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23/12/2014. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hi guys! Christmas is just around the corner and I know it’s the favorite time of year for many folks. Yule Tide, the turkey, maybe a little too much wine, the promise of what Santa might bring you, and of course the cheesiest pop music ever created flooding the airwaves/networks are all good fun, it doesn’t hurt to stop for a moment or two every now and then to reflect on other more important things. So while naturally I hope all my readers enjoy themselves, I also hope you’ll share in the feeling of generosity and goodwill, spend it with your friends or family and those who mean most to you. Maybe remember those you have lost in the last year and take a moment to reflect on what you have to be grateful for and how you might share it. Personally as far as MNO is concerned, as a business its one single best asset is you guys, the readers, without whom MNO would not be here. So for that, I am extremely and sincerely grateful to all of you every single day, and don’t think for a minute that I would ever forget this or that it’s somehow not the case.

As for Christmas Day itself, I’m preparing for a flight to Singapore where I hope to be posting again by December 26. Wonder if Singapore Airlines serve a turkey dinner to passengers? I’ll have to get back to you on that! Meanwhile I still have a few news stories to discuss with you this evening, so I guess we better get started.


I could be mistaken of course, but I have a strong feeling that SafeKapital (reviewed here) is perhaps one of those programs that becomes famous in the HYIP industry not overnight, but through weeks of stable work and prompt payouts. SafeKapital joined the MNO Premium List on day one and has been monitored for about forty days now. The program offers the same investment plan for everyone willing to spend a $30 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, Payeer, and even Payza while paying a variable daily rate of interest which can be as low as 1% or as high as 3% on any given day. SafeKapital also promises principal returns on expiry of its 90-calendar day investment term, and although none of the investors have reached the profit zone yet, the program should reward those first investors within a matter of weeks from now after having about an average of 2% as their daily rate up to now. The admin of SafeKapital also issues regular weekly reports where you can see profits have been hovering around the 15%-16% weekly mark for the last couple of weeks already. I believe that it’s definitely a fair return and if SafeKapital continues the good work over the next couple of weeks then there’s a great possibility to attract the interest of investors taking a break from the industry for the Christmas/New Year holidays but returning in January. For the latest weekly newsletter issued yesterday please read below:

SafeKapital Trading Report: Dec 15 – Dec 21
We would like to publish our last week’s trading report (interest paid to our clients).
Period: December 15, 2014 – December 21, 2014.
December 15: 3.0%, December 16: 3.0%, December 17: 2.8%, December 18: 2.6%, December 19: 2.6%, December 20: 1.0%, December 21: 1.0%
Profit for the period: 16.00%
Thank you. SafeKapital


It’s not just HYIP investors taking a couple of days off from the industry to spend with their family and friends over the festive served table with turkey and wine. Some admins will also be looking to take a break and stop mining BitCoins on that day, or whatever it is they do with the investors’ money. HashCoin (reviewed here) is no exception and he will be taking both 24th and 25th of December as days off, meaning no interest will be credited on those days. Usually HashCoin pays you a variable daily interest which can reach 1.5% on a good day and is paid to you over the period of 120 calendar days on expiry of which your initial investment gets returned. As two additional days with no interest have been added now according to last night’s newsletter, I would imagine that members should be compensated by adding two extra days on to their investment term, and although it’s not explicitly implied in the newsletter I believe that is what HashCoin is going to do. Anyway, if you’re OK with all that then remember that apart from BitCoin deposits the program will also accept PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer funds starting from $25 minimum. More on the program’s holiday schedule is included below:

24th and 25th of December
To our customers
We are contacting you to advise you that on the 24th and 25th of December there will be no bitcoin trading due to the national holidays, so whilst we will still be able to mine our bitcoins, profits generated during these 2 trading days will not be realised on the weeks profits.
You can follow us on facebook or twitter for all the latest news and opportunities that our company has to offer.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries.
HashCoin. Bitcoin Mining – Trading & Arbitrage


I wouldn’t exactly that CryptoFarm is even remotely popular among my readers, but it has to be said that the program still manages to provide everyone with timely payouts. And the admin has some reasons to be optimistic for the future, according to himself anyway. I’m not sure what’s on his mind when reading through his latest newsletter promising some extra investment plans and payment options because what CryptoFarm has now is a highly restrictive plan where BitCoin is the only payment processor and has a very high investment minimum of 0.25 Btc which is about $84 at current exchange rates. This has proven a huge deterrent to many average investors from joining the program. You see, the thing is that it that only pays you 2%-2.4% for 60 days which means you could possibly lose money by the end of the term due to highly volatile exchange rates for BitCoin. I mean yes, you may well receive all your payments, but with CryptoFarm accepting deposits via BitCoin with no conversion then the real value of your “profit” could possibly turn out to be less than what you invested. Anyway, CryptoFarm (reviewed here) has been paying to everyone since July 2014 and I truly hope that the admin is going to re-consider his approach of appealing to a very limited circle of investors which doesn’t help the program grow and will adjust his promotional strategy accordingly in 2015. Here is the latest news from CryptoFarm:

Happy Holidays from CryptoFarm
Dear CryptoFarm user,
It has been exciting year for Bitcoin, whether you’re a miner, trader, holder, or a newbie dabbling in this fascinating new technology. Since launching the CryptoFarm cloud mining service in July 2014, we’ve grown from a small mining outpost to a much larger “farm” of mining servers that continue to secure the Bitcoin network that we all know and love.
Despite increases in mining difficulty, and more recently decreases, we have managed to create one of the most stable payout systems that focuses on a steady ROI rather than variable returns based on the every fluctuating difficulty of Bitcoin mining. If has of course been a challenge to keep up, however we are thrilled with how successful the program has been thus far.
Looking forward to the New Year, we have some exciting plans, including the possibility of expanded mining contracts, ventures into alternative crypto-currencies and more. At this time we would like to wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season, and wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous new year.
Sincerely, CryptoFarm Team


I do not know whether the admin of LaxoTrade is just totally deluded and completely out of touch with reality or else thinks people are just plain stupid. His program scammed a few weeks ago but he still managed to send a newsletter just yesterday, obviously aimed at people with short memories. Unfortunately as the LaxoTrade website is still online and accepting new deposits (without actually paying anyone), some investors might take the bait. In the newsletter LaxoTrade offered a new year’s bonus of 20% valid only for deposits made in the next 11 days. While LaxoTrade was certainly one of the memorable highlights in the 2014 as it lasted for quite a few months giving smart investors ample opportunity to see a profit, all that is well and truly behind us now. So beware of that and do not allow this admin to steal any more money from you. To help readers avoid falling into this trap I’m republishing the newsletter I received from LaxoTrade yesterday. This is purely for informational purposes so that you will recognize it if you see it without first knowing the background, and serves as a warning:

LaxoTrade: New year’s bonus!
We have decided to offer you, as a special gift for the new year:
All deposits made during the next 11 days will receive a 20% bonus!
The bonus will be added manually. We estimate that it will not take more then 12 hours to apply the bonus. After that, it shall be normally available on your balance and ready for withdrawal.
This offer will be available until January the 3rd at 00:00 hours. Consider that we are in the GMT time zone.
We hope this bonus will provide some initiative for our inactive members, as well as ones that want to reinvest.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us. We would be happy to hear from you.
Thank you for your trust.
Regards, LaxoTrade


Not exactly news anymore as it seems barely a few months can pass without this particular form of pond life rearing his ugly head again, but it seems I have to issues yet another warning to readers being targeted by spam from someone impersonating me. Another regular reader let me know that somebody has been soliciting money from him by pretending to be me and offering a membership in a non-existent private HYIP scheme. Luckily this particular reader is aware of the situation and was not fooled. I hope other readers are just as smart and realize that as well, but just to set the record straight – MNO does not, never did, and never will organize private online HYIPs. If someone contacts you telling you otherwise then they are telling you lies and are interested in one thing and one thing only – theft. The theft of as much of your money as you are prepared to allow. Write to me directly at if you have any doubt about any particular email allegedly coming from me. However I can tell you right now that if it asks you for money or tries to sell you something, flag it as spam immediately, and blacklist the sender to avoid any further attempts at robbing you.

Let me just spell it out for everyone as clearly as I can then:

1- money-news-online.NET does not belong to me. money-news-online.COM is the only website I have ever owned, and it does not solicit money from anyone and does not offer to sell advertising banners, listing, or anything else.

2 – and are NOT valid e-mail addresses for MNO. If you write to them they will not reach me. I suggest you blacklist them both immediately even if you haven’t been contacted from them. is the only form of contact I use for MNO, and is the only address where readers and admins can contact me.

3 – All valid payment accounts associated with MNO are displayed on public view on the MNO advertising page. If you pay into any other account, no matter what the reason, that money has now been stolen. There’s no point in telling me about it afterwards, there’s nothing anyone can do for you, so please pay attention to this warning, be more careful, and avoid the situation where you get scammed at all.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: AssuredAssetsOneStability, CryptoFarmLetsHaveCash, LoanTrustSilveksGHash, SafeKapitalCoinAssetsAtrexTrade, BTPerfex.
From MNO Standard list: HashCoin.
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization, BITC1TheBornClub, RoxInvestMarkApter.

So, I guess that’s about it until after Christmas Day. If I don’t post tomorrow (don’t know yet, it depends on how much news is worth discussing) then I definitely won’t be posting on Christmas Day either. If nothing else I’ll be spending most of it on a plane to Singapore where I’ll be seeing in the New Year. After that it’s on to Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Korea. The nice Korea that is, not the scary one! I’ll finish off my winter vacation and head back home from there.

Anyway, I just want to take one last chance to remind you then that the opinion poll asking your biggest disappointment of 2014 is still running on the MNO TalkBack page so please take the opportunity to vote before it closes in a few days. Also, remember that if I don’t actually post on my blog for a day or two over the holidays you can rest assured that the MNO monitor is always my number one priority so I can assure you that it will be kept up-to-date at all times.

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a memorable and happy time with the people most important to you, and hope the occasional hangover and extra kilo or two won’t distract you from coming back again soon. Bye for now and have a great holiday!

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