November 2014 Archives

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Beware! DailyProfit has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Longer term readers of my blog will know that over the years I’ve spent a lot of time traveling and trying to see a little bit of the world. It’s one of the benefits of running your own business off the the net, as all I really need is a laptop and a wi-fi connection and I can then pretty much hit the road and let it take me where it may. One of the lesser known corners of Europe (not to the folks who live there obviously, I mean to tourists) is Montenegro, Crna Gorna, The Black Mountain, and one of the most beautiful places I was lucky enough to visit. It also has a very weird connection to one of the newest HYIPs on the MNO Premium List. So for the last post of the week I want to look at a brand new short term program called DailyProfit. The domain name extension is .me – the internet country ID for Montenegro, and also has the rather convenient dual meaning of “me”, daily profit for yourself. There’s also a couple of interesting news stories to catch up on so keep reading to see what else has been happening in the industry. First to DailyProfit though, and we’ll see if think it might be worth taking a chance on.

I just want to start by saying that according to recent information from the DailyProfit admin some serious consideration is already going in to making a few adjustments to the investment plans. I can’t really discuss that here though as reviews should in my opinion be kept as a description of the facts rather than speculation. “What if…” shouldn’t really come into it, and I can only describe the program as I find it on the day. I just want to say don’t be surprised if there are some changes made to the program after this review, with a one day term hourly-paying plan being one possibility.

So let’s just concentrate on the actual investment plan as it is right now at the time of writing. DailyProfit basically have just the one option, which in turn is broken down into four different subsections, paying members according to how much they invest. It’s a short term program as I said and like most HYIPs members are encouraged to spend more and more money with a more enticing interest rate. Unlike most of the competition however, DailyProfit put their own unique twist on things. At first glance it looks a conventional style short term plan, but as I’ll explain there’s a bit more flexibility here than you might expect.

So here’s how it all works. We’ll start with the figures, and DailyProfit can be joined for a $20 minimum. Slightly above the industry average but still affordable nonetheless. The term runs for 15 calendar days, and during that time investors are paid a basic interest rate of 2% per day. By the end of the term those payments add up to a total of 30%, clearly nowhere even close to a profit of course, that only comes when DailyProfit return your principal on expiry. This rate applies to all deposits to a maximum value of $350.

All pretty clear and straight forward you might think, so what is it that makes DailyProfit so different from the fleet of other short term programs out there now? Well, borrowing (or perhaps modifying) a popular feature from the perpetual, no-expiry style programs, DailyProfit will allow members to set their own term length. You are free to request your principal back and leave the program at any time you like without any fees, the twist being that you still can’t go past a fifteen day maximum. So it’s more accurate to say then that this first plan can land investors anything between 2% and 30% net profit, the exact figure is entirely up to you and how long you wish to remain a member of DailyProfit. Just remember that you are not allowed to leave until at least the first interest payment has been made, though why on Earth anyone would possible want to leave before that (all you do is donate money to payment processors for fees in return for nothing) is beyond me.

If that’s understandable then let’s see what DailyProfit have to offer the bigger spending players among you. For a deposit between $351 up to a maximum limit of $700 the daily rate goes to a more enticing 3% per calendar day. The full length term is still 15 calendar days, though without any absolute obligation for members to stay that long. Should you decide to stick it out till the end, and I don’t see why members would be clamoring to get out as even the full 15 days is still quite short, the maximum return is 45%. This then becomes your net profit once DailyProfit return your initial principal as promised. For anyone leaving early just do your own calculations based on the rate available.

Starting at $701, the third plan sees DailyProfit offering members a daily payment of 4% per calendar day. Again there’s a get-out-early clause, though should you decide to remain with the program for the full term duration of 15 calendar days then the total earnings add up to 60%. That will then become your net profit on return of your principal, otherwise do your own calculations for what you might see by leaving early. DailyProfit‘s maximum investment for this plan is capped at a maximum limit of $1,500.

Lastly then for the really serious investors/gamblers/big spenders out there, DailyProfit are offering a 5% daily interest rate on all subsequent amounts. For the record that starts from a $1,501 minimum and goes all the way up to a $10,000 maximum, the upper limit of deposits in the program. The term is 15 calendar days which would bring in an eventual return of 75%. That becomes you net profit on return of your original principal, something that DailyProfit will either do on expiry of the term or before that if you want to get out early at a reduced profit.

Before I talk about the payment options I think it’s probably important to say a few words on the actual process of depositing and withdrawing from the program. Not that it’s complicated or anything, it’s just that because the script DailyProfit is using might be a bit different to what a lot of you are used to, some of those new to the industry might not think it immediately obvious. It’s under license from ShadowScript by the way, which has become reasonably popular enough that most experienced players will already know how it works, but it won’t hurt to repeat it for anyone else.

Upon joining then the first thing that’s required is for you to fund your account. You need only start by clicking the button marked “Fund e-Wallet” in your account area and follow the directions from there. After that you then need to re-direct that money into your preferred investment plan. For that you simply click the “Daily Plan” tab inside your account and re-distribute the funds according to where you would like them to go. It makes no difference that you think you might be restricted to one plan, for example if you only deposit $100 then you have no choice but to take the 2% per day option, you still need to move the money from your account wallet to an active investment before you can start claiming interest.

Likewise making a withdrawal from DailyProfit is also a little different from other HYIPs. So for this first of all, obviously, you’ll need to go to your member’s account area. On the right hand side of the page you will find a link called “My Daily Plans” which you will need to click. At the bottom of the page this will bring you to will be a list of your active deposits, keeping in mind that it’s OK to have more than one of these at a time. Next to each deposit is a small circular shaped green arrow symbol. This is what you need to click to withdraw and get your principal back out of DailyProfit. After you click the arrow, this is where things get a bit sketchy. Your principal sort “disappears”, and goes into limbo while the admin manually approves the final release. Once the request is approved you will be informed by e-mail that your principal has been returned to your balance, and you can now go back to your account to request a cashout.

If all that makes sense to you then let’s see what payment processors are open to you. You can choose between PerfectMoney, EgoPay, or Payeer if you prefer the more traditional style payment methods, or BitCoin for those who prefer the more modern digital e-currencies. The DailyProfit admin handles the payouts to members manually. The terms and conditions state that you shouldn’t be left waiting any longer than 6 hours for all transactions to be completed. That’s quite an impressive schedule so I’d imagine there’s more than one admin taking care of this, but either way as long as they can keep up that kind of pace I doubt there’ll be many complaints. My own withdrawals were so far well under that time by the way so yes, I can confirm they are fast. I just want to point out here that unlike other HYIPs with daily payment plans, DailyProfit do not credit accounts exactly 24 hours after you deposit. Instead rather it goes every hour, at the top of the hour. 9 o’clock, 10 o’clock, 11, o’clock, and so on. In other words then if you deposit at let’s say 8:15, instead of getting paid at 8:15 again the following day DailyProfit would instead pay at 09:00. I simply mention this because I know from experience that too many will panic and get hysterical all over the forums if they don’t see their profit, so please remember this, OK? Also you will need to remember that the withdrawal of your principal might take up to 12 hours – six hours for it to be returned to your balance and six more for the final cashout request to be completed.

On the more technical, design, and security site of things then, I already mentioned the script which is under license from ShadowScript. Anyone who has used this in the past will know it’s a fairly solid and dependable product. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by DDoSGuard. And for an added layer of protection the DailyProfit website has a secure SSL certificate from Comodo to accommodate safer browsing and more secure transactions.

If you need to get in touch with the admin for any further questions you think weren’t explained for you here or any account related issues then there are a couple of different ways you can get in touch. For members of the general public with any background enquires about the program before investing then there’s an e-mail submission form on the public area of the DailyProfit website. If you’re a member of DailyProfit however there’s a somewhat more elaborate ticketing system you can access from inside your account area. This allows you not only to contact the admin but also to keep track of any ongoing discussions and how they are being dealt with. Alternatively of course anyone is free to just write directly to the DailyProfit admin at the e-mail address listed on the contacts page.

As for any kind of a business plan allegedly in place to support the payments and the cash flow of DailyProfit, a lot of the texts are a straight copy/paste and have been seen in several other online HYIPs over the years. That’s more to do with the designer and/or the copy writer rather than the admin you understand, DailyProfit wouldn’t have to have any connection with any of said programs, but I mention it for the benefit of those new to the HYIP industry to demonstrate how you shouldn’t take the claims made by these programs all that seriously. For the record DailyProfit say their business is ForEx trading, but like I said it’s a word-for-word repetition of other sites, and even were it the truth there’s no guarantee it’s ever has to be profitable. So with that in mind, you know to approach DailyProfit the same way you would any other online HYIP. Establish a sensible spending limit you can afford to lose, keep your expectations modest and realistic, and if you do join DailyProfit then at least try to use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I would like to start the news section with a timely warning against investing in Linberger. Withdrawals in which have been delayed since yesterday and unlike to get resumed anytime soon. While the program has been a mediocre success running for about four weeks, that was not enough to become particularly memorable and with only a couple of cycles behind them for me was nothing special. Just a couple of years ago the HYIP industry saw many programs with similar plans to what Linberger offered – 10% for 12 days and 144% after 12 days – that ran for months, not mere weeks. Apparently in this case the admin was not so smart and didn’t see the potential for Linberger to grow into something much bigger. Being obviously greedy he failed to see the bigger picture and preferred to close up shop, steal the money, and not have the nerve to see longer term growth. Some investors profited from Linberger though and managed to possibly even double their money, so I sincerely hope that MNO readers were among them as I clearly saw a declining trend in deposits in the program over the last few days. At the moment Linberger is still online and accepting new deposits, but please stay away from it. It’s a pending scam, as the admin seems to be too nervous to keep working past the first dip in fortunes for the program.


As I’ll soon be writing an updated article on the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO soon, I’d just like to announce that OneStability has now taken the #1 position. The program’s future looks bright and I’m quite optimistic about their ability to maintain the top spot and strengthen it, especially after the admin of OneStability Richard (read my recent interview with him here) extended his banner on the MNO monitor for another month. It clearly shows that he is a professional and knows how to run a truly successful program (an example that should be followed by mediocre admins like that of Linberger, by the way!). OneStability has been on MNO for five weeks now, paying on the currently active 5% for 30 days, 4.2% for 45 days, and 2.2% daily forever plans (the last one offering an optional principal return any time after a 7-day lock-in period). The minimum to invest in the shorter 5% for 30 days plan starts from $5 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin, with larger investors offered Bank wires. I’ll take another look at OneStability and what it managed to achieve within the first few weeks online in the next Top Five article, but for now you can read more on the program in the detailed review posted on the MNO blog here.

In an unprecedented move for the HYIP industry the admin of OneStability is to be commended for a very noble gesture indeed. Richard is encouraging members to make financial donations to charities, with preference to organizations in the members local communities though not compulsory. He then offers to refund a large portion of your donation in the form of an extra deposit to your OneStability account. I’m sure this might be an important matter that crosses many people’s minds at this time of year – winters can be harsh and Christmas is coming – and I would also imagine a lot of you might get very suspicious here. Granted the notion of HYIP admins trying to gather money for charity would rightly be met by the rolling of eyeballs and a widely held belief that this will not end well, but honesty I do not see anything cynical in Richard’s actions here. This is the idea. You make a donation to a recognized registered charity from your own money. You then send a verifiable receipt from that charity to OneStability which the admin can check up on if necessary. If everything proves legit and you’re not cheating (shame on anyone who would try such a despicable trick by the way!) OneStability will refund you 80% of your donation. Not in cash, but in a deposit to your OneStability account which will then make you even more money back. So for example, if you gave $100 to the Red Cross/Red Crescent, Medicine Sans Frontier, or whatever, and send verifiable proof of this to OneStability, they will credit your account in the program with $80. Full details are in the newsletter I’m reposting below, but do remember that the fund is limited to $3,000 so it’s not a bottomless pit either. First come first served I would imagine, so if you have a worthy cause close to your heart that you’d like to support then you should get started immediately:

OneStability Charity Program
Hello, I’m Richard Altman, CEO of OneStability. Today I’d like to talk about charity – helping each other. In our day and age, there are so much negativity, cruelty and violence around us. When you look at the shellfish and carefree behavior of others, no doubt you might ask yourself, why? Why is your life not as good as someone else’s? But, have you ever stopped to think that there are others that are in a less fortunate situation than you? I’d like to share this thought from Booker T. Washington; he said: “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others”. Yes, this quote reminds us that happiness comes from within – from what we do to help others. True happiness comes from giving and your happiness will grow every time you give of yourself.
As bad as our lives may seem, we can all give something to help someone. Whether it’s in monetary form to a charity relief, or by giving our time to help a worthy cause. We can help make a difference! For some of us, $10 may seem like a small amount of money; but for others, it makes a BIG difference – maybe food for the rest of the week.
From my observations; I’ve seen a lot of people who lose money everyday in different projects in the high yield investment industry and end up with nothing. With that, I would like to introduce a system that will help you to help others. This system will allow you the opportunity to donate to a charitable organization of your choice, and at the same time, earn with us. Let’s take a closer look at the terms:
1) Find a reputable charitable organization, preferably in your country.
2) Send us information about a charitable organization you’ve chosen with a website link and amount you’d like to donate []
3) Donate a minimum amount from $10 up to $100.
4) Once your request is approved and your donation is made, send us a payment screenshot and an official response from the charitable organization.
5) We will verify your information within 24 hours and top up 80% of your donated amount to your OneStability‘s account. In other words, we’ve both worked together to help a worthy cause while enabling you to still earn money with us. Evidently, you will get less profit than if you were to invest directly in our project; however, that’s the real joy – you help others, while earning at the same time.
For instance: You find a reputable charitable organization, approved by us, and make a donation of $100. Then you send us proofs and once they are verified, your OneStability‘s account will be top up with $80 in any plan you wish. Let’s say you’ve chosen our Commercial plan which pays 5% daily for 30 days. You will receive $120 totally for 30 days period. Suchwise you donate money for charity and earn with us.
Our budget for charity is limited – $3,000 until 2014 year. We will make our first charity report once our budget is completed.
We have also created a page especially for our Charity program which you can find on the main page or by following this link:
Please note: We are not advertising our project for the donation; we’re simply asking that you do this with good intentions – from the bottom of your heart.
Thank you!
Kind Regards, Richard Altman


FutureStocks (reviewed here) is undoubtedly the hottest short-term program now, and getting noticed by more and more investors with each passing day. I guess the admin should really take some credit for that as he provides fast withdrawals and frequent updates that drive the program further ahead, attracting new deposits in plans paying 102.5%-110% after 1 day, 54.5%-65% for 2 days, 125%-170% after 5 days, 160%-300% after 10 days, 260%-680% after 20 days, 450%-1800% after 30 days. Investments in FutureStocks start from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. I suppose if everything is going alright FutureStocks may well enter the Top Five list om MNO themselves within the next few days. Anyway, time will tell and for now the admin is hiring regional representatives to help promote the program in their local areas. You can see a couple of dozen names already on the specially allocated page by clicking on the link in the following newsletter:

FutureStocks; Regional Representative service available!
Hello FutureStocks members,
We always listen to our members to satisfy all their needs. During last few days we received numerous of request for Regional Representative service, so we decided to provide you one.
Today we are proud to present you FutureStocks Regional Representative service, Regional Representative service is designed to support our members all over the world and to provide vacancies under FutureStocks brand for people who are willing to participate in our projects promotion worldwide. Please follow this link for more information:
*Expect representatives to join within next 24h-48h.
Best wishes, FutureStocks Ltd


You might have noticed that a couple of days ago, just before Raisean was reviewed on MNO (click here to read it) the website was hit by a series of huge DDoS attacks. Apparently the admin just let it pass and nothing has been done to prevent this from happening again in the future. I’m aware of some threats received by the admin and I don’t think it’s been taken as seriously as it needs to be. In any case I can’t see either a reaction or even an acknowledgment of the problem when the site was totally down in the latest newsletter posted last night. I know that Raisean still managed to pay instantly to everyone during those tough times, but decreasing deposit rates and the recent drop in daily interest payments makes me think there should more important things on the admin’s agenda now than translating his website into Polish. That’s not all though, as more improvements are on the way including translations into other languages. If you can offer a service as a professional translator into your own first language please contact the admin at the email address in the newsletter below:

Hello! As announced earlier we finished the website localization to 5 European languages. It was a long and very important process but this just a beginning! We’re pleased to inform you about the second translation set in which can be participated by any Raisean member. This stage will continuing for a long time and will include any number of a modern languages. What is the point of the second translation set?
Any Raisean member can offer his services to help us translate the website to a new language. You will be fairly paid for your help and in addition you will become Raisean‘s partner in the relevant country. How could you offer a help? It is pretty easy! Just contact us by e-mail
We will reply to each message! The first signs of the second translation set will be the Polish website version. At the same time with translating the website and developing a mobile website version, Raisean paid $100000 and its just a beginning! Stay tuned!

Even though at the moment Raisean doesn’t look as promising a program as it once did judging by its declining popularity, I believe it can still take off if the admin manages to keep it paying until after Christmas and in to 2015 when the HYIP industry will pick up again. If you’re still interested in joining Raisean you should know that the minimum to invest is $10, accepted via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and the equivalent of $10 in BTC if you invest via BitCoin and LTC if you invest via LiteCoin. Raisean offers instant payouts when your account reaches a $1 minimum and interest can be watched in real time clocking up by the second. On business days you have the possibility to earn from 1% to 7% floating interest, while on Saturdays and Sundays it can be either 1% or 2% only. Judging by the latest results posted on Raisean‘s website, the rates dropped sharply from previous results, hovering around the 1% to 3% mark and possibly reflecting the deficit of new deposits caused by the ongoing DDoS attacks which the admin seems to prefer not to address publicly. I hope he changes his mind soon as only then will I change my mind about Raisean‘s prospects for the future.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listAssuredAssets, OneStability, EastOilLaxoTradeCryptoFarmFutureStocksGrandAgroFinance,
MaestroCapitalGroupSilveksGHash, Raisean, DailyProfit (the first payments received), SafeKapital (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareOgdenOrganization, TheBornClubMarkApter, SuccessRoadToWealth.

That’s all for tonight, guys. Hope you enjoyed reading, but as the weekend kicks in I think I also deserve a day off tomorrow. MNO is widely recognized as the fastest monitor when it comes to changing statuses of the programs so don’t worry, a day away from my blog does not mean a day away from my monitor. That will be updated as usual. I’ll be back on Sunday morning with all the latest news from the biggest investment programs and will also have a more detailed look at SafeKapital which is the newest addition to my Premium List. Stay tuned for that and follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter so not to miss anything important! Also keep voting on the most profitable program for you on the MNO TalkBack page as the results will be drawn on Sunday when we’re going to look back at the latest updates again. Enjoy your weekend and see you all soon!

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