July 2021 Archives

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Hello again everyone! I hope you’re doing well and are back on the MNO blog to find out more about the hottest online investment opportunities. Earlier this month my site celebrated fourteen years online and I’m certainly looking forward to continue the journey to riches alongside with my valued readers and see what the future holds and what surprises it might bring to us by developing the HYIP industry into something different to what it used to be known for.

First though let me apologize for not posting more often this summer. It all has to do not only with the regular summer slowdown and the absence of strong HYIP industry leaders, but also with my personal commitments and businesses I run outside of this circle. Besides, it’s all about enjoying the glorious summer with its long days full of sunshine and joy which I am pretty sure keep both HYIP investors and admins on the relaxed side of things. Be sure though that when the autumn comes we should see more activity from all interested parts of the HYIP industry, so if you haven’t done so yet you can join hundreds of email subscribers by submitting your address on this page or simply follow MNO on Telegram, Twitter and Facebook, where all the important announcements appear first. Don’t miss the next giant of the industry, like you might have in the case of CryptoCapital earlier this year – the program that managed to triple investors’ deposits with its impeccable performance! Who knows, the next similar program may be in the preparation stages and waiting just around the corner to launch.

I have been known to try and answer my readers’ questions and admins’ queries within a very short timeframe. So, if you for some reason are looking to contact me then you may send me a question using this contact form, write directly at my email address abramsonp@gmail.com or simply chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. I’m always here and ready to provide you with any possible assistance you might need, as communication has always been a key factor to better performance and serving my readers’ needs over my long online journey. In fact, MNO has been designed to provide better links between HYIP admins and their investors and I have always been known for putting the truth first, however ugly or disgusting it might sound to some.

So, in that case the idea came to my head lately to start posting a series of revelatory articles entitled HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets where I would share almost a decade and a half experience with some tricks and twists used by people responsible for running online investment platforms. The aim of the series whose previous articles can be read here was to educate my readership on the possible pitfalls they should expect when diving into the unknown abyss of the false sense of security that admins are usually feeding off. If you think that it’s essential to know more about then keep reading MNO, as in today’s article you will find something new you might not be aware of before.

Have you ever thought how much the HYIP industry has changed over the last decade? Well, think about that. Back at the times we had AlertPay and SolidTrustPay as payment providers responsible for possibly 50% of the HYIP market value combined (simply because they were the payment processors of choice for larger and more sophisticated investors) the admins might have hard times at verifying their accounts with them. They had to buy some false identities or somehow use other fake IDs to verify their accounts with AP and STP. They faced possible chargebacks if an investor complained and it was often quite possible to get lost money back, if you managed to prove to the payment processor handlers that you were scammed unknowingly by investing in ponzi-games disguised as real investment ventures. That was quite a golden age for many HYIP investors who felt a relative safety net under their feet and knew they could rely on the mercy of a payment processor in case their money was somehow lost.

Of course, not all disputes were resolved in the investor’s favor. However if the funds were still available on the balance of suddenly closed HYIPs there was a higher chance that both AP and STP would redistribute whatever money could be recovered between scammed investors. In that case the admins were usually able to steal only anonymous payment handlers, like LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The latter two didn’t really require any verification and in case of a HYIP closure left swindled investors with nothing but the shattered dreams of quick fortune.

Times have changed greatly with the emergence of BitCoin and similar cryptocurrencies and their widespread acceptance in the HYIP industry. Those payment methods made the life of fast scammers much easier, due to the high level of anonymity cryptocurrencies are famous for. There were no more chargebacks available for unprotected investors and any HYIP admin may disappear tomorrow without a trace with all the money transferred to other wallets to be used to open a new HYIP and repeat the successful cycle over and over again. The whole process of setting up a HYIP and start accepting funds from potential investors have been greatly simplified. And that wasn’t good for the HYIP industry as a whole organism. It started suffering from all the low-life scammers that overwhelmingly overtook perhaps 90% of the market. Many talented old-school HYIP admins meanwhile preferred switching to greener pastures and started trading with cryptocurrencies instead, leaving the market to vicious scammers with nothing but desire for a fast buck. That alone has devastated the industry and put it into the current disastrous shape and form we can clearly see now.

You might see quite a dissonance yourselves. On one hand, cryptocurrencies are sheer bliss for potential investors for their relatively easy funding process and increased anonymity. On the other hand, it’s a perfect tool for some fast scams to set up an account or a new cryptocurrency wallet within seconds and stay totally under the radar and unnoticed by potential investigators. This realization and generally cheap HYIP setup costs nowadays give ground for many fast scammers to steal millions from investors. The worst thing is that they spoil the game for other hard-working admins who might already struggle in the current climate of reduced interest towards low-quality investment opportunities and a general lack of interest from larger investors already having shifted to cryptocurrencies trading. And that much is true – cryptocurrencies potentially offer quite larger profits for a much reduced risk compared to investing in regular mediocre HYIPs that constitute 90% of the market today and where you can lose everything in mere days.

The conclusion is pretty simple – what you see is what you get. Although BTC might be the best friend to a HYIP admin due to its anonymity and flexibility in generally rising value over years, it might also be the worst enemy for the average quality of investment programs on the market, thus threatening the industry’s future as a whole.

The HYIP industry is of course never going to be the same again as all in this world has been changing and the HYIPs are evolving with time as well. After the Covid pandemic the whole wide world will be forever different and the admins will have to adjust to new trends and investors’ behavior. Rest assured though that MNO will be on top of all the new trends in the industry as I will continue to educate my readers and feature only the best investment programs in the industry – the lesser the better, as I have always preferred quality over quantity. Stay tuned for more exciting news with MNO to come our way soon, and thanks for reading this article from the HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets series. To be continued…



As there was literally nothing new to report in today’s news section I have decided to finish by looking at results of the previously held poll on the MNO TalkBack page. I will also be replacing it with a new question for your consideration, so please be more active and keep voting, guys.

As the HYIP industry has been shifting towards wider acceptance of cryptocurrencies the programs that use only BTC and other non-fiat payment methods have been growing steadily over the last few years. In fact, it’s very often now you see HYIPs that deal exclusively with cryptocurrencies while more and more admins are realizing the fact that the PerfectMoney influence over the industry is miniscule now. People do prefer to use cryptocurrencies nowadays not only as their storage wallet and trading facility but also for investing in HYIPs. The more admins realize this simple truth the more popular and accepted their programs will be among the general audience.

That truth is more or less understood I believe by both parties of the industry – HYIP admins and HYIP players alike. However, along with BTC there are many hundreds of other cryptocurrencies currently in circulation, some of them widely accepted at the moment, others growing steadily to be able to replace the old guard in the near future, while the majority of them risk always staying at the back and never come out of relative obscurity. The competition on that market is fierce, as wider acceptance generally means much higher profits for cryptocurrencies’ developers and stock holders. And as you can imagine, the HYIP admins try to do their best to accommodate as many popular cryptocurrencies options as possible not to be left out by some investors in case they don’t have any particular cryptocurrency at their disposal at the time of deciding whether to invest in a particular program. Many admins only accept BTC and ETH funds which might not be enough, even though these two are by far the most accepted ones on the market with huge turnover and multiple wallet funding options available.

Having taken all this into consideration for the previous TalkBack poll I have been asking my readers the following question – What is your favorite cryptocurrency when investing in HYIPs?

The results was a bit of a mixed bag and not what I expected to see. Understandably enough the majority of my readers – 57% – have chosen BitCoin as their preferred option when investing. However, unexpectedly Ethereum got no fans at all. Instead of that, 29% of the voters said they would favor some other cryptocurrency with the answer “Something else” was the second most popular in the poll. 14% more votes have been given by those undecided what was their preferred cryptocurrency who voted “I have no favorite”. Overall, the poll was quite an interesting reflection on BTC and other less known crypto methods for using in HYIPs, and perhaps it was the introductory poll of something else we could discuss on the MNO blog in future articles.

Let’s now get to the new question I wanted to ask MNO readers about. You might remember that CryptoCapital became quite a success earlier this year. Many people managed to earn quite a lot from the program that offered enormous flexibility for their investors. Specifically, it was possible to withdraw your principal in just 24 hours after the deposit activation, besides you may only take out part of the money and keep earning on the remaining part on an indefinite basis. That in itself along with instantly processed payouts have managed to keep CryptoCapital on the highest possible standards among investors and helped it propel to the stardom to become one of the leaders of the HYIP industry this year. As we are all currently anticipating the return of the admin responsible for bringing us the shining star of CryptoCapital, maybe it’s time to look closely at the whole business model behind the concept of “principal back anytime” style programs and see if MNO readers liked the general idea of this sort.

That’s why I am asking you to think about the answer to the following question for the next MNO TalkBack poll – Are you inclined to invest more in the programs allowing to withdraw principal at any time?

And the following answers are available for your votes
– Yes, I always feel more confident when I’m not tied to a particular term
– Only under certain circumstances, if a HYIP looks much better than others
– No, I think it’s false security and I wouldn’t invest more than I normally do

I do believe the question might be interesting one to hear your opinions on, guys. I do believe it might help certain talented admins to build something that investors expect from them and improve their overall performance as a result of that. I would like to thank everyone in advance for voting in the poll that will remain active on the MNO TalkBack page for a couple of weeks. After that we will draw the final result in a separate article on the MNO blog. And remember that every single opinion counts, so keep your votes coming here!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 216 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: –
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: LeverageTrades.

That will be all for today on MNO, guys. Thanks for reading my blog despite the summer heat and vacations many of you have now, and I do hope my articles present good value for you all of you and help you to earn in the HYIP industry rather than lose. Stay tuned for more as I will keep doing what I do best for the benefit of my readers on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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