May 21st, 2011 Archives

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Hello everyone! The last two days can only be described as devastating in the HYIP industry as ongoing problems with one of the giants of the market seem to be overwhelming and their chances of recovery at this point seem slim. I’m talking about ExoticFX which remains on Problem status on MNO at the time of writing. Let’s analyze why they might be in trouble and what could possibly hinder their recovery.

The situation with ExoticFX started to concern me since their AlertPay account was blocked last week effectively halting payouts to this payment processor. I must say that while clearly the problem was not of his making the admin actively tried to assure everybody that this problem would be resolved soon. Unfortunately that didn’t happen by now. It looks like the investors started withdrawing money from the program as well because the first complaints started flowing yesterday concerning withdrawals to LibertyReserve being delayed for over 24 hours. Usually such withdrawals were processed quite fast and therefore I do not understand why instead of admitting the obvious tried to dispute it saying that the withdrawals were still within terms. The last update last night which was quite questionable in itself tried to justify the recent decision of offering huge bonuses to all LibertyReserve deposits which aimed at bridging the gap caused by the lack of funds resulting from the AP blockage. And though I can understand the admin’s frustration I don’t believe that the situation with AlertPay can be resolved in the near future (judging by their latest crusade against GorgonProjectInvest where they froze all three accounts used by the program suspended them completely from the system). Unlike GorgonProjectInvest though who were lucky enough to have the assistance of another payment processor in GlobalDigitalPay, the situation with the pending withdrawals from ExoticFX did not improve today. Despite all the promises the pendings now exceed 48 hours. Many people shared this view and have held off from depositing until the pending payouts are cleared. Even more alarming is the fact that selective payouts have now been independently verified by me after I checking the account of one members whose withdrawals is pending for over 60 hours now. And I’m not talking about two or three dollars here either, this one was around $2,000 in total. Smaller withdrawals were reported yesterday however which makes me conclude that at this point payouts from ExoticFX are indeed selective. More suspicious though is that the admin tries denying this indisputable fact which was verified by me personally and keeps saying that withdrawals from ExoticFX are still within terms. That is what made me move the program to Problem status on MNO after hours of hesitation when I still had hope that everybody would be paid properly today. Here is the update issued last night by Charles:
Potential Controversy about ExoticFX
By now you may have heard about the potential controversy surrounding our business.
We’d just like to make 2 things clear:
ExoticFX refuses to apologize for their recent decisions.
We have a temporary issue with Alert Pay.
We have a solution.
We are implementing the solution.
Read more here
The Liberty Reserve API is Broken and creates double payments as well as fails to return Batch Numbers. We must Manually enter every single payout. This takes time. Our TOS clearly states that Payouts will be done within 24 hours BEGINNING AT THE END OF THE BUSINESS DAY. (NOT 24 hours from the time you request it.) There are NO late payments at the time of this writing.
What ExoticFX has developed is, in fact, an option that could show you an Absolute Fortune in the Forex Market… RIGHT NOW!
You can learn to Trade Forex And you can learn it for FREE!
Our Quick Start Program is already producing Fantastic Results and its FREE!!
Our detailed Training Manual, Day Trading for Financial Freedom, provides in-depth insight into the world of Forex and its FREE!!!
You can Earn a Fantastic Return on small investments of $1,000, $100, or even $10 of up to 5% Daily while you learn.
We are on our way to become the greatest Online Forex Portal of all time And
Together we are Bound for Greatness. Its your turn.
ExoticFX Just Profits!
Sincerely, Charles Martinsen”.

Today’s newsletter also did the same thing in my opinion – mislead members trying to deny the undeniable – pending payouts to LibertyReserve for over 48 hours now which is contrary to their own terms and conditions and therefore signaling money problems. As Charles instead of addressing the issue tried to avoid the inconvenient truth by sending a half-baked newsletter instead I will not be bothering anymore with the reasonable concerns and instead reply to the subject of his most recent newsletter issued today. So let’s look at it and analyze it from the position of a regular investor who has only one demand from any program he joins – to be paid on time.

A Time For Changes
Below are answers given to general questions asked on the blog, with further explanation of EFXs present situation and our plans for the future.
The FTA option is for ANY currency participation with a minimum of $200.00 which is required for FTA10 investment.
I agree that as of now LR is the best option. AP seems out to simply take the funds deposited as they wont provide details as to why they have done this. We have complied with their requirements.

Charles, why can’t you understand that AlertPay simply doesn’t care about you complying with their requirements? They are fully aware that HYIPs are ponzies and therefore have no legitimate source of income. That is why they continue to freeze any account the please and keep (steal) whatever money they find in it. And you know you can’t do anything about it. Who are you going to complain to? The police? If ExoticFX was a legitimate company you could do something about this but since you’re just a regular HYIP you can’t go through the courts and start litigation, can you? AlertPay is simply becoming dangerous for any serious program and they already proved my point by not only freezing the AP funds of GorgonProjectInvest but even by reversing all the payouts that were made from them to its members. Do you still believe that you will be able to fight with AlertPay which can block your account on a whim simply because they feel like it? Because they feel like pickpocketing your members funds when they know there’s not a damn thing you can ever do to stop them? If you really think that then you’re naïve, but I don’t believe that. I really think you that you’re a shrewd and talented admin, so you have to realize this although you will not be saying so publicly, at least before the last attempt to get control of the frozen funds is over.

We are offering the bonuses in an effort to build up our reserves in the quickest and most cost effective way possible, so that we may allow members to remove their AP withdraws via LR.
Realize, that this is a limited time offer because long term it would not be cost effective. Considering we really dont expect excessive participation here, we will close several trades and move the funds to LR in order to handle the expected load.
It is most unfortunate that the whole of this membership has been scammed so much that any change, any offer, any challenge is regarded as deceptive.

Come on, Charles. We all know why this bonus is not taken seriously by your members. I think the investors are smart enough to put two and two together. It’s quite simple that in order to pay for existing LR withdrawals you need some money which you hope to receive new money in order to pay old debts. If that doesn’t prove that ExoticFX is just another ponzi scheme I don’t know what does. So why are you not closing the trades instead and prove that you really have the profits to pay to the pending withdrawals first instead of chasing more money? That is the reason why this offer is limited and no other explanation from you will look viable to people experienced in this business.

Can you imagine the exodus that is forthcoming due to the AP challenge and the actions we have taken to overcome it? I say: Good Riddance. It wont hurt us to eliminate the members that are quick to flee, quick to fear, quick to whine. Overall it will make us a stronger force.
The offers we have made stand, only for those that can clearly see that we have not gone to these lengths in order to succumb to the pressures of those that have no foresight.
You will see.
When the dust settles and the smoke clears, we will still be here.

Very nice words, Charles, and I sincerely wish you all the best with it, but your investors have heard it all before so many times. Why can’t you prove me wrong and pay at least the oldest outstanding payouts to LibertyReserve in the order you received them? It would be more fair than to process the smaller payouts selectively than create the image of a dishonest program. From my point of view, this is the behavior of those same scamming HYIP admins from which you try to distance your program from so much. The members don’t need promises. They simply want to be paid from the program in time. That is all!
By the way, don’t you forget about the enormous amounts that were frozen in your AlertPay account. Where will you get the money to pay members who are currently waiting for your promised exchange to other e-currencies which was promised a few days ago? Did you forget about this? GorgonProjectInvest had the same issue with AlertPay but any member who invested via them can now be paid interest via GlobalDigitalPay and therefore didn’t get scammed. But you’re still waiting for a miracle – the unblocking of your funds which is unlikely to happen.

But we wont continue on the same course as we have previously engaged. Yes, we will still have FTA. Yes, we will still train Forex. Yes, we will still pursue our goals. But thoughts are to severely limit the membership to those that have a vested interest in growth and prosperity.
Currently being considered are increases to minimum participation. If we raise the minimum from $10 to $200.00, we will eliminate the vast majority of the small investors. Those are the ones that seem to be the least interested in achieving anything of real value.
We will move forward. But the HYIP world is turning out to be less than desirable. We seek Individuality, we seek a path that allows our members to rise above mediocrity, we seek a true path to prosperity. Inviting HYIP participants was perhaps a mistaken course to pursue.
But, no fear, we can adjust, we can alter, we can progress without them.

So now the simple HYIP players and your small members are to blame for your inability to cope with the issues and to process the payouts in time? With all due respect and understanding of the situation with AP and LR, you blame your members simply because they expect you to follow the rules which you yourself set up. They only want to be paid on time and nothing more. They don’t want your promises and participation in FTA, the vast majority just want to be paid in time and they will support you 100% if you deliver what you promised them. Be the minimum $10 or $200 it will not change the fact that you have to provide timely payouts to your investors. And how will it change the situation that one of your members is desperate to get his $2K back? Will you continue blocking members’ accounts simply because you cannot pay them? Yes, I have received a complaint though unconfirmed that one member’s account containing about $3K pending in LR was blocked. The member couldn’t provide me even screenshot of course, so I was hoping that it was not true. Well, now I’m not so sure so I may ask that member to provide me with his LR payment history to prove that he was not paid by you. I think you get my point, right?

We will have our Liberty Reserve funds intact and available, allow those that have AP withdraw-able balances to switch their funds to LR and then withdraw. We will probably increase the minimum withdraw to $10.00 because we are forced to manually pay each member and we dont need to double or triple that workload with 10 cent payout requests.

Well, this is really hard to swallow, Charles, provided you have now outstanding LR withdrawals which you hope to catch up on with the help of some bonuses. So how on earth will you get the money to pay to the AlertPay investors if you don’t have the funds to pay to your LibertyReserve customers? To tell you the truth, I’m a bit disappointed. I thought you’d have a better contingency plan than that, which is a tired old HYIP trick. So when will your exchange service from AP to LR be ready and how will you be able to pay such huge withdrawals?

When all is said and done, those members who want to continue will be allowed to do so and then we will move forward outside the HYIP arena. No more monitors, no more HYIP forums. We will float, paying those of you that stay, and move to mainstream ads and leave HYIP behind.
We have gone to extreme lengths to provide a phenomenal opportunity, and at the very first challenge member support is almost nonexistent. Instead of assisting to acquire Liberty Reserve to support the processes, members seem to be content to watch our struggle, force us to endure losses by trade closures, and suffer the AP losses as well. So, now the overall picture is clearer. We will simply adjust accordingly.
ExoticFX Just Profits”.

Last but not least. Of course my reaction disappointed you greatly and you can now blame me and all the monitoring sites that will be moving your program to Problem status one by one now. I can appreciate that but you can fight with the whole world and you will not achieve anything. Investors are much smarter now, Charles, and they won’t support you unless you’re paying them on time. And neither the rules changes, nor selective payouts and account blocking, and not even loaded opinion polls and smart marketing techniques will cover this up. People have come to know a lot more about how the HYIP industry works these days. Unfortunately, this mail only proves my point that ExoticFX is simply another HYIP game in disguise. Very disappointing, Charles, as I hoped ExoticFX would last much longer. I really expected something better.

Unlike the empty promises from ExoticFX I was pleasantly surprised by having been paid all the pending withdrawals from EliteAlliance which came back online after almost a day of downtime. I must say that the story that was behind the downtime of EliteAlliance and caused by that delayed withdrawals was quite fascinating even for my tastes. In a nutshell, it looks like one of their support staff decided to mess with their database and steal some money but was by the admin of the program Leon (interviewed here). This guy then tried to DDoS the program due to which it was offline for most of yesterday. There was quite a rant posted on the website of EliteAlliance about that crook and even provided some proof from their hosting provider which confirmed that the site was offline for the stated reason. Anyway, the most important thing is that EliteAlliance managed to survive and has paid all the outstanding payouts today which was a really pleasant surprise and proved that the program is here for the long haul.
The latest newsletter posted on the EliteAlliance website also mentioned more plans to be implemented soon including weekly trading reports which I’m sure many members will highly anticipate because we have no real evidence how EliteAlliance manages to pay such high returns as 111% after 7 days, 125% after 14 days, 160% after 1 month, 260% after 2 months with only a $10 minimum deposit (and withdrawal) accepted by all the popular payment processors – AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Also Leon reminded us of his phone number which you’re welcome to use in emergency cases only (for regular support please submit a ticket on the site). He goes on to address the issue of forgotten secondary passwords which prevented some forgetful members from withdrawing their deposits for some time. Their own forum will be also launched very shortly as the admin is already forming a team of moderators and support staff who will be present on the forum at all times. So it looks like many new features to EliteAlliance (reviewed here) are coming and MNO will definitely update you on further developments of this program which has exceeded all my expectations and proved me wrong. I wish more programs were like this! Here is the latest news update from EliteAlliance in full:
Update from Leon Reiter (Managing Director)
Dear Members,
It’s Leon here. I have arrived back home from my Business trip to Switzerland today. I had to interrupt my trip and cancel a very important meeting due to the series of highly stressful events.
Yesterday we had our server software “locked” by one of our ex-employees, Mr Andrew Swon. “LOCKED” means that the access to administrative sections of the website was blocked to prevent unauthorized access. Our ex-moderator tried to steal and drop/delete our database and we had to lock some sections of the website. Our programmer fixed/patched everything and no data has been lost. All would be fine if that disgruntled ex-mod settled down, but he decided to hurt the Program and it’s Members by a strongest DDOS attack.
Here is the message our technician received today from our provider:
I have taken your site offline due to a ddos attack. Until it has stopped, your site will be offline. I will let you know as soon as it is opened again.
Cynthia. Owner – LucidityHosting
And all this happens when you try to help people and yes, I helped him get out of debt and even gave him some money upfront to pay for college and that is how he pays back… Anyway, Mr Swon has been reported to police for his actions. Currently there is a little delay in Payouts, but we will get back to our terms in several hours, no need to worry.
The most important thing to let Everyone know at the moment… We have installed a top-class DDOS protection, the site may be unstable during the first hours of work, but it should become fully functional in about 12 hours. We pay thousands for the best DDOS protection to show that we really take care of our Members, so it would be just silly to think EA is scam. We are no way a scam, but many different things happen when you run your business online, so I would like to say THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS for all your trust and support. For now we have to wait and see if everything goes the right way with the site while I am getting caught up with pending Payout Requests. I apologize for the situation, but no one is completely safe from online dangers.
Now let me get back to the Business of Business. What we have done in the past few days makes me confident in our ability to have sustained success. Let me explain things in detail.
We have completely set everything up in order to provide our members with extensive activity reports and performance ratings. Gurnam, our Senior Programmer, opened 4 additional ports on our main Kassiopeia server to link the InProfit system to our new Expert Advisor module for the Metatrader Forex Platform to put everything 50% on autopilot. What all this means… Things are developing in a way that is much more comfortable in terms of capital management and as soon as our new corporate bank account in Switzerland is funded (we are expecting 2 HUGE wire transfers to arrive), we will start conducting financial transactions using our new scheme/system. Also, I will be personally monitoring all trading activity and updating the Performance section on the EliteAlliance website. Thus, beginning Monday, May 23, detailed Activity Reports will be published daily on each Business Day and Summary Reports will be published every Saturday.
Here is my new International number for emergency issues: +1-866-974-1777 (please call in case of emergency only). You can always leave your message even if I am not in the office, rest assured I will listen to all of them. Account issues and urgent requests may also be submitted by e-mail (
By the way, I have already received a compiled list of problem accounts with lost secondary passwords. We will start issuing new secondary passwords tomorrow and as promised, all these people will receive EXTRA Interest.
Next, we have already found several people to be our supporters, but we still need 3-4 people to help us with the Forum, so I will find them until the end of May and all others who offered their help will too be emailed soon. It all takes some time as the amount of emails we have received is quite big – nearly every 3rd Members offered us support, but in the spotlight of recent events we should revise our policies in regards to new Staff Members. Well, should take it as a lesson learned…
Now I am getting back to the pending Withdrawal Requests and will try to get things back to normal in 4-5 hours – I am having a sleepless night, I suppose…
One last thing I want to mention is that we are not going anywhere, we run a serious Business and are here to stay for a long time. Please stay tuned for updates! There is more to come next week – Activity Reports, Due Diligence Pack, Private Forum and many more!
Have nice profits Everyone!
With best regards, Leon Reiter
Elite Group Managing Director
Office Phone: +44-203-355-0081
International: +1-866-974-1777”.

The latest news on the site of BrantonsGroup (reviewed here) was dedicated to the discontinuation of their partnership with SolidTrustPay who declined to allow them accept credit card payments from members. BrantonsGroup has chosen AlertPay for that purpose which is going to add credit card payments for them (well, at least they promised to do so as the admin said on the site). Due to that everybody who deposits in one of two plans offered by BrantonsGroup (0.5%-1.6% for 150 business days or variable return for 200 business days with principal back on expiry) via SolidTrustPay are now advised to contact the admin via support form to find an appropriate solution and be paid via an alternative method. In my memory it’s the first time a program dropped SolidTrustPay in favor of AlertPay which is now considered by many admins as not very safe option. Anyway, I hope that this decision will not have a negative impact on BrantonsGroup which will now be paying instantly to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. More on BrantonsGroup can be read in my interview with the admin here. Below is the latest update posted on the BrantonsGroup website today:
We Fully Replaced SolidTrustPay with AlertPay
Hello everyone.
First of all, we would like to apologize on behalf of SolidTrustPay for their inconsistent services. We’ve had many of our members having trouble adding credit card to STP, and thus a lot of people’s time was lost. We just finished implementing AlertPay’s ability to receive payments through your credit cards. We contacted them and they promised us to provide a good service. Even though AlertPay’s fees are higher – they are more reliable and easier to use. For all those who have invested with STP already – please contact support, so we may transfer your balances to another e-currency processor, because we decided to discontinue STP payments due to unprofessional approach to our needs.
BrantonsGroup Administration.

StockBiz (reviewed here) paid me on the first expiry of the 120% after 5 days plan. Before that I was a bit nervous when I saw the disabling of instant withdrawals for some reason and not replying to my emails for a few hours which prompted me even to move it to Waiting status on MNO for a few hours. However, finally I was paid manually after 16 hours of waiting and his program has been moved back to Paying status. I then got a reply from him that the payouts for three plans on expiry (120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, 170% after 15 days) are sometimes processed to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney instantly, but sometimes it takes time to do them. Well, I’m satisfied with the reply as my withdrawal was quite big and possibly the system moved it to pending status because of that. I remind you that StockBiz has been monitored on MNO just for 5 days and that today the first withdrawals on expiry have been processed to the first satisfied customers.

As for two other short term games on AntiDdos paying after 1 day – OilCash and OnlineInterests – they were both moved to Problem status on MNO today and it’s not recommended to invest in them anymore. I must say that somebody posted on my ShoutBox yesterday some unconfirmed info about the hacking of their accounts of and showed me proof by continuous withdrawals processed instantly to the same person for a short period of time. We all know that some hackers can be really shrewd in these things so we can’t say it was not possible to accomplish. However, OnlineInterests and OilCash suddenly stopped paying instantly today and no viable explanation from their admins was provided as to why. So,I can only assume they are both scams now. I have moved it to Problem status immediately after receiving an email from the admin of OilCash who instead of explaining the delay announced a new plan paying 300% after 1 day which is a definite sign of a scam when it comes to any short term program. So please be careful and do not invest in OilCash or OnlineInterests anymore!

Today I have received payouts from the following programs:
EliteAlliance, ReProFinance, SiliconValleyGroup, EarnoSphere, GulfReserve, MAHIFund, ExtraFinances, LucrativaFund, InvestNetGroup, GorgonProjectInvest, Opulentia, EurexTrade, PermanentProfit, StockBiz, EurosFund, ViscoCorp, CyproRealty, BrilineLimited, BrantonsGroup, UnicornInv, WABFunds and OSWealth (the first payment received).

OSWealth is another brand new short term HYIP that has been added to the MNO Premium today. OSWealth is running off a script already featured in a couple of other short term programs that pays you automatically to your LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts without the need to place a withdrawal request. All you need to do is to sign-up and make a deposit into one of the following plans – 3%-5% daily for 7 days (principal back), 128%-142% after 7 days or 160%-198% after 14 days. Then you have to set the withdrawal minimum which you want to be paid to LR or PM (set to default as $0.01 for both payment processors) and wait for your first payment to come automatically to your payment processor you made a deposit from daily or on expiry. OSWealth is an SSL secured site which is hosted on a dedicated server provided by one of the leaders of HYIP industry – Dragonara – so don’t expect too much downtime. I will take a closer look at the investment plans in the upcoming review which is going to be posted tomorrow. Stay tuned for that, guys!

The second short term program that was added to the MNO Standard list tonight and was launched just a few hours ago is called Insectrio and I really like its cartoony layout with funny insect theme. It’s spelt out loud and clear that Insectrio is just a short term game and there is nothing wrong with that, as such programs are surely among the most popular with investors now. With a low minimum of $10 via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney you can invest in four plans – 103% after 1 day, 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, 170% after 15 days. Don’t hold your breath for AlertPay though as the admin already told me that won’t happen due to the recent issues faced by other programs. I guess such good old short term games like Insectrio will become more popular day after day as they give you a chance to earn without fear of AlertPay pulling the plug prematurely for everyone. Anyway, Insectrio offers instant payouts and I believe it will be safe enough as the site is SSL encrypted and fully DDoS protected by Dragonara who have it on a dedicated server. They also run off a licensed script from by GoldCoders. Well, these are just the highlights of the program. More detailed information will be posted in a couple of days. Stay tuned for that and have a good weekend, everybody! But please do not forget to check out MNO for all the latest news from the HYIP industry. See you tomorrow, guys!

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