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Beware! BTPerfex has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi all! Not as much news to report for now so it’s back to being just a typical day in the HYIP industry as we approach the Christmas holidays. One admin that has been busy however is Andy from the recently launched (and still brand new) long term program BTPerfex. If you’re looking for a news update I’ll be catching up with everything in tomorrow’s post, but for today I just want to concentrate on the following interview I received last night from the BTPerfex admin. The program offers terms of 1.25%-2% for 180 days with the exact amount based on how much you spend. Deposits start from a $50 minimum and can be made using either PerfectMoney or BitCoin. So, without further ado let’s hear what Andy has to say about the project himself. I’ll only just remind you that if you like what he has to say and would like some further information then BTPerfex was first reviewed in more detail on MNO here:
1. Hi Andy, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in BTPerfex. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?

Hi Paul, My name is Andy Elliot and I am admin of I am the head of this project and the decision maker for BTPerfex.

2. Can you give us some background information on BTPerfex? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

Sure, BTPerfex is a “Dream Project” of our team because of our hard work and dedication today we are able to start our “Dream Project”. Before BTPerfex we are just a group of 34 friends who work as a team in the E-Currency market but BTPerfex has now given us a name in this industry. We are in the E-currency exchange field for the last three years.

3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you currently accepting?

Our investment plans are pretty simple and straight forward all investment are for 180 days and we pay daily interest on calender days to our investors. Our minimum amount of investing is $50 and maximum is $50,000. We have divided the investment amount along with their daily interest rates they are as follows: $50-$2500 we pay 1.25% daily interest on deposit amount, $2501-$7000 we pay 1.50% daily interest on deposit amount and $7001-$50,000 we pay 2% daily interest on deposit amount. Currently we accept payments through Perfect Money and Bitcoin.

4. Do you think the limited number of payment processors will make some readers a lot less likely to join? I know PM and BitCoin are probably the most popular ones anyway, but with accounts being free to open why is there only two? Do you plan to add more, if so then when, and why wasn’t it done from the start?

Maybe you are right Paul, But as much as I have researched on this industry I found this two payment processors were mostly used by investors This is the main reason we decided to start our project with this two payment processors at first and see what is the result if we found our investors are facing problems in investing then of course we add other payment processors but till now we didn’t get any such requests from our investors.

5. Is $50 too high a minimum asking price for HYIPs? Do you think dropping the price to $5 or $10 would attract a lot more members (and money) into the program?

Yes I know that but there is another part you can see our daily payout percent is very low as much as I think and we make this plans according to our daily exchange calculations. We are not able to offer our investors a high ROI on $5 or $10 investment that’s why we started our plan with minimum of $50 in which our investors can get a good ROI. Also, our program is a very long term program so I think $50 starting amount is a good start.

6. How secure is the BTPerfex website? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

We have taken all security measures that must to keep our members accounts safe and secure. As you have seen in members area we have security settings specially for every member. Members can set up their IP address in the security settings so only they can access into the members area from their computers IP. Our script is injection and intrusion proof. Yes we are on a dedicated server provided by SurfScriptPro. Our DDoS protection service is also provided by them and they are very good in this in fact on the day on which our review has been published on MNO that day we have got a DDoS attack for 20 minutes but our host has mitigate it and our website was not harmed in any manner. Not a single moment of downtime although the attack was very hard.

7. What kind of script is BTPerfex off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

BTPerfex is created on Surfscriptpro script which is I didn’t say very easy and convenient but it is very secure according to HYIP industry. Before starting this project I have researched very much on this Industry and main Issues I found out that always there is some problem with either script vulnerability or hosting.

That’s why I decided to start our program with a new script and hosting which is not so known in this industry and really I found it very useful it’s features are very secure. As of security it has crypto card login for admin with double verification, it has folder lock so even anyone can get access to server due to not so strong password the attacker cannot change a single folder or file on the server without the folder lock password which is specially provided by SurfScriptPro. For members at first they found it little confusing on the cashout process only I think which is also a 2 time first time you have to transfer your earnings to your wallet after that you can request a cashout.

8. On a related question, the majority of readers here are unlikely to have seen programs using this particular script, so can you explain or link to how investors can sign up, deposit, and withdraw?

Sure Paul, Here are simple steps to sign up I will explain it you all readers of MNO here:

1) To sign up just go to or

2) Once you sign up you will be redirected to your members area.

3) In your members area on header menu click “wallet” it will redirected you to the wallet page where you have to select your deposit method and amount and click make deposit that’s it.

4) Once you fund your wallet after that you can deposit on any plan by using the “deposit” button on your members area homepage.

5) For cashout please do the same first transfer your earnings to your wallet after that request a cashout and we will send your cashout to your preferred payment processor. Remember if you have deposited through PerfectMoney than you can only get a cashout on that wallet, same with Bitcoin.

9. Can we see any statistics regarding BTPerfex? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

We didn’t add that statistics but yes you can always see last five investors, last five cashouts and top Investors on every page of BTPerfex. As of today we have over 250 members joined out of which 95 are active. We are very happy with the support of our members they really promoting our service as we see daily new sign ups and deposits but as you know we are not advertising or promoting our program now still we are getting very impressive results.

10. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

We have a internal support ticket system from where members can always get in touch with us.

11. I mentioned in the review of BTPerfex that there’s a Live Chat feature but had never seen it activated. Is this actually available to members, and if so then what are the working hours (GMT) that they can log in and chat with an operator there?

As I have already told you in the email that I send you about this issues but today I am going to give the same statement in front of MNO readers. I love perfection in all things my wish is to run this live chat feature 24*7. First of all we thought we will handle this personally but after the program start our all team are being busy in just exchanging the e-currencies and making more and more profit. So, Now I decided to hire a separate staff for this and hopefully within some days we will announce this 24*7 live chat support on our news section along with in members newsletter.

12. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

The most common question I have faced is about the cashout issue, nothing else, and now I hope our members get a detailed idea on it. Although we are always here to help if anyone faces any kind of problem.

13. How have you been promoting BTPerfex so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

Our main advertising strategy is through monitors and forums of course but we have some additional secret strategy that we are going to implement this time you will see it’s effect very soon. Currently we are getting new members by word of mouth only as currently you can see we didn’t add new monitors or promoters only our valuable members are promoting our program right now and they are doing great.

14. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members? How can investors independently (ie a reliable source not controlled or influenced by BTPerfex) verify this information before they join?

Our concept is very clear and transparent. I think nowadays everybody knows how much trending e-currency exchanges are and we do the same thing. We simply invest our investors money into e-currency exchange and our expert team exchange them with other currencies and make profit and we share the profit percent with our investors. Anybody can Google “e-currency exchange forums” and they can easily get the idea behind it.

15. Also mentioned in the review was that BTPerfex are involved with e-currency exchanges, but can’t see anywhere on the website that this is a service offered to investors. Tell us about this and how, if they can, members can use the service. What are the currencies you accept, what are the rates, and what are the fees for each. Is this available to anyone or just program members?

We have created BTPerfex to gather all investors who are interested in investing in a very trending business of today.Although we welcome all members of BTPerfex to exchange there e-currencies from us but we also know there are many places where they can easily exchange their e-currencies with a very low percentage (although maximum were scammers) that BTPerfex provide as you can see it on our exchange calculator. But besides that you must agree that Internet is a very vast marketplace and many peoples didn’t know about half of it. We actually know where to exchange e-currencies with a very high percent like 10% or higher (we are expert on this) and we are doing this for the last three years. We just want our investors to invest money in our project and make profit and let do us the hard part which is making profit.

16. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

As I already told you in my email that your review was awesome. I have not a single complaint against it. Yes, we are wrong in some places that you have mentioned in your review which is a good part and needs to be corrected.We can assure you and MNO readers that we will surely look after it and make our investors happy.

That’s where we leave it for today, guys. Thanks a lot for reading, and thanks a lot to Andy for taking the time and effort to answer my questions. I hope you found it interesting and helpful if you are already a member of BTPerfex, and even more so if you are just thinking about it. Best of luck to him and all the members there in making a lasting success of the program. So, be sure to come back tomorrow for any news stories worth hearing about. Meanwhile remember you can also stay up to date with MNO on Facebook and Twitter, and remember to cast your vote for what you think the best program of 2014 was on the MNO TalkBack page opinion poll. I’ll see you all on Monday. Bye for now!

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