Oct 23rd, 2014 Archives

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Beware! VeltaFinancial has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Of the new programs joining my monitor recently, perhaps the one I’ve been most looking forward to reviewing has been VeltaFinancial. Certainly there are other new and promising HYIPs around now, but this has definitely got to be up there with the best of them. There’s a couple of other news stories to get through for you as well so keep reading right to the end for that, but first to VeltaFinancial. It’s a brand new perpetual style program but with a slight twist to it setting them apart from most others. The basics are all there of course, with members being allowed to pull their principals back out at any time they wish, meaning you only need one single day to profit. In the case of VeltaFinancial it could hopefully turn out to be a somewhat longer term success story due to measures put in place by the admin to help him keep tighter control over the cash flow and keep what’s already a sustainable plan online and paying for longer. Initial feedback from readers towards VeltaFinancial has been positive, so let’s take a closer look now at their main features and see if its warranted.

There’s just one investment in VeltaFinancial so the choice is going to be easy for you – you either like it or you don’t. But I have to tell you I’ve given it some thought myself and would have to say I’m largely positive. The thing is whenever I look into a new program on my monitor the first two qualities I search for in the investment plans are profitability versus sustainability. If the program has both (as VeltaFinancial does) then chances are we’re on a winner. I mean it’s by no means guaranteed and it depends on way too many other more unpredictable factors such as the competence and experience of the admin, but we are definitely off to an exceptionally promising start. It’s also a very unusual and original plan in terms of how VeltaFinancial have organized it. I’ve seen similar plans in the past, rarely, but a couple of times and in the right hands they can be quite good.

Here’s how it works then. VeltaFinancial is as I said a perpetual style program. That means it will pay you indefinitely, either until you decide to leave which you can do at any time, or the program collapses. You deposit your money which has to be at least a $20, and VeltaFinancial will pay you a daily interest rate seven days per week. So far nothing unusual about that, and it could well describe any number of similar offers floating around the net at the moment.

This is where it gets interesting. As a working business allegedly involved with ForEx trading, VeltaFinancial work Monday to Friday and pay a variable rate of interest based on the program’s fortunes. Then, on weekends, they pay a lower but fixed rate. So you get seven interest payments per week, five of which are bigger but unpredictable and two that are lower but you know what are. So let’s take a look at the numbers.

Investments have to be between the $20 minimum that I mentioned and a maximum limit of $100,000. Between Monday and Friday VeltaFinancial will pay you a variable interest rate that can be anything between a low of 1.2% and a high of 3.2%. Then, on Saturday and Sunday, they pay you a fixed rate of 1% per day. All investors regardless of the size of their deposit will receive the very same rate, so bigger spending investors are not favored in that sense. You can see a record of payments made on previous day on the VeltaFinancial website. It’s still a bit new to be talking about average payments, it will be a number of weeks before we see the patterns settle down a bit, but at the moment I think a good day would probably see you earn anything from 2% to 3%. Sometimes that might be a little lower, and sometimes it might be a little higher, but except for the weekends will always fall somewhere between 1.2% and 3.2%. You can then take your principal back and leave anytime you like.

It’s pretty hard, almost pointless actually, to offer up any kind of practical examples on how an investment might work out for you. There are simply too many variables, and everyone who joins and leaves on different days will take a different result away from the experience. I just need to point out that when you do wish to leave VeltaFinancial you will have to take your entire principal in one go. In other words there’s no facility to just make a partial principal withdrawal and continue collecting interest payments on the smaller amount left behind. So if that’s what you want to do, just make another deposit when you get you principal back.

If you wish to take your deposit back and leave the program, first log in to your members account area. You will see a number of tabs across the top of the page. To get your principal out you do not click the “withdraw” tab as you might think at first, but rather click the “deposits” tab instead. This will take you to the historical information on whatever deposits you have made. If a deposit is currently active and you would like it back, simply go for the headline marked “action” and under it click the button marked “close deposit” to release it.

Assuming you’ve thought everything through and have settled on what strategy works best for you, the next thing we need to look at are what your payment options are. About as good as anything else you’ll find in the industry at the moment I’d say, with perhaps not quite every single provider taken but enough to give the choice that investors demand. For the regular more traditional transactions VeltaFinancial are using PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer, and for anyone who prefers newer digital e-currencies you can use BitCoin. At the moment payments to members appear to be instant, however you should really only regard this as a nice bonus should it happen to you. Under the terms and conditions you agree to when joining VeltaFinancial you should really be prepared to allow anything up to 48 hours for payments to be made manually by the admin. All payouts will have to be requested from inside your private members account area, and VeltaFinancial have a minimum transaction policy of $1, so smaller investors please take note.

Looking at the technical features of VeltaFinancial now such as their design and security, the very first thing that I noticed (and was impressed by) when I originally began monitoring the program was the script. It’s totally unique and was developed especially for VeltaFinancial by their own programmer. It’s been tested pretty rigorously by now and any last few remaining teething problems have been well and truly put to rest. What remains is an outstanding product that works with both grace and security, but despite its uniqueness is also very easy to navigate and is user-friendly throughout. For an extra layer of protection the VeltaFinancial website also carries an SSL encryption certificate from Comodo to allow for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by DDoS-Guard, quite a reputable service provider with a solid enough reputation I think. The VeltaFinancial domain name has been registered for ten years. Despite this being easily done, it’s still quite rare and always a nice touch for anyone looking into such things. If nothing else it makes them look more professional in my opinion.

If there’s anything else you need to know about the program that you think wasn’t covered in this review, general enquiries for the admin, or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then there’s a couple of ways to get in touch. Firstly there’s the customer support form where you simply fill in your details and submit it via the contacts page. Alternatively you can write to the VeltaFinancial admin directly at the e-mail address listed there. VeltaFinancial are also keeping profiles on the popular social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter so you can try and connect with them there as well. There hasn’t been any activity worth speaking of yet, but you have to remember the program is still brand new so hopefully we will see the admin make more effective use of what can be a very efficient promotional tool. A more useful feature might be VeltaFinancial‘s Skype account which members can use for Live Chat/phone support. VeltaFinancial has its own news blog where members are kept up-to-date on any developments with the program, and their FAQ section covers pretty much everything. Finally the one thing I’d be dismissive of is the program’s postal address in Panama. It may very well be a real address, just not necessarily where you’d find anyone connected with VeltaFinancial were you to walk in off the street. It’s a lot more likely to be a mail collection/forwarding point. The fact that there isn’t a phone number to go with the address should tell you as much.

On the subject of Panama, that is where VeltaFinancial claim to be registered there as a ForEx trading firm. Believe it if you like, but there is a reason this will be relevant to all investors. That’s because as a program making their bigger payments on business days, VeltaFinancial observe public holidays in Panama, and so on those days payments revert to the lower 1% fixed rate normally seen on the weekends. A full list of the remaining non-business for the rest of 2014 can be found in the VeltaFinancial news blog I told you about above. There’s going to be several between now and the end of the year, so it’s nice to be made aware of this in advance for a change.

The website content and texts appear original. Granted the concept of ForEx trading in the HYIP industry may not be, but at least some effort was put into making a good website and a good first impression. You need to be original and creative, not simply to function but to really get ahead and rise to the top in an extremely competitive environment. That journey for VeltaFinancial starts right here. I fully expect them to go from strength to strength over the coming weeks and finish 2014 as one of the leading HYIPs in the industry, if not the very biggest themselves. That’s no reason not to be cautious as always mind, as we are still talking about what is essentially a form of gambling. Even if the ForEx background story was totally legitimate, it’s still basically all about speculating so nothing should ever be seen as guaranteed or risk free. As I always say, make yourself aware of the risks, but don’t be afraid of them, just be sensible. What you would like to achieve in HYIPs and what you can realistically achieve may be two very different things you know. That’s why it’s always important to set yourself a reasonable spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining VeltaFinancial then try to use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



It appears that the very positive review of Linberger posted on the MNO blog last night (click here to read) not only made the admin proud of his creation, but also caused a further surge of interest from potential investors as in yet another newsletter the increase of traffic and deposits into the program’s 10% for 12 days and 144% after 12 days plans was discussed. As Linberger is still quite a new program being online for less than a week the first members are yet to see themselves in profit, but from the current point the growth is clearly continuous which makes me cautiously optimistic for the program’s future. Of course, the good results for investors will only be achieved if the program’s admin Klaus is not a fast scammer and is willing to deliver to hundreds of investors who so far put their trust and money via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer wallets. Well, if a HYIP admin has good intentions to run his program for as long as possible, like hopefully Klaus will, he’ll be always welcome on MNO. That is why I’m looking forward to the launch of a new project from the biggest program of this autumn 2FXLtd as the admin told me already he was preparing his program and would come to MNO with it soon. I am also currently holding a poll on the MNO TalkBack page regarding the profits or losses for those who participated in 2FXLtd and so far the results have been a mixed bag. What was your own experience with 2FXLtd? Please vote here. Getting back to what I was saying about Linberger, who knows, maybe it will be competing for the top position on the MNO monitor soon as well? Meanwhile please read the latest two updates from the admin of Linberger posted in the news section of his website during the last 24 hours:

Money-News-Online.com Review Posted
One of the most popular blogs and monitors around has just posted a very positive review of our company. Please head there and read the review by clicking the image below.
You may want to post your comments in the comments section there too if you have anything good to say. Thank you.

Traffic and Deposits Total Going Up
This day is another shining day for our company. The traffic of our website domain name Linberger is increasing and going up the ranks on most traffic ranking websites. This only means one thing, that the interest shown by the public on our company is pretty much getting stronger and higher. No worries though, our web server is ready for the heavy load that’s coming up, that is regarding traffic by the way and not with the workload.
In conjunction with the increase in traffic, the deposits are also increasing. This is very normal because the more happy members we have, the more investments come in. This is a fairly good deal for us since we have barely started and we are already growing at this pace.
Grant that this continues, expect better offers from our company in the coming weeks or months. Thank you.


I was very concerned over the future of ValueSpecificsLtd (reviewed here) when the payments were delayed for more than the promised 24 hours today. I even had to move it to Waiting status on the MNO monitor for a few hours. I must admit that the admin did prove me wrong and replied to my emails promptly and then processed all overdue withdrawals. Apparently the shortage of funds was caused by the recent DDoS attack which led to a decrease of incoming deposits and the admin had to use reserve funds in order to cover the withdrawal requests from his program. A newsletter explaining the situation and apologizing was sent after all the withdrawal requests had been honored. Although ValueSpecificsLtd has yet to make any significant impact in the HYIP industry and is not really that popular among my readers, this positive attitude from the admin might be what’s required to get the program on the right track. I remind you that ValueSpecificsLtd accepts deposits starting from a $20 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer and you can possibly make up to 30% net profit on expiry of the investment plan paying 6.5% interest for the period of 20 business days (Monday to Friday). Below you can read the latest news from the admin today:

Pending payments
Following our DDoS attack, we spent a lot to get the situation rectified and therefore depleted our platform’s account.
In the absence of any deposits since the incident, we had called back one of our investments so we can refund our platform’s account and make the payments we have made so far.
We are committed to all our clients obligations and sorry for any inconvenience caused with the rough patch we are going through. This is a challenge we are trying hard to overcome and will do all our best to.
As admin of this program, I am one who believes this industry can have honest admins running programs with honest intentions and irrespective of the challenges encountered can be honest with their members on the situation, keeping them abreast and doing everything possible to meet the obligations set at the beginning of the program.
I sincerely crave for understanding through this period and together, let’s make history in this industry. Once again, thank you for your understanding so far and remember, you are important to us.
Warm Regards
Admin. ValueSpecificsLtd


It’s not all the doom and gloom in the HYIP industry at the moment as some unexpected revivals suddenly happen too from time to time. The latest example is the weird resurrection of GHash whose admin paid me all the pending payouts last night even after his program was moved to the Scam Section on the MNO monitor due to payouts taking much longer than the promised 24 hours. Even his promise to pay instantly was kind of short-lived and the script hadn’t been fixed yet. Anyway, if you don’t mind to wait for possibly more than 24 hours to get paid (the admin told me he’s on vacation now hence the delays) and do not mind investing in a program that has been only on MNO now and will stay under the radar until next year then GHash might be a good choice for you. I will give the admin the benefit of the doubt and will allow him to pay within 72 hours instead of the promised 24 hours for now as he contacted me himself and explained the situation. I’m just glad that GHash is still paying and I do not really mind how long it takes to process withdrawals as long as the admin keeps communication open and hence he opted for the soft start. Of course a reasonable timeframe will be appreciated and if the admin forgets to pay for 72 hours or more than that he shouldn’t be surprised to see his program back to Scam status on the MNO monitor. Nevertheless, if you’re interested to learn more on GHash which is now exclusively monitored on MNO you’re welcome to read the detailed review of the program here. GHash accepts deposits only via BitCoin at the moment for a $20 minimum and pays 1.3% to 1.7% for 70 calendar days with the principal returned on expiry or at any time after the first 12 days. Hope that people who invested in GHash at the very beginning won’t be disappointed even considering the admin’s lack of attention to fixing all the errors.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listCryptoIncomeAssuredAssets, LaxoTrade, EastOilStarDubai, CryptoFarmGrandAgroFinance, OneStability, Linberger, VaioCapital, GHash, VeltaFinancial.
From MNO Standard list: ValueSpecificsLtd.
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization, MarkApter, SuccessRoadToWealth.

That’s all for tonight, guys. I’ll only be posting tomorrow if I have some important news or new promising programs to report. Otherwise, I will see you all on Saturday with the latest updates from the biggest investment programs in the HYIP industry. Always be on the money with Money-News-Online and see you all soon!

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