28/11/2014. Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Hello everyone, and welcome to the MNO blog – the best place to look for high quality HYIPs! I decided to take a day off yesterday due to the Thanksgiving celebrations in the US, which in turn led to a general lack of news in the HYIP industry. And as today is the so called Black Friday in many shops here in London (yes, it seems the old world picks up on many of the modern American traditions fast), I want to take advantage opportunities to do some shopping for some of the essentials needed for my new house. That’s why I’m posting earlier than usual today, but I think pretty much everything of any importance is covered.
So in the 36 hours since my last post it’s mostly only positive news to be reported as all the programs listed on the MNO monitor retain their Paying status. Then again there’s probably going to be a lot less activity in the industry in the remaining weeks of the year, with experienced investors anticipating the quick scams which so often blight the month of December and therefore curtailing their activities until January. By then We’ll definitely see more quality projects emerging by then and a fresh wave of investors to contribute to its growth. The volatility of the HYIP industry seems to be at its highest point right now, and although all programs on MNO are paying I still don’t feel entirely comfortable with the way things are going. For example, I don’t care much for the recent bonuses and new investment plans coming from two programs in particular – MaestroCapitalGroup and LaxoTrade – and therefore would ask you to exercise caution when deciding on whether to invest in either of those two. I’ll discuss them further in a moment, but for now will start with the very latest news from the top performer on MNO now which is OneStability, and also one of the leading low ROI longer term programs of the year in AssuredAssets.
I can’t praise the admin of OneStability Richard (interviewed here) enough for the outstanding job he’s done in his program for nearly two months now, gaining his program huge recognition among MNO readers as he does so and propelling it to the #1 spot on my monitor’s Premium List. In the spirit of Thanksgiving Richard decided to allow the most active investors a $0.25 cash bonus given for every genuine payment proof post on one of the four major investment forums and $1 for displaying OneStability‘s banner in your forum signature with a total of $50 in cash to be allocated to one active investor. It’s an excellent promotional move for the program, and a decent chance for the loyal investors to be rewarded for helping the program to grow. In other news from OneStability taken from their fifth official newsletter today I can see the minimum investment was reduced from $50 to $10 on their perpetual plan paying 2.2% for the unlimited term with the option to withdraw your original investment once a lock-in period of seven calendar days expires. I can’t help but note that the maximum to invest in that same plan remains a sensible $1,000 to help the program to successfully survive Christmas and see in 2015 which will really help OneStability live up to its name even further. Moreover, the site is going to be re-designed soon as you can see from the advertising banners which have been changed on MNO already for the holiday season. Another good thing I really like about OneStability is that the admin already mentioned in the newsletter that there will be no special Christmas plans which usually alert investors to a coming scam, which is a gesture that should be appreciated by experienced investors hoping for program longevity. The original plans are better described in my original review of OneStability posted here still include 5% for 30 days (with a $5 minimum) and 4.2% for 45 days (for a slightly higher minimum of $25). Deposits are accepted via the usual payment processors like PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin, but also via direct Bank wires. For the full newsletter from OneStability please read below:
Thanksgiving wishes and updates
Dear Clients,
In this season of thanksgiving, we want to express our sincere appreciation to you for being our most valued clients, for trusting and believing in us. Without your loyalty and confidence, we would not be the thriving company we are today.
We have developed and implemented a bonus program which presents the opportunity to gain more earnings with us by posting your payment proofs, or using our banner in your signature line on main forums.
Below are the terms:
1. We accept posts only on the main forums: TalkGold, MMG, DTM, MMGP
2. For each payment proof post, we’ll pay $0.25
3. You are only allowed to post real payment proofs which you receive from OneStability
4. You have to abide by all the rules of the forums
5. Each member is allowed to earn up to $50 in total from this bonus program
6. The minimum request for a bonus is $1, which equals 4 posts.
If you’re an active member on the main forums and have our banner in your signature, you will be rewarded with $1 per day, until you exceed the maximum of $50.
P.S. We will close our bonus program once we’ve reached our limit; however, it will be reopened from time to time.
– It’s been 50 days since we came online into the high yield investment industry. We are really excited to see that many people have made huge profits and already completed just about two cycles from the Commercial plan, one cycle from the Industrial Plan and several cycles from our Retail plan. We’ve achieved great results for this short period and will continue with our best performance.
– Currently we are working on our new design as we mentioned in our previous newsletter. It will be modern, unique responsive design.
– Many of you may have already noticed our updated banners – this design puts you in the mood for Christmas. We hope you like it!
– We took the initiative to reduce our minimum for the Retail plan from $50 to $10, since many of our you voted that the minimum amount was too high.
– We’ve also reduced the minimum length for our video contest – it’s now down to 15 seconds from 30 seconds.
– You can take advantage of callback request feature in your client area, if your question is not answered on our FAQ page. We will contact you during our business hours (Monday-Friday, 10.00AM – 17.00PM, EST).
– Quite a few persons have been asking about special limited plans for the Christmas season. We regret to inform you that those requests have been declined – such plans do not reflect well in this industry. In everything we do, we always strive for stability.
That’s all for today. Have a Happy Thanksgiving day! Hoping your day is filled with blessings and joy. Stay with the best – stay with OneStability!
Sincerely, OneStability Team“.
Since March 2014 AssuredAssets has been slowly clawing its way to the top of the MNO monitor and is currently only behind the undoubted leader OneStability. The stable performance for all these months and mostly instant payouts on the conservative 0.8%-1.4% for 190 business days with the principal back on expiry plans won AssuredAssets much popularity among experienced investors now enjoying sustainable returns in what so often seems to be a turbulent market. With AssuredAssets the patience of investors who joined the program straight after it was listed on MNO was rewarded tremendously as the program obviously targets only serious and committed players prepared to risk a $50 minimum deposit. This was accepted up to now via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer, and BitCoin. Last night it was officially announced by the admin that direct bank wire deposits starting from $500 are now taken as well. Hope this marks the next step in what has so far has been a very gradual development of AssuredAssets (first reviewed here) which, fingers crossed, we will see flourishing in the new year as well. The latest newsletter from them is included below:
Dear Clients, we would like to thank you for putting your trust in AssuredAssets. It’s been an inspiring journey from the start-up we were in 2013 to where we are today. More than 35,000 investors from 95 countries rely on AssuredAssets to achieve premium returns on their invested capital. During 2014, AssuredAssets gains of +335,17 per cent, significantly outperforming other mutual fund indices. We take great pride in the work we do and will always be here should you need a helping hand. We continue to make many optimisation and updates that clients and partners have been asking for.
We are happy to announce that we have added a new feature to DADF. We have successfully completed integration of wire transfer to our wealth management platform. Clients who traditionally would have used the bank for making deposit now avail of better exchange rates, lower fees and faster payments. All wire transfers are handled automatically as soon as they are received and your account will be credited within the hour. You are welcome to make a deposit using wire transfer.
With best regards,? AssuredAssets Team“.
At least one thing you can be sure of with LaxoTrade – the program is probably going to keep paying for the next three days as the admin Milenko (interviewed here) just sent an annoying reminder of the limited bonus plan for anyone willing to throw away their money can put it in a 141% after 15 days plan. Regular readers know my feelings about LaxoTrade whose admin used a very smart, tried and tested trick of offering a limited investment plan in order to get some easy money for himself. Now I’m pretty sure that LaxoTrade is going to scam everyone within the next few weeks (possibly even days) as the investment plan in question was extended already a few days ago and now there’s this marketing trick of reminding everyone about it constantly. Regardless of whether LaxoTrade has been paying you or not on the original 2% per business day for a year and 11% weekly for 55 weeks plans I suggest to stay away from the new one (interest on which has never been paid to anyone yet by the way) and keep your money for some good new projects instead. Otherwise, if you’re daring or experimental or just feeling unbelievably lucky you can try the new plan with a small amount as the minimum deposit in LaxoTrade starts from $1. Payment options include PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, PexPay, and even Payza. Here’s the last reminder from LaxoTrade (reviewed here):
“LaxoTrade: 3 more days for Special short term plan
We would like to remind you that the Special short term plan, which pays 41% profit after 15 days plus your principal back, will be open for investments for just 3 more days.
In 3 days it will be closed for new investments, but of course all the members who invest will receive their profits.
Our standard daily and weekly plans will, of course, continue as it always were.
Thank you for your trust.
Best regards, LaxoTrade“.
In a rather long-winded series of newsletters the admin of MaestroCapitalGroup (who was interviewed on MNO here) seems to be getting somewhat over excited about his own deposit bonus scheme, which offers to basically return members their own money in exchange for spending. It’s a common trick used countless times before in the HYIP industry which experienced investors will recognize, but in this case the admin attempts to make it sound more plausible by claiming there’s a limit to what can be paid out, and when it’s gone you won’t be able to take advantage. Yeah, right! Three e-mails within 24 hours now touting these bonuses only spells one thing – an admin desperate for money. Credit where it’s due, to be absolutely fair I do admit that MaestroCapitalGroup was a perfectly good program for almost a month now, and I hope that plenty of you will have had more than enough time to see some fantastic profits from their plans – 2% daily forever (principal back anytime after 3 days), 23% for 5 days, and 18.3% for 7 days. Unfortunately the nature of the HYIP industry, or basic economics for that matter, mean this can’t go on indefinitely and MaestroCapitalGroup is most likely coming to its conclusion now. I will also say quite sincerely that I hope the admin’s next program, whenever it may be, is as good as this one, but to be brutally honest I’d have to advise you to allow the next couple of days to pass if you’re thinking about joining MaestroCapitalGroup at this point. I mean I don’t want to be so categorical in saying this has to be the end for them or anything, maybe the admin really does have the resources to carry the bonuses being offered, but experience just tells me to take a step back and be an observer rather than an active participant for the next couple of days. The bonus offers will expire soon and then of course there’s the weekend, so it isn’t going to hurt anyone to “look before they leap” as they say, and just watch how things develop over the next few days before making any final decisions about joining. If you want any further information about MaestroCapitalGroup in the meantime I’ll just remind you that my original review is still valid for now, and can be read on MNO here. The latest information, repetitive as it might be, is contained in the newsletters being reposted purely for news purposes below:
“$5750 allocated for Deposit Bonuses – only 24 hours!
Why MaestroCapitalGroup has allocated $5,750.00 to give away as deposit bonuses for the next 24 hours? The bonuses that payable RIGHT AWAY. Here is the reason:
This newsletter falls out of our standard weekly schedule, but it couldn’t wait until next Monday as it contains some time sensitive information. The important news you need to know are at the end of the letter.
But first we would like to show recognition for one of the American holidays that is being celebrated in the USA, named “Thanksgiving”. It is basically a holiday of giving thanks.
In most countries as well as United Kingdom Thanksgiving is not being recognized as holiday and not being celebrated, while in USA it is one of the biggest holidays.
Since MaestroCapitalGroup is an internationally known company we recognize every cultural tradition. Holidays like this are important because many times we get stuck in chasing the life but very often we forget to thank people who are present in our lives, who affect it: friends and relatives, people who we intersect with, our coworkers and business partners and people who help, motivate, inspire and support us.
So, we at MaestroCapitalGroup would like to take this chance to thank you for being in our lives. Thank you for being our loyal investor. While we might not personally know you yet, we are grateful that you faithfully staying with us and that you present in our and our company’s life.
We would like to thank you for constant support from the moment we have launched and up until now, for all the great feedback and opinions you have shared on forums, monitors and blogs. Without you we wouldn’t be where we are at right now. We also would like to thank you in advance for your future support and trust in us.
We got two reasons to celebrate today: a Holiday of giving “thanks” and second but not least important is our upcoming celebration of the first month online. I am happy to report that we were able to impact hundreds of our members’ lives!
As you already know, we at MaestroCapitalGroup don’t just give empty promises but deliver every word that we promise. And to show our appreciation for your continued support, we came up with the way to demonstrate you our appreciation in action.
To positively influence even more lives we have decided to allocate a $5,750.00 budget to be given as a bonus to our investors for every deposit they make.
Note* ONCE THIS BUDGET FOR BONUS RUNS OUT – NO MORE BONUSES WILL BE ALLOCATED. Live budget update changes are posted to the site every 1 hour.
What do you need to do to receive a slice of $5,750.00? Nothing really different from what you did already. You just keep investing the same way as you did before, but on a top of a very profitable daily interest – you also get Huge 20% BONUS posted to your account 1 hour after your deposit.
Moreover this 20% BONUS can be withdrawn RIGHT AWAY (as soon as you received it). While your investment amount keeps earning its generous daily interest, you can withdraw your bonus and have it in your hands or redistribute it in any plan right from your account balance.
Every deposit made in the NEXT 24 HOURS window on November, 27, 2014 between 16:00 And 28th 16:00 GMT London time will receive BONUS OF 20%, which you can WITHDRAW IMMEDIATELY.
It is great to have you as part of our company. We truly believe that together we can achieve greatest highs.
For many of our investors this is that time of the year when they look back at what the year had brought to them: wisdom and experience, life changes, prosperity and financial freedom. However there are some regrets… regrets of the chances not taken due to procrastination or fear … regrets for the opportunities that had been missed…
The great thing about life is that it gives us additional chances and additional opportunities. It is very important thought to be able to recognize them, become a winner and not to miss out… again…
We wish you to make to the circle of lucky investors to receive the bonus. Only 23 hours and 59 minutes left. Here is a the countdown timer https://maestrocapitalgroup.com
Truly yours, MaestroCapitalGroup team
P.S. Only 24 hours to receive 20% deposit bonus, only $5,750.00 budget available. Promotion stops as soon as $5,750.00 bonuses were allocated or 24 hour passed – whichever happens first.”
“$942.76 paid in Deposit Bonuses in last 12 hours
Its been 12 hours since we launched our 20% Investment Bonus “Payable Immediately” program.
Let us welcome dozens of new members and to congratulate the wise current members who made decision to invest into the program and already received their rewards!
Congratulations also to the ones who made even better choice to reinvest their earned bonus and already earned their 20% bonus on a FREE money they received. You are truly savvy and expert in your investment skills. We haven’t really predicted that you would come up with the idea to reinvest your bonuses and so we haven’t placed any terms or limitations not allowing you to do that. So, great move on your part. You outsmarted us! And that’s why you received double benefit. Great Job.
Segunolalere, vikusya, hyippy, toly and Tarish – congratulations on double reinvestment bonuses received!
New members: mazida, mavisamos2, MCGYuriy, xilsh, seun, Harry77, goforhyips, dinamo3005, konanruri and more– we salute you for making smart decision to invest and congratulate you on receiving your bonuses.
And thank you in advance for sharing your review and letting others know of your benefit!
$942.76 had been paid out so far in bonuses. There is still $4807.24 left. All of this or part of it can be yours – your choice.
Quite honestly we expected a lot more activity from our members and new members. But we are happy with the results. We love to work with only Really Smart Decision Makers, With Ambitious and Goal Oriented Investors.
Thank you for trusting us, Thank you for doing business with us, We love to have you as our members!
This is also a wake up call for you if you were still sitting and waiting for “what happens with the bravest ones”. Well, the bravest already benefited, they already tested program out, and they loved it
Only 12 hours left for you to claim your 20% investment bonus. Let me remind you: YOU CAN WITHDRAW IT IMMEDIATELY! And yes, it will get paid out to you within few short hours.
And if you are one of the investors who accidentally missed our previous letter (don’t feel bad – it is not your fault) – lucky you: there is still a chance for you to enroll and benefit right away. But don’t wait another moment: there is only 12 hours left.
Regardless the level of your investment skills or your ambition – we look forward to hear your feedbacks on monitors, forums and blogs where you’d share your positive experience with us. We look forward serving you.
Truly Yours, MaestroCapitalGroup.
Together we can reach financial highs – Let’s start now here: MaestroCapitalGroup”
“4 hours left. $2348.84 is Paid in Deposit Bonuses!
Another 8 hours had passed by… it is amazing how much just few short hours can change in lives of people.
We want to welcome new members to MaestroCapitalGroup! You are smart decision makers for choosing to invest with us.
These are our new members who just joined few hours ago and already received their bonuses: dioxmica, Semivan, yozhik80, inverzone, Frenkel, yellowbus, Goshat, Tanya, CF7F0FF, mohammed, Prajeeb, investar – Welcome! Glad to have you with us!
So far $2348.84 had been paid out in bonuses and only $3401.16 is left.
As of right now there is only 4 hours left to take advantage of the deposit bonus which is incredible 20%. Want to have part of $3401.16? We’d be glad to give it to you as appreciation for your great input to the company!
1. Get to https://MaestroCapitalGroup.com
2. Login to your members account
3. Pick the plan of your liking
4. Invest any amount you desire: either as little as $5 or as high as $9,999.
5. Receive your bonus within minutes.
Welcome to the group of winners. Glad to have you on board.
ONLY 4 hours left! Once all bonuses are claimed or once timer runs to 00:00 – There will be no more offers like this one and we will be going back immediately to our NO-BONUS plans.
MaestroCapitalGroup is running this promotion ONLY because of the holiday of “Thanks” and because…. It is 1 month celebration. Yes that’s right! We’ve grown together a great company which is able to provide income every day for people who truly want to achieve high goals in life!
You are invited to celebrate with us: Click Here MaestroCapitalGroup – 20% BONUS
Lots of Prosperity to you and your loved ones,
Truly Yours, MaestroCapitalGroup“.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: OneStability, AssuredAssets, LaxoTrade, FXMutual, MaestroCapitalGroup, DailyProfit, CryptoFarm, Silveks, GHash, WellGoTraders, SafeKapital, Raisean, VentureWealth.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization, SuccessRoadToWealth.
That’s where I’m going to leave it for today, guys. Thanks as always for reading, I hope you found something useful in there somewhere, and if you like what you see then you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter to make sure you know about any important articles, or subscribe to my newsfeed to have everything sent directly to your e-mail inbox on the day of publishing. I also want to remind you to take your final opportunity to vote in the current MNO TalkBack opinion poll, because I’ll be drawing the results over the weekend and giving them in my next post. Enjoy your weekend, everyone, especially anyone still celebrating Thankgiving (yes, I know it was yesterday, but I also know what parties can be like sometimes!) and I’ll see you all again I hope either tomorrow or Sunday depending on the news. Bye for now!
Filed under Daily News by on Nov 28th, 2014.