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02/12/2014. LetsHaveCash Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! LetsHaveCash has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! There’s a couple of interesting news stories to catch up on today, all of which I’ll get to in the news section in a few moments. I want first to look at a new addition to the MNO monitor’s Premium List called LetsHaveCash. That’s new to MNO I mean, not new online as the program has already been with us for the last twelve weeks. That’s not to say it’s old though, as LetsHaveCash (love that name, by the way!) is a long term HYIP with not very investors only breaking even and coming into profit just yet. The first ones to join have all done quite well from it of course, but not many more. I have to say it’s a very unique and individual style program as well, and one that many might find a welcome break from the usual HYIP industry standards. So if you want to know what it’s all about and whether LetsHaveCash might be suitable for your own portfolios then keep reading.

Let’s get started as usual then with the investment plans, and LetsHaveCash have three to choose from. Two of them are quite affordable, while the third is probably best left for the more serious gamblers among you. The first option open to you is called simply The Doubler for reasons that will be obvious when you see the figures. LetsHaveCash have a minimum requirement of $10 to join here, however please note that you may only invest in multiples of ten. So you can invest $10, $20, $30, $40, and so on like that. The plan runs for a term of 90 calendar days and allows members to collect 2.2% interest on their deposits per day. This adds up to 198% by the end of the term. LetsHaveCash are already including your principal as part of the payments, so it’s your own money back plus 98% net profit, i.e. members will (almost) “double” their money.

So let’s say then that you invested $100 in this plan, which strictly speaking would be to purchase ten blocks of $10 positions, LetsHaveCash should repay you $2.20 everyday until you have a total return of $198, which is made up of your own $100 plus an extra $98 from the program in profits. You would break even (that is to say earn back an amount equivalent to your initial deposit, therefore meaning you can’t possibly lose anything from that point on) after 46 days.

For the second plan LetsHaveCash change direction. It’s called The Ad Pack Plan and members will be required to surf a number of paid advertisements in order to be paid. A minimum of $20 is required to join, and again this is the price of one block in the program. In other words this time you will need to invest in multiples of twenty, so deposits can only be made for $20, $40, $60, $80, and so on. LetsHaveCash require members to log in and surf just four sites per day within a certain 24 hour window (and as you’re going to have to log in anyway in order to make a withdrawal then I suggest this is not really a big deal for anyone to do) and offer a daily interest payment of 3% on your principal. Just be aware that the four sites you need to surf are per $20 block, so if you invest $20 you surf four sites, invest $40 and surf eight sites, invest $60 and surf twelve sites, and so on. The interest rate is better than the first plan, however the term is a much shorter 50 calendar days. LetsHaveCash include your principal as part of the payments so therefore it won’t be returned on expiry. By the end of the term then members will have a total return of 150%, which is their own money plus 50% net profit.

Ultimately the second plan is obviously less profitable than the first, but comes with the advantage of putting you into profit a lot faster. So as you can see both plans have their own distinctive selling points and have certain advantages over each other. In this case were you to invest the same $100 (or purchase five $20 spots) LetsHaveCash would eventually pay you back $150, from which $50 is your profit, but allow you to break even after 34 days.

I find it a lot more difficult to be positive about LetsHaveCash‘s third plan, not because I think it’s bad or anything but simply don’t see enough advantages to justify the cost. It will set you back a $500 minimum to join you see, and again requires multiples of $500 to progress beyond the minimum spend. It’s called The BitMining Plan, and offers members a 2% daily interest payment for a term lasting 100 calendar days. With your principal included as part of the payments, this means your final return of 200% is your own money back plus 100% net profit. An additional one-off bonus payment is also made at the admin’s discretion once every financial quarter. I’m not aware of anyone having received this yet, LetsHaveCash are only online for the last six weeks, but my understanding is that this bonus could be as much as 30% so if true then maybe there’s something to be said for it. However if you would seriously spend $500 on this program then perhaps consider joining two cycles of the 50 day plan instead.

Maybe (arguably) the most impressive feature to LetsHaveCash is their selection of payment options. I say this because this is one of the very few programs to allow (or be allowed!) the use of SolidTrustPay. This doesn’t necessarily make the program better or more secure by itself, but the thing is that even if you yourself don’t use SolidTrustPay the fact that LetsHaveCash have a working account there at least means the program is available to a far bigger potential audience. Plus the fact that SolidTrustPay have a more vigorous verification process, helped by the fact that LetsHaveCash don’t really present themselves as any kind of legitimate investment or financial company. It is what it is, which is basically a form of gambling and without the pretence that absolutely 100% of people somehow are guaranteed a profit. Aside from STP by the way, other payment options open to LetsHaveCash members include PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and OkPay for the more traditional payment handlers, and BitCoin if you prefer the more modern digital e-currencies.

Please note however that the use of BitCoin is heavily restricted to the point that only deposits may be allowed using it. If you wish to make a withdrawal then you’ll need to have an account with one of the other processors, as withdrawals directly to BitCoin are not allowed. As with the majority of online HYIPs using BitCoin, LetsHaveCash don’t really use it as a currency as such, merely exchanging it in and out of US dollars at the exchange rate of the day. Due to the instability of the exchange rate the admin says his program will only take BitCoin but not give it back out. I also need to point out that any members using STP for their investments will need to create an entirely separate account area within LetsHaveCash which is given over entirely to STP transactions. The one regular members area if fine for all other payment processor accounts, this rule only applies to STP which requires a separate account area to be created.

Staying on the subject of payment processors and the general subject of making money, before joining LetsHaveCash you need to be aware of certain rules and procedures that could potentially have a profound affect on your profits. As I mentioned earlier, LetsHaveCash charge a withdrawal fee for taking money out of the program. Never a popular move by HYIP admins, so if you don’t like it or are somehow bothered by this, it’s your choice whether to join or not. Personally I just reassess my outlook on the investment plans and remember they are slightly less profitable than the marketing trick that encouraged you to join the program in the first place may have led you to believe. Otherwise LetsHaveCash is still a passive source of income for you.

Withdrawal fees can range anywhere from 1% to a whopping 8% depending on what processor you prefer to use. There’s a couple of simple ways to avoid these fees completely by the way, one of which is to join using SolidTrustPay (highly unusual to see a HYIP admin actually encouraging this!) where withdrawal fees are waived. The fees on the most popular processor, PerfectMoney, are somewhat exorbitant at 8%, however this can be relieved, temporarily at least, with a 3% bonus being offered at the time of writing to investors using them to join. So spend $100 via PM and you’ll have an active investment of $100, not $103 as you might think, but the $3 is yours to take away immediately. Not so much to drastically improve your earnings but will at least cover some of the expense of withdrawal. For other processors the fess are currently 1% for EgoPay and Payeer, and 4% for OkPay. Nothing for BitCoin obviously because as I just explained above LetsHaveCash will only accept deposits using it, not withdrawals. The actual profit itself is credited to your account at the same time everyday. This is done automatically at 00:05 (five past midnight), at which point you can make a withdrawal. Smaller investors should take note that there are certain minimum limits, such as $0.50 to STP, $1.10 to EgoPay, and $0.20 to the others. You will need to log in to your account area and request the payout yourself, but once done the transaction should be completed instantly, with members having their money in under a minute. Please note that occasionally technical difficulties on the side of the payment processors an prevent this from happening. In that case the payments will be done manually by the admin.

If you would like to take a gamble on receiving an increased return but with a higher risk attached, fans of compounding will find the practice is available and allowed by LetsHaveCash. I was never a fan of it myself, but that’s more a matter of personal choice rather than any reflection on the HYIPs that do or do not allow it themselves. Anyway, the option of compounding is there for you if you want it.

I just want to finish with the plans by giving a quick word on the process of spending and withdrawing money from LetsHaveCash. The first thing you are required to do is fund your account in the program. This is done simply by clicking the “Deposit” tab in your account. Then will you be able to make an investment by clicking the “Buy Position” tab. I can’t really overstate the importance of this by the way, because if you forget to do it you won’t earn any interest.

Moving on then to the more technical aspects of LetsHaveCash such as design and security, the website is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of OVH. Not really a well known name in the HYIP industry, I have seen them used a couple of times in the recent past but not enough to definitely say how good a provider they are. Then again, if LetsHaveCash achieve any degree of popularity I guess it won’t take long to find out! Otherwise all I can say about them for now is that LetsHaveCash have been online since the first day of September and I’m not aware of them having any serious problems with hosting until now, so I guess they’re solid enough. The program is also powered off a unique script that was developed especially for LetsHaveCash and won’t be found anywhere else. For an added layer of security there’s an SSL encryption certificate allowing for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

If you have any need to contact the admin with any further questions or account related issues then LetsHaveCash can be reached by filling in your details on the e-mail support form that can be seen on the website’s contact page, and submitted online. There’s also quite an extensive list of regional representatives, so if you don’t find one exactly in your own country you’re at least likely to find one you at least speaks the same first language as you.

Over the course of the last few months online the admin has gradually been tweaking and tinkering with the program, making slight adjustments and improvements here and there before eventually finishing up with what we see today. I would hope that means he’s serious about making a long term success of the project, though time will tell. I don’t imagine there’s going to be a great deal of activity here (by which I mean the entire HYIP industry, not just LetsHaveCash) for the remaining weeks of the year, but sure, if it survives Christmas then the potential for 2015 is enormous. Just the tricky matter of getting past the holidays in one piece to deal with first! Regarding any alleged business activities by the way, just for the record I’ll tell you that the LetsHaveCash admin claims to be involved with the mining of BitCoins, but to be honest that’s not really explained in any great detail. Experienced industry players will of course know well enough to skip over anything like that anyway, but for the sake of newbies I always have to add that even if such a thing were true it still doesn’t guarantee anyone a profit or secure their investments. So if you do join LetsHaveCash then set yourself a sensible spending limit you can afford to lose, be aware but not afraid of the risks, and try and keep the program as smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Have you heard there’s a new promising program in town called LoanTrust? Well, it was officially launched only yesterday and is already getting a lot of attention from some experienced investors. The program accepts four popular payment processors – PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin – and you can start with just a $10 minimum. There only seems to be only one plan that’s realistically affordable however, and it pays 2% per day with no expiry date and your principal returned on request at any time after a lock-in period of 5 calendar days. Other plans require higher minimums and pay for a fixed term with the principal returned on expiry. These include 3% for 20 days, 3.5% for 30 days, 4% for 40 days, 4.5% for 50 days, 5% for 60 days. The first perpetual plan will, I believe, be taken by the vast majority of investors, firstly because it allows the most flexibility and secondly because you can get your principal back in the shortest period of time. An welcome feature that will definitely attract investors to LoanTrust is the instant withdrawals, as well as a timer you can see on the Deposits page that allows you to take your profit at any time you like as it accrues literally in front of your eyes every millisecond. I’ll tell you about the deposit and withdrawal process from LoanTrust in more detail in the review tomorrow, but for now I can confirm that withdrawals are processed instantly so LoanTrust was moved to Paying status on my monitor. While browsing the site some savvy investors will probably recognize the licensed H-Script LoanTrust is running off. They’re also well-equipped when it comes to security with hosting and support provided by BlackLotus and an SSL-certificate from Comodo. There are plenty of things to discuss about LoanTrust in more detail and in my honest opinion, the program does look promising provided the admin’s intentions are good.


Last night it was announced by the admin of LaxoTrade (he was interviewed here) that a limited investment plan paying 141% after 15 days had been scrapped as was originally planned. The plan had earlier stirred up some controversy and made many investors nervous as LaxoTrade originally made it available for one week before extending it. At that time, it was quite obvious to me and many other experienced players that on the first week of this special plan almost no one invested in it, so the admin had to prolong it in hope that someone gullible enough to believe it would come along. Although at the moment LaxoTrade (reviewed here) still manages to pay on the original 2% per business day for a year and 11% weekly for 55 weeks investment plans (both returning your principal on expiry), I still believe the end is quite near. I’m not afraid to say that according to my calculations LaxoTrade is going to collapse by the end of the year, and possibly even next week when possibly few investors who did make deposits in the limited 141% after 15 days are due to be paid. I even get the strong impression that the entire lifetime of LaxoTrade that made profits for thousands of investors over seven months and paying on even small deposits starting from $1 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, PexPay, and Payeer was leading to this. I myself cannot see that LaxoTrade has started paying on the new on expiry plan yet, so I believe that for a few days the program will continue paying. New investments in LaxoTrade (at least for the next couple of weeks) are recommended, and I will stand my ground on that even though the admin says otherwise. Personally I would enjoy nothing more than to be completely wrong here, and will gladly take it back if the program survives the coming holiday season. For now though extreme caution is advised. The program’s latest newsletter is re-posted in full below:

LaxoTrade: Update
As we previously announced, the short time plan is closed for new investments as of today. Payouts for those that invested early have started today as well and, as announced, everybody will have their profit in full after two weeks.
While the plan was ongoing we did notice quite a bit of skepticism among the investors. They seem to have feared that we will shut down our entire program after this plan comes to a close.
As you can plainly see, we are still here, and this is where we plan to remain for years to come. We are a proper investment company that generates true profit, which we already proven, one would hope, with the length of time this side of the operation is running.
We generate profit as all of you profit so we have no plans of stopping any time soon.
As a side note, although the short time plan is not open for investments anymore our daily and weekly plans proceed as usual.
Thank you for all your support and trust.
Best regards, LaxoTrade


Unlike the previous program whose days are numbered, I believe SafeKapital (reviewed here) is still a very promising new program. It’s been running for less than 20 days and offers variable daily returns of 1% to 3% over a period of 90 calendar days with principal back on expiry. This flexibility in assigning the daily profit should go a long way in helping the admin survive December when investors are usually very cautious by allowing him to adjust the daily rates of interest according to the cashflow. Last week, for instance the total income one could earn from SafeKapital was 16.2% about which the admin issued the following trading report (nothing to do with real trading whatsoever, of course):

SafeKapital Trading Report – Nov 24 – Nov 30
We would like to publish our last week’s trading report (interest paid to our clients).
Period: November 24, 2014 – November 30, 2014.
November 24: 3.0%, November 25: 2.8%, November 26: 2.5%, November 27: 2.9%, November 28: 3.0%, November 29: 1.0%, November 30: 1.0%
Profit for the period: 16.20%
Thank you. SafeKapital

Anyway, if the pattern continues like that over the next few weeks (which is by no means certain) then we will hopefully see the first investors of SafeKapital in profit just in time for Christmas. Whether it’s going to be happy and profitable Christmas for just the admin or for the program’s investors too remains to be seen. For now I can only state that SafeKapital processes all withdrawals in a timely manner and members who invested with at least $30 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, or even Payza (which is quite rare) have nothing to complain about yet. Fingers crossed, the admin will be able to continue and we see the first of many members in profit soon.


I would like to finish the news for tonight with an urgent warning regarding a so called new program calling itself new TradingAllianceLimited, a copycat website of the very popular but now defunct short-term HYIP with the same name, but hosted on a different domain. You may remember that the same attempt was made to impersonate 2FXLtd which was also one of the biggest programs. Just like 2FXLtd, I have no idea if the admin of TradingAllianceLimited is doing this himself or if he simply sold his website and email database to some other scammer. Either way it doesn’t matter, because any investments in the new TradingAllianceLimited are not recommended. In fact I won’t be lying to you by saying that if you invest in the new TradingAllianceLimied which is based on the .net domain (unlike the original .com based website) you will get scammed and lose your money. As I had many referrals in the original TradingAllianceLimited which was actually a very good program and lasted for a long time, I believe I’m obligated to warn you against investing in a copycat scam. I’m re-posting the spam e-mail below but please note that I’m only doing so in order for people to recognize it should it appear in their own inboxes. Obviously you should not follow the instructions it contains and stay as far away from this as possible:

New TradingAllianceLimited
TradingAllianceLimited holds to an opinion that every client needs a financial portfolio which matches their various risk appetite. Our company’s specialists help its clients to understand financial markets for designing such a portfolio that attains the clients’ desired aims.
So we have one of the most interesting investment opportunity in the web. We are glad to welcome every visit to become a part of something interesting, don’t miss it out. We accept members from all over the world.
As far as possible, we have set out to ensure that our website is compatible with open web standards. We therefore recommend that you access this website using modern web browsers like IE, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. This website is also optimised for modern mobile devices so that you may reach it on the move.
Thank you again for visiting our new website, and we hope you enjoy using it. You can start new round of TradingAllianceLimited


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listOneStability, AssuredAssetsLaxoTradeFXMutual, DailyProfitSilveks, WellGoTradersGHashSafeKapitalRaisean, VentureWealth, LetsHaveCash, LoanTrust (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShare, OgdenOrganization, TheBornClub, MarkApter, BITC1RoxInvest.

That’s it for tonight, guys. I would just like to encourage you to vote in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page, if you haven’t done so yet. The poll is aimed at finding out how many people keep investing in the month of December and how many take a break until January. So far, I’m glad to see that only about a quarter of people believe it’s time to take a rest and wait for the new year, while the vast majority still enjoy the thrill of the HYIP industry even if being a little bit more cautious. Some programs such as LoanTrust (review coming tomorrow) will definitely have a better chance to survive Christmas since their admins choose MNO as their primary advertising source known for listing only high-quality programs. Stay tuned for that and see you all tomorrow. Bye for now!

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