05/07/2016. Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Hello everyone, and welcome again to the MNO blog. It’s kind of ironic that July is so often the hottest month of summer in many countries but is nevertheless more likely to be the coolest in the HYIP industry. I know that many readers are taking holidays and enjoying the sunshine and and other pleasures the summer brings while putting the HYIP industry on the back burner for a while. It’s usually in autumn after the vacation season is over when many anticipate returning to something big that is surely coming to be listed here, on MNO. Still, we cannot underestimate the earning opportunities from HYIP investments in summer either. Some admins are surely talented enough to create and launch at the lowest point of the year and develop into something big come the autumn. Such shrewd admins are still there and perhaps some of the programs on MNO which can be considered flying under the radar at the moment will definitely take off in a few weeks as investors start to slowly drift back. So, why not take a look at the MNO monitor and take your pick which could (if you’re lucky) make you huge profits by the start of autumn? Do you think it’s possible that such promising program could be Ssarini, a newly added name to the Premium List? Or maybe it’s the already well known to the MNO readers SpecialProfit whose admin got upgraded to Premium listing after silently paying for three weeks making profits for many investors already? Well, only time will tell as no one knows the answer to that question and that is what actually makes the HYIP industry so exciting and thrilling to observe. I guess if you follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter, or subscribed to my email newsletter, or just simply curious to find out more on the biggest programs in the industry right now, you’ve come to the right place, as in today’s blog post two new programs are going to be introduced with the respective reviews of them to follow later this week.
Having been monitored on the MNO Basic List since the very first day online the admin of SpecialProfit has finally decided to bring things to a new level earlier today. Not only has he upgraded his program to Premium Listing on my monitor, but he also paid for a full month of banner advertising. If you think programs like SpecialProfit have to develop gradually in order to get the most from a seasonal slump, then this program might be to your liking. SpecialProfit is seemingly fixated on the number eleven, perhaps it has something to do with lucky numbers for the admin. Anyway, the minimum to invest starts from $11 and you can get 11% for 11 calendar days for it. This allows you to profit 21% on your investment, as the principal is already included and is not returned on expiry. If you wish to risk your principal for 11 days and do not mind getting paid 130% once at the end of the term and deposit at least a $110 minimum then the second investment plan might be something you might be interested in.
Note that with SpecialProfit you shouldn’t expect instant withdrawals, but I never myself waited more than the 24 hour maximum timeframe to be paid. There are five payment processors accepted by SpecialProfit which include both the already familiar methods like PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash, and the relatively unknown newcomer to the payment processor world called ePay. SpecialProfit features a neat and uncluttered design and it’s apparent the admin tried to make it look like a usual program while launching without much fuss which is totally unnecessary in a quiet period like this. SpecialProfit is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, the site is SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection provided by the ever reliable DDoSGuard. Over the first three weeks online the admin did a great job getting many of my readers into profit, and I hope that will continue now that the advertising efforts significantly increased and the program has managed to obtain some fans. The gradual and slow growth of SpecialProfit was only confirmed by the one and only piece of news where the admin announced the addition of the Skype account which can be now used along with the more traditional email contact:
“Skype contact was added
Skype contact was added,you can contact us by Skype from now.”
Best of luck to every investor in SpecialProfit, whether old or new, who profited and only those who hope to do so, and I have a more detailed review of it on Thursday. Stay tuned for that, guys!
Ssarini, on the other hand, is a new program to MNO that was listed on Premium status only today, but has been running for two weeks that allowed the very first investors to get to the profit zone and possibly even completed the first cycle. I must say that the future challenges that arise from paying profits to investors from other investment plans should be a real survival test for Ssarini. The first weeks online though proved that the admin is quite serious about building his reputation, and the listing on MNO today is a step in the right direction to improve future development. I’ll say a few words about the progress Ssarini has made so far a bit later in the introduction, but for now let’s have a brief look at its plans. They can be divided into two major categories and do not overlap each other, meaning you can only invest in any given plans with a particular amount of money, although the number of deposits is not limited. The daily paying plans include principal in the daily profits, and so expire after the specified term – 11% for 10 days, 4.67% for 30 days, 3.71% for 45 days, 3.37% for 60 days, 3.23% for 75 days, 3.22% for 90 days. If you don’t wish your investments in Ssarini to expire and prefer to be paid forever, i.e. for the duration of the program’s lifetime, then you might be interested in the second category of plans that pay a 1.1% to 2.5% daily fixed return and no option of returning the initial investment. Of course, I tend to believe that the fixed term plans in Ssarini are much more popular and less risky in the first place. When it comes to the choice of payment processors Ssarini is perhaps the best of the current programs with only SolidTrustPay not present yet (though you can clearly see its logo on the site). Apart from that, investments in Ssarini may start from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, NixMoney, YandexMoney, Qiwi, OkPay, Neteller, Skrill, and even Payza. Unfortunately, with Payza I do not see that the admin has managed to obtain approval for automated transactions and you have to deposit manually, and like with some other payment methods both deposits and withdrawals from/to such payment processors have to be approved by the admin manually, so take this and other issues raised in the following newsletter into consideration:
Dear Investors!
As you know in our project there are 2 kinds of payment systems: it’s fully automatic and manual.
All we have at the moment three currencies: dollars, rubles and bitcoins.
Online support have questions on the conversion of currencies, which we have internal courses, and so on. Answer: actually there are no internal courses, if you carefully read the FAQ section, it becomes clear that your Deposit is working in the currency in which it was invested, it is invested in USD – received USD invested in BTC – received in BTC.
Another challenge is rejected the payments. Many seeing that the payment is rejected, put the payment a second time. And so on to infinity.
Please note that just because payments are not rejected. Usually the main problem is not the number of purses in the payment details. No purse number, it is logical that and bring the “to nowhere” payment will not work. Check the details of their wallets.
The second problem is that incorrect details provided. For your convenience, in a field where it is necessary to place the number or address of the purse, we placed samples. Please pay attention to it. The most common mistake in the system AdvancedCash, you have to specify the number of wallet and e-mail address you use to log into the purse ADV.
As you know that we have a minimum withdrawal amount of 0.3 USD for automatic and 1 for manual USD payment systems.
This rule works for all EPS in addition to Neteller, this EPS the minimum transfer amount at 5 USD. And transfer a smaller amount it does not allow.
Again recall that the automatic EPS in the project is: Perfect Money, NixMoney, AdvancedCash, OKPAY, Bitcoin, Payeer.
Manual or semi-automatic*: Neteller, Skrill, Payza, QIWI, WebMoney and YandexMoney.
*semi-automatic: QIWI YandexMoney – enrollment is automatic, output manual.
If you want the accrued profit at once came to the wallet to your payment system, use the automatic payment system. In the case of the other payment systems will have to log in your personal account and request payment.
All profitable investment!
With best wishes, the team Ssarini”.
Despite the Ssarini website being available in two languages – English and Russian – and the company claiming to be registered in the UK, Russian is their original language for sure. In fact English is not their strong point. Just to give you an example, I tried to ask a question to their Live Support which is available during business hours and it took an enormous effort to make myself understood. At one point I was even told “that’s your problem”, something you could lose your job for if you tried it in a real company. But I guess the HYIP world plays by its own rules and such misunderstandings happen, although I wish Ssarini would work better for the English speaking investors too. Speaking of languages, the administration probably realizes the importance of the Chinese market as well, and promised to add a Chinese version of the website too. This was over a week ago now, so I guess there were some complications with this. Although I wouldn’t exclude the possibility of more language versions in the future as Ssarini seems to be interested as claimed in the following update:
Dear Partners,
only yesterday the company Ssarini started its official activities on the Internet. And in the first hours of work we have understood your wishes and interests. We wrote a lot of international partners and interested, when will be site adapted under this or that country.
The answer is that gradually we will translate our site into all major languages: Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Italian and others. Today we want to announce that in the coming days will try to implement the Chinese version of the site. About start will be communicated separately.
With best regards, Ssarini”
To encourage promoters to get Ssarini known perhaps even outside of the general HYIP circle, the admin also introduced higher referral commissions for the program’s representatives. And there’s a special section called Career where you can get more information on the different levels and extra rewards for your own investments in Ssarini as well as promoting the program and getting more referrals. More on that please read below:
Dear Partners!
Today, we continue telling you about the amazing opportunities in the company Ssarini. If you read the previous news, we have already seen, yesterday we were invited to become members of the Company on preferential terms.
Many of you already took advantage of this opportunity. You all can also apply for the issue of the status of the representative. Because in addition to the business cards on the site, you will get more and higher referral fees.
Instead of 7% and 3%, you will receive 10% -3% -1% respectively.
But the most interesting features of you can find in the Careers section of our website. Attracting new Partners and earning money, you automatically move up the career ladder.
We have 4 titles: the STARTER, HELPER, foreman, or SUPERVISOR.
The conditions are simple and clear, try to earn more on deposits and affiliate payments today. Watch the scale move of your achievements in the office, have new titles and new features.
Once you have reached a certain rank, you automatically will change the interest on referral fees in the direction of increasing and deepening (2 levels, 3 levels, 5 levels and 10 levels for each rank respectively).
But that’s not all, for each title you will receive a prize of 25, 100, 350 and 1000 dollars.
The bonus will be credited to your balance and will be available for withdrawal after the appeal in support of the project. That’s such an amazing and promising opportunities are offered by the Company Ssarini!
All successful investments and more income!
Your team Ssarini”.
Following the main video introduction of Ssarini which you can find on the site’s main page and also on the MNOVision page, the administration recently created a special video page where reviews of the program in different languages can be submitted by members. At the moment the section is largely dominated by Russian language videos, but I guess others will follow. Here is what Ssarini has to say about that:
Dear Partners!
On our website in a mode of beta testing was launched on the section with your video reviews.
It is available at: https://ssarini.com/video
As soon as there are enough reviews, we will add a button on the website. In these reviews you can tell project to offer to register at your link and articulate the conditions referral back.
This is a great way to attract new affiliates to your team.
All success and a profitable investment!
Your team Ssarini”.
Ssarini also ticks all the boxes when it comes to potential security issues and threats by opting for the licensed version of the H-Script particularly popular among Russian HYIP admins and also went with the highest level of DDoS protection from DDoSGuard on whose dedicated servers Ssarini is hosted. And of course, do not forget the EV SSL certificate from Comodo that is harder to obtain, but displayed in your browser as a Green Bar giving better security for potential customers. By the way, the points of contact for Ssarini include many social network sites, but you may have difficulties unless you speak Russian. My referrals can contact me instead if you prefer English, and I might be able to explain everything better which I also hope to do in the upcoming review.
One last thing – in the last newsletter from Ssarini the admin boasted some impressive statistics for first two weeks online. I hope to also have more good news from them even before the review is published by the end of the week. Meanwhile, please follow the latest newsletter from the program to see the very latest figures to entice you to join possibly one of the biggest HYIPs of this summer.
Dear Partners!
Today, Monday, began a new working week. And for us it is no exception. In the past couple of weeks, the platform Ssarini passed the stages of adjustment and improvement. We listened to your comments and made revisions on the website. I hope that this website has become easier and funkcionalnoe.
But during those two weeks a lot has happened, the project has evolved and continues to evolve. I would like to bring some facts public statistics, which all of you can see on the website:
– We have over 3100 active investors!
– Decorated deposits 215000 dollars!
– Paid on deposits and partner remuneration over $ 30,000!
– The title of the official Representative has received more than 30 partners from 13 countries!
– In the video section, reviews in the group VK and FB posted 11 videos with detailed reviews of our platform!
– Our project has tracked huge amount independent investment monitoring and blogs around the world!
And all this is only the beginning. All the fun ahead. Become Representatives, earn on an affiliate program and invest in Ssarini.
All big profits and easy work week!
Your team Ssarini”.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: MacauCau, BandeiraCorp, ArdexFunds, TrustInvest, SpecialProfit, BusinessAngels.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: LottoSyndicat, BitcilyHoldingLtd, FxDividend.
That’s all for tonight, guys. I’m glad to see the business week has started smoothly with all the programs from the MNO monitor paying fine and hopefully we will have another slow but steady week ahead for investors. Of course, that is if they follow my site to be constantly updated on the latest developments from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry. I’ll see you back on Thursday with the full review of one of my readers’ favorites SpecialProfit and possibly some more good news from the monitored programs. See you soon!
Filed under Daily News by on Jul 5th, 2016.
Comments on 05/07/2016. Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Really very Nice and Wonderful love useful Blog Post
Thanks. You should check newer posts on MNO though.