November 2014 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome again to the MNO blog and the first source of news about everything worth your attention in the HYIP industry. I wasn’t able to post last night due to a long journey from London to Cyprus where I’m going to relax for the next few days while my house gets redecorated in time for Christmas. Of course, MNO will still be working as usual during this time, I’m just making you aware that there might be some delays with answering your emails. So, what happened over the last couple of days that you need to know about? Well, first of all, there’s a brand new program called VentureWealth from I believe an experienced admin as he listed the program on MNO first before all other monitors. One big selling point for the program is instantly processed payouts, so if you’re a fan of those please keep reading as I’ll start with an introduction in just a moment. Unfortunately we also say goodbye to two excellent programs that were quite popular among readers – EastOil and FutureStocks – so please do not invest and refer to the appropriate paragraph in my news section to find out why. Also there’s a long update from the recently interviewed admin of the increasingly popular MaestroCapitalGroup and a warning about a copycat 2FXLtd website. So keep reading to find out more.


We will start though with a brand-new entry on my Premium List, VentureWealth. This new program will appeal mostly to those who miss the proper investment plans with a fixed expiry date clearly specified and the original investment returned on expiry, as opposed to the current dominant trend of perpetual style programs. Moreover, VentureWealth is also a huge drawing point for anyone preferring instant payouts and offers quite a wide choice of payment options – PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. In the rare event that this isn’t possible then the admin will do it manually within a 24-hour maximum waiting time. From my own first experience with VentureWealth I see my first two withdrawals to PerfectMoney both instantly processed, so I can at least confirm the information is accurate. Note that the minimum to invest in VentureWealth is only $10 in the shortest plan, which then increases proportionally with the investment term. Plans include 1.5% for 20 days, 2% for 40 days, 2.5% for 80 days, or 3% for 100 days, all with your initial investment returned on expiry. I will talk more about that in tomorrow’s review of VentureWealth. As for the program itself, it features a decent design and looks uncomplicated, runs off a licensed GoldCoders script, has a Comodo SSL-secured connection, and hosted by DDoSGuard on a dedicated server. So far the admin only updated the website with a short message on the site’s successful launch which you can read below. More info on VentureWealth is coming tomorrow:

VentureWealth Is Available To General Public
Hello everyone,we are very glad to announce that VentureWealth is finally available to general public.We provide our services and investment opportunity on helping people make most of their money.We warmly welcome everybody from all over the world to participate our program.Feel free to contact us regarding any question or suggestion anytime by click the link. Hope all of you have nice experience here!


As mentioned by the admin of MaestroCapitalGroup Frank in his recent interview with MNO (click here to read it), the program is now accepting Bank wires as well with the minimum transaction (in or out of the program) set to $25 and the maximum deposit at $1,500. Everything regarding the investment plans and payment processors accepted by MaestroCapitalGroup stays the same as it was at the time the original review was published on MNO (click here to read it). The program still accepts investments starting from $5 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin for the following plans – 2% daily forever (principal back anytime after 3 days), 3% for 5 days (principal back on expiry), or 4% for 7 days (principal back on expiry). The addition of Bank wires which might be useful for those looking to save on exchangers fees and skip any third-party services, was nevertheless not the main subject of the newsletter. More coverage was given to the recently launched Facebook share promo campaign to reward the best promoters there with a deposit bonuses and will run until the end of November. The admin is taking the advice given by MNO seriously and started using Facebook more productively. I’m quite pleased to see that he is taking the critique on board and might propel MaestroCapitalGroup to a new level with time (getting into the Top Five on MNO today might pave the way for that too). More on the rules of the promotional Facebook contest are in the full version of the newsletter from MaestroCapitalGroup below:

Facebook share for cash and weekly MaestroCapitalGroup news
Dear investors,
Here are some exiting news that MaestroCapitalGroup is happy to share with you. Along with current updates and future development.
But first I would like to thank Paul for the opportunity to answer his and his blog readers’ questions. His critique and positive overview of the company is extremely appreciated.
The answers to his tough, deep but very fare questions can be found  here
It’s been suggested by Paul in his original review (which you can read here and was brought up in his recent interview (question number #12) that MaestroCapitalGroup has to invest into developing its social network presence.
Thanks to the ones who reached out to us with their ideas to help us develop our social network spread.  All of your ideas were great and all of them were taken into consideration. All your ideas had helped us to develop a very rewarding addition to our programs.
A fare warning, the following reward would work the best  for the accounts with responsive friends and for the ones who have at least 100 of those. The opportunity to get rewarded is unlimited and the best part is – EVERY ONE WHO SHARES MAKES MONEY!
So, here it is: EVERYONE who shares our posts and pages will instantly receive a random bonus value $5.00-$100.00, which will be credited as an active investment to your account at MaestroCapitalGroup. Your bonus will automatically start accumulating interest (the same way as if you were to invest your own cash). Additionally you will be receiving referral commission from every investment that was made by investor referred by you.
Amount of your bonus will be defined based on a number of friends you have and a number of your friends joining our company to become investors. Limit 1 bonus per post.
Your “facebook share bonus” starts accumulating interest automatically 2% daily and qualifies for withdrawal once your total referrals deposits reaches or elapses 10 times the amount of your given bonus. Example: if you received $50.00 bonus. Total amount of your referrals’ deposits has to equal 500.00$ or greater for this bonus to qualify for withdrawal. Until then it’ll be active deposit and will keep accumulating 2% daily profit available for withdrawal daily.
One very important note for consideration. Your bonus expires in 14 days after it was activated. Meaning, if you don’t withdraw it within 14 days – it expires.
How to earn and claim your bonus:
1. Share and like posts made by MaestroCapitalGroup on Facebook.
2. Make sure to include your feedback and comments about the post (this is the only way we can track your share is by your comments) along with your username in the body of your comment.
3. Expect your bonus to be credited to the username account within 12 hours.
VERY IMPORTANT!!! The “Facebook share promotion” is valid for the next 14 days, meaning you will be receiving “share bonuses” if posts shared and liked within next 14 days. No bonuses will be rewarded  for shares made after November, 30.
However MaestroCapitalGroup reserves the right to discontinue this promo at anytime once all marketing budget allocated for this program is used up.
Another exciting addition which you might have noticed already is: MaestroCapitalGroup is now accepting bank wire transfers. This method provides extra flexibility for entrepreneurial  investors. Current minimum amount to use this deposit method is $25 and maximum is $1500.00 per transaction.
You are sole responsible for the wire transfer fees, whether sending wire transfer or receiving (in case your intermediary bank charges you a fee).   We are responsible for all wire transfer fees associated with sending or receiving funds to and from our account. Minimum withdrawal amount is $25.00.
We also would like to express our gratitude to investors and promoters of MaestroCapitalGroup who support it’s growth
We constantly looking for ways to reward you for your efforts to improve and move forward our company.
As always we would like to remind you that your feedback and concerns are welcome at MaestroCapitalGroup. Therefore you can always contact us through “Live Chat” or by email at
Truly yours, MaestroCapitalGroup team“.


While it’s always welcome to see new programs joining my monitor, it’s still been a bad day in the HYIP industry with FutureStocks and EastOil being moved to Problem Status. Both programs are paying selectively now and investments in either are not recommended. Let’s see what went wrong.

EastOil was a great program that managed to last for over two months and put many investors into profit not only from the daily paying 3.2%-3.6% for 70 days plan, but even those brave enough to join the 550%-800% after 55 days plan early enough. Seemingly the pressure of paying such high returns was too much for EastOil and the program collapsed under their self imposed plans. I’m not sure if that was the admin’s fault to misrepresent the investment plans, or his deliberate desire to scam after a couple of months – God only knows. The excuse given by the online support today of the reason why some investors had their withdrawal requests returned to their account balances was really lame – a mysterious script glitch that bizarrely only affected large payouts while small payouts and those to monitors had no issues. That certainly was a trick by the admin in hope of extending his dying program for just a little while and keeping the Paying status on some monitors routinely collecting their own payments and not caring much about their downlines. I’m proud to say that MNO was the first monitor to move EastOil to Problem Status without hesitation as soon as I confirmed the first complaints.

The second program on Problem Status on my monitor today – FutureStocks – was also moved on confirmation of selective payouts. In that case the excuse for paying late or only small payouts to monitors was even more trivial and this came from the Live support – the admin was too tired to process all the payouts at once. Well, he wasn’t too tired to change the MNO monitoring dynamic button on the Rating page of FutureStocks to a static image leading nowhere which is a surefire sign of the program’s collapse. After that I had absolutely no doubt in my mind that FutureStocks was a scam and issued a warning on my monitor. I already noticed many times that MNO is the first to change a status while other monitors follow me closely and do the same as soon as they see it. That’s really quite flattering and only shows that my monitor is the fastest in the industry. I will keep providing the same service to my readers and expose the selectively paying admins like FutureStocks. At the moment there is no hope of payments continuing, and though the short-term plans FutureStocks offered were paid to every investor for two full weeks, no efforts by the admin to keep his project alive by introducing new features had any significant impact. I admit many investors from FutureStocks made good profits (as in case with EastOli too!), but for those who believed they could last longer are now hugely disappointed. Please stay away from both and keep checking the MNO monitor frequently to always be on top of the game!


I’d like to finish today’s mixed bag of news with a strong warning against investing in the old/new program 2FXLtd. The admin is possibly desperate to collect more money for his next program which will certainly not be called 2FXLtd round two, but will feature something more original. Some of my readers contacted me over the last couple of days and asked if I knew anything about 2FXLtd getting relaunched as they got a message to the emails registered with the old 2FXLtd stating:

2FXLtd Relaunched
Dear, all Investors:
We are pleased to announce that 2FX Ltd website starts a new cycle now. Investors from all over the globe can participate in our investment program and invite partners. We’ll be glad to welcome you among our investors. Don’t miss your chance to make money with us. We still provide same plan: 4% daily for ever, 3 level referral program (8%-2%-1%). At the same time, we launch our “Regional Representative Program”. you can read more about this here:
please visit our new site for new cycle:
Best regards! 2FXLtd.

After reading this email some attentive readers noticed the domain name for the allegedly re-launched 2FXLtd has a .net extension as opposed to the original .com. The question arose though why would the genuine admin of 2FXLtd want to re-launch an old program on a new domain. Wouldn’t it be better to make it run on the old one which would be at least indicate that 2FXLtd is by the same admin? In addition to that, although the email seems to be sent only to people who joined the old (once very successful) program, the admin might actually sell the database to the highest bidder and every scammer could then create a cheap copy-cat website to lure the old members of 2FXLtd which might be in profit with the old program or simply targeting those who would love to see the program return and try their luck once again. Something makes me think though that Mark2 might actually be the creation of the same admin. I have my own reasons to believe that the genuine admin of 2FXLtd might not have earned so much money from his old program after all, and by trying to play this trick and scam the genuinely interested investors with the new scam he can finance a proper program that he had already been preparing. Please beware of the new/old 2FXLtd and do not encourage the admin by your deposits to possibly create several more copy-cats and steal more money from gullible and inexperienced investors. It’s much better to wait for a proper program which I suspect will happen very soon!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listOneStability, AssuredAssetsLaxoTradeGrandAgroFinanceMaestroCapitalGroupDailyProfit,  CryptoFarm,
SilveksGHash, RaiseanSafeKapital, VentureWealth (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShare, OgdenOrganization, TheBornClub, MarkApterSuccessRoadToWealth.

That’s all for today, guys. Thanks as always for reading, I hope you found at least some of the information here in some way beneficial or useful, and I’ll see you all again tomorrow with a more detailed review of VentureWealth. Bye for now and see you all then!

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