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28/10/2014. Interview with the Admin of EastOil


Beware! EastOil has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi all! I don’t have much news to report for today as I’m spending most of it at the airport and flying back home. Any important news updates will still be covered on my ShoutBox at least, and my monitor will still be updated as usual as a priority, so no interruption to service there. I do have one article for you today however, and there’s plenty of reading in it so I hope you’ll find it interesting. It’s an exclusive interview with the admin of EastOil, an increasingly popular longer term HYIP. And it’s quite an extensive interview as well, with the admin taking full advantage of the opportunity to talk at length about his program. The EastOil admin’s name is Andy, and he’s offering members two groups of plans including daily payments of 3.2%-3.6% for 70 days (principal back), and on expiry plans of 550%-800% after 55 days (principal included). If you like what Andy has to say for himself and would like further information, then I suggest you start with the review of EastOil which was first reviewed on MNO here:

1. Hi Andy, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in EastOil. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?

I am pleased to welcome all readers and subscribers of Money-News-Online. My name is Andy and I’m the administrator of EastOil Ltd which is enjoying the widest popularity among investors of high-yield investment programs. My duties as an administrator are to coordinate the work of all employees who are engaged in the organization of the project. I control all stages of the project, from the development of marketing strategy to the correctness of calculation and payment of profits to investors. I am also the head of customer support. I do my best to ensure that our customers receive the right information to the fullest extent. For direct communication please contact me via

2. Can you give us some background information on EastOil? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

Our company was created in 2009. Since that time we have been planning to sooner or later realize a similar project that would allow a growing cash turnover to increase profits. Such a possibility has appeared after incorporation in 2014. This summer we have started to design the website and developed a basis of investment plans. opened to the public in September.

At the moment 15 people are employed here. Each employee has certain responsibilities. We are proud of our team of real professionals. Thus, our customers can be confident that their money is fully intact. Among EastOil Ltd staff there are technicians, programmers, economists, and development experts of different communication channels (PR, client support team).

3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you currently accepting?

We tried to make our offer more attractive and profitable for investors. You can choose one of two profitable strategies or even merge them into one account. For those who are used to receive daily profit, we have developed Brent Oil Plan. Under the terms of this plan, depending on the size of your deposit you will receive from 3.2% to 3.6% daily profit within 70 calendar days including, weekends and holidays. Such plan with daily accruals may include compounding options if you wish. This will significantly increase your total return. There is such available setting as compounding from 0% to 100%. You can change it any time in the process of investment.

WTI Oil Plan is our second plan. It involves a one-time accrual of income from 550% to 800% at the end of the term of the investment plan, after 55 calendar days.

In both of mentioned plans your initial deposit will be returned to you at the end of the investment period, after 55 or 70 days. In WTI Oil Plan your principal will be included in the total return.

At the moment, we freely accept the most popular electronic payment systems such as PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. You can easily make a deposit using both VISA and MasterCard cards. On “Deposit” page select Payeer as a source of funds, and then go to the payment system website. Just follow further instructions.

We remind you that the profit is accrued and may be paid in only same e-currency which you used to make your deposit. According to regulations, after your request for withdrawal of funds, they will be transferred to you in manual mode within 12 hours. However, our experienced technicians always make their best to send money faster. Therefore, all withdrawal processes rarely exceed 2 hours.

The minimum deposit is only $25, the maximum one is $500,000. The size of payout depends only on the payment system you use. The minimum withdrawal amount to PerfectMoney and BitCoin is $0.1, minimum withdrawal is $1 when you use EgoPay and Payeer.

4. How secure is the EastOil website? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

Our company has always been doing our best to protect all the data of our project. We understand that in addition to any financial risk or force majeure, there is always a risk of hacker attacks and all other sorts of technical problems. Our website has a maximum protection against both all external and internal threats. First of all, we have carefully studied all the offers hosting providers and choose the best service. Thus, DDOS-Guard provides permanent protection against DDoS attacks. We use a dedicated server which provides the best speed access to the project website. Also our website is scanned daily for malware by services such as GeoTrust Anti-Malware and Site Lock Anti-Malware. All connections and personal data of our clients are protected by a SSL-certificate with extended business license (EV) from Comodo CA Limited.

Using a similar comprehensive protection we can confidently state that our website is the most secure place to keep both your money and personal data.

5. What kind of script is EastOil off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

We use the universal automatic platform to receive deposits, for calculation and to payment of income. It is based on a script developed by GoldCoders Team. Of course, we are officially licensed by the developer. You can easily check it on the official GoldCoders website, however we have completely modified it to suit our needs. Therefore, only the basis for the profit calculation remained from the original code. Why have we chosen GoldCoders script? This script is familiar to all regular participants of HYIP projects. Therefore, we believe that working with a personal account, the deposit making and withdrawal request will be apparent to any of our users.

6. Can we see any statistics regarding EastOil? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

You can look through all statistics on our Home page. According to the company’s policy in the field of privacy, we have hidden some data. The number of registered users and the total amount invested is public information of the project. The website also displays information about our Top Investors and Last Deposits. Today EastOil Ltd online project has been definitely enjoying increased popularity. This is evidenced by nearly 12,000 active members and the total amount of funds invested in excess of $60 million. I am confident that these figures speak for themselves. They show a high level of confidence to our investment program.

7. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

We are very proud of our customer support. Our project members may get an answer to all questions by email or feedback form in “Contacts” section. It works all day round. During the working days, Monday thru Friday from 9AM to 6PM all client tech support specialists are available by means of a multi-channel telephone line and online chat. Every day we try to make the investment process as easy as possible. Nevertheless, if you have problems you can always use the FAQ section, a feedback form, online chat or get information by phone +441628876416.

As I have already mentioned, our specialists are ready to provide emergency assistance at any time. Online chat and phone support services are available five days per week in the office of our company. If these communication channels are not available for some reason, feel free to contact us by either an email or by filling out the feedback form. Just write down your name, email address, EastOil Ltd login and describe your problem in details. We promise that your problem will be solved as soon as possible.

8. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

Our team has carefully prepared to launch an investment project. Therefore, we have predicted all the issues and problems that we may face in advance. We have modeled all abnormal situations and developed methods of solving them. Thus, since has started we have not yet had any serious situations that would threaten the stable operation of the project. However, we occasionally encounter a variety of questions from online chats. Probably the most frequently asked question concerns the proper registration form. Registration cannot be completed successfully after the detection of errors in some fields of the form. Please, check that your personal, contact and payment information is correct. I want to remind you that the system does not provide the possibility of choosing your username. You can only use the one that is automatically generated and assigned to you system. It has the following form: EAXXXXXX. Please do not try to change it and use a different username. Also please note that if you use PerfectMoney payment system, check that the appropriate form field is correctly identified and has next form: UXXXXXX, instead of your username to log in to PerfectMoney. If you fill out the form correctly, you will get a welcome letter to your email. This indicates a successful registration.

9. How have you been promoting EastOil so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

Yes, advertising and promoting are the most important components for us. The project administration understands that fast and high-quality development always requires a large number of people involved. That is why we have developed a three-tier referral system, which gives the possibility of obtaining additional income for any our registered member. We also have a network of regional representatives with special conditions of cooperation. You can also become our official representative in your region. In addition, we actively advertise EastOil Ltd by any available means for us. Among the most popular ones there are hundreds of online monitoring services, Facebook promotion, as well as any forums dedicated to investing and earning online. We cooperate with dozens of bloggers and other active Internet users. We may also develop additional loyalty system for existing investors in the near future. However, at the moment I cannot disclose all the details of this program. Follow our news.

10. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

I want to be honest with the readers of MNO blog and our investors. Please keep in mind that all invested funds are not get into the trade immediately. This is a complex and lengthy process. First of all, we need to accumulate all the necessary money. Only after that they are involved in our business activity. We are often asked how we trade oil and whether we are traders in Forex. We do not have any relation to Forex trading. Our activity is speculation in securities of companies which trade mined commodities, such as oil and gold. Moreover, we have a retail network of small oil traders. The major part of all invested funds is involved in business activity. However, we use part of the money as a stabilization fund and timely payments on our obligations.

11. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

I want to thank Paul for the opportunity to talk about myself and our investment services. I clearly understood all your questions. Thus, I tried to give full answers and provide your readers with maximum information. Hopefully, this will help many of our investors to understand the nature of our business proposal. Those who had doubted before will now be able to start investing with EastOil and earn money. Thanks for the interview, everything was great!

That’s all for today guys. I only want to finish by saying thanks to Andy for taking the time and effort to answer my questions and I hope you found it interesting. Experienced investors will of course know by now how to shall we say “cherry pick” the information they need and separate it from what they don’t, but overall I hope it proves useful in helping you determine whether EastOil is a worthy addition to your portfolios or not. For anyone who has already joined or is about to become a member of EastOil then let me wish you all the best of luck with your investments there. More news and updates coming tomorrow everyone, most likely a bit earlier than the usual time so stay tuned for that and always be on the money with Money-News-Online!

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