Oct 25th, 2014 Archives

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Hi guys! Has there ever been a sweeter phrase than “free public wi-fi”? It’s everywhere here now including the beach, so while going downstairs for my morning swim today I decided to bring a laptop and make a day of it. Sunshine, golden sands, deep blue waters, and a raft of beach bars – if anyone is currently working from a nicer “office” than mine today, I’d like to hear about it! Being Saturday and I was in the mood for a day at beach but still have a lot of work to do, it just made sense to take advantage of free public facilities and combine the two. There isn’t much in the way of news to report for today, just a couple of stories I’ll be getting to in a few moments so do keep reading, and so I thought that the time was right to make an updated version of the ongoing Top Five Popular Programs on MNO articles that I do every so often (whenever there’s a significant change in its make up).

Just to re-cap on how these numbers were arrived at, in other words what exactly puts one program into the number one position and another one into number five, it’s based on the activities of MNO readers. I myself as the MNO admin have in fact very little input to the exact placings of the programs on my monitor. It’s done automatically by the script developed especially for MNO by my programmer, and places programs in order of the returns I have earned, not in monetary figures but in percentage returns. It can’t be manipulated, and if it was it would only be to favor programs who didn’t deserve it at the expense of programs that are genuinely better. It’s not always a 100% accurate method – popularity being a difficult thing to quantify – but with a consistent number of readers and most programs paying a similar rate of ref commissions I do believe the list is always close enough to reality.

Regaining the #1 spot is a program that’s been hovering around the top for a very long time now, RemiTrade. It’s the longest monitored program on MNO, frequently drifting in and out of the #1 spot itself. I reviewed it first back in November of last year which you can read here, so that’s 11 months now. There’s been much speculation as to who the admin is and his previous track record in the HYIP industry, but if he is who I suspect he is, then I see no reason why RemiTrade can’t continue for a very long time to come. It’s a low paying HYIP with variable daily payments, and represents your share of the program’s overall performance which is stated on their website. The rates can vary from anything as low as 0.3% on a bad day to as high as 4% on the best day possible. The average is somewhere in the middle. This gives the admin much tighter control over the program’s cash flow and keeps him from making financial commitments that other programs would struggle to meet. So far this policy has worked like a charm for RemiTrade and has made them one of the most dependable names in the industry over this past year. The investment term is 240 business days (48 weeks) and your principal is returned at the end. You can join RemiTrade for a $10 minimum and can use PerfectMoney, BitCoin, or a direct bank wire. RemiTrade makes payments from Tuesday to Saturday, ie you can collect your share the day after the program has managed to create it, and withdrawals to PerfectMoney are always instant.

Moving back up one place since the last Top Five article was written we have another long term favorite on MNO which is AssuredAssets. Since it was first launched back in March AssuredAssets has become another byword for stability and dependability in the industry. For a more detailed look at what they have to offer you can read the original review on my blog first published here. The difference between the current top two programs is that with AssuredAssets the interest rates are already fixed, and are from 0.8% up to possibly 1.4% every business day for a slightly shorter 190 business day term (38 weeks) and your principal back on expiry. AssuredAssets have the highest minimum entry level of any program in the MNO top five, requiring members make a deposit of $50 or more to join. Still, not enough to bankrupt anyone exactly, and it may even free up a lot of the admin’s time to concentrate on running a better program for serious more dedicated investors. AssuredAssets favored payment methods include instant payouts to all processors, including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer and BitCoin.

Also moving up a notch on the MNO Top Five Popular Programs list is LaxoTrade . This lucrative though slow burning program that’s been in business since last April has now, after just recently celebrating six months online, moved into the #3 position in the MNO Top Five. Aside from the LaxoTrade review which you can read here for more information on the program, the admin was also interviewed on MNO some time back, which you can read here. The plans being offered to members of LaxoTrade include a choice between either 2% per business day for a year, or a more profitable 11% payment per week for a longer term of 55 weeks. Both plans look good, both will return your deposit on expiry, but what really jumps off the page to a lot of people finding LaxoTrade for the first time isn’t that. It’s the payment options which are probably the best you could hope for under present circumstances in the HYIP industry. You’ll need a $1 minimum to join making it the cheapest investment on my monitor, which you can do via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, the almost forgotten PexPay and, most crucially I think, Payza.

What to say about the #4 program on the list? The newest entry, one of the fastest rising, and perhaps one of the more promising new HYIPs to launch in recent weeks is StarDubai, and this might really turn out to be one to watch between now and the end of the year. The program and its admin have received a lot of positive feedback, and that can’t really do StarDubai‘s long term chances any harm. It’s another perpetual style program, offering members greater control over their own accounts and greater freedom to decide what their own investment strategies will be. Granted this type of program has seen some mixed fortunes in the industry of late, but there’s no denying from experience that under the right admin these things can prove very very lucrative. Fingers crossed that StarDubai‘s time with us will be considered another success story, and personally I think we’re already on our way. StarDubai‘s investment plan is a basic daily payment of 4%-5.5% daily forever, and your principal back anytime on request. Payment options are PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin, and almost forgot to mention that all withdrawals are instant. More on StarDubai please read in the review here.

Completing the MNO Top Five most popular programs from my monitor’s Premium List is another brand new and first time entry. EastOil is another of the more traditional longer term HYIPs – that’s four of the top five now so there can be no mistaking the current trend and direction of the industry – and was reviewed on MNO here. The admin has requested an interview as well, as is his right as a Premium Listed admin, so hopefully I’ll be hearing back from him on that soon. For now I can tell you that EastOil has two categories of investment plans. One makes smaller daily interest payments on your deposit, while the other less advisable one only offers members a single payout made on expiry. The exact numbers are 3.2%-3.6% for 70 days (principal back), and 550%-800% after 55 days (principal included). You’ll need a $25 minimum, and can use any of the four main processors serving the HYIP industry now with PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin.

So that’s the current Top Five Popular Programs on the MNO monitored, not decided by me in any way but as decided by you, collectively, the MNO readers. Give yourselves a slap on the back because it’s a pretty good selection to have in any portfolio, and if any of the more experienced readers have been in all five since the very beginning I can only imagine how pleased you must be feeling with yourselves by now. A lot has happened in the industry this year, still two months to go I know, and a lot of good and bad programs have come and gone. But there’s no reason why longer term industry players can’t be in a substantial profit from four of the five programs listed above. EastOil is still too new for anyone to profit at this early stage so I do hope they can get you there as well.



As we see the Top Five on the MNO Premium List is ever changing and as it’s based on the unique stats determining the popularity of each individual program listed there, I believe the most likely program to feature in the next article is Linberger. Of course, whether it’s going to happen or not remains to be seen, but we’ll definitely see some improvement in the program’s already growing ratings once the first profits are paid on the 10% for 12 days and 144% after 12 days plans in a few days. So far, the admin is keeping the pace and the withdrawals to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer are processed in a timely fashion. Any technical issues (like the one with Payeer deposits detected yesterday) are fixed in the most professional way possible, that is before most investors ever even know it was there. So for the latest update from Linberger which was first reviewed here please read below:

Payeer.com Deposits Erroneous For Few Hours
Good day everyone. Due to a minor error in our settings within our Payeer account, the Payeer depositors were getting a “Store Not Verified” error when they get forwarded to the Payeer website to complete the transaction. This error has already been fixed and you should be able to make a deposit through Payeer without any problems now.
Thank you for being patient.


Yesterday it became quite clear to everyone that the admin of CryptoIncome was not going to resume any withdrawals and that the program was in tatters after days of extensive DDoS attacks on their servers. It appears that for some reason the admin had very powerful enemies who did their best to attack CryptoIncome from every possible angle, also spreading false rumors on forums and monitors. even so, just one week online was still enough time for some people who joined CryptoIncome on day one to see a profit as the program allowed you withdraw your principal at any time while paying 5% to 6% daily interest. I sincerely hope that the majority of my readers managed to get their principals back following the uncertain future when the first attacks brought the site down. I’m pretty sure that just paying for one week was not the admin’s choice, but it was impossible to run a program any longer with the site being more down than up. Please stop all your investments in CryptoIncome. As of today the program is on Scam status on my monitor while the site is still online and will probably accept new deposits for the foreseeable future.


ValueSpecificsLtd was moved to Problem Status on the MNO monitor tonight as the withdrawals have been delayed for longer than the promised 24 hours. This is happening now for the second time in the last few days so it was obvious that the admin had some financial problems. Then the program managed to pay the outstanding payouts to everyone, and today I was promised the admin was looking at ways to find some spare funds, but with a complete and utter lack of interest in the program I doubt very much that he would able to deliver this time. Actually, ValueSpecificsLtd appeared to be yet another fast scam that went almost unnoticed by general investing public (thankfully with no active investors at all in my downline), and I’m glad my review didn’t hurt anyone and didn’t cause anyone to lose money in this scam. Even if the program somehow manages to come back and pay everyone tomorrow, I would still not recommend any further investments there as the admin clearly has no idea how to run a successful project or attract people’s attention. It appears people were right by not trusting their money to that admin as ValueSpecificsLtd managed to run for three weeks, short of even the time needed for the very first investors to see a profit. Please do not invest in ValueSpeficicsLtd anymore which for now has been moved to Problem Status on the MNO monitor. Actions speak louder than words and the admin seems to have been failed miserably in what was a relatively moderate investment plan.


Following the latest article on the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO posted today I would like to ask readers this – What’s your favorite program from the current Top Five list? Whether your favorite is RemiTrade, AssuredAssets, LaxoTrade , StarDubai, or EastOil please vote on the MNO TalkBack to have your opinion heard and included with the results to be drawn sometime next week.

As for the results of the last poll that ran for a couple of days following the collapse of the biggest program in the HYIP industry at that time 2FXLtd I’m glad to see that 30% of my readers managed to double their money for the program’s amazing 11 week run. That was certainly enough to double or even triple your money and the thing that almost a third of my readers took this opportunity really warmed my heart. That’s why MNO is here – to help readers profit from such fantastic programs like 2FXLtd was. I’m pleased to announce that the admin promised to bring his next program which he’s working on at the moment to MNO as soon as possible, so keep an eye on my blog and monitor for that. Back to the poll results, and almost 33% of readers said they were in profit with 2FXLtd, but didn’t quite manage to double their funds. That means a total of nearly two thirds of my readers were able to profit significantly from the amazing program. On the other hand the HYIP industry can’t have winners without losers, so I’m sorry for the 27% of readers who said they lost their money in 2FXLtd and for the 11% who got barely broke-even for wasting their time and investing there. But the majority made a profit from 2FXLtd according to readers own votes. Congratulations if you’re one of them and please keep following my site for the best possible investment opportunities you can find online.

Speaking of the MNO TalkBack page, I’d like to remind you that on the right-hand side there you can find a so-called Off-Topic ShoutBox powered by ChatWing where you can discuss absolutely anything which is of interest to you (including the programs not on MNO) as there are very few restrictions there with posting links and chatting on subjects outside the HYIP industry is also allowed. So, spread the word about that and start posting. No account is necessary to post on the ChatWing Off-Topic ShoutBox you can find on the MNO TalkBack page and it’s only lightly moderated by me. So start posting if you want to be heard!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRemiTrade, AssuredAssets, LaxoTrade, EastOilStarDubai, CryptoFarmVeltaFinancialGrandAgroFinance, OneStability, Linberger, VaioCapital, GHash.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: ZeusInvest, OgdenOrganization, MarkApter, SuccessRoadToWealth.

That is for tonight, guys. I will possibly skip tomorrow as well if I don’t have any important stories or new programs to add. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and see you again soon!

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