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04/11/2014. Silveks Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! Silveks has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! If you were reading MNO yesterday then you’ll have noticed I hope a couple of brand new programs joining the Premium section on my monitor. Both are potential hits I would feel cautiously optimistic about and will be looking at in more detail in due course, starting today with a program called Silveks which is more of a perpetual style HYIP that’s been so popular in the past. I also have another new program to introduce to you in the news section so keep reading for more information on that. It’s also a very promising program so hopefully we can all share some enthusiasm for the short term future of the industry, at least for the rest of the year anyway. I’ll get to all that in a few moments, but first let’s concentrate on Silveks, see what they’re all about, and think about whether you think they might be worth adding to your portfolios.

Essentially then there’s only one investment plan in Silveks, which makes it easy to understand and even easier as a blogger to review. It’s also a pretty straight forward decision as to whether you want to join or not as you either like it or you don’t. For those who want to join then the minimum cost of doing so is $10. The maximum deposit is capped at a $100,000 limit, so that includes more or less everyone from the smallest to the most hardcore HYIP gamblers. All members regardless of the size of their deposit will be treated the very same and can claim the same rate of interest from Silveks on their deposit.
So let’s look at the actual numbers then. Like I said, Silveks is a perpetual style program that allows members to determine their own term lengths. You only need to remain a member for 24 hours before being allowed to make a full or partial principal withdrawal. So you can either leave the program completely or, unlike some other similar style programs, continue to earn with a smaller principal. As long as you remain in the program Silveks will pay you a fixed rate of 2% interest every calendar day on your deposit no matter what the amount.

After that there’s really not much else I can add about Silveks in terms of the actual mechanics of how things might work out in practical terms. Like I’ve said so many times before when it comes to perpetual style programs there really is literally as many strategies as there are investors. What might give you a bit more scope to play around with your investment here as opposed to other programs is the option to make a smaller, partial, principal withdrawal as opposed to having no other choice than either withdraw everything or withdraw nothing. All you really need to do yourself is decide what your goals are in joining Silveks to begin with, and then do your own calculations from there. You might have a particular financial goal in mind, maybe you will prefer to decide on a day-by-day basis, or like me (speaking as a monitor) maybe you want to stay to the very end and see out the program until the end. Whatever you have in mind, just keep your expectations of Silveks realistic and achievable.

Perhaps one of the more interesting features to Silveks‘ investment plan is the automatic compounding. I mean we’ve all seen perpetual style HYIPs a thousand times by now and know how they work, so it’s good when an admin can put a more unique spin on things to make it stand out and more individual. In this case the admin has a form of compounding available, which although compulsory doesn’t make it a bad thing.

Here’s how it works. Let’s say you have a deposit of $100 in Silveks. The interest rate available on that is like I explained above 2%, so in this case that’s a payment of $2 due on the following day. But let’s say for some reason you fail to withdraw that money. Maybe you don’t want to, maybe you just didn’t get around to it, or whatever. Silveks will in this case take the $2, add it to your original $100 and so making it part of your principal. Then on every subsequent day you can now claim 2% interest on the higher deposit of $102. You can do this as often as you like, and it might be a handy way for smaller investors who don’t have a lot of money to spare to make a small deposit, let the profit rollover as it were, and gradually grow your principal.

It’s maybe not an entirely original idea, I know I’ve seen it used once or twice in similar style HYIPs before, but when I’ve seen it it’s been enormously popular and successful. Not only does it give a boost to smaller investors, it also gives hit-and-runners a bit more of a stake in Silveks and may make some of them re-consider this as a working strategy they join with the intention of using. Anyway, it all of that’s clear to you let’s move on to the next item – payment methods. Silveks have most of the main HYIP industry providers, nothing that requires any verification or background checks on the business, but enough to satisfy the average HYIP player. For the more traditional payment processors you can choose from PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer, while for those of you favoring the more advanced digital e-currencies Silveks are working with BitCoin. Payouts to members are handled manually by the admin and so need to be requested from inside your private members account area. Once done you should really allow anything up to another 24 hours, though I have to say from my limited personal experience they can be pretty fast if you happen to submit a request at a time when the Silveks admin is online.

Before we move on I think it’s worth taking a moment to look at how, when the time comes, you can get your principal out of Silveks. First of all, and this is the obvious bit, you do of course need to log into your members account area. From there you will see a tab marked “My Deposits” which you will have to click. Next look for the “Active” button where you will be able to fill in the box with the amount you are looking to withdraw. Like I said you can deduct any amount you wish whenever you wish (provided your deposit has been active for at least 24 hours), and don’t necessarily have to take the full amount. Silveks allow the withdrawal of your profit, your principal, or any combination of both. The requested amount does not go directly to your payment processor account from this point by the way. Instead the money only gets returned to your Silveks balance. It’s from there that you can make the final withdrawal and turn your earnings into cash.

Looking at the more technical aspects of Silveks now such as the main design and security features, not only did the admin do his homework on making the investment plan workable, he also made an excellent effort on the actual website itself. For one thing no expense was spared on hosting, Silveks going straight for by far the most accomplished provider serving the HYIP industry. For that he has BlockDos who are keeping Silveks on a dedicated server with their support and protection from DDoS attacks. In the unlikely event of any downtime at all then it’s likely to be over before most members ever even know it was there. The Silveks website is powered off a script under license from H-Script, though in many ways it differs quite substantially from most of the other programs using this service (for one thing Silveks isn’t obviously Russian like most of the others). For an extra layer of protection the Silveks website has an extended SSL encryption certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. This is the extended Green Bar version, which is more expensive and far reaching than the basic version one normally sees on HYIPs and a far superior product. So glad to see no corners being cut here either, and an admin at least trying to take a longer term view for his program.

For any further questions to the admin on features you think might not have been explained in this review or any account related issues you need dealing with then there are a number of channels open to you for communication. To start with you can fill out your details on the customer support form and submit it via the Silveks website contacts page. Alternatively you may contact the admin directly by writing to the listed e-mail address. Fans of social media sites will also be able to see Silveks with profiles on the main networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, however with the program still being brand new as it is there hasn’t really been much activity on either yet. I hope the admin who seems experienced enough recognizes the huge promotional value of these sites and makes better use of them soon, we’ll see soon enough. There’s an interesting news blog to go with Silveks as well, though this is really just an interesting read, more for promotional purposes than of any actual practical use to investors, and prefers to focus on the alleged business claims made by the program as opposed to what’s going on with the program itself. Again, this is all quite new, so maybe the admin will make more effective use of this from time to time when he needs to.

The website content and texts seem original, and it’s quite a refreshing design overall. As for the alleged business activities backing the whole thing up, we are told that Silveks is supposedly involved with providing loans to and the financing of new business start-ups, sort of like what would otherwise be called crown funding I suppose. I include this largely for informational purposes of course, loner term readers will know and agree that I’m usually dismissive of any such claims made by online HYIPs, not just Silveks. The fact that it isn’t properly explained how you would get a loan from them if you wanted one (though it’s a lot easier for them to get money from you) should tell you what you need to know there anyway. And even if it was true, you need to remember that just because a business is genuine is no indication that it has to be profitable all the time. The fastest way to earn money is so often also the fastest way to lose it, and Silveks provides no exception to that rule. So much as I do like the program as an online HYIP, I won’t treat it any differently. Remember to always stay comfortably under a sensible spending limit you can afford to lose, and if you do decide to join the program, at least try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



My sincere congratulations go out to the admin of LaxoTrade who has now been running his program for a whopping 200 (!) days. The program was rightfully featured in the most recent Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article posted last night (click here to read), but it looks that the admin is not going to stop there and I can’t exclude the possibility that we could see LaxoTrade alive and kicking well into 2015. If you’ve been a member of LaxoTrade for some time you might be aware that the admin offers some promotional bonuses from time to time, which originally did look very suspicious to some investors, but you know that kinda says as much about peoples negative experiences in the industry recently than the admin’s intentions. It’s hard to blame anyone for that attitude to be honest, but after a few times I got used to the practice of giving away bonuses and now it looks all part of the routine. I’m not sure that the current 10% on top of your deposit will apply to you (as it will very likely have expired by the time you read this article), but then you can wait for another opportunity which I’m sure will be come along soon. But why wait at all? In LaxoTrade you can get 2% per business day during the year or a slightly more generous 11% weekly return for a term of 55 weeks with the principal returned on expiry of both. LaxoTrade is probably the best program in the HYIP industry when it comes to different payment methods (PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, Payeer, PexPay, and Payza) as well as the minimum deposit which starts from a bargain basement $1 for either plan making them affordable to all. LaxoTrade has been monitored on MNO for about four months now and you can find more information in the detailed review posted here or my interview with the program’s admin here. Again, congratulations to everyone involved for their profits in LaxoTrade over its first 200 days online and if you want to take advantage on the 10% deposit bonus added manually by the admin please refer to the newsletter posted below:

LaxoTrade: 200 days online!
Today is exactly 200 days since we are online and for that occasion we have once again decided on a small promotional bonus: all deposits today will receive a 10% bonus.
The bonus will be added manually. We estimate that it will not take more then 12 hours to apply the bonus. After that, it shall be normally available on your balance and ready for withdrawal.
This offer will be available until the end of day, which is to say until Wednesday the 5th at 00:00 hours. Consider that we are in the GMT time zone.
We hope this bonus will provide some initiative for our inactive members, as well as ones that want to reinvest.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us. We would be happy to hear from you.
Thank you for your trust.
Regards, LaxoTrade“.


Another very promising program was added to the Premium List on the MNO monitor earlier today – Bidex. My first impression when coming across the website for the first time was really positive – I almost didn’t know where to look first due to the abundance of information. Whether it’s a good or a bad thing is up to you to decide, but for me the more information the better as I can highlight all the interesting features that makes Bidex unique in my upcoming review coming tomorrow, subject to receiving the first payment by then. Before briefly discussing the investment plan let’s just see a few of the features that will give you an understanding of what you’re dealing with – a unique and custom made script with fancy graphics and doesn’t look cheap to me, BlockDos hosting on a dedicated server with their superb and expensive protection against DDoS attacks, SSL-security certificate by Comodo, their own video channels with no less than six uploaded videos already on YouTube and Vimeo, very active accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, plenty of promotional materials with the possibility to build a huge team providing you with an extra income on multi-tiers commissions, multi-lingual website translated into four other languages in addition to English, their own blog with lots of information on crypto-currencies where Bidex is allegedly making profits for investors, and much more.

Something I did not like however was some very misleading information on payment processors. You can join Bidex for a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. Unfortunately, the LiteCoin logo in the bottom of the page and also SolidTrustPay and OkPay logos are displayed inside your member’s area, but none of these are accepted. The admin promised to remove STP and LTC icons while OkPay is hopefully to be added by the end of the week. Apart from that the investment plan offers a decent level of flexibility and is pretty sustainable too. You can get a variable profit rate daily which can be as low as 0.5% and as high as 5% (usually it’s hovering somewhere in the middleaccording to the profit graph you can find on the Bidex main page). The profit is credited on every calendar day and you can stay a member as long as you like and withdraw your principal when you want. The only limitation you should be aware of before investing is that a 10% withdrawal fee is applied to all the early deposit withdrawals. However, that 10% fee is waived once your deposit is in place 15 days or longer. After that there will be no fees applied. As you can see, the investment plan is flexible for both investors and the admin because it allows them to not only change the daily profit rate at their leisure, but also to deter hit-n-runners with the 10% fee to motivate smart investors to stay with the program longer. Just in case you haven’t noticed – withdrawals from Bidex are made within a three day (72 hours) period, so you should allow that time to be paid (hopefully it will be faster, but I can only tell you that after receiving my own first payment). Overall, the total set up and layout of the program looks quite impressive and I expect some big things from them soon, especially considering that now, after the first 10 days online the program has Premium Listing on the most expensive and efficient monitor in the industry – MNO. So sign up to Bidex if you like the program or wait for the full version of the review which is going to be published on the MNO blog within a couple of days.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky listGrandAgroFinance.
From MNO Premium listAssuredAssets, LaxoTradeOneStabilityEastOilMutualFinancialLinberger, CryptoFarmGHash, Silveks (the first payments received), MaestroCapitalGroup (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization, MarkApter, SuccessRoadToWealth.

That’s about it for today, guys. Thanks as always for reading and remember to cast your votes in the ongoing opinion polls on the MNO TalkBack page. If you enjoy what you read here then remember you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter for links to all the important articles, or subscribe directly to my newsfeed subscription to have everything delivered direct to your e-mail address every morning. I’ll be back tomorrow with a more detailed review of Bidex, so stay tuned for that, plus any other important news stories you need to hear about. Stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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