November 2014 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome once again to MNO – by far the largest and most widely read English speaking blog in the HYIP industry. As my short visit to Cyprus is nearly at an end I have to say I spent a wonderful day around the mountains visiting some oldest working vineyards and wineries in the area, and was genuinely delighted to see some small family owned winemakers doing so well in their trade, and with several generations of the same family all under one roof working together and being so skilled at their craft. The hospitality was as good as the wine by the way, and I enjoyed plenty of both!

Anyway, back to work for the evening. It occurs to me that influence comes at a price if I can digress from the news for a moment, and it required over seven years of hard work everyday, sometimes not more than one day off in a month, to get MNO to where it is now. Experienced HYIP admins realize this and try hard themselves by trying to bring something new and exciting every day to compete with each other. Having been online for so many years I also managed to gain so much experience that it’s really hard to fool me with scams. I see through HYIP admins and know all their tricks even before they know they’re up to something themselves sometimes! A blog written from an experienced point of you is always a centre of attention and magnet for educated and experienced investors. Influence attracts the best programs run by the best admins and high prices help to weed out the chancers and occasional fast scammers, and that is ok with me, as only the best programs get my undivided attention. And is part of what I hope makes the MNO monitor the best in the industry with the most high standard programs anywhere online.


Speaking of new and high quality programs on MNO first I’d like to introduce WellGoTraders, which just started today. The program looks really good at first glance and the admin is certainly seeking the attention of experienced investors by offering just one simple plan paying 7% daily for 27 calendar days. That makes your total profit 89% with your initial investment included in the daily payments and not returned on expiry. WellGoTraders require a minimum deposit of $7 to join and accepts the four most popular payment methods in PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. Note that WellGoTraders is running off a licensed ShadowScript, probably familiar to experienced investors, but for newbies I’ll just remind you that to make an investment you need first to fund your e-wallet in the account area, and re-direct the money from there. Anyway, I’ll talk more about that tomorrow in the review and explain everything step-by-step. For now I can say the program looks at least interesting and well-made with a profitable investment plan and good security in place in the form of a dedicated and DDoS protected server by BlackLotus and an extended validation SSL from Comodo. My first impression of WellGoTraders is quite positive and although the rest is up to the admin the program has a good chance to become popular. By the way, it already managed to obtain Paying Status on the MNO monitor as the admin paid the first commission payments quite fast (usually you should allow up to 24 hours to be paid). More on WellGoTraders to follow tomorrow.


Experienced investors are well aware of the fact that sometimes HYIP admins use new investment plans to entice deposits from newbies, using a proven payment record to scam (as happening now with LaxoTrade which I’ll discuss in a moment). We also know however that there’s another breed of admins who try their best to simply restructure their investment plans and make them easier to follow for themselves and more convenient and less risky for investors. I think this is what best describes the situation with MaestroCapitalGroup (reviewed here) and its administrator Frank who seems to be a very flexible and fair minded admin prepared to listen to his members and improve his program, a rare occurrence in the HYIP industry nowadays. His program deserves every success by prompt payouts for over three weeks on MNO which led to MaestroCapitalGroup to the #4 position in the Top Five most popular programs on MNO at the moment (read the new article on that sometime later this week). Only the sky is the limit for MaestroCapitalGroup as the admin is taking any good suggestions seriously and after the recent interview posted on the MNO blog (click here to read it) he turned the odds in his favor and modified two of the three investment plans to serve investors better and reduce the risk. Basically only one plan remains unchanged, 2% per day, no expiry, and the option to withdraw your principal (if you don’t want to stay in the program for longer) after a three calendar day lock-in period. The investment minimum in the perpetual plan remains $5, and the accepted payment methods are PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and Bank wires (for larger deposits only).

The investment plan that used to pay 3% for 5 days (principal back on expiry) will from now on pay 23% for the same 5-day period without actually returning your initial investment, but still delivering the same 15% net profit on deposits starting from $50. Larger investors willing to play with at least $100 see a new plan paying 18.3% for 7 days, replacing the old 4% for 7 days plan with principal back on expiry. Again the principal is included and won’t be returned so the net profit remains 28%. Existing investors will not be affected and will still be paid under the old terms. The admin didn’t exclude the possibility of returning to the old plans at some point in the future, but I doubt this will be anytime soon. He also gave some practical examples on the new modified investment plans, and explained BitCoin transaction fees on the withdrawals less than $1. Please refer to the full newsletter from MaestroCapitalGroup below for further information:

New and Improved plan structure – Principal is now included
Dear Investors,
Another week had passed and hopefully it was as profitable for you as it was for all members of MaestroCapitalGroup!
Lots of additions had happened in MaestroCapitalGroup.
While we don’t have months to tell you about all of them, I will cover here the two of the most important ones and one of them is going to affect you in extremely positive way if you are an ambitions and opportunity seeking investor.
First let me express my sincere gratitude to Paul (MNO blog admin) whose encouragement gave our team some food for the thought again. This had resulted into creating new and improved investment plans. Paul is challenging new companies to keep up with trends and technologies, his ideas were taken into very serious consideration. As technologies not staying still so as MaestroCapitalGroup is moving forward.
Our new and improved plans that were rolled out today, allow you as an investor to achieve your substantial financial goals at no time. Plus “Principal +Interest Daily” plans mean just that: your principal is NOT locked down for the “maturity” frame anymore, but it is rather being paid back to you every day bundled with your interest.
Here is what we thought: Why an access to your money should be restricted? It is YOUR MONEY after all! We at MaestroCapitalGroup believe in giving you complete freedom to access it at any time.
As of November 24, MaestroCapitalGroup is officially releasing “Principal +Interest Daily” investment plans.
How do these plans work?
While it might seem a bit complicated at first, I assure you everything is really quite simple. Here is an example: let’s say you invest $1000.00 into 18.3% DAILY for 7 DAYS plan. You will be receiving $183.00 Daily (Interest and Principal Bundle) which is available for withdrawal daily, where at the end of 7 days investment term, your TOTAL that you get paid is $1280.00 . That’s a whopping profit of $280 in just short 7 days!!!
While we can’t predict how these plans will play out for the long term company growth (it will be clear only at the beginning of the next year), that is why we reserve the right to pull them back and switch to the old plans model at anytime. HOWEVER all investors that get enrolled into “Principal +Interest Daily” investment plans right now will remain with this plans until they are fully paid off.
We don’t believe in punishing our most entrepreneurial investors, so normally the most active and quickest decision makers to invest would benefit the most.
What happens with investors who are enrolled into the current plans with MaestroCapitalGroup? Changes will not affect you. As usual, we always keep our part of the contract with the integrity regardless the changes our company goes through.
We truly hope you find the new and improved plans a big hit. And we hope to hear your opinion about this innovation.
Now, the second piece of news, which might not be the most pleasant to the “careful” type of investors. The decision to make the following change had been forced on us by our bookkeeping department. And relates to the confirmation of transactions via blockchain.
Here is a deal. All Bitcoin transactions are being charged at a fixed rate of 0.0001 BTC where if investor withdraws daily interest that is less than $1 – we have to cover processing fee which comes up to 35% on a top of paid-out interest. While it is not significant for large transactions payouts. It is however quite “feeling” for thousands of smaller transactions.
So, we had to place an update for the ones who withdraw $1 or less daily interest. (PLEASE NOTE: this change does NOT affect current investments but any future ones from this moment on).
As of today November 24th your investment falls under the current update: if your withdrawal amount is $1.00 or less (Bitcoin currency) – you are sole responsible for processing fee, which is 0.0001 BTC
If your withdrawal amount is higher that $1.00 – we will keep covering the blockchain transaction confirmation fees ourselves, which is 0.0001 BTC.
These are all the updates and all the news for today.
We are excited about our new and improved plans we hope you find them extremely appealing as well. Let us know!
Wishing you all the prosperity in this new week and hope to see you as one of the savvy new enrollees into our new investment plans.
Feel free to share your feedback. We look forward to hear from you!
Trully yours, MaestroCapitalGroup team
P.S. To find out more about new and updated investment plans 18.3% DAILY for 7 days, and 23% DAILY for 5 days follow this link


After only five days online VentureWealth (reviewed here) is doing quite well as the payments are always processed instantly which helps spread good vibes about the program. I do not expect though that VentureWealth is going to really pick up the pace and be able to compete with the current industry leaders until at least the first investors see a profit. And since the program first has to pay on the first and shortest 1.5% for 20 days plan we should see more interest from investors in approximately two weeks. For now the admin of VentureWealth is trying his best to increase awareness of instant payouts on the main forums to offer some deposit bonus incentives to active investors who post payment proofs. Monitors like MNO are excluded from the competition (which I am in agreement with and think is a good thing), so if you have an active deposit in VentureWealth in any of the 1.5% for 20 days, 2% for 40 days, 2.5% for 80 days, 3% for 100 days plans (all with principal back on expiry) and enjoy instant payouts to your PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin accounts you might as well take a chance to win one of three weekly prizes simply for supporting the program online. According to the admin winners will be announced every Sunday and some deposit bonuses will be credited to their accounts in VentureWealth. More on is in the latest newsletter reposted below:

Earn some extra money
Hello, everyone! New start for this week, I hope all is well with you.You can see the traffic of our website is increasing very quickly. This only means one thing, that the interest shown by the public on our site is pretty much getting stronger and higher, also the deposits are increasing. We are very proud of this, because more and more people all around the world starts to trust us.
Ok, let’s pull back today’s subject. Would you like to earn some extra money? That’s easy, just post your payment proof or comments about us on this online investment forum, such as MMG, TG, DTM, Every week we will choose 3 of most active members, deliver them Respectively $50, $30 and $10 as a bonus (any of our members can take part in it except monitors, bonus will deliver every Sunday on our server time).
Links to this forum:
Expect better offers from us in the coming weeks. Thank you.
Best wishes, VentureWealth Team.


I really don’t want to be deliberately negative about what is still basically a paying program and keeping its good Paying Status on the MNO monitor, but sooner or later members are going to have to confront what looks to be some very shady practices over at LaxoTrade. The program has had an excellent payments record until now, on that I must congratulate them, and the original plans of 2% per business day for 365 days, or 11% weekly for 55 weeks, both with your principal back at the end have put a lot of us well into profit. It’s with the recent addition of the completely out of place short term plan however, paying 141% but only on expiry of a 15 day term that things begin to look shaky. LaxoTrade introduced this plan “for a limited time only” about a week ago, and by now the offer should have been removed. But no, it’s actually been extended, based on the rather spurious claim that investors “weren’t able to fund their payment processor accounts fast enough” to join.

If you believe that, then OK, think about this – LaxoTrade have extended their 15 day plan which has still not actually paid anyone, and it’s been extended until the very first members who did join it will be expecting a large payout. How many of those members do you think will genuinely succeed in getting it though? Obviously I would sincerely hope all of them, but the experienced investor and pragmatist in me unfortunately says otherwise. Trust me, absolutely nothing pleases me more than being proved 100% wrong in such cases, unfortunately I regret to say it doesn’t happen as often as I’d like. You can read more about LaxoTrade in the review first published on MNO back in April here, but for now I would suggest that if anyone is genuinely thinking of making a deposit into any of LaxoTrade‘s plans (long term or short term) they wait until at least a week after the extended special 15 day plan expires and we have confirmed real investors getting paid in full, and not just the bare handful that might have joined in the first 48 hours and paid now purely for appearances. Here’s the news of LaxoTrade extending their special plan:

LaxoTrade: Special plan extension
Due to the fact that many of our users could not fund their ecurrency accounts in the short time we received a large amount of requests for an extension to the Special short term plan.
We decided to extend the plan. The new end date is December 1st.
We would like to remind you that the Special short term plan pays 41% profit after 15 days, plus your principal back.
Many of you did, as we very well expected, request that we keep this plan permanently, but that is not possible. Although you must admit our standard plans are not bad as well.
Also, you can expect a major redesign of our webpage at the very beginning of the following month. Among other things, we plan to put up tutorials in order to help the inexperienced investors. We are planning to implement phone support, as well as a forum, where we’ll be able to talk and exchange opinions.
Negotiations with a one payment processor are currently in progress, so we’ll finally be able to accept credit cases and direct wire transfers.
If you have any suggestions on how else we can improve our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.
As you can see, we are pushing forward, and we intend to keep at it.
Thank you for your trust.
Best Regards, LaxoTrade

This was also the subject of the last opinion poll to run on the MNO TalkBack page. The poll has now been completed and replaced with another more up-to-date question, but as for LaxoTrade the question was:
What do you think will happen with LaxoTrade when the new plan expires on November 24?
MNO readers are usually fairly close to the mark when it comes to these polls, so surprisingly it was only 13% of you, the smallest group of voters, who got it right. OK, no one can predict the future here, but still, I thought even a lucky guess would have improved that figure. You voted:
Payments continue as usual, but the admin extends the plan for longer.
Just 33% of voters took the admin entirely at his word (how ever wrong that was!) by voting:
Nothing, payment continue as usual, new plan removed as planned.
The remaining 54% of you took the more world weary pessimistic view and voted:
Payments stop, the admin gets enough money from this trick.”
Of course the wonderful thing about pessimists in the HYIP industry is that they invariably turn out to be right. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but have patience and you’ll turn out to be right eventually. Anyway, thanks to everyone who took the time to vote, and I hope you’ll continue by voting in the new poll which I’ll tell you about below.


Finishing up the news for today is the latest update from a program which has been the topic of much debate among investors recently. I’m talking about Raisean of course, which is also the topic of the new opinion poll on the MNO TalkBack page. Before we get to their newsletter then, I’d like to talk a bit more about that. Raisean, which started online in the latter half of October before coming to MNO for monitoring about two weeks ago, did, I think we all agree, start with a lot of promise and gave many experienced HYIP players great cause for optimism. The reality has been somewhat different, and while Raisean continues paying, something the admin is to be commended for under the circumstances, a lot of people were expecting more from the program. The thing is that after getting off to a great start, Raisean was the victim of a particularly vicious DDoS attack. The attack has since been mitigated, though as the admin rightly points out in his newsletter further attempts are never far away in this industry, and Raisean continues to pay all its members in a timely fashion. So what’s wrong with that, you might ask? Well, to be honest, nothing at all. It’s just that investor confidence seems to have taken a knock, and many players who expected more from Raisean no longer regard it so highly. Are they justified in doing so? It doesn’t matter. Whether they are or not makes no difference in my opinion, as it doesn’t change the fact that that’s the way things are, like it or not. The most important thing now is for the Raisean admin to restore his program’s early image as a dependable program where people could feel as confident as is possible in the HYIP industry that they have a chance to make some real money.

The way Raisean works you see, there is no fixed length investment term. Instead the interest rate paid to members can fall anywhere between 1% to 7% per day until such a time as they reach a certain target earning, in most cases 150%. Before the attacks launched against the program these rates were generally quite healthy, and while there was never any actual guarantee that they would always be good, it seems like more than mere coincidence that after the attacks the rates have plummeted. Obviously this reflects the reduced rate of deposits now being made into the program, and it puts the admin in a sort of “catch 22” situation. Does he encourage new deposits by increasing the variable rates, therefore draining the cash reserve? Or does he lower the rate, save the cash reserve, but fail to encourage new deposits? All I know is that I wouldn’t like to be in the admin’s shoes having to make that decision myself.
So far he seems to be keeping payments at a more conservative rate, which brings me to the exact poll questions. The first one asks:
Do you think Raisean will survive into 2015?
This is a straight up choice, it’s either Yes, or No, and anyone who doesn’t have an opinion need not bother voting.
The second question on Raisean is more to do with the admin’s strategy. It asks:
Why do you think the admin of Raisean pays reduced interest rates in recent weeks?
Your choice here is not so simple, but still down to one of two options. Either it’s a) “To compensate for reduced deposits caused by the DDoS attack“, or else it’s b) “To maximize his personal profits before closing.

Please take your time in considering what you really think is going on there and cast your votes then. The poll will remain open for at least another week, possibly ten days, so I think anyone who wants to vote will have ample opportunity to do so. Thanks in advance to everyone who votes by the way, and remember it’s totally anonymous and only takes a couple of seconds.

And so to the actual newsletter from Raisean then, which was first reviewed on MNO here. The admin has established a sort of public debating section called simply “community” where members are invited to share their thoughts about the program by writing a short article which will then be re-posted of the appropriate section of the Raisean website. There’s no financial reward as such in the sense that Raisean don’t pay you directly for this, but in the greater scheme of things if it helps the program stay online for longer and to pay more investors then I think everyone wins. You can read the latest from Raisean in the newsletter I’m re-posting below:

As we announced earlier, ‘Community’ it’s not just a news from Raisean Administration but rather a place where Raisean members can express their opinions and show the analytical thinking skills. If you have something to say about Raisean or any related topics and you’re able to turn your thoughts at least into a short article then we will gladly publish your work in the ‘Community’.
We’re not going to pay you for this articles nor offering you any other benefits. We’re not offering you to do copywriting. We offering you an opportunity to express oneself if you REALLY have something to say.
You can send your articles (or links to your articles) to We guarantee a response to every email.
Other news
The second translation set. If you’re interested in increasing supported website languages list you can pay attention to language selection menu – if we will publish any translation-related news, the ‘Community’ will quickly turn into some kind of a linguistic center. Today, thanks to the Simplified Chinese, the language selection menu has become a two-column menu because there is no enough space to keep all languages in a one column anymore.
There are continuous DDoS attack attempts, all of them were successfully mitigated. Raisean DDoS protection can handle any attack and there is no reason to believe this fact will change in the future.
That’s all news for today. Stay tuned!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listOneStability, AssuredAssetsLaxoTrade, MaestroCapitalGroupFXMutualDailyProfitCryptoFarm, SilveksGHashSafeKapitalRaisean, VentureWealth, WellGoTraders (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization, MarkApter, RevshareMatrixNewLibertyReserve (the first payments received).

I guess that covers just about everything of any importance going on in the HYIP industry for today. Thanks as always for reading and remember to make your opinions known by voting in the MNO TalkBack page. I’ll be back tomorrow with a more detailed review of WellGoTraders, and definitely with any important news events from the industry. I’ll have to leave it at that guys. I’m afraid the red wine, the mountain air, the sunshine, and a drop or two of the local “zivania” (bottled for me personally by the distiller!) have left me needing an early night. Try it sometime, but don’t try too much! Bye for now, and I’ll see you all again tomorrow.

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