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11/12/2014. CoinAssets Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! CoinAssets has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! As the old song goes “it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” with another sluggish day for news stories in the HYIP industry. I’m not complaining though because no news also means no bad news – all the programs on my monitor maintain their good Paying Status – and it means I might get to take a day off tomorrow and go shopping for presents. Despite a general lack of news however there’s still plenty new earning opportunities around if you look for them. Mostly, as far as the MNO monitor is concerned, the seem to be mostly longer term HYIPs that I might not expect a great deal from just yet, not before the holidays are well and truly behind us. After that we’ll see exactly what the best programs are and where the industry is going in 2015. I know a lot of folks take a break from HYIPs around now, but more dedicated and professional investors often find this a very fruitful time of the year. Not because there’s a lot of money floating around as such, but because it’s an ideal chance to join at the very beginning of what might very well turn out to be some of the biggest hits of the following year. Will the program I’m looking at today be one of them? Time will tell, but let’s take a look for now and you can see what you think yourselves. It’s called CoinAssets and, in keeping with recent trends, it’s a long term program. It’s also brand new so if ever there’s such a thing as the “best” time for joining unknown HYIPs it might be at the start. CoinAssets is so new in fact that at the time of writing it still only lists MNO as its sole official monitor. That might change soon, I really don’t know, as it’s really down to the admin’s own strategy on how he wants to promote it. So let’s see what its all about and whether you think it might be worth adding to your portfolios.

You could say there’s three plans to choose from in CoinAssets, or one plan divided into three sub-sections. Whatever you prefer. For the majority of investors it won’t matter as they won’t be looking any further than the first one anyway. You’ll need a $20 minimum to join, and the investment term runs for 90 calendar days. During this time all members who have deposited up to $1,999 are offered a daily interest payment of 4%. CoinAssets are counting your principal as part of the payments and so will not be returning it to you in a separate on-expiry transaction. The final return therefore which should add up to 360% of your investment by the final day will be made up of your own money plus 260% net profit.

To put that another way in more practical monetary terms then, let’s say you join CoinAssets with $100. Every day for the following 90 days you should expect the admin to return $4 to you. This is credited to your account every 24 hours from the time you first make a deposit by the way. Your own initial hundred is recouped on day 25, pretty fast considering the overall length of the term, and you’re collecting pure passive profit from that day on. You complete the term with a return of $360, from which $100 was yours to begin with and $260 your reward for being a CoinAssets member.

For bigger spending investors the operation of the program remains the same, they just pay you more if you spend more. The second option open to you for instance is to invest something between $2,000 and $3,999. For that the CoinAssets admin is offering members a daily payment of 5% interest per day for 90 calendar days. With your principal already factored in as part of the payments members could potentially emerge with a final return of 450%, which is your own money plus an extra 350% net profit for yourself.

An even better return of 6% per day is also available. Too bad it’s going to cost you $4,000 or more (no stated maximum) to see if the offer is genuine or can be achieved. The term is still 90 calendar days, so with your principal counted as part of the payments, investors will expect a final return of 540%. That once again is made up of your own money plus 440% profit courtesy of CoinAssets.

To be honest sometimes it’s just nice to see a program that tries to keep things simple and straight-forward like the CoinAssets admin tries to do here. Something I like about the program more than others however, and speaking professionally now as a monitor not an investor, is that I can see it appealing to a much wider audience than a lot of other long term HYIPs. You see, while I’ve said a couple of times recently that I think longer term programs are going to be very strong in the industry next year, not everyone likes them. In the case of CoinAssets though I think the fact that members can break-even and see a profit in a relatively short space of time in comparison to the overall length of the term is going to be hugely beneficial in attracting other investors who might normally skip such programs. So for anyone who thinks 90 days is simply too long for their taste and prefers the shorter term HYIPs, you need to remember that the average spending investor only needs 25 days from the 90 to profit. Bigger spending players could do it even faster. My point here really I suppose is that CoinAssets may look like a long term program at first glance (which it is), it’s just that things seem to move at a far brisker pace there which won’t hurt their chances of attracting a wider cross section of investors.

If the plans are clear to you then and something appeals to you there, then our next topic is what are your payment options. Pretty good actually, though that comes as no surprise. CoinAssets have all the most popular processors available, namely PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer for those who favor the more traditional methods, and BitCoin (crucial for keeping the program open to that all important American market, by the way) for those who prefer to use more modern digital e-currencies. No matter what your preference is, all payouts are handled manually by the program’s admin. Members need to log into their CoinAssets private account areas and place the withdrawal request, which they can then expect to be completed within 24 hours of doing so.

Something else that measures up to a more than acceptable industry standard is the website’s design and security features. CoinAssets is running off a script under license from ShadowScript which, from the mass-market pre made scripts available is probably the safest option. I’m sure regular industry players can’t help but notice it becoming increasingly popular with admins by the way, and surely a lot of these guys have to be returning customers. So given that it wouldn’t be the cheapest option by any means, the fact that so many programs (admins) are buying it and returning to it again and again probably tells you what you need to know about how dependable it is. More and more investors must also be feeling familiar with it by now as well. By the way, while I’m still on the subject of the script I just want to remind anyone who doesn’t already know that programs using this particular product are required first to fund your account in the program, and then re-distribute the funds into one of the available investment plans on offer. If you forget to do this your money just sits in your account doing nothing and will not start earning interest until you move it from the e-wallet to an active investment plan.

For hosting, the admin has opted for SharkTech, who are keeping CoinAssets on a dedicated server with their support and protection from DDoS attacks. For an added layer of security you’ll be able to see an SSL encryption certificate from Comodo, allowing for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

Should you feel the need to contact the admin with any further questions you think may not have been covered here or any issues with your account in the program that have to be dealt with, then there’s a couple of lines of communication open to you. For any member of the general public with any comments or queries there’s an e-mail support form in the free area of the CoinAssets website which you simply fill in and submit. For CoinAssets account holders there’s a somewhat more elaborate support ticketing system found in your members area. It works more or less the same way of course, just allows you to keep track and record any correspondence, follow the progress of any issues/questions you might have, and make sure everything gets dealt with to your satisfaction. Fans of social media sites will be able to find CoinAssets with profiles on Facebook and Twitter. Seen as the program is still brand new there hasn’t been much activity there yet, but I do hope the admin recognizes the full value and potential of such things in the free promotion of his program.

For a business plan supposedly backing the program up and supporting the payouts to members, CoinAssets claims to be involved with the mining and trading of BitCoins. I can’t really go into much detail on that simply because the CoinAssets website doesn’t go into much detail either, but suffice to say there isn’t much there you can independently research and verify for yourself. Experienced players already know enough to skip this anyway, but if you’re new to HYIPs then I always feel obliged to finish with a suggestion that you take the advice of those who have come and gone in the industry before you and stop looking for anything credible in these stories. All HYIPs are a form of gambling, it’s just experience that will bring a sense of the odds being better in some programs than others. There’s just no guarantees. So remember the number one rule is to set a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose and stick to it, and if you do opt for an investment with CoinAssets then at least try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



LetsHaveCash seems to be reaching new heights every day – their Alexa rating is growing constantly, the admin offers new bonuses while announcing new features and even sharing plans for the new year with his clients. I must say that LetsHaveCash (first reviewed here) after just eleven days on MNO managed to attract the attention of a lot of readers, partially due to them now being the only program on my Premium List that accepts SolidTrustPay – once very popular payment processor in the HYIP industry now mostly favored paid-to-click, cyclers and surf programs. The good thing about LetsHaveCash is that unlike other similar programs you don’t need to surf unless you invest in a specific plan calling for it. That plan pays you 3% for 50 days in exchange for daily surfing of four websites per $20 adpack. That is to say you invest in blocks of $20, ie $20, $40, $60, etc. Otherwise you have regular plans offering 2.2% for 90 days (on a $10 adpack) and 2% for 100 days (with a possible quarterly bonus for a $500 adpack). Apart from STP, you can invest in LetsHaveCash using PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay, BitCoin, and even OkPay. There are some withdrawal fees involved, so just make yourself aware of that before investing. Moreover, a new plan coming in 2015 which the admin of LetsHaveCash titles CPA-Camp will offer 2% for 90 days with possible quarterly dividend of up to 40%. The price of one adpack for this will be $200. In the second newsletter from LetsHaveCash today the admin informed the members of the UK incorporation of the company (can be easily done online cheaply and anonymously, so really means nothing, imho!) and of the installation of the Green Bar SSL from Comodo that should improve your overall experience and safety while browsing the site. All in all, I believe LetsHaveCash is moving in the right direction, so can’t wait to look forward and see what’s going to come from it in 2015. Both newsletters from the admin are included below:

LHC Entering 2015 Proudly – WHY?
CROSSING MILESTONES” Already With 71212 Users, Deposits Crossing $36,93,200.00 Alexa Rank is 8851 ** LetsHaveCash is BOOMING **
CUBE PLAN is Just Around The Corner – BE READY!
BUY Six Position One at A Time and Get a CUBE!
When CUBE expires, Enjoy 2 FREE Position!
For Doubler: Invest $60 and Earn $160 with FREE Position!
For AdPack: Invest $120 and Earn $240 with FREE Position!
What You Can Expect
MORE CASH FLOW In To Your Accounts Steadily & Gradually “EVERY DAY,EVERY WEEK,EVERY MONTH”!!!
The CRAZIEST Earner Pack is “DOUBLER”!
It will DOUBLE your MONEY in Just Three Months!
$10 Per Doubler Position, Multiple Purchases Allowed Too!
Earn 2.2% DAILY even on purchased Amount for 90 Days – YES EARN ON IT!
Increase Earnings withDaily Compounding by Purchasing more DOUBLERS!
Three-step Referral Bonuses: 8%, 3%, 1%!
REMEMBER COMING: CPA-Camp will be started from January 2015 – DONT MISS!
CPA CAMP: – Coming January 2015 –
Package Price: $200
Daily Profit: 2%
Duration: 90 days
ROI: 180%+
Quarterly Dividend: 40%
SolidTrustPay, Perfect Money, EgoPay, OkPay, Payeer, Bitcoin ACCEPTED!
– More Options Added In Coming Weeks
Log-In & SNAP UP Your $10 DOUBLER Positions NOW: LetsHaveCash
BE READY – CUBE PLAN Coming Next Week ” BIG CASH For 2015″
Stay Tuned!
Note: Support ticket responses will not be showed up here, they will go to your email address directly.

LetsHaveCash – is now Incorporated in London
LetsHaveCash is now incorporated under the Registrar of Companies of England and Wales on the name of LETSHAVECASH LTD. You can check our incorporation information on Company House on this link:
Our Company Information is:
Name & Registered Office:
M1 2JQ
Company No. 09345332
You can search information based on Company’s No. 09345332
Another Good News is We are now Comodo EV SSL verified. You can check our Green Bar on our Address bar.
Visit our site now and see Our Green Bar SSL. This is a sign of trust.
Regards, LetsHaveCash Administration.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listAssuredAssets, FXMutualWellGoTraders, DailyProfitVentureWealth, CryptoFarmLoanTrustSilveksGHash, SafeKapitalRaiseanLetsHaveCash, AtrexTrade, BTPerfex, CoinAssets.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness, HashCoin.
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization, TheBornClubMarkApter, BITC1, RoxInvest, SeedmoneyInvestments (the first payments received).

That’s it for tonight, guys. Most likely I’ll be busy with other business tomorrow like I said at the top of the page, so I’ll see you all on Saturday. I’ll still be in the ShoutBox from time to time and obviously my monitor will still be kept carefully up to date. Please don’t forget to vote for the best program of 2014 on the MNO TalkBack page (unsurprisingly the runaway leader so far is RockwellPartners) and be more active on the MNO ShoutBox if you have any questions. I’m always more than happy to help my readers with their personal issues and questions, so you can always write to me using this Contact form. Remember to always check MNO for the most elite programs run by professional admins. See you soon!

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