Nov 8th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! OneStability has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi guys! I’d intended taking a day off today but after receiving the long-anticipated interview with the admin of one of the most popular programs around now, OneStability, I decided to publish. The thing is OneStability is very close to completing their first month online and is also prominently featured in the #2 position in the Top Five list of the Premium programs on MNO (click here to read the full article on that). OneStability is currently offering three investment plans – 5% for 30 days, 4.2% for 45 days, and 2.2% for an unlimited period of time with the option to request your original principal after a 7 day lock-in period. All three plans saw many investors already in profit, so it’ll be very interesting to know how the admin managed to run the program so well over the first weeks online and what plans he has for OneStability in the future. I remind you that you can read the original review of OneStability posted here and and hear what the admin has to say about it below:

1. Hi Richard, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in OneStability. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?

Hello Paul, MNO readers and our investors! My name is Richard Altman and I’m the Admin of OneStability. My main role is to manage staff and finance activity.

2. Can you give us some background information on OneStability? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

There are currently 27 people involved in OneStability from different countries. Every person has years of experience and manages his part in the program as perfect as he can to create the best outcome. We have been online for over 30 days and continue our stable development.

3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you currently accepting?

We offer 3 investment plans.

The first investment plan offers 5% daily for 30 Calendar days, with the principal included in daily profit.The minimum and maximum investment at the Commercial plan is $5 and $25,000 respectively.

As an example, if you will make an investment of $1,000 in Commercial Investment Plan, you will acquire sum of $50 on daily basis. This payment schedule will be followed for a term of 30 calendar days. By the end of the term you’ll gain $1,500, in which $1,000 will be your initial investment and $500 your pure investment profit.

Our second plan is Industrial plan which offers a daily return from 4.2% for 45 Calendar days. The minimum investment accepted in the Industrial plan is $25.

For example, if you make an investment of $1,000 in Industrial Investment Plan, you will acquire sum of $42 on daily basis, with principal included in your daily profit. This payment schedule will be followed for a term of 45 calendars. By the end of the term you’ll gain $1890, in which $1,000 will be your initial investment and $890 your pure investment profit.

Third investment plan called “Retail Investment Plan“, an investor is eligible to earn a daily return of 2.2% on their investments with us for the time period they want. It means, if you invest $1000 in this investment plan, you’ll be receiving $22 daily for the time period you decide to keep the initial investment with OneStability. Once the initial investment is withdrawn, the investment plan expires and daily accruals stop. The minimum investment amount required to benefit from “Retail Investment Plan” is $50 and the maximum can exceed up to $70,000.

4. Can you also give readers more details on the new plan that was just introduced. Not just the numbers but the background behind it, why you think it was necessary, why you think it improves OneStability overall, etc. Also, what do you say to readers who start to worry when they see changes made to a program’s investment plans? Especially those who believe you will never return the principals and scam as soon as they are due.

We’ve been receiving numerous requests from our investors asking us to make adjustments in order that they have some level of flexibility for principal withdrawal. For the reason we’ve developed our Retail Plan which pays 2.2% daily forever with principal back at anytime. However, to protect our program against hit-n-runners, we have set our minimum withdrawal period to 7 days. The Retail plan has been added more than 2 weeks ago and has already proven its stability and profitability for many of our investors. It doesn’t have any negative effect on our current investors. Moreover, this plan has been design to get higher exposure for our program and brings more investors who want to try this plan before they invest in long-term plans.

5. How secure is the OneStability website? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

OneStability‘s website is hosted on a dedicated server(not only on a dedicated IP address), fully managed by our technical team, we have the highest level of DoS protection from one of the leading DoS solution provider, named BlockDos. We have also installed secure socket layer for carrying out highly secure transactions by Comodo, as well as anti-virus as an extra layer of protection by Acunetix. And last but not least important is our staff, which performs a lot of tasks manually to help prevent abuse of bugs that could be found in automatic systems.

6. What kind of script is OneStability off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

We’re using licensed modified GoldCoder’s script, which in our opinion is the best choice for us since a lot of savvy investors already familiar with this script and new investors don’t have hard time figuring out how it works. By modification we achieved a good level of protection to prevent any type of hackings.

7. Can we see any statistics regarding OneStability? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

Since we opened we have around 2000 members and 61% of total are active. Actually, we are pleased of support from some investors who constantly vote and post their payment proofs on forums. They also leave their testimonials which you can check on our website. We will be very glad to see more active investors who wants to be a part of OneStability.

8. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

Our operators are almost available 24 hours, but they might have a break.  If investors can’t reach our operators at that time they are more than welcome to leave a message or send an email and our support agents will respond as soon as possible. Also we have option for investors to call us during business hours: 10.00AM – 17.00PM, EST.

9. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

Surprisingly most of the questions asked are already answered on our website.

 – Do we return principal? – Your principal is included in Commercial and Industrial Plans. For Retail investment plan you can withdraw your principal back anytime after 7 days.

 – Do we pay on weekends and Holidays? – Yes we do. We pay 7days/week, including holidays.

 – How long are you going to stay online? – Our business strategy and sustainable plans allow us to maintain our business for a very long period of time without expiration date.

 – Do you have compounding option? – To maintain our stability and longevity, OneStability does not offer the option of compounding your investments.

– Can i make multiple deposits? – Yes, you can invest in different investment plans as much as you want according to our minimum and maximum amounts.

10. How have you been promoting OneStability so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

We advertise on the most popular monitors and forums which you can check on our rating page here:

We started from medium advertisement strategy, then we moved to diversification with a heavy advertisement packages and now we keep branding on premium monitors and blogs.?We get good result from premium monitors and famous bloggers as well as word-of-mouth advertising.

11. Tell us about any extra promotional contests that you have run to try and get more people involved with OneStability. How successful were they, how did they benefit the program overall, and are any more planned for the future?

Honestly, our expectation over referral contest was a bit higher than we actually have received. Not many of our investors have joined this competition and we rewarded those investors who achieved better results for that week. Apparently, most investors decided not to compete with monitors. As per our referral contest related video – we did not receive as much feedback as we hoped for. Our next plan of action is a contest for the best video testimonial about OneStability, made by our investors. The contest will start next week and details of it will be published in our third official newsletter.

12. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

OneStability is primarily engaged in real estate investing and trading—specifically dealing in commercial, industrial and retail properties. All the money invested by our clients is accumulated in different investment pools according to the plans chosen by them. Those investment pools are managed by the company’s professional traders who control the funds and further other financial operations. The profit gained as a result of those operations is distributed among our clients through daily payouts.

For more details we suggest reading our “about us” page and watching our video on the main page.

13. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

Yes, we’ve implemented some new features in our program recently. Our investors can now take advantage of SMS Subscription which brings forth the company’s news updates and additional security feature to protect your account. We have also reduced our BankWire fees charged for deposits, from 4 to 2% and for withdrawals, from 5 to 3%. We are also currently working on Regional Representatives and will update this page by next week.

We really appreciate the opportunity to share with you and express our opinion on how things are done at OneStability. Thanks for the interview and reviewing OneStability before on your blog. Everything that is written in your review is in-fact fair and to the point. It is vital to us that you convey the truth and point out every aspect of our program that might be having issues with. It will help us to break free as we’re dedicating every minute of our time to garnering the best investment opportunity ever.

Well, that’s about it for this Saturday evening guys. Thanks a lot to Richard for answering my questions and I hope you enjoyed reading. And if you found the interview interesting or helpful in deciding whether OneStability is worth joining or not, then better again. I’ll see you all again tomorrow with all the news from the HYIP industry, plus an introduction to one of the most exciting programs to join the MNO Premium List for a while now which is Raisean. This is probably one of the more professional looking programs I’ve seen in the last twelve months and I know a lot of investors including myself have very high hopes for it. I’ll talk about that a bit more tomorrow before a more detailed review on Monday. Also please take this last opportunity to vote in the MNO TalkBack opinion poll as I’ll be drawing the results tomorrow before replacing it with another question. Thanks for reading everyone, and see you all tomorrow!

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