Dec 6th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! AtrexTrade has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! I hope the weekend is going well for you all so far. Sitting at home early this morning, between browsing Wikipedia and watching some “on this day in previous years” style news archive show, I was reminded that this weekend marks the death of John Lennon and the attack on Pearl Harbor. Wow, talk about starting your Saturday on a downer! I hope you’re in the mood for something a bit more positive then because today I want to look at a brand new program I’m fully expecting to be one of the major industry forces in 2015. It’s called AtrexTrade, and, well, all I can say is you play the HYIP industry I guarantee you’re going to be hearing a lot about them sooner or later so it may as well be right now on MNO. It’s already caused some degree of excitement around the industry, though to be honest I’m expecting (and hoping for) a much slower build up for them before getting really big. I’ll explain why below, but for now let’s get started with the basic background info and figures before deciding if you think AtrexTrade is worth adding to your own portfolios, either now or in the new year, or not.

It’s fair to say that AtrexTrade is organized along somewhat different lines than most investors might be used to, in financial terms anyway, though that may even help it to become a popular choice. With that in mind then what better way to begin than by jumping straight into the plans I suppose, and they’re really quite appealing. The first thing I would usually look for in any promising HYIP is to see how do they combine probability with sustainability? In the case of AtrexTrade, they combine them quite well actually.
The thing that makes it so tricky to explain is that the rates of interest paid to account holders are variable and will fluctuate from one day to the next. This is to such a degree that it can be difficult to pinpoint your exact earnings on any given day or week. That’s not entirely a bad thing of course, and in fact it’s a policy that has served several good programs very well in the past. By allowing the ROI to fluctuate from day to day the admin of AtrexTrade protects himself from having to meet payments that others might struggle to meet under certain situations. So the payments will be a more fair reflection of the day to day fortunes of the business and in the long run will only help sustain the program for a longer period. When things are going well then you might earn a little extra. Then if, as happens every business from time to time, AtrexTrade have the occasional slow week or two the admin can reign in the spending a little bit, keep the program on a sensible track, and make sure it doesn’t collapse before it comes to a more natural end. At all times however the investors of AtrexTrade are promised that no matter what happens your daily profit will never fall below 0.35% of your principal.

AtrexTrade officially have four different plans for you to consider, though in practical terms it’s just one that’s broken down into four subsections based on how much money you’d like to spend. One of them will appeal to the average HYIP player (most readers here I suppose), another will appeal to the more serious players, and the remaining two only to the biggest spenders. But all four share some common ground. For example no matter what plan you join, there are no expiry dates. There is a minimum lock-in period of five weeks so as “perpetual” programs go you’re kinda tied into this one for a longer term than usual before you can ask for your principal back and are allowed to leave. It’s not quite so simple though as AtrexTrade impose some fairly punitive fees on anyone trying to leave too early. These charges are on a sliding scale, so the longer you stay a member the cheaper it becomes to leave, however you’ll have to stay for almost a full year (about eleven months actually) before you can leave without paying any fees at all. I’ll explain all that in more detail and give you the figures in a few moments, after we discuss your possible earnings.

Another rather odd thing about AtrexTrade is that while plans make payments on business days only, in this case that’s taken to mean Tuesday to Saturday. I suppose makes sense when you think of it. You know, money earned by them on Monday would get paid to you on Tuesday, and the money they earn on Friday gets paid to you on Saturday.

The minimum amount you may invest with AtrexTrade is $10, and anything between that and a $600 deposit will make up Plan A. Now, I guess you want to know how much you will earn for a deposit here. Well this is the tricky part. AtrexTrade claims to be involved in the area of foreign currency trading and speculation. The profits generated by how they re-invest your money are variable, but they are divided up between two different recipients. You and them. Your slice of the profits on any given day will be 50%. 50% of what exactly remains to be seen. AtrexTrade share will be 50%.

Let’s put it another way. Let’s pretend that your investment has helped AtrexTrade generate a profit today of $10. Out of that $10, you will get $5, and they will get the other $5. Tomorrow’s profit might be more, or it might be less. Whatever it is your share of it will still be 50%. In monetary terms, as I already explained above the bare minimum the program tries to guarantee you on every business day will be a minimum of 0.35% of your principal, or $0.35¢ for every $100. You would usually hope to collect something quite a bit better than that on most trading days though. In fact your payment could go as high as 2% of your principal on the better trading days, or $2 for every $100 spend. The reality is that either figure is unlikely to be consistent, and the average will eventually settle somewhere in the middle.

And that’s basically the modus operandi of all the plans. They all work in exactly the same way, but the investor’s own slice of these shared profits goes up according to the size of your investment. The actual profit itself does not increase, just your share of it. See the difference? For example in the next plan, Plan B, you may invest anything from $601 to $6,000. Out of the total profit generated from the re-investment of that money your share will be 55% and AtrexTrade‘s will be 45%. So for example if your investment here was to generate a profit of $10 today, you can expect to see $5.50 while they keep the remaining $4.50.

The remaining two plans work the same way, except of course that they’ll cost you a lot more to join. They work identically to Plans A and B. But just to let you know of the figures involved Plan C will cost you anything between a $6,001 minimum and a $25,000 maximum. Your cut of the profits made by AtrexTrade here will be 65%. Then finally for a deposit in Plan D – which would cost you from $25,001 to a $60,000 maximum – AtrexTrade are offering you a 75% share of the profits.

It’s still very early in the program’s lifetime to start talking about “average” or “typical” payouts I think. In time this might change as there is an historical record of past payments that have already been made. Just go to the AtrexTrade homepage and look for the tab marked “trading reports”. This is where you will find the past interest rates paid out to members. All you have to do is see how much of a percentage profit is being generated on any one day, then calculate your own slice of it. I think I gave a fair enough example of this above, but just to be clear let’s say you have $100 in Plan A and the daily profit is 3%. That’s $3, half of which ($1.50) goes to you. So if you see 3% profit on a trading report then your daily profit is 1.5% for that day. Furthermore, if this is of any interest to you, you can then click on the actual rate that’s published under each day on a calendar in order to view some more detailed reports on the alleged foreign currency exchanges made for that day.

A couple of other quick points I’d like to make about the plans include the fact that compounding is allowed. I’m no great fan of it myself, but if that’s what you like then it’s there for you. You need to set the rate yourself when joining, and is something I must urge you to be extremely careful about! The problem is that compounding is already set to 100% by default, and by doing that you would never actually get to make a daily withdrawal from the program at all. In fact you wouldn’t see a penny until you leave AtrexTrade completely and request your principal back, so make sure and set the compounding rate to something that will allow you to get paid once in a while. Surely the reason you’re joining them after all!

And that leads me on to the subject of principal withdrawals. You are free to leave AtrexTrade whenever you feel you have earned what you wanted from them, but not without a fee and not before a 25 business day lock in period. The earlier you try to withdraw your principal after the lock in period, the more it’s going to cost you, so plan accordingly. If you withdraw principal between 25 and 100 business days then a 65% fee will apply. Potentially this could consume all of your profits and even in some cases leave you with a substantial loss if leaving too early. If you leave between 100 and 124 business days a 50% fee will apply. This then drops again to 30% of your principal if leaving sometime between 125 and 149 business days, 20% for those leaving after between 150 and 199 business days, and a 10% withdrawal fee on principals requested back after from 200 to 240 business days. But if you wish to leave anytime after 241 business days there are no charges and your principal gets returned in full.

One thing I wouldn’t like to see in AtrexTrade, and I don’t think we will, is overheating in the first couple of weeks. You know, when everyone who’s going to join all join together at the same time, leaving no further growth afterwards and a shortening of the eventual lifespan. A couple of reasons why I would think this include the timing of the program’s launch. An experienced admin will know that starting up a low ROI in December is unlikely to bring in much, people simply aren’t spending big money on HYIPs this close to Christmas, and if they are then most will be looking for ones that bring in profits a lot faster than this one. Also, as a business day as opposed to calendar day program, I expect AtrexTrade to be taking quite a lot of vacation days in the weeks between late December and early January.

Incidentally, on a side note also concerning the timing of AtrexTrade, the recent history is full of examples of some of the biggest programs of the next year being launched sometime around Christmas in the current year. Particularly I’m referring to some of the very best longer term programs here. There’s generally a lot of discussion/interest surrounding such programs, it just doesn’t translate into actual deposits until well into the following year when industry activity recovers after the holidays. In the meantime one would expect the AtrexTrade admin to make use of the time building a reputation as a well organized and professionally managed program and basically just getting their name out there and putting things in place to become one of the first industry giants of the new year. AtrexTrade isn’t the only likely candidate for this of course, there’s a couple of good ones out there, but it’s certainly a front runner.

Looking into your choice of payment methods then, AtrexTrade are using PerfectMoney and EgoPay as the more traditional processors, and BitCoin for investors who prefer using the more modern digital e-currencies. Given the restrictions placed on US investors (who also make up some of the bigger spending investors) by some payment processors, AtrexTrade‘s use of BitCoin will provide a very valuable alternative for them, keeping the program open to the maximum amount of people and deposits. What ever your choice of payment method, all payout requests should be completed instantly. You will still have to log into your members account area and place the request, but you should normally expect to see the money paid instantly, i.e. in less than a minute after asking for it. You should just remember that AtrexTrade don’t specifically guarantee that payments will be instant all of the time, that much is simply not under the control of any program using them due to possible issues on behalf of the payment handler. So I suggest you be prepared to allow the admin let’s say 24 hours from time to time if it comes to that, (hopefully it won’t), and take anything else as a welcome bonus.

Looking at the more technical side of things now, such as design and security, everything is up to a high standard. AtrexTrade is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by CloudFlare. The admin does much to encourage as wide and diverse a cross-section of the HYIP world as possible to at least investigate his program further by having it professionally translated into German, Russian, and Spanish in addition to the default English version. The script is customized, not currently is use anywhere else, though I’m slow to describe it as “unique” due to having seen it used by a small number of the very best programs to run in the last couple of years. For safer browsing and more secure transactions AtrexTrade have a RapidSSL Certificate from GeoTrust. Even the website’s domain has been registered for ten years, which is a commendable sign of intent even if somewhat ambitious for even the most enthusiastic HYIP fans!

If you have any further questions or comments for the admin of AtrexTrade or need to get in touch with any account related issues then there’s a couple of different channels open to you. The first thing you’ll see is a postal address, though most experienced investors will probably know to skip this. Noting that the country code of the listed telephone number (which might be more useful) does not match the country of the alleged office should probably tell you why. The FAQ is quite well explained I have to say and should cover most questions, and for anything else you can fill out your details on the online customer support form and submit it. AtrexTrade are starting a regional representative scheme as well, however at the time of writing it’s still very much in its infancy so I can’t really comment. I expect it will grow substantially over the coming months as the program begins to expand and work its way towards its natural position at the top of the HYIP industry.

Overall it’s quite an original and well planned operation, and everything at this early stage would indicate a good long run for them. Sustainable plans that can be carefully managed, good marketing, good organization, even the timing of the launch will contribute to slower but ultimately bigger longer term growth for them. That being said, AtrexTrade is still very much a HYIP. Granted it might be a better than average HYIP – substantially so in my opinion, but nevertheless a HYIP. For the record they claim to be involved with ForEx trading, and to their credit they do include the daily reports that I mentioned earlier (something no other so called ForEx trading HYIP can even be bothered attempting), though I still say be careful. I mean just to be aware of the risk rather than afraid of it. After all, if you want to make any kind of money from this industry then your choice is simple – either take a risk or else forget about it. So, the usual rules still apply at all times here. If you join then be sensible with your spending limits, and be realistic with what you expect to earn. Don’t spend money that might leave you in trouble were you to lose it, and try to keep AtrexTrade as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. I expect a lot of you may be thinking already that this is exactly what you were looking for though.



Following the excitement around AtrexTrade possibly coming from a very experienced admin capable of keeping the program online for the entire duration of 2015 and beyond, I was thinking that maybe it was worth adding a poll to the MNO TalkBack page for the next few days given over to it. The new question simply asks this – Are you going to join AtrexTrade? The poll will run for a few days only, reflecting the enthusiasm for the program which is still hot off the press and brand new to the MNO Premium List. As there is no doubt in my mind that AtrexTrade will become one of the most popular programs during the next year, I would like to find out how many of my readers also think so and are ready to join. So, please choose from one of the following options:
– Yes, I’ve already joined or will do so soon.
– Maybe, I’m still thinking about it and might possibly join in 2015.
– No, this program doesn’t appeal to me.
Thanks in advance for your votes and I’ll draw the results sometime next week.

As for the results of the last poll that ran on MNO TalkBack, the question asked – Do you plan to leave the HYIP industry for the month of December? To tell you the truth, I didn’t believe that only less than a quarter of all the investors from the HYIP industry (24% of voters) plan to totally leave the industry and stop investing until January. I guess they’ll stay as observers and watch out for anything promising that emerges between now and the new year. Another 42% of voters are going to continue investing in December 2014 while being a lot more cautious and selective towards what they join. As for the remaining 34% – they say they will continue investing in December and are not going to change their tactics. Well, that’s how it goes and as I can’t judge the tactics which you think will be profitable or not for you personally (depending on your own circumstances), I’m inclined to share the point of view of the relative majority of readers who change their tactics for the month of December due to lots of fast scams around, but remain on alert for new hits launching around this period of time, just like the above reviewed AtrexTrade. Anyway, always interesting to see such diverse and divisive opinions and I hope everyone can consider and understand everyone else’s position.


The admin of LetsHaveCash sounded excited in today’s promotional newsletter sent a few hours ago. He shared the growing Alexa rating to indicate the huge popularity his program had achieved so far and announced on the upcoming Cube plan that is about to launch next week. For those of you who haven’t read the full review of LetsHaveCash published here I’ll remind that by joining the program you can invest in one of three investment plans via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, and even the almost forgotten SolidTrustPay. If you’re just a small investor you can start from as low as $10 which is the price of one share which earns you 2.2% daily interest for a duration of 90 calendar days. The principal is included in the payments, leaving you with a chunky 98% pure profit at the end of the term. The second plan available from $20 which is the price of one adpack and requires surfing at least 4 sites for each unit purchased. It pays 3% for 50 calendar days which brings you 50% pure profit at the end. And for the heavy-hitters there’s a plan with a whopping $500 per share for an opportunity to earn 2% interest for 100 calendar days (double your money) and a quarterly bonus to be assigned by the admin and could theoretically reach 30%. Note that all the payments from LetsHaveCash are processed instantly while all the withdrawals (except those to STP which are free) are subject to a 1% to 8% withdrawal fee. On the other hand you can withdraw to a different payment processor than the one you joined with. During the first week on MNO my personal experience with LetsHaveCash has been nothing short of superb with all my questions promptly answered by the admin who, I suspect, is no newbie. Well, lets see if LetsHaveCash can surprise us in 2015, as the plans outlined in the latest newsletter are definitely aimed at taking a longer view:

LetsHaveCash – Our Alexa is now 9392!!! Cube Plan is Coming Next Week
Dear Members,
Greetings from us. We are feeling good to write you. And we want to give you some great news. In 2015, LetsHaveCash will be the top program with highest paying status. At present our Alexa Rank is 9392 [LetsHaveCash is so popular] and this rank is falling everyday. Our goal is to bring Bring LetsHaveCash under Alexa 1000 rank.
Join now and **Get $30 DEMO on SIGNUP** MAKE a GOOD Pay Plan “LIVE & REAL”!!!
No The Good News is: “CUBE” is Coming NEXT WEEK !!! YES! It is coming Next Week.
BUY Six Position One at A Time and Get a CUBE.
When CUBE expires, Enjoy a FREE Position.
For Doubler: Invest $60 and Earn $160 with FREE Position.
For AdPack: Invest $120 and Earn $270 with FREE Position.
Also Enjoy Multiple CUBE Bonus. All Start NEXT WEEK. DO NOT MISS.
You can also enjoy other popular plan: The Doubler…
The CRAZIEST Earner Pack is Doubler!
It will DOUBLE your money in just three months.
$10 per Doubler Position, Multiple Purchases Allowed
Earn 2.2% daily even on purchased amount for 90 Days
You have to do nothing at all. Just wait and see your earning increase.
Increase Earnings with Daily Compounding by purchasing more Doublers.
Three-step Referral Bonuses: 8%, 3%, 1%
Instant Withdrawal!
And From January 1, 2015, CPA Camp Is Starting. REMEMBER THIS!
SolidTrustPay, Perfect Money, EgoPay, OkPay, Payeer, Bitcoin ACCEPTED!
– More Options Added In Coming Weeks
Log-In & SNAP UP Your $60 or $120 CUBE SPOTS NOW:


I can see now that only LetsHaveCash from the MNO Premium List and a couple of others from the Basic List accept SolidTrustPay which shows the selective approach taken by them towards HYIPs recently. That same attitude also applies to some clients who try to cheat and buy STP accounts on the Black market. Note that if you’re trying to use SolidTrustPay for some shady activities your account might be suspended until you can prove the source of the funds received and your identity. At the same time, I believe we can safely say that SolidTrustPay remains possibly the safest processor to keep money with, mostly due to reversible character of payments and superb protection of the accounts. For instance, only account holders with a TrustCard sent to their verified postal address can travel around the world while using IP-addresses for different countries while others can have their accounts suspended if any suspicious activities or change of country is detected. With a lot of people planning to travel over the Christmas holidays (I myself am planning a trip to South East Asia and South Korea) the administration of SolidTrustPay reminds everyone not in possession of a TrustCard to notify them in time if you are moving so as not to be locked out of your STP account. STP went on to announce their own working schedule for the holidays which you can read below:

Customer Support Holiday Hours 2014
It’s that time of the year again! The weather is getting colder and people are rushing to the stores to start their shopping. As we approach Christmas we would like to advise our members of some upcoming Customer Support Closures and Banking Holidays.
SolidTrust Pay’s Customer Support will be closed on the following dates:
Wednesday, December 24th
Thursday, December 25th*
Friday, December 26th *
Wednesday, December 31st
Thursday, January 1st *
*Indicates Bank Holiday

Although we always strive to provide withdrawals and deposits as quickly as possible, with the limited number of banking and business days through this period, requests submitted as late as December 21st, for example, may not be finalized until the first week of January (5 business days). As such, members are reminded to allow extra time for their transactions to be processed during this period and request their transfers early if needed.
Additionally, because this season is also a popular time for travel, we would like to remind our members to update us if they intend to leave their country of residence (to avoid being locked out of your account). Members who are TrustCard holders need not notify us, as roaming is covered by their card benefits.
From all of us here at SolidTrustPay, we would like to wish you happy holidays and safe travels!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listOneStability, FXMutual, Silveks, WellGoTradersGHash, SafeKapitalRaisean, VentureWealth, LetsHaveCash, LoanTrust, AtrexTrade.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization, TheBornClub, BITC1RoxInvest.

That’s it for tonight, guys. As I’m taking a day off tomorrow I hope to see you all back on my blog on Monday, although you can be sure that as usual all the programs will be properly monitored, so always check that the status of the program you want to invest in is Paying on the MNO monitor. Don’t forget to follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter, subscribe to my daily news not to miss anything important, and be more active on MNO TalkBack and let me know what you think of investing in AtrexTrade. See you all on Monday and enjoy the weekend!

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