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05/12/2014. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello everyone! As last night’s interview with the admin of Raisean caused absolutely no reaction, good or bad, from readers, I decided there was no real need to keep it as the lead news story for much longer, especially that we have now much more brand new and promising programs in front of us to be excited about and that could become big in the new HYIP season. Specifically I’m talking about AtrexTrade which I’m going to introduce today, but also there’s a couple of updates from the admins of DailyProfit and CompassBusiness and the inevitable scam report regarding the once popular LaxoTrade. Meanwhile US readers will be pleased to learn about bank transfer transactions available to Payza accounts.


However I probably have to start with the introduction of a most promising new program called AtrexTrade. It joined MNO during its first hours online and is almost certainly destined to be a hit with readers (and I’m talking about well into 2015 as well here guys, possibly even beyond). AtrexTrade is possibly from a very experienced admin whose previous programs ran for years in some cases, and brought great profits to many investors. In exchange for that opportunity be prepared to accept low returns which will depend on both the daily interest rate which will be credited to your account on the day after the business day (Tuesday to Saturday) when the interest is actually generated. I’ll explain the whole process in more detail in tomorrow’s review of AtrexTrade, but just for a simple example let’s say you invest $100. For that you’re entitled to receive 50% of the daily profit announced by AtrexTrade for the previous day. Suppose then that the daily profit for Friday is 2%, that means you get a 50% share of that which will be 1%.AtrexTrade accepts deposits starting from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and BitCoin and all the payouts are processed instantly. I can verify this myself as I see a lot of interest from readers in AtrexTrade, clearly recognizing its potential to become big in 2015 and therefore joining and depositing which resulted in some referral commissions being paid earlier. In fact I was paid some interest on my principal already on the same day the I joined. So if you’re lucky enough and make a deposit in AtrexTrade on a business day you might not need to wait very long to see a profit either, and get paid instantly. Note that your initial investment in AtrexTrade can be withdrawn at any time after a lock-in period of 25 business days, but if you do you’ll need to pay a hefty fee that will eat all your profits. This fee will gradually be reduced as the term progresses, dropping to to 0% after 241 business days when you can withdraw your principal free of charge. The level of flexibility on which the program operates impresses me – a smart principal withdrawal system, original concept according to which you get paid more on bigger deposits and the variable returns on business days which can be anything from 0.35% to 2% are all simply stunning features that suggest AtrexTrade will be around for a while. The site is in three other languages done by professional translators, including German, Russian and Spanish which should also make it popular around the world. The marketing of AtrexTrade is well thought out with the program starting at the slowest period of the year to gain popularity gradually over the next few months in January and beyond when we should a the revival of interest from experienced players. The totally customized script AtrexTrade uses, seen before only in a couple of great program, RapidSSL certificate issued by GeoTrust, hosting on a dedicated server with support and protection from CloudFlare and even a domain registered for ten years – all points to possibly dealing with a future giant of the HYIP industry. The returns are pretty conservative for sure, but that will ensure steady growth for many months to come and the instantly processed payouts might be exactly what the investors need. AtrexTrade is a brand-new program launched only yesterday, so don’t pay much attention to the admin trying to create the impression in the news section that the program has been running for a several months. We’re all perfectly aware that any HYIP should fully come to life when it features on biggest monitors in the industry like MNO which the admin did straight away and which gives us hope that he’s serious in bringing his new program to the top. More on that tomorrow, and for now please read the Christmas and New Year schedule from announcing four extra dates when interest will not be credited to members’ accounts:

Christmas and New Year working Schedule.
Dear Investors! Please pay your attention on our working schedule during Christmas and New Year holidays.
We have NON-trading days DEC 25, DEC 26, DEC 31, JAN 1
We wish you the financial freedom and prosperity in the coming year!
Thank you for choosing AtrexTrade for your investment needs!


The admin of CompassBusiness announced yesterday that the limited investment plan called Anniversary which marked their first year online is about to close soon. It’s paying 1% for a duration of 50 business days (with principal back on expiry) and open to deposits from $100 to $1,000 via PerfectMoney and EgoPay. You have one last opportunity to take advantage before it closes on December 12. CompassBusiness will then revert to the original investment plans described in my review first posted here. Original plans includ 3.9% for 30 business days (with no principal return) and four other investment plans all with the original investment returned on expiry – 0.8% for 30 business days, 0.9%-1% for 50 business days, 1% for 70 business days, 1.1% for 90 business days. The minimum to invest starts from $10 and only PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and most recently NixMoney are the accepted payment gateways. CompassBusiness has become a real long-lifer in the HYIP industry and I believe the very conservative returns and slow growth over the first 13 months online gave the program some advantage in paying for such a long time. Another question is how long more the program will be paying. We’ll wait and see about that and soon it will be also clear if CompassBusiness can survive its second Christmas and reach 2015 for the new season. For now, the latest update gives you a deadline for the new investment plan of which you can refer to below:

Plan “Anniversary” will be available until 12/12/2014 !!!
Dear partners of our project is to inform you that the plan “Anniversary” will be available for investment to 12/12/2014 inclusive !!!
C SW. Nicholas, a fund manager CompassBusiness


Where some programs are celebrating their first anniversaries, others can only dream of it. Take DailyProfit, for instance. The program decided to start with a very simple design and I believe the admin might deliberately choose the strategy to upgrade the program’s look after Christmas while at the same time earn a reputation as a perfectly paying program ready to take off in the new 2015 season. Whether he will succeed or not still remains to be seen, but everything will be clear in a few weeks. As for the now, DailyProfit is delivering timely payouts to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin on plans that include 2% to 5% per day for 15 days (principal returned earlier on request or automatically after 15 days). As DailyProfit (reviewed here) has been on MNO for 23 days now there’s already been a lot of investors in profit which propelled the program to the #4 position on the MNO Premium List. The sky is the limit if it gets past the New Year. The admin is already in preparation for January and working diligently on the new layout for DailyProfit which will be presented in a few weeks, while at the moment support emails should be sent to his Gmail account instead. So remember that to be answered promptly on any support queries pay attention to the latest newsletter:

DailyProfit – New support email
Hello, we changed our support email, we will now use our gmail – This is just temporally while we change design (in 3-4 weeks).
Don’t forget to vote for us –
Best Regards


It’s always disappointing of course no matter how far away we saw this coming, and in perhaps one of the least surprising scams in recent weeks it looks as if LaxoTrade has finally run its course. The program has now been moved to Problem Status on the MNO Monitor – “on hold” to be exact – and to be blunt about it I really don’t see the situation changing or the program recovering. Don’t get me wrong here, I think LaxoTrade was an excellent program while it lasted, I’m glad the admin listed it here, and I’d certainly have no hesitation in accepting and recommending and future programs from him if he thinks he can repeat this performance. LaxoTrade did after all start in April, so seriously, a hell of a lot of investors had an excellent chance to make some huge profits in that time. The plans offered members a choice of either 2% per business day for 365 days, or 11% weekly for 55 weeks, and your principal back at the end. You can do your own calculations to see what the potential of the program was, unfortunately that’s of no comfort and even less use to the later members who didn’t manage to break even. LaxoTrade is finished now, and no new investments (although already not advised for the past couple of weeks anyway) should be made there.

Like I said above, it’s always regrettable when a program closes, but when you remember the fact that they all close at some point in a weird kinda way I’m almost pleased that LaxoTrade collapsed in the way it did. The thing is that in this case the scam came as no surprise whatsoever, the warning signs were all over the place for the last couple of weeks, and experienced investors will have recognized them and known to stay away. Again, no comfort to the newbies who don’t always see these things, but the help and information was there for you all to read on the MNO blog. At the risk of sounding self congratulatory (honestly, not my intention) I am pleased that at least some people had their eyes opened to what was blatantly underway in LaxoTrade and managed to either avoid joining or avoid re-investing and were saved from the scam. So remember that its always important not just to check the MNO monitor for the most accurate and up-to-date payment statuses anywhere in the industry, but also the MNO blog for news and, if I happen to be aware of any, signs that a program is nearing its end. Remember I’ve been in the HYIP industry for ten years and a monitor for seven. There’s no such thing as a trick I don’t know about, and I’ve seen and heard them all.

The games began recently when LaxoTrade started offering brand new shorter, more medium term on expiry plan. In other words the LaxoTrade admin would now be able to use the reputation earned from regular periodical payments made to the original plans to coax more deposits into a plan that would not actually require him to make any payments at all. Not before the expiry date, by which time of course the admin’s already packed his bags and left town with your money. Without many takers in the opening days of this “offer” the admin then decided, as there wasn’t any investors he yet needed to pay at that point, to extend the bonus. All I know is the signs of desperation were bordering on the ridiculous by that point, and even the most trusting and naïve members must surely have seen what was coming next – the program was out of money and the admin wanted to grab whatever last few dollars he could before abandoning the program.

So just to be 100% clear on this, the first confirmed reports of missing payments and withdrawals being returned to members balances unpaid are now coming through. I have personally accessed the accounts of some of my readers and can confirm this myself, LaxoTrade is a scam. The website is still online and I have no doubt still more than happy to take your money. Trouble is you won’t be getting any of it back. LaxoTrade is now on Problem Status on the MNO monitor and you are advised to stay away from it completely.


Although at the moment Payza is not really popular in the HYIP industry, currently only accepted by SafeKapital out of all the programs listed on MNO, there was a time when this payment processor was a major force in the HYIP industry under the name AlertPay. It’s very possible that the new Payza is now fully prepared to claim back its leading position it once occupied in the new year. To please US investors there was a recent announcement issued on their blog on the possibility of using bank transfers for US based banks to both fund and withdraw from Payza. The deposits via Bank transfers for US customers over $200 will not incur any fees for a limited time only, so take advantage of it if you want to start investing in HYIPs via Payza. The recent announcements and the simplification of the merchant payment button approval should greatly help with increasing the presence of Payza in the HYIP market in 2015. We’ll wait and see if this is going to happen, because Payza in its new incarnation certainly deserves that chance. For now I’ll just re-post the latest news from the official Payza blog dedicated to bank transfers for the benefit of the MNO US-based readers:

Bank Transfer Transactions Now Available for U.S. Bank Accounts
Payza is pleased to announce that bank transfer deposits and withdrawals are now available using U.S. bank accounts. The new options give any member with a U.S. bank account a low cost and convenient way to transfer funds into and out of their Payza accounts. What’s more, for a limited time if you initiate a Bank Transfer deposit from a U.S. bank account for $200 USD or more, Payza will waive the deposit fee!
While bank transfer transactions were previously available, we had briefly suspended the service in order to implement updates and improvements. Now that the service has been improved and re-implemented, there is a new procedure for deposits specifically.
Bank transfers withdrawals still follow the same procedure, found here, and any U.S. bank accounts already connected to your Payza account for bank transfers will remain connected. If you do not have a U.S. bank account connected to your Payza account for bank transfer deposits and withdrawals, the instructions can be found here.
When you are ready to initiate a bank transfer deposit from a U.S. bank account, here are the steps you’ll need to follow:
Log in to your Payza account.
Click on the Add Funds tab on the top menu then select “Bank Transfer”.
Complete the information to indicate which account you’d like to use and how much you’d like to deposit.
Review the details, enter your Transaction PIN and complete the transaction.
Up to this point the procedure that many of you are familiar with has not changed. Here is where the new procedure differs from the old method:
Once the transaction has been initiated in your account, you will receive an email from Payza asking you to confirm the transaction.
Review the email (note: if you do not immediately receive an email, please check your spam/junk folder).
Ensure that the information in the email is correct and confirm your deposit by clicking on the appropriate link.
If you do not already have a U.S. bank account connected to your Payza account for bank transfers,connect one today to get started!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listOneStability, AssuredAssetsFXMutual, DailyProfitSilveks, WellGoTradersGHash, SafeKapitalRaisean, VentureWealth, LetsHaveCash, LoanTrust, AtrexTrade (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization, MarkApter, RevshareMatrix, BITC1RoxInvest.

That’s all the news for today, guys. See you again tomorrow for a more detailed look at the most promising program of recent months in AtrexTrade and all the other programs on my monitor. Please also keep voting in the opinion poll – Do you plan to leave the HYIP industry for the month of December? – running on the MNO TalkBack page as the final results will be drawn soon, possibly even tomorrow if there isn’t much other news. Stay tuned for that and remember to check the MNO blog and monitor regularly for the most timely updates and straight talking no-nonsense opinions on the HYIP industry. See you all then!

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