Jan 6th, 2015 Archives

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Hi guys! As the festive season comes to a close, the HYIP industry is starting to finally pick up again. Of course, MNO will remain a primary source of information in the HYIP industry for 2015, as only here will you find the best of the best programs run by experienced admins able to deliver results. So if you’re a regular reader fasten your seatbelt as the new season starts today and be ready for some elite entries on the MNO monitor over the next few weeks. Alternatively if you’re a newbie please bookmark my site as you’ll definitely want to be with the most popular blog in English so as not to miss any high-quality investment opportunities that are going to be listed here soon.


Perhaps the first very promising entry of the new HYIP season is MajesticSwan – a brand-new program with no fixed investment term and very reasonable returns. It was already very well received by experienced industry players and can be safely considered the first program to watch in 2015. So, let’s take the first look at the program’s main features and see what might be getting people so excited about MajesticSwan. Well, first off, I cannot help but notice the program is running off a totally unique and custom-made script which has always been a seal of quality for me. It shows an admin trying to get something original instead of going for pre-made “off-the-peg” solutions and may have bigger financial resources and more serious intentions than much of the competition. It also looks to me that the preparation before bringing MajesticSwan online took some time too as its domain was registered back in September 2014 and is valid for ten years, which is a good sign too. Apart from a superb script, the general security of MajesticSwan website is also second to none – it’s an SSL-secured site by Comodo, hosted on a dedicated server by CloudFlare with DDoS protection by BlackLotus which doesn’t come cheap either. In fact the DDoS protection was already featured in the news section of the website which I’ll repost for your information below:

BlackLotus DDoS Protection
It’s a fact. BlackLotus is the world’s largest and most trusted distributed denial of service (DDoS) mitigation service provider. That’s why we decided to equip our corporate servers with the best solution around.

Overall the site has been executed to a highly professional level and no expense was spared, as the content looks fresh and original to me. What about the investment plans then? Well, that’s the real beauty of MajesticSwan, combining sustainable moderate daily returns with variable assigned rates while at the same time rewarding the program’s bigger investors. You may withdraw your principal at any time you like and also set a compounding level to as much as you like (and change it later when you want). In a nutshell, the minimum return one can expect daily is 1%. The admin promises it will not drop below that. The maximum however depends on the size of your deposit. If that’s from $20 to $500 it could be as high as 2%. From $500 to $3,000 then you could enjoy a 2.5% maximum daily rate, while for everything above that amount you might get up to 3% daily interest from MajesticSwan. The rate of the day is posted on the website daily and credited to your account for the first time 24 hours after you make your initial investment. Note that the historical rates for all three investment categories are available on the special Trading History page so you can compare them against each other. There are four popular e-currency options available, with PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay, and BitCoin all in use (note that BitCoin deposits will not be converted into dollars, but remain in BTC). Withdrawals have to be requested from your account in MajesticSwan and are paid by the admin manually within a 24 hour maximum. In my opinion, with such an investment plan allowing the original investment withdrawal at any time, offering any-time compounding level changes and re-investing from the balance, at the same time providing investors up to 3% daily return on their investment will make MajesticSwan a decent choice for investors looking to stay in control of their funds and make reasonable profits. I believe this can greatly contribute to the overall growth in popularity for the program over the next few weeks. If you wish to find out more about MajesticSwan please expect a more detailed review on the MNO blog soon. Meanwhile I’ll also re-post the first official newsletter from the admin who announced the official start of the program yesterday:

MajesticSwan officially opened
We are very excited to present you the official launch of our investing platform MajesticSwan. We want to make you confident that all our efforts, experience and due diligence acquired for years will give good results in vast ocean of internet projects. Please feel free to explore our website unique features.
Looking forward to see you in, and once again welcome to the official website launch of Majestic Swan. We are sure you will have a pleasant earning journey with us.
MajesticSwan – Free Your Life.


I have one more program to introduce today, guys, and that is BITC1. Although I cannot say that the program is new to MNO as it’s been on the Basic List for 40 days before the admin finally decided it was time to upgrade to Premium. I believe he’s done this at exactly the right time with lots of investors coming back to the HYIP industry with bigger expectations and more money to spend, so hopefully this upgrade will work wonders for BITC1. I’ll have a more detailed review of the program tomorrow, but for now let’s just have a look at the basics. BITC1 started back in July 2014 and has experienced slow but sustainable growth since then. As the program definitely falls under the category of so-called sleepers (programs that deliberately start with a basic design and unattractive plans just to establish a history before starting to get more serious), as it’s only been listed on MNO since last November and is still flying under the radar. That doesn’t mean that no one is yet in profit with BITC1 – quite the contrary. With a main investment plan offering you 2.4% for 15 days (with principal returned on expiry) many investors could possibly earn 36% on $10 to $500 investments in just over two weeks. And even those who could possibly invest in the other two plans aimed at larger investors paying you 2.5% for 25 days and 2.7% for 55 days (both with principal back on expiry) could also see a profit. The main purpose of being a “sleeper” is of course to create the appearance of an established program that can afford to pay you on the expiry plans – 350% after 15 days, 250% after 30 days, 750% after 27 days, 600% after 45 days, or 1260% after 60 days. Those plans though cannot be recommended under any circumstances, as it’s highly unlikely that anyone is going to be paid on them. As for the daily paying plans, you can try your luck for a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay, or BitCoin. Withdrawals have to be requested manually from your account with BITC1 and it can take up to 30 hours for them to be processed by the admin. All in all, the program doesn’t look bad and up to reasonable HYIP industry standards – a licensed GoldCoders script, SSL-secured by Comodo, and hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS-protection by Koddos. More info will be in tomorrow’s review, so stay tuned for that, guys.


I guess the admin of LetsHaveCash is trying to do his best not to let anyone forget about his program, as all sorts of reminders, promotions, letters, etc. keep coming on a daily basis. The last 24 hours were no exception as in yet another newsletter posted on the website it was announced once again that LetsHaveCash is now accepting Payza and Neteller. Those last two payment processors join an already extensive list which includes PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and OkPay. Note that with LetsHaveCash there are some peculiarities involved with what payment method you decide is best for you, so before investing please take the time to read my review of the program (published here) carefully. The admin usually doesn’t like to talk about it, but please note that any withdrawal is subject to a fee of up to 10% depending on the payment processor you use (however no fees apply to STP withdrawals). On a brighter note, all the withdrawals are usually processed instantly and on almost every payment processor (with the exception of STP) you can withdraw to a different payment processor to the one you joined with (if you deposit via BitCoin you can only withdraw to other processors as this is used for deposits only, not withdrawals). Current investment plans in LetsHaveCash include one that requires you to surf some websites, so do not invest in the 3% for 50 days plan if you prefer more passive earnings. Otherwise, your choice can be between three others – 2% for 99 days, 2.5% for 100 days, and 2.5% for 90 days. Deposits are allowed in multiples of $10, the price of one unit. There are also frequent promotions, including the current one offering an instantly withdrawable 3% deposit bonus on all deposits made via PerfectMoney and another instantly withdrawable bonus of 5% on your deposit if you invest in the newly added CPA-Camp plan (paying 2.5% for 90 days for deposits starting from $200). Also, don’t forget about the Cube incentive that gives two extra units for every six units purchased. All in all, the program has been performing well so far and after just 37 days on MNO it managed to reach the Top Five. Below is the latest email from the program’s admin who also hinted at other investment plans to come soon (keep reading MNO to be the first to know about that):

LetsHaveCash – Instant Cashback Week – DONT MISS. **PAYZA & NETELLER is added**
Dear Member,
LetsHaveCash Starts NEW YEAR with a BANG!
3% INSTANT CASH BACK On Every Deposit Made Via Perfect Money!
5% INSTANT CASH BACK On Each Purchase Of CPA CAMP Until January 10th! (Limited Period Offer)
After January 10th 2015, CPA CAMP Might Be Extended Or NO MORE PACKS AVAILABLE!
New PR (Principal Return) Plans are Coming Very Soon.
GOOD NEWS: PAYZA & NETELLER Approved LetsHaveCash!
We Are Proud To Add Both Processors As Of This Minute!
You Can Deposit and Withdraw Via PAYZA & NETELLER Now Too!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listOneStabilityGHashLetsHaveCashCryptoFarmCoinAssetsLoanTrustSilveks, BITC1BTPerfex.
From MNO Standard list: HashCoin.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShare, OgdenOrganizationRoxInvest, RevshareMatrix.

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. Please follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter, subscribe to the daily news via Feedburner, vote in the opinion poll running on the MNO TalkBack page, and stay in touch with me via the MNO ShoutBox or Contact form. I’ll always try to answer all your questions within t24 hours, though I am quite busy so would also appreciate your patience. Don’t miss any of the best new programs now that the new season is just getting started!

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