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29/08/2011. Daily News from the Industry


Hi guys! I hope that you’re fresh and well-rested after the weekend and ready for the week ahead in this unpredictable but always fascinating industry. I want to start the news update for today with the latest exclusive update I received from Paul Tromans, the admin of GorgonProjectInvest. He answered a couple of questions I asked him yesterday and cleared up some doubts regarding pending withdrawals to LibertyReserve which are apparently behind schedule due to a shortage of funds while accounts are being replenished. The niggling instability of the site and its frequent downtimes aren’t helping matters and I wonder if today’s issues with the database could somehow be avoided instead of causing more headaches for investors who are tired of waiting for a return to normality. I’m also wondering how much it has to do with Dragonara (the new GPI hosting provider) as the problems with accessibility are just dragging on for ages now. At the time of writing only the support site of GorgonProjectInvest remains online while the main site where you can make deposits and request withdrawals is not. A reason for that was offered by the admin of GorgonProjectInvest (interviewed here) in his latest tweet:
OK, we have a database issue again. We are aware of the problem and its being fixed now. We should be back in an hour or 2.

Anyway, let’s hope that everything is back to normal soon and GorgonProjectInvest is online in a few hours. As for now I would like to deliver the message from Paul regarding the pending withdrawals to LR, regarding possible GDP to LR exchanges that might still take place in the future and the response to unsupportive members who like to seed panic on forums and monitors. The most important thing remains the same – Paul promises that GorgonProjectInvest will survive despite the rumors and hearsay of its coming demise and asks members to be patient and let him get on with his job. Well, so far Paul delivered everything as promised and today’s withdrawals that were processed to me and some of my downlines to LibertyReserve despite the shortage show that he’s not going anywhere, at least not yet. Here is the latest update from Paul today addressing the main concerns and questions of the investors of GorgonProjectInvest (reviewed here):
We have now run out of LR and are waiting for more to arrive from our exchangers, We were a bit shocked at the mass withdrawals upon our return and along with everything else that was happening we were unprepared.
We have plenty of stock of other e-currencies but can’t open them to be exchanged internally as this will drain these e-currencies too quickly.
Our method of withdrawals is also a bit messy as we did open auto exchanges to everyone with amounts below $100, and left amounts over $100 because of our security scare. We then paid out some smaller amounts because the hacker targeted the members with the largest amounts. Now we are going back to the accounts with larger amounts as we need to check every payment.
It’s the only way we know how to do it so people will just have to hang on and wait. LR withdrawals take longer as there are 50% more of them and the largest majority of large investments are in LR.
Also, we are just ironing out some e-mail server problems which will make the support centre fully functional again. All outstanding queries and issues will be resolved over the next 48 hours.
The promised addition of GDP to LR exchanges will be delayed until all outstanding LR payment are made, but it still features fully in our future plans.
We hope our reputation will hold us in good stead and allow our investors to not worry and to trust us. Already bad rumours have started and these seem to escalate the panic and create even more work for us. We know this industry seems to thrive on rumour and hearsay, almost to the point of wanton self destruction, but we need to move away from that and be positive. It’s incredible that we are already being called a scam by a few disgruntled investors, I wonder if they realize the damage that this does and we wonder why people do not offer support rather than try to run us down and cause uncertainty. It’s almost as if people want us to be a scam so they can prove themselves. It’s utter madness.
Anyway, whatever negativity happens on the forums and monitors we will have to ignore them and continue to do what we do best. In adversity we have always come back and grown stronger and we have not worked this hard to be destroyed by careless talk. We ask all of our investors to please be patient and allow us to tidy up behind the scenes and continue to grow as the No.1 opportunity on the internet.
Regards. Paul”.

I regret to inform you that I had to move two programs from MNO listing to Problem status today. The first program was WesternSum. Having once been quite a promising program judging by the original script in use and overall good quality of the website something about the admin made me feel quite nervous from the beginning. The thing is that he had no real idea about the plans he was offering, couldn’t explain them properly, why such a high minimum deposit of $50 was called for, and the totally unnecessary requirement of investing in units. I guess that might create cashflow issues for WesternSum over the weekend as me and some readers had pending payouts for the last two days. I don’t know if the problem is going to be solved soon as I haven’t got a response from the admin yet. So, at this moment and until the payouts resume WesternSum cannot be considered a safe pick anymore and has to be warned about which is exactly what I’m doing now.

One more program which is certainly was in the spotlight for the last few weeks but not always for good reasons is MGFunds. As you might know, recently the admin of the program Mark extended the timeframe for the payouts and it might take over a week to receive them. However, despite his prompt reply to my queries and paying to everybody after my intervention that simply cannot sit well with me and such prolonged delays certainly cannot be regarded as a healthy sign. I am going to contact him again regarding the delays today but until everything is solved and in the interests of fairness I would like to move MGFunds to Problem status on MNO at the moment. The admin must issue a statement clearing things up and setting a new withdrawal timeframe officially if needed. Until then I would advise you all against investing there. I will keep you updated on MNO when / if I receive a response from the admin regarding the delays.

After their website was translated into four languages the admin of HyperCompound (interviewed here) has announced a Russian version of the website is now available meaning the Russian speaking community can benefit from the full professional translation. I’m really delighted that HyperCompound keeps improving and hopefully we will see a long run ahead. I remind you that the program accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney deposits starting from $1 only and provides instantly processed payouts on a rather complicated investment plan paying 1.5%-3% + bonus interest for 100 business days with the principal return on expiry. To benefit from the full explanation of the plan please refer to my full review of HyperCompound published here. And below is the latest news posted on the site:
HyperCompound website is now available in Russian
We are pleased to announce that our website is now available in Russian! More languages will be available soon.

After being interviewed on MNO the admin of ReProFinance posted the entire interview on their website, and also providing their members with the link to the original article posted on MNO (click here to read it). I’m kinda excited about that because it was not done for any other interview ReProFinance gave over the last year online which means that MNO blog is the most respected and regarded source of information and is worth reading. ReProFinance (originally reviewed here) is the oldest paying program on the MNO Premium list having been monitored for a whopping 449 days and paying instantly to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on the following plans – 1.6%-2.3% for 90 business days and 1.8%-2.5% for 180 business days with principal return on expiry.

After the exclusive interview for MNO (read it here) the admin of MirexGroup was also interviewed by LIFEinvest site. The admin also shared some upcoming plans for the autumn season which is widely considered as the high season for HYIPs and promised some exciting developments including the increased payment rates that would apply to both new and old deposits soon. As for now, MirexGroup offers a few investment plans with instant payments to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and principal return on expiry – 0.75%-2% for 200 business days, 1.1%-2.1% for 180 business days, 1.3%-3% for 160 business days, 1.5%-3% for 140 business days. The investment process in MirexGroup is kinda special compared to the majority of other HYIPs and before investing I would suggest to read the detailed review of the program on MNO here. Happy investing with MirexGroup, everyone! Here is the latest update posted on the site:
Another interview at LIFEinvest. Come check it out.
Greetings to all our members! It is sad that summer season is almost over, it will be missed of course, we hope everyone had a great time and fabulous vacation. Now it’s time to work, work and work one more time. We plan to accelerate our trading process and will increase rate somewhere down the road as we go, it will even be applied to the investments previously made, so don’t worry, once it hits – it covers the whole net.
By the way, we’ve been interviewed at LIFEinvest not long ago and we welcome you to come visit the website and read about what we have to say, how are we doing and information of that sort.
Please feel free to contact us and throw us suggestions that you maybe have on your mind, we will be glad to listen them all out and take an action towards improvement.

If you didn’t know yet, today is a bank holiday in the UK and meaning some HYIPs which are allegedly based there may not pay you interest if payments are only offered on business days. NeoProgress (reviewed here) for example will not be paying interest today on their plans – 1.5% for 30 business days, 1.8% for 60 business days, 2% for 90 business days, 2.2% for 100 business days with principal returned on expiry. Please note that all the withdrawals from NeoProgress will still be processed instantly as usual to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and SolidTrustPay processors. Here is the latest update from NeoProgress:
UK Summer Bank Holiday – Non trading day – NeoProgress
29 of August is a non business day. Profit will not be added. We celebrate UK Summer Bank Holiday. Our congratulations to all our investors and NeoProgress clients.
NeoProgress Client Support Department”.

Two weeks online is certainly a good achievement for MInvestment (reviewed here) as it’s paying quite high profits for relatively short periods of time – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-220% after 3 days, 136.5%-600% after 7 days, 174%-950% after 14 days, 360%-2100% after 30 days. As you can see from those plans almost all have matured at least once and those repeating the 1-day plan might have received profits over a dozen of times. Surely with its growth MInvestment has to make some additional efforts in order to sustain payments to an ever growing number of investors but I think with quite frequent updates the admin does a good job in this regard. In the latest update he provided some recent stats about deposits and withdrawals which don’t look bad assuming their true. He emphasized the utmost importance of voting for the program on various forums and monitors and promoting it harder to attract more new investors. Anyway, I believe that MInvestment can have a few more takers in the HYIP industry as it’s paying fast on withdrawals to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and deposits can start from only $10. Here is the full newsletter dedicated to some results achieved by MInvestment after its first two weeks online:
MInvestment‘s Official Newsletter – “2 Weeks Online and $100K Invested!”
Hello dear investors, we’re sending you another regular newsletter.
This time we would like to talk about our achievements so far and how you can spread the word about MInvestment. Giving a good rating of our program will help the world to see that we are a totally genuine and paying company. What else if not fully paying program is a better advertisement strategy to encourage new clients to participate in our program.
— Global Statistics —
MInvestment is now officially offering it’s financial services through or website for two weeks already. We think that this is just the beginning but our company already is one of the most popular ones among our competitors and similar programs.
Currently there are a total of 1,750 clients registered and 1,100 currently have at least one active deposit running. We are also proud to announce that MInvestment has reached a total of $100,000+ in investments from our members! This is a big achievement for us and we feel that we’re working in the right way. $40,000+ has been paid out to our clients. Average withdrawal processing time is within 12 hours, but we intend to process them always as soon as possible.
— Our Ratings and Public Forums —
You might have noticed our Ratings page at the website. This is where you can check our ratings and make sure that we are really paying promptly. There you can also find most popular discussion boards, where MInvestment is being discussed at. With this said, we kindly ask you to give your vote and spread the word about our investment program. If you have received countless payments from us and you are satisfied with our service, why not to give a positive rating of MInvestment.
That’s it for this time. A new week is ahead and we wish you a very fortunate one. Moreover, we’re looking forward for another successful week of MInvestment.
Thank you for staying with us!
MInvestment – Make the most out of your investment!
Best Regards, MInvestment Team”.

Another rant from the admin of HitNRunMasters NB (interviewed here) in the form of a newsletter was issued today. As usual he stopped short of giving any examples and predictions of their alleged activities in the HYIP industry (after an unsuccessful attempt to bury HotInvesting) and switched to the less contentious activity of just commenting on the more vague aspects of industry in general. Obviously, I agree with many points NB has made in his email – all HYIPs being ponzies, etc. However, I disagree with the point that HitNRunMasters is different from others as no proof whatsoever was provided as to why the program can be considered safer than others or how it’s involved in crashing other programs and making money on them. As I can say once again, I can tell you that I’m the King of Belgium but will you believe me simply because I say it? I think that it’s just way too early to judge such a new program as HitNRunMasters as it’s only running for barely a month, not a huge term even to make profits even if you’ve been a member since day one. HitNRunMasters offer decent returns of 1.5%-2.8% daily for 365 days only accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10 and paying principal back on expiry. Of course you can increase your chances for success by withdrawing your principal prematurely for a fee which was described in my review of HitNRunMasters posted here. But my simple advice to you – never take anything for granted in the HYIP industry which can be very deceptive and full of people who can spin the most fantastic stories in the hope of you opening your wallets for them. However, does the good storytelling mean that the program will stay online for a long time? Well, we’ll see that in a year from now, provided HitNRunMasters will be still around at that time which I sincerely hope. The admin clearly has some guts and fresh ideas for his program and I hope it will work out for him and HitNRunMasters will run for a long time. But investors don’t just want idle words – they want to be paid in time. So if the program delivers then success will follow. Here is the latest newsletter from HitNRunMasters (for your entertainment!):
On the Rise
We have been online now for over 40 days are growing this force stronger every single day. More and more players are beginning to realize that HnRM is a serious and one of a kind program. We have the backing of key entities in this industry. With our insider knowledge, knowing when, where, who, how and what HYIP Admin are doing we are THE safe haven.
All the HYIP’s online and listed in the monitors are full of $#!+. There are no Forex participating HYIP. There is NO sports arbitrage betting HYIP’s. There are no OIL exploration HYIP’s. There are ONLY Ponzi’s. The only HYIP that is investing in anything is HnRM!
We have developed a winning strategy over the last 10 years that has put us IN-THE-MONEY! Our ‘ONE Plan’ is the best designed investment plan in the world of HYIP. This structure alone will allow us to be a force in this industry for as long a term as we desire to offer it. The only HYIP telling you the truth about their investing is HnRM!
Changes in the world of HYIP are imminent. They have already happened for the worse. Now it is time to make changes for the better.
Those of you that have been around for any length of time can clearly see that it is harder and harder to make money in this industry. Programs come and go too fast. Too many investors investigating this industry are losing and leaving. The crap Admin, whether you believe it or not, ARE, and will remain, under attack from the whole of the industry. We MUST ban together and TAKE BACK HYIP and return it to a place that offers the investor a chance to make good profits. There is too much trash involved in the HYIP world. Too many stupid Admins. Too many ridiculous monitors that charge excessive fees for programs to advertise. Too many unworthy forums doing the same. The good Admin in this industry have a hard time structuring programs that can last due to all the fingers dipping into their pie.
We need to return HYIP to a place where investors can double their money every 2 to 3 weeks for months and months. In the old days an investor could double his money in less than 2 weeks, take out his principle and then have an income derived from profits for many many weeks and months before the program closed. We have to make some changes!
As a GROUP, we can do something about it.
It is TIME we band together!
It is TIME we turn this arena around!
It is TIME to make the changes!
It is a NEW DAWN in the world of HYIP!
Are you going to emerge victorious or lie wasted as a casualty?
The choice is yours!!!
HitNRunMasters. The HYIP Destiny is OUR Choice!

More cash prizes are on the way for the lucky members of CommoditiesCapital (reviewed here) in their Facebook contest with a $10 prize for every question. More details can be read below:
New opportunity to win a prize
Because it seems that many members don’t understand correctly our plans and other details we decided to offer another opportunity to win a prize for everybody. So starting from now, at a random hour, we will post a question on our Facebook wall. The first who will answer correctly on our wall, will get 10$ cash prize. We will continue with these questions every day for a while, until we will see all correct answers. So watch our wall on Facebook every day and win.
Thank you all for your great support.
Regards, James. CommoditiesCapital”.
I remind you that CommoditiesCapital reached the Top 10 most popular programs on MNO paying for over a month on four investment plans – 1.8% for 100 days (principal back), 3.2% for 45 days, 5% for 30 days, 6.5% for 25 days – and accepting AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from only $1. More about the program can be read in my interview with its admin James posted here.

There was some interesting news posted on the official forum thread of JPDaily today. The admin of the program Rich gave some details about a new website InvestProker that is going to be launched soon. And it looks as interesting as the concept behind the original program JPDaily the investment plan of which was described fully in my review of the program posted here. Hopefully this will be also discussed in the upcoming interview with Rich due to be posted on MNO later this week. Well, I wish the admin the best of luck in his new venture and am glad to present the most recent daily results from JPDaily where the investors gained over 5% profit today alone:
Daily Result:+5.22% for JPDaily
Todays result has been announced!
Check your balances and request your withdrawals!
Daily Report:
Investor Balances:
Referral Stats:
Well that was a bit up and down! First session was a disaster, I thought we were on track for a loss day. But a shower, omlette and a few hours later, and I pulled it right back with two mega sessions! That was one for the ego-crack pipe.
I was playing one $600NL table as there wasn’t many available seats at $1kNL… and I did awesome! In less than 2hours I turned that into $3624 ($3k profit!). So that got most of the first session back. And then got back to the regular $1NL 4-tabling routine and put in some good hours there, few rebuys but went on to profit on all 4 tables. That was sweet!
But today turned good!
That was fun.
I’ll do the pending ref payments tonight, as soon as I get back from the club. It will be after midnight, but they’ll get done before tomorrows result.
And regarding the InvestProker website; I intend to sort the hosting out for that tomorrow. And then hopefully the day after that’ll be ready to rock and roll. I posted a little teaser in the forum already, check that out here:
And that’s that.
More tomorrow!
Regards, Rich”.

The following programs have paid me for the last 24 hours and are listed on Paying status on MNO monitoring:
GorgonProjectInvest, CommoditiesCapital, InvestNetGroup, SafeDepositary, HitNRunMasters, MInvestment, PerfectLottery, NeoProgress, StockBiz, BrantonsGroup, EarnGroups, OnlineInvestmentBank, After60Days, ViscoCorp, TopsFund, BetForInvest, BruyetteInvestment, BaseBucks, AllenFinance, StraDox, MirexGroup, GainRace, RockwellFunds, HotInvesting, SecureEarn and LargeEarning.

The latest addition to my listing and the second program after RockwellFunds to be exclusively monitored on MNO is called FIPO, a program that just launched today. This is a program which offers two investment plans – 2.2% daily for 22 days and 2.4% forever. There are some twists and turns about it though which will explained in tomorrow’s review. And since FIPO is exclusively monitored by MNO I will give you the most detailed review of the program so to avoid any confusion. Anyway, the payment processors accepted by FIPO are LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting with $5, although on request AlertPay can be also accepted. The program uses a customized Neversay script which is known for its good security and convenience for investors. Withdrawals have to be requested and are paid by the admin daily within 24 hours. The program is SSL-secured and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with advanced DDoS protection. Overall, FIPO made quite a good first impression on me and I hope that it will be profitable for all MNO readers so check out my detailed review of the program tomorrow.

That’s all the news from the industry I have for you today, guys. If you like my news and want it to be delivered to your email address every morning do not forget to subscribe to my newsletter by entering your email address in the special subscription form on the top of MNO blog. Then confirm your subscription via email and you’re done – getting guaranteed the freshest most up to date news from any source in the industry and unique content on a daily basis. What more do you need to keep yourself updated on the ever changing HYIP world? So stay tuned and see you tomorrow with the full review of the new Exclusive program on MNO – FIPO and latest news from the industry.

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