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13/08/2011. Interview with the admin of MirexGroup


Beware! MirexGroup has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! I don’t have a lot of news to report on this evening, it being Saturday and all. Plus the fact that I’ve only arrived in Berlin after a train ride from Prague so I’ve got some other plans for the evening. As always though I still have something that might be of some interest to a few of you. One of the more original HYI programs to be added to my monitor in recent weeks, at least in terms of their slightly unorthodox plans anyway, has been MirexGroup. And today I have an interview with the program’s admin. His name is Tyler and despite not going into quite as much detail as I would have liked to see myself, don’t worry because the plans have been described in much better detail in the review of MirexGroup first published on MNO here.

Before we hear from Tyler I’ll just remind you that MirexGroup is a longer term investment program with minimum deposits that vary from day to day but are linked to the current market prices for oil, gold, and platinum. Terms on offer include 0.75%-2% for 200 business days, 1.1%-2.1% for 180 business days, 1.3%-3% for 160 business days, 1.5%-3% for 140 business days, and your principal back on expiry.

1. Hi Tyler, please introduce yourself to the readers here. Tell us about MirexGroup, about the nature of your company and about your personal role in running it.

Hello, thank you for inviting us to give an interview. My name is Tyler and I supervise the group. I make sure everyone does a good job, so I have to constantly control every step, give advice and of course participate myself in the process.

2. Can you also give us some background information on the program? How long are you running? What are you hoping to achieve with it and are you running it alone or do you have a partner or assistant?

Our Group has been working for about 7 years now. The staff have changed of course over the years, new people came in, some people left to take up other jobs, or had to move/change location and so on. We’re not hoping to achieve anything, just providing investment plans to the members. We have a pretty good set-up, everyone has their own function and we run pretty smoothly.

3. So what exactly are you offering investors? Explain your investment plans to us in detail and tell us how profitable are they. What have been the most popular options so far?

The most popular probably would be the Gold fund or Classic fund, people like to start off with those two. Although we offer 4 plans, which you can view on our website to see the full descriptions.

4. What payment methods are available? What payment processors are you dealing with and which would be the most popular?

We use LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, Western Union, Bank Wire transfer and OkPay which you can use with your credit card.

5. What kind of advertising strategy are you using to promote MirexGroup? How are you going to reach more online investors? Or are you planning to stay a bit more low-key for now?

We have numerous people working for us, and members can also become one of our representatives if they want. We have some requirements for that of course, but it will be possible for you to obtain a license if you are serious about your intentions to promote. We also have a special account for representatives where you can transfer funds between MirexGroup accounts, made specially for the purpose to easily distribute funds between you and your investors.

6. What are the most efficient ways of getting in contact with you if a member has any questions or problems?

Phone call, e-mail, feedback from the website. Whichever suits you.

7. To date what have been the most common problems or questions put to you by the members? Is there anything in particular you would like to address here in order for members to avoid having to contact you at all?

Not receiving too many questions, maybe some technical issues, but that happens and we try to do our best to fix everything quickly and eliminate the same issue causing problems in the future.

8. Can you tell the readers in detail about the security of the MirexGroup website? Who is your hosting provider and how highly would you rate their services? Tell us also about the script and why you chose it.

We have DDoS protection, we use SSL on our website and we constantly check that our entire system has bulletproof status.

9. Getting back to your plans for a moment I said in the review that they were not like anything else in the HYIP industry at the moment. But has that caused you any problems so far? For example have investors understood them properly or do you get a lot of requests to explain them? And also, do you think some of them are simply too expensive for investors and would attract a lot more money in the long run if the prices came down, for example a ¼ ounce of gold rather than a full one?

To our surprise investors understand our plans, although we were ready to support and answer any questions. We expected a lot of questions since it is a new feature on the market, but it seems like everyone already has the plans figured out.

10. Can you give us any statistics on MirexGroup as regarding the membership, the deposits, and the rate of growth? Are you satisfied with the progress you have made so far? How would you like to see the program develop in the short term future, over the coming three months?

The Number of investors is growing steadily everyday, and if I’m not mistaken we’re close to 10 thousand investors as of today. Like I said earlier we offer representative accounts for those who want to represent our company in their home country. People like that bring a lot of new investors to the company.

11. And expanding on that, do you have any plans to further develop, expand, or otherwise improve MirexGroup in the near future?

Well of course, who wouldn’t want their company to progress. We work hard and we enjoy growing.

12. And finally, would you like to comment on the review your program received on MNO? Do you think anything was missed? Do you think anything was unfair or in need of correction? Also is there anything you would like to add that wasn’t covered in this interview?

It was pretty good, I think you did a good job describing our project, nothing I found that I would disagree on. Thanks for the review, and for this short interview. Looking forward to another interview maybe later after three to four months. Wish us luck.

Sure, in fact that’s exactly what I was going to say next, lol! Good luck to Tyler in establishing MirexGroup as a popular choice with investors. It’s not easy and takes a lot of work but I guess it’s something that can be very rewarding in financial terms to a lot of people if it works out well. Best of luck also to the current and future members of MirexGroup, I hope this one turns out to be a good little earner for you. Fingers crossed anyway!

That’s all for tonight guys, and enjoy your Saturday whatever it is you’re doing with it. There’s just one other thing I need to mention before I go and is that because my connection was a bit patchy yesterday I wasn’t able to list off the programs from where I was paid. So – a bit belatedly – here’s the full list of program’s monitored by MNO that paid me over the last 48 hours:
HotInvesting, SecureEarn, BaseBucks, SeriousInvestors, WesternSum, InvestNetGroup, EurexTrade, GorgonProjectInvest, EarnGroups, PowerfulStrategy, ReProFinance, PerfectLottery, NeoProgress, HyperCompound, OnlineInvestmentBank, SpringPoints, MGFunds, CommoditiesCapital, HitNRunMasters, MirexGroup, ViscoCorp, TopsFund, RockwellFunds, UnicornInv, PermanentProfit, StraDox, VivaTrade, GlobalFxTrades, SafeDepositary, JPDaily, PrimFix, BrantonsGroup and BetForInvest (the first payment received). Please note that VivaTrade is back on Paying status on MNO (read why tomorrow).

I’ll be back as always tomorrow with all the news from the industry from the weekend so make sure to check back again and see you all then!

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