Oct 21st, 2011 Archives

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Beware! TopInvesting has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi all! One of the most recent additions to the MNO monitoring page recently was another in the line of programs combining ultra short term plans offering modest payments to small investors with some more medium-longer term ones with plans best avoided. It’s called TopInvesting and while similar in appearance to some of the most successful short term HYIPs in recent months I have very good reason to believe it has no connection whatsoever with any of the good programs you might be familiar with. Indeed there has been some highly controversial points raised about TopInvesting in recent days on a number of public forums giving grounds for concern over the program’s prospects. I’ll be covering all that in a few moments but ultimately it’s entirely your own decision about how to proceed. Before we move on to that I’ll just give you a brief description of the investment plans.

TopInvesting offers six plans in total, running for terms of varying lengths and paying investors just once on expiry – a payment that includes the member’s principal. The first of these runs for a term of just 1 single day and can be joined for a minimum spend of $10. For anything up to a deposit of $200 TopInvesting offer a return of 105% on expiry, or 5% profit. You may make a larger deposit if you can afford to, and expect a higher percentage in return. The rates are calculated as follows:
Deposits of $201 to $500 will earn 106%, from $501 to $1,000 will earn 107%, and from $1,001 to $3,000 will earn 108%. Check the TopInvesting members area for information on larger investments if interested.

The second plan runs for a term of 3 calendar days and also pays on expiry. The same $10 minimum deposit is required to join and for anything up to $200 TopInvesting are paying back 116.5% interest, a figure that includes your principal so that’s 16.5% profit for yourself. For anyone brave enough to go further than that then the following rates are offered:
119.5% for deposits between $201 and $500, 122.5% for anything between $501 and $1,000, and 125.5% for $1,001 up to $3,000. For the rates available to bigger deposits I suggest you see the TopInvesting members area.

TopInvesting‘s next plan pays on expiry after a term of 8 calendar days and costs $10 to join. Your final payment will also include your principal. The minimum cost of joining is $10 and the return will be 148% on anything up to a maximum value of $200. If you’re feeling lucky and wish to take a bigger risk then TopInvesting make the following offers:
Spend from $201 to $500 and earn 156%, from $501 to $1,000 and earn 164%, and from $1,001 to $3,000 for an offer of 172%. Again check out your TopInvesting members area to see what they offer to investments bigger than that.

As you can see the plans get more and more risky as the terms get longer. So it’s time to maybe start considering how realistic these figures are and how long this program can actually survive given the huge payouts they’re going to have to make on shorter term plans before ever even getting around to servicing the even more difficult payments on this one. But at least you can still join for a minimum spend of $10 and for TopInvesting‘s fourth investment plan which runs for a 15 calendar day term that can supposedly earn you 197.5% interest, paid on expiry and principal included, if depositing up to $200. Beyond that the rates are:
212.5% for $201 to $500, 227.5% for $501 to $1,000, and 242.5% for $1,000 to $3,000. Larger investments are also accepted so for information there see the TopInvesting members area.

Next up is a plan that’s perhaps best avoided (some might say the same for the previous plan as well, but anyway). It runs for 31 calendar days and pays once on expiry. The minimum deposit is $10 and for anything up to $200 the rate being offered is 317%. Higher rates include:
348% for $201 to $500, 527% for $501 to $1,000, and 931% for $1,001 to $3,000. And if all that doesn’t sound unfeasible enough then check out the TopInvesting members area for even more outlandish figures.

TopInvesting‘s final plan is something I’ll just mention briefly purely for amusement purposes. For a $10 minimum investment (though I think minimum “donation” might be a more suitable word) up to a maximum of $50,000 they offer one single payment of 9624% after 60 days. Clearly a totally random and arbitrary number pulled out of the sky, but the “logic” behind how they may have decided on that figure is irrelevant as the program is simply never gonna make it that far (or anything approaching that far).

Payment options as are to be expected are limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney so don’t expect any refunds if things don’t go the way you would have liked them to. Payments are made manually and will need to be requested by the investor. Once the request is made the payments are completed pretty within 24 hours depending on when you make the request. On the TopInvesting website you will see a timer counting backwards from 24:00 hours. Once the clock reaches 00:00 hours payments should be made and the timer reset to 24:00 once again.

OK, so the plans are fairly predictable. Almost a copy/paste of hundreds of others offered by similar looking HYIPs over the last year. Nothing to differentiate TopInvesting from the rest of the pack there you might think, but where the program really falls down is when we take a closer look at some of the more technical details, first of all relating to security. TopInvesting is running off a licensed GoldCoders script which is fine, up to a typical industry standard anyway, but unfortunately the hosting is the first issue we come to. The hosting provider themselves are a well enough known name when it comes to short term HYIPs – AntiDDoS, who’ve hosted more than I can remember at this stage with few if any problems to speak of. At least not when it comes to (allegedly!) their own HYIPs which they keep on dedicated servers. TopInvesting however isn’t one of these. It’s on a shared server with no less than 14 other websites, and to put this in the simplest possible terms for anyone not familiar with these things, what that means is that if there’s a problem with any one of those 14 websites, the other 13 will go down too. And I think we all know how many times that happens in the HYIP industry – it’s practically all the time!

The other issue causing widespread concern amongst online investors, and with very good reason I think, is to do with the communications set-up. To contact the admin there are some of the usual channels used in the industry. Most popular is by filling out the support ticketing form on the contacts page and submitting it. TopInvesting also list a telephone number. The unusual thing however is when you try to use their Live Chat feature. This will open a new window, clearly indicating in the URL bar the address of a recent HYIP scam, a program that was nothing other than a monumental failure and scammed all it’s members after just three days online. You can draw your own conclusions and while I’m not saying that nobody will make any money at all from TopInvesting (the fact is some of you are already in profit form the shortest term plan) I do feel this information should not be ignored. The connection is too obvious to be denied and already out there in the public eye, and will undoubtedly have a major impact on how attractive the program is to experienced investors. I’ve never been in any doubt that the overwhelming majority of HYIP admins run multiple sites, and I don’t think the admin of TopInvesting is any exception. How you assess his track record and proceed is up to you (it being your money we’re talking about after all) though caution is advised.

TopInvesting is obviously set up to resemble one of the many highly successful HYIPs to follow this formula over the last year. Unfortunately it resembles one of the numerous failures to also copy the very same formula, something that can make it almost impossible at times to separate the good games from the bad scams. Given some of the above revelations about the program I think I know what side of the fence most of the experienced players will stand on here. But for anyone else who insists on having a go anyway, remember that TopInvesting is a high risk activity so keep any investments to a minimum (and at most within an affordable limit) and try to keep a wider more diverse portfolio.


Let’s start today’s news with an update issued late last night by the admin of ProfitsRaise Andrea (interviewed here). Regular MNO readers will remember that their AlertPay was restricted and remained so for almost 24 hours, preventing members from making either deposits or withdrawals on the three investment plans available – 115% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, 170% after 15 days. I really appreciate the admin’s ability to handle the situation properly as few would manage to get in touch with AlertPay’s representatives quickly and solve the issue with the account. Otherwise the consequences for ProfitsRaise would have been catastrophic as the program would have never have been able to continue as most of the deposits were made via AlertPay rather than LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. I outlined this in last night’s news about ProfitsRaise already and I’m really glad that the admin avoided this outcome. Unblocking AP accounts is quite rare judging from previous history. In the latest update Andrea apologized for the delays in payouts caused by the AP issue and promised to process the pending payouts on time from now on. Here is the latest from ProfitsRaise (reviewed here):
ProfitsRaise Important News
Dear investors,
first of all I would like to apologize for some delays in payments. It was really busy day with a lot of things happened last night. As some of you aware this night our AlertPay account was blocked because of a jealous admin who already tried to close ProfitsRaise before, sending a phishing email from my name. He did everything to close our AP account BUT I had no intention to close our project and we continue! I did myself everything I can to resolve this situation and our AlertPay is unlocked now. All pending payments are processed and there will be no delays in future.
Okay, lets move to a positive news now. Yesterday I was interviewed by best online investment blog Money-News-Online. In my opinion interview was great so I am sure you need to check it out. You can find my interview here:
I will answer to all your tickets soon guys, just give me some time to sort out everything and surely feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks for your support, we continue to stay for a long time.
Best regards, Andrea
ProfitsRaise Support”.

I’m glad to report that the site of TopsFund is finally back on a new (again!) domain but this time it’s not registered with Directi (lesson learnt?) which will hopefully prevent this domain suspension issue from happening once again. I’m sure many members of TopsFund (reviewed here) are already tired of such downtimes and I’m hopeful this won’t happen again. The new domain of the program is with .org extension and everything else remained the same. The current investment plans offered by TopsFund include 21% for 5 days (principal included), 0.5%-1.5% daily forever, (optional principal back after 18 months) and 1800% after 360 days. The payments have already resumed and this short update appeared on the website earlier:
Domain Changed
We have changed our domain to TopsFund.org as the old domain is not working.

As promised a few weeks ago a short update appeared on the website of FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) informing members about to deposit to deposit $500 or more that they would get some kind of Certificate of Deposit confirmation. Please note that this certificate has nothing to do with any guarantee provided by the program or will insure your principal or profits when you deposit in the only investment plan available – 1%-1.6% for 180 business days with principal back on expiry. But it should encourage deposits from big investors though I can assure you that none of the programs in HYIP industry are completely safe and FelminaAlliance is no exception. I have been always honest with my readers about this and said never to take such certificates seriously. Although FelminaAlliance is still paying fine it remains an HYIP which means high-risk, so remember that when spending:
Certificates of Deposit are now available.
From now on every customer who has deposited $500.00 or more with us will get a Certificate of Deposit as a confirmation. To download the certificate, you need to access your FelminaAlliance account and click the appropriate link in the Account Summary page of your account.

EurexTrade (reviewed here) now has more than a dozen regional representatives from different countries on hand to provide support and help to their fellow countrymen. You will be able to find the list of representatives and their contact details in the contact section. EurexTrade is widely considered one of the best performers among low-ROI programs. They pay instantly to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney for a plan offering variable daily returns up to 2.9% on business days and principal returned on request. Usually very quiet when it comes updates the admin of EurexTrade was nevertheless interviewed on MNO and if you want to find out more about this program you can read it here. The full newsletter can be found below:
Regional Representatives
Dear investors!
We want to inform you that our regional network constantly expanding by your numerous requests. Today we have over 10 representative offices in different countries of Europe, Africa, Russia and South America.
We are constantly developing and provide professional services of management investment portfolio on Forex exchange market.
You can learn with a complete list of our representative offices on the “Contact Us” in our main menu. Please, contact us, if you wish to represent EurexTrade program in your area.
Thanks to all for the choice of professionals!

Remember that I moved ViscoCorp (reviewed here) to Problem status on MNO last night due to selective payouts? Well, it looks like the admin decided to resolve this situation and refund the guy the full deposit though refused to pay the actual profit. My referral in ViscoCorp was first offered to wait for a Bank wire or a check but he refused it (and rightly so!) because he invested in the program via LibertyReserve in the first place. Following the refund ViscoCorp subsequently changed the FAQ and from now on if you invest in their 170%-200% after 10 days or 450%-600% after 30 days plans you can only be paid via Bank wire which is now available in the members’ area. From my understanding the admin is trying to extend the program’s lifecycle but I don’t think the right way to do it is offering new plans like the just introduced 200%-300% after 20 days which I believe is totally unsustainable. At the same time, he keeps using stalling tactics and offering anyone in the 10 and 30 day plans partial refunds or else wait for Bank wires or Checks. I do not believe anyone who requests such a withdrawal option is going to receive a penny by the way. In my opinion a person who puts “Switch” instead of SWIFT in the Bank wire section doesn’t know how to process Bank wires. I would like investors to be skeptical regarding the latest plans offered by ViscoCorp as I don’t believe the program will last much longer and these stalling tactics will not lead anywhere. Remember to only invest what you can afford to lose though the program is still paying fine on the 0.8%-1.5% daily forever and 22%-23% daily for 5 days, but nobody knows for how long it will last, so be careful. Here’s the latest updates from ViscoCorp‘s website:
VISCO Promo Plans Launch !
Interest 10%-15% will be sent to your account daily for 20 days. Total 200%-300% return. Principal deposit included the interest return. Interest GUARANTEED.
Limited invest amount offered, will be closed for invest once reached the investment limit as it’s Promo plans. Withdraw available via LR and Bank Wire.
Bank Wire Update
Bank wire page updated in the members page. It allow members to key in your bank information to withdraw via bank wire.

Although the domain was finally recovered by HitNRunMasters today it looks like not all sections of the website are fully functional. The worst thing is though the delayed payments that are pending for over 48 hours without any particular reason. At the same time the admin seemingly has no problem with accepting new deposits and using stalling tactics when it comes to withdrawals. Now that the website is back online there should be no excuses anymore, as the members are getting tired of them. We all need the payouts to resume as soon as possible. If there is no payouts and no updates by tomorrow I’m afraid I will have to move HitNRunMasters from the current Problem status to Scam. Sorry, but this cannot continue anymore and at this moment I simply cannot see any justifiable reason for stalling with the payments anymore. Please do not invest in HitNRunMasters until payments resume but as soon as this happens I will update you here, so stay tuned for that!

Despite the results of the first weekly contest clearly being rigged, the admin of EliteGain reportedly fixed the issues that caused this “abuse” and is hopeful that everybody will be able to participate in the new contest the results of which will be announced this Sunday. From other news they now have a Facebook page where members can share their opinions, and are working on some paid-to-promote feature that is going to be something unseen in the industry. So, I’m looking forward to see what Jessica has to offer and hope the contests will be run honestly from now on. I must also add that so far all the withdrawals to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are processed by EliteGain instantly in the plans including %-5% for 40 business days and 7%-14% weekly forever. More news from EliteGain (reviewed here) can be read in the following newsletter:
Facebook and Second Contest Session
I am very glad to announce our FaceBook page, considering this is time to socialize, so all of our members can share their views, payment proofs and participate in different events which will be initiated by our team and on top of all, having a FaceBook page will let members help each other and resolve their general queries as well. You will also be informed about all of latest news, press releases, newsletters and events, so I suggested having a page at FaceBook is best way to socialize and build strong network of members.
All you need to do is to “LIKE” us on FaceBook.
Secondly, I am also very glad to announce second session of our week-end bustling contest. We have corrected most of issues that caused abuse to this contest last time, and despite of my last newsletter over this issue, this time everyone including monitors will be able to participate. We have also reset credits counter for all members. Next winners will be announced on 23rd October 2011, since there was quite a delay in announcement, for which I am sorry as well, therefore reward amounts are lesser than usual which you can check from our contest page:
What’s next I did tell you about Paid-to-promote feature which is due to be announced soon, we are working on it but apart from promoters tool, we also do intend to provide something exclusive for our genuine investors and you can certainly expect something never-seen before, so stay tuned.
Regards, Jessica Parker.

I think many of MNO readers and former investors of SafeDepositary received the following email last night:
Dear clients! SafeDepositary informs about continuing making payments and processing withdrawals. Please enter your accounts and request withdrawals again tomorrow morning. We are sorry for this delay. We hope for understanding! Thanks for doing business with us!
They appear to be legitimate but don’t get confused – SafeDepositary is gone for good and it’s not gonna return just because the admin miraculously forgot to push the Payment button and after doing this everyone will be safe and happy again. Sorry to disappoint you but that is not going to happen, guys. You have to ask yourself why SafeDepositary is still sending this rubbish instead of actually processing all the pending withdrawals. Action definitely speaks louder than words after all. Maybe they are trying to inject your computer with some trojans or viruses when you sign-up to your account hoping that your withdrawals are going to be paid after re-submitting them. Maybe it was just a joke because for myself the site of SafeDepositary is not even loading. In any case, please get real and move on as SafeDepositary is just another failed scam. It used to be good but now needs to be forgotten as soon as possible.

A few readers already asked me why ReProFinance (reviewed here) lied to their members about the alleged insurance deal with ING, one of the largest financial companies in the world. It takes only a phone call or an email to find out that ING has absolutely nothing to do with ReProFinance and surely they do not plan to insure the members of an online HYIP which is nothing more than ponzi-game cleverly disguised as to be a real investment company (like any other HYIPs, by the way – no exceptions). So why would any respected financial entity like ING deal with a criminal entity, recognized as such by the name Revendor Management Inc. under the laws of Belize? But the most interesting question one should ask – why is ReProFinance blatantly lying to investors, providing false information which can be easily verified? For me the answer is more than obvious – such blatant lies are only used when a program is going to collapse, there is no doubt about it. So I would not be surprised if that happens anytime soon, guys, so be extremely careful if considering an investment in ReProFinance from this point on. Although it’s still paying fine it might collapse anytime now.

I’m really really ashamed of the monitors that are still showing Paying status for such already obvious scams as PreMoney who have been paying selectively for several days now. It really is a bad situation when HYIP monitors don’t care about anything but getting paid and totally ignoring confirmed complaints from the program’s members. I myself did not monitor PreMoney as I knew from the beginning that the program was managed by a low-life scammer Ali Al-Jibouri who was responsible for many fast scams already. I’m really glad that any MNO readers who listened to my warnings a couple of weeks back avoided his latest scam. But it’s really a shame that the entire HYIP industry is so corrupt that we can only see a handful of monitors who actually react to any complaint and take measures in order to provide an accurate status programs listed on their sites. I would like to assure you that MNO will continue to expose dishonest practices of HYIP admins and provide readers with all the up-to-date news and warnings. Please stay with me and support me with the deposits in the programs listed on my blog to help me fight scams and do so on a daily basis for the benefit of all investors!

Here’s the list of the programs that paid me for the last 36 hours and remain on Paying status on my monitoring page:
BrantonsGroup, EurexTrade, ReProFinance, UnitrustDirect, OnlineInvestmentBank, SoaretInvestment, RapyWealth, NeoProgress, GlobalFxTrades, EliteGain, GeniusIncome, HyperCompound, FelminaAlliance, PokerProfits, StableProfit, WorldwideCapital, MirexGroup, KistFunds, ProfitsRaise, ViscoCorp, TopsFund, SuperHotPay, OneInv, LargeProfit, PaidJack and TopInvesting.

I hope that you enjoyed today’s article, and I hope that reading MNO saves you money in the HYIP world and helps you to plan rationally what you can realistically achieve when investing. I hope to see you on MNO again tomorrow when I’m planning to publish an interview with the admin of NeoProgress – the program which was first reviewed on MNO here. Stay tuned for more updates and see you tomorrow!

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