact, if they want to wait BUT there is an option to withdraw their funds using a different processor – why should we be penalized and made a problem? The funds are available if not in the original digital currency! Anyway whatever your rules are that’s up to you, but we are trying our best to get back on track and are amazed at the support we are receiving. For every 1 a******e making problems there are 25 wonderful investors wishing us well and giving us the momentum to overcome the problems.

Cheers. Paul”.

The programs I was paid from today are all listed below and featured on my monitoring page:
ProfitDeluxe, SiliconValleyGroup, EarnoSphere, GorgonProjectInvest, CitrusFinance, ExoticFX, DollarsInstant, OilCash, GoldInstant, TencontFunds, MGFunds, EliteAlliance, BrantonsGroup, DynamoFunds, MakeDepositToday, PicoProfit, MajesticFunds, InvestNetGroup, Opulentia, PermanentProfit, GulfReserve, PrimFix and BrilineLimited.

That’s all the news for today, guys. I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow for the latest news and views from the HYIP industry. I will be writing to you for the next couple of weeks from Russia but please be sure that it will not affect my blog in any way! Stay tuned for more updates on MNO every single day!

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