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15/08/2011. Interview with the admin of CommoditiesCapital


CommoditiesCapital on Problem status due to inaccessibility of the website!

Hello all! One program listed on the MNO monitoring page that underwent a few positive changes – to their design that is – has been CommoditiesCapital. That’s the name of a medium to long term HYIP that was first reviewed on MNO here. The admin’s name is James and for the first post for the new working week I have the following interview with him that I received just earlier this morning. Before we hear from him I’ll just remind you that CommoditiesCapital has a series of plans offering terms of 1.8% for 100 days with your principal back, and also 3.2% for 45 days, 5% for 30 days, and 6.5% for 25 days.

1. Hi James, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in CommoditiesCapital.

I’m James Setter and I’m the admin of CommoditiesCapital. We started the program on 26th July.

2. Can you give us some background information on CommoditiesCapital? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

Right now we have 1995 members as you can see on our home page. I have two other guys helping me run this program. I’m online since 5 years ago, used to run an online store at first, then I discovered forex and started to trade commodities for 3 years. In this time I also discovered the HYIP industry and thought to open this program and offer members the possibility to earn some money by taking advantage of our trading experience.

3. I can see that you made some changes to your program recently, or to be more exact changes to your website. Tell us about that and why you felt it was needed.

Well, to be honest I didn’t feel I needed it. But not being so familiar yet with this industry I preferred to listen your advice and make the changes. I bought this domain (with just one “M” in the name) because I wanted this word and the other correct named domains were taken. Then I used the domain name on the site because I was thinking using the correct spelling would misleading the members (and partially I was right, because if you will look on our wall on Facebook, there were members who didn’t find the site because the site name is no longer the domain name now). However I’m always open to critics and advice from more experienced guys from this industry so I decided to follow advice.

4. What plans are available to investors in CommoditiesCapital? Explain them in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you accepting at the moment?

We offer 4 plans to our members.

First plan offer 1.8% daily for 100 days with principal back after expire. That’s a total of 280% after 100 days. Minimum for this plan is $1 and maximum is $20.000.

Second plan offer 3.2% daily for 45 days with principal included. So it will bring a total of 144% profit after 45 days. Minimum in this plan is $21 and maximum is $500.

3rd plan offer 5% daily for 30 days with principal included. That’s a total of 150% profit after 30 days. Minimum in this plan is $501 and maximum is $2000.

4th plan offer 6.5% daily for 25 days with principal included. So it will be a total of 162.5% profit after 25 days. Minimum is $2001 and maximum is $100000.

For now we accept LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. We had SolidTrustPay option too but nobody used it so we removed it. If members will request it we will add it back.

5. By using AlertPay don’t you think you are putting your program and your investor’s money in enormous danger? Stronger programs than yours had enormous sums of money taken from them despite being verified and were prevented from making refunds. What is your contingency plan if this happens to you?

I read on your blog about these problems with AlertPay. We didn’t have any problems yet with them but if this will be the case, we will think about an exit AP strategy. We’re used to handling problems as they appear so we will think more about this and develop other strategies if it will be the case. We also made a backup fund that we might use in case this kind of problem will appear.

6. How secure is the website of CommoditiesCapital? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

We are running on a GoldCoders licensed script, using SSL and we’re hosted with AntiDdos hosting company ( who offer us DDoS protection and also hacker proof protection. They have very strict security and I’m very satisfied with them by now.

7. Can we see any statistics regarding the site? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

As I said before we have now 1995 members and over half of them are active members so far. We’re very pleased with our members support and they had an active role in helping our site to grow. We also offer them constantly bonuses, contests and other possibility to earn so I guess they are satisfied with our program too.

8. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

We offer support on our site (using our support area) and also I’m doing my best to offer them support on Facebook and Google Plus too and till now they seemed to be satisfied with this.

9. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

Many of our members are newbies so they have all kind of questions. But most common issue was that they don’t understand we are making payouts manually and in our terms it says payouts term is 24-48 hours. They are more and more every day so it takes us more and more time to pay all withdrawals requests. I don’t want to use instant payouts or mass-payment because enabling API is not safe and for their own security we won’t use that option. Better work more and keep our members safe.

10. How have you been promoting the program so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

We advertised on quite few sites but mostly we are using our promotions and contests to get members investing with us. Personally I think that mouth to mouth advertising is still the most efficient and keeping our members interested and happy is the best advertisement we can get. Of course we will extend our advertising campaign soon on other sites too.

11. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

We’re moving funds and trade with them on forex (mostly on commodities – such as silver, gold, and others, depending on how the market is going). The major problem is to move the funds on forex and back but commodities offers the highest profit so we managed up to now to handle this issue and keep on paying and we hope we will be able to do this for a long time.

12. If you had just one more thing to say to the unconvinced about the merits of putting their money into your program, what would that be?

Well, I won’t lie members and say I’m the best because my ego is not that big, but what I can offer them is the best support they can get and I hope that by working as hard as we are, they will be convince without other unnecessary words.

Also I’d like to thank you, Paul, for your advice, support and impartiality and for this interview opportunity. Also if I made some typing mistakes in this interview please bear with me as I’m working 16 hours a day and I’m dead tired.

A big thanks to all our members for their great support for our program.

Thanks a lot to James for that and good luck to him establishing CommoditiesCapital as a popular choice with online HYIP players. I hope you all found something useful in there in helping you decide if CommoditiesCapital is a suitable addition to your own portfolios or not.

That’s about it for now guys, but not for long so don’t go too far! I’ll be back later this evening with all the day’s main news stories so make sure to check back here again later on. See you all then!

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